Tauster the wizard |

Tauster agrees with you about the current locales sleeping facilities and then counter offers.
"Well I don't have any spare beds but you are welcome to camp out in my tower. Safest place in town." he chuckles.
Then he leans forward and whispers "If you don't mind sleeping on the floor, don't mind all the lumber and building materials, I never finished the inside anyways. Never had any real use for it. Only have it because wizards are supposed to have a tower. And I guess I wanted to look the part."
So after a few more stale ales the group retires back to the tower. Tauster hangs with the group for a while and you learn a little more about your new found friend.
Some years ago, Tauster got into the very blazes of an argument with his Guildmaster. The upshot was that Tauster was told in no uncertain terms to leave for somewhere very, very far away and never come back. The Guildmaster brandished a slug at him, telling him that this was the polymorphed form of another mage who had not run away quickly enough when the Guildmaster told him to. "I put just a little salt on him every day the Guildmaster snarked. Tauster took this to heat and regards himself as retired. He wants a life of reading books and tomes, pottering about in his herb garden, and generally being inconspicuous.
Tauster is not an adventurer. Truth be told, he does't want to get mixed up in anything at all. He feels that if trouble of any kind gets stirred up, his old Guildmaster will hear of him and send something awful to deal with him. His paranoia on this count is irrational, but then paranoia often is.
Tauster can be used to buy spell components and healing potions from. He also will let a wizard copy spells from his spellbook for a fee.
Finish up anything else you would like to do here and we will move on toward the farm.
Everyone add 10 gold to your possessions for the upfront payment by Tauster.