Fire Snakes

Transbot9's page

25 posts. 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I recommend the Deck of Many Worlds. Fun times! Anything scifi or fantasy can exist in Starfinder in any combination. AnyTHING. And then some.

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Delayed until September 2022. Maybe longer, IDK, not surprised but as a backer I am angry and disappointed.

Not going to say more here, but I will be venting on twitter. A lot. So much rage.

Dunno if the Drift sometimes takes random chunks of the material plane..

Still, other than the Drift and a few high tech based outsiders that is added from in APs or Bestiaries, all the planar fluff from Pathfinder 1e is still valid and useful.

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Technomancers are more swiss-magic knives than glass cannons, and they can be very useful when you have no time to craft/buy all this other stuff. Or running short of funds. With the "Sell/UPB value = 10%" rule it is easy for a party to end up very broke getting appropriate gear for their levels that they don't get as treasure.

Ooo! And don't forget - every time a Drift engine is used, there is a chance for a chunk of another plane to end up added to the Drift. Which means entering the drift might cause a swarm of imps to splatter across your starship's "windshield." Or some other outsider might spontaneously appear on board, like one of those reactor fey. Or an entire island floating in the drift pulled from The Boneyard made from the left eye of Groetus.

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I am sad but only because of my enthusiasm to play it - but, to be honest, expected it because of stretch goals, COVID-related work-at-home delays, COVID-related delays with the printing industry, and once I found out the Kingdom and Mass Combat rules were getting rebuilt from the ground up.

But it gives me more time to prepare! Because I'm working on sort of a pre-port on my virtual tabletop for PF, sourcing every current resource on the Broken Lands. And you can never have too many NPCs. And some new stuff of my own design. This campaign is going to be insane..

Between what was in the original Kingmaker AP and all the extra stuff in the new Kingmaker 2e (which I backed), there is a lot being added. A lot more than what would fit in a single campaign play-through! And a lot easily reflavored/refluffed to fit anywhere on the Inner Sea, beyond, or a homebrew setting. Could even be mixed with Age of Ashes with how the first AP module plays out. Or your motely crew could be charged with maintaining an area against the Whispering Tyrant. Or the Bard talked his way into marrying into a tribe or feudal settlement and then after an incident ends up in charge. Endless possibilities! But yeah, mass battle rules are handy when nations go to war, whether the players are in charge of that nation or not.

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I backed this and I REGRET NOTHING. Just trying to keep myself from getting too twitchy with excitement and anticipation!

I picked up three 2-packs of those parts organizers and IT IS NOT ENOUGH.

I'm...probably going to need twice as many. Probably more, thanks to some Starfinder stuff I already had and an old 4e Monster Vault token box that I got aeons ago. The Undead and Fiends box needs to be split and I haven't even gotten to the Villain Codex or the Inner Sea Pawn Box.

Still better than sorting Legos.

What I really like is that the HDX parts boxes I linked in the above post can lock together, which makes them so, so much easier to carry a stack of them than a stack of pawn boxes. Get some thin sheets of craft foam to line the compartments with and they'd work well for painted minis, too.

Hmm...I think I am going to pick up more of these parts organizers. Had a spare lying around and it fit six boxes worth of bases in one of them and the price is right.

After years of going "Eh, I'll get these eventually," Pathfinder 2 gave me the kick in the form of realizing "Oh, crap, Paizo probably going to cycle out old product for new on these" and have loaded up on all 6 Bestiary Boxes + a few others over the past two months.

Now that I'm loaded up, I need to get organized so things can be found quickly. I'm thinking of loading up on plastic tackle/craft tray/boxes, but I'm wondering if there are better ideas for organizing, and who better to ask than other players?

Already backed it but I might pick up a few add-on before time runs out, particularly the pawns. I'm already prepping even MORE stuff to add to it once I get it!

I just tried a document size adjustment that made it a perfect 2:1 ratio by adding height and filled in the blank by adding to the southern ice cap. On my 3d rendering, that seemed to push Avistan into the same latitudes as US/Canada (assuming the 3d skin of the Earth I downloaded was accurate). Ioberia sits about the same as Quebec, which places Brevoy/River Kingdoms about the same as the Mississippi watershed. Climate-wise, that fits - especially with the pre-industrial earth temperatures. Elevation and/or magic would explain glaciation that close to the Lake of Mists and Veils. It does make the Crown of the World about the size of Antarctica, maybe slightly smaller (especially under the ice).

Cool project, and I think it inspired the new world map.

John Mechalas wrote:

I have my core rulebook PDF and am working with the main image, which is either unprojected or something Mercator-ish. My initial impression is, "A map! You gave us a world map!" And I can't thank Paizo enough for that.

My second impression is, "Not bad!" The rough placement of continents we made under James' guidance got things pretty close to their vision. Obviously there are some diffrences in shapes and such, but by and large, land masses were in the right place.

My third impression is, "I'll probably end up with Golarion v2". Tian Xia is a bit farther north assuming the original guidance of Magnimar being somewhere close to Seattle but shiftable towards Portland. But that's OK! This is all very workable. And, I needed a new project, anyway. ;)

Based on an extraction of the world map from the PDF put on a standard sphere in 3dsMax set to 36 segments, here's how the projection works out:

UVW Export PNG

PNG was exported at the same image size as the map in the PDF, so the ratio is accurate to that image. Judging from the hemisphere maps under the main map, the UVW projection should be accurate. Hope that helps!

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@ JiCi - We don't really need an uplifted template. If it had one it'd probably just say 1. it has hands or other way to grasp tools 2. Smart enough to have a language 3. can speak a language and 4. upright posture optional.

I love that the Outer Dragons are available! Because that was the one thing I was trying to figure out with Alien Archive 1 was how to make appropriate graphs for them. I am surprised that none of the subtype graphs add to CR (especially Aeon), but that might require a GM call. Some stuff would boost the CR at lower levels but not at higher encounters.
Orcs as a min-max magnet for players is interesting and easy for a GM to control, since they are a slave race with little chance for upward mobility or getting off planet.
Oh, and "Barney" from the cover of Pact Worlds is in the book! The Nyssholora is essentially a Castrovallian T-rex with a sonic breath weapon. CR 4/CR 11 (Juvenile/Adult)

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I skipped most of this thread (because between Pages 3 & 9 becomes TL:DR when you're late to the party), but my biggest annoyance is still not being able to build a dex/ranged-based/themed paladin. In PF1 it was workable (and the inquisitor's free team-based feats were dumb, making it a poor alternative). So far in PF2 playtest, it's "pick another class you can dex-build, then archtype into cleric"

What's with every system pidgeonholing the paladin as tanky smashy smash?

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Resonance didn't bother me (but I haven't had a chance to play it) until this:

"But adventure designers are often under budgetary constraints to make not the best item for the story, but the one that does the trick while still conforming to the amount of treasure output in the design guides. These factors often created a race to the bottom, design-wise, spawning tons of these little X-per-day buggers that characters could afford, featuring relatively powerful (and always useful) effects that often became more useful as you gained levels."

That tells me there are issues with the design guides that should be addressed by altering the design guides, not by dumping new and awkward rules on the players.

I have a main thread on Enworld about my campaign setting I am working on. I've got the first draft finished on the playable races/ethnicities of the setting (well, the first volume of the setting, anyways).

Dromites replace halflings and gnomes, who have been shunted off to other continents (they will be covered later, but an in-road is left in case players insist on playing a core race that isn't listed). These non-psionic dromites were adapted from Dreamscarred Press's dromites by stripping the psionic stuff and giving them a natural attack instead of the 1/day ray. The new fluff for them is based off of certain type of wasp behavior, as having massive, antlike colonies of dromites with a single queen isn't something that I really wanted in the setting.

Groundlings (from my previous post) have been changed to half-elves with an alternative racial trait. Those living golems from the previous post are going into the bestiary/GM's domain.

The alternate racial traits are options for the flavor of the setting. I like that Paizo standardised the Alt Racial trait, as it combats race bloat.

Dreamscarred Press does a good job of porting over the 3.0/3.5 system to Pathfinder, especially for fans of 3.5 psionics. The problem is that there are a lot of people who are not happy with how 3.0/3.5 handled psionics. What was ment to be portrayed as the third pillar of d20 spellcasting is kinda the red headed stepchild. It doesn't fit in with the rest of D&D 3.5, and Dreamscarred Press's version doesn't fit in with the rest of Pathfinder. It works best as its own thing (that doesn't mean that it isn't mechanically balanced with Pathfinder).

I do want to see Paizo's take on psionics, and I also think that it will fit in better with the rest of the system.

Historically (and in the history of fiction), psionics has grown out of mysticism and then became a way to shoohorn magic into scifi (it was one of the earliest Super Sciences). The division between divine, arcane, and psionics is relatively new (like, developed in the last century and a half). D20 separated them into power sources: Divine (from the gods), Arcane (Science of Magic), and Psionics (Power of the mind).

To be honest, I would rather than psionics work more like ki, and build on that mechanic rather than have it as an alternative spellcasting system.

Well, there's nothing in the rule set that prevents it (except iron). The whole process is more or less Full Metal Alchemist Alphonse Elric (bound soul = consiousness transfered), or a medium-sized soulbound doll. I haven't made the spell/crafting requirements yet, so I may just adjust the rules for making a soulbound doll and go with the same requirements. If your fluff requires that artifical hair, etc. be added to your golem, I don't see any issue why not. That's between you and your GM.

If they allow it.

That's quite Terminator, but a bit different than the flavor I'm going for.

Who says a living flesh golem couldn't be made from your own dead flesh? Just contact young Frankenstein, and for a measely 2,000 gold your missing friend or family member can be brought back to life.

Warning: Villagers may consider you an abomination and a crime against humanity, elfinity, dwarfinity, and a whole lot of other -ities, making you a target of an angry mob. No refunds avalable. Satisfaction not guarenteed.

I prefer to swipe from a setting and put it into a homebrew. I ran into an issue in the past where a player knew more about a setting than I did and it got really annoying.

Accidently posted this in the wrong forum initially...

I am working on a campaign setting that I eventually hope to publish under OGL, and will be submitted to be rated Pathfinder Compatable when completed. Since I'm doing this stuff on my own, I'd like a critique on some of the crunch I am working on. The setting takes place on the tidally locked planet of Phaetos, and the first splat focuses on a rather expansive dwarven empire (as well as their neighbors, threats, conquests, etc).

Part of the crunch is a few unique races, of which I have a rough draft typed up.

The new PC race, Groundling, is a bridge race between halfling and elf, with a few unique abilities.

Ebon Dwarves are really ment to be a game master only race, but I am planning on generating stats with levels/templates with this write up as the basis. I have not decided whether or not to keep the "ebon dwarves as characters" in the final publication at this time. (note: drow are from the frosty eternal night side of the planet and the dwarves built a big wall to hold them off).

Living Golems have a twofold purpose - a couple of factions in the setting really like using golems, and it offers an optional "cheap" way of reincarnating someone into a golem by attaching their soul to the golem form. I tried making the stats for each type of golem decently (but not overly) balanced while maintaining the feel of golems from the Pathfinder Bestiary 1.

So, thoughts? The more brutal the critique, the better.

I posted this in wrong spot, didn't I. Well, I'll repost this on the Pathfinder board.

I am working on a campaign setting that I eventually hope to publish under OGL, and will be submitted to be rated Pathfinder Compatable when completed. Since I'm doing this stuff on my own, I'd like a critique on some of the crunch I am working on. The setting takes place on the tidally locked planet of Phaetos, and the first splat focuses on a rather expansive dwarven empire (as well as their neighbors, threats, conquests, etc).

Part of the crunch is a few unique races, of which I have a rough draft typed up.

The new PC race, Groundling, is a bridge race between halfling and elf, with a few unique abilities.

Ebon Dwarves are really ment to be a game master only race, but I am planning on generating stats with levels/templates with this write up as the basis. I have not decided whether or not to keep the "ebon dwarves as characters" in the final publication at this time. (note: drow are from the frosty eternal night side of the planet and the dwarves build a big wall to hold them off).

Living Golems have a twofold purpose - a couple of factions in the setting really like using golems, and it offers an optional "cheap" way of reincarnating someone into a golem by attaching their soul to the golem form. I tried making the stats for each type of golem decently (but not overly) balanced while maintaining the feel of golems from the Pathfinder Bestiary 1.

So, thoughts? The more brutal the critique, the better.