
Tauster the wizard's page

18 posts. Alias of bwatford.


Tauster agrees with you about the current locales sleeping facilities and then counter offers.

"Well I don't have any spare beds but you are welcome to camp out in my tower. Safest place in town." he chuckles.

Then he leans forward and whispers "If you don't mind sleeping on the floor, don't mind all the lumber and building materials, I never finished the inside anyways. Never had any real use for it. Only have it because wizards are supposed to have a tower. And I guess I wanted to look the part."

So after a few more stale ales the group retires back to the tower. Tauster hangs with the group for a while and you learn a little more about your new found friend.

Some years ago, Tauster got into the very blazes of an argument with his Guildmaster. The upshot was that Tauster was told in no uncertain terms to leave for somewhere very, very far away and never come back. The Guildmaster brandished a slug at him, telling him that this was the polymorphed form of another mage who had not run away quickly enough when the Guildmaster told him to. "I put just a little salt on him every day the Guildmaster snarked. Tauster took this to heat and regards himself as retired. He wants a life of reading books and tomes, pottering about in his herb garden, and generally being inconspicuous.

Tauster is not an adventurer. Truth be told, he does't want to get mixed up in anything at all. He feels that if trouble of any kind gets stirred up, his old Guildmaster will hear of him and send something awful to deal with him. His paranoia on this count is irrational, but then paranoia often is.


Tauster can be used to buy spell components and healing potions from. He also will let a wizard copy spells from his spellbook for a fee.

Finish up anything else you would like to do here and we will move on toward the farm.

Everyone add 10 gold to your possessions for the upfront payment by Tauster.

Tauster sits down with you at the table, sitting quietly at first as if in deep thought. After a while he speaks

"I have a small commission for you. If you want." he says.

"I would like you to travel to Kuiper’s Farm with a letter from me and deliver it to Kuiper himself. If Jelenneth has been seen anywhere along the river, he'll know about it." the wizard says.

"I am willing to offer you 10 gp each, up front for this and I will promise you 50 gp each if you can find my missing apprentice. In any case, Kuiper‘s Farm is directly on your way back to Milborne (see the area map located here). If you agree, I will also pay for overnight accommodation at the tavern here, such as it is, before you set off on your way in the morning."

Then Tauster waits for a response.

Tauster agrees with you about the current locales sleeping facilities and then counter offers.

"Well I don't have any spare beds but you are welcome to camp out in my tower. Safest place in town." he chuckles.

Then he leans forward and whispers "If you don't mind sleeping on the floor, don't mind all the lumber and building materials, I never finished the inside anyways. Never had any real use for it. Only have it because wizards are supposed to have a tower. And I guess I wanted to look the part."

So after a few more stale ales the group retires back to the tower. Tauster hangs with the group for a while and you learn a little more about your new found friend.

Some years ago, Tauster got into the very blazes of an argument with his Guildmaster. The upshot was that Tauster was told in no uncertain terms to leave for somewhere very, very far away and never come back. The Guildmaster brandished a slug at him, telling him that this was the polymorphed form of another mage who had not run away quickly enough when the Guildmaster told him to. "I put just a little salt on him every day the Guildmaster snarked. Tauster took this to heat and regards himself as retired. He wants a life of reading books and tomes, pottering about in his herb garden, and generally being inconspicuous.

Tauster is not an adventurer. Truth be told, he does't want to get mixed up in anything at all. He feels that if trouble of any kind gets stirred up, his old Guildmaster will hear of him and send something awful to deal with him. His paranoia on this count is irrational, but then paranoia often is.


Tauster can be used to buy spell components and healing potions from. He also will let a wizard copy spells from his spellbook for a fee.

Finish up anything else you would like to do here and we will move on toward the farm.

Everyone add 10 gold to your possessions for the upfront payment by Tauster.

Tauster sits down with you at the table, sitting quietly at first as if in deep thought. After a while he speaks

"I have a small commission for you. If you want." he says.

I would like you to travel to Kuiper’s Farm with a letter from me and deliver it to Kuiper himself. If Jelenneth has been seen anywhere along the river, he'll know about it." the wizard says.

"I am willing to offer you 10 gp each, up front for this and I will promise you 50 gp each if you can find my missing apprentice. In any case, Kuiper‘s Farm is directly on your way back to Milborne (see the area map located here). If you agree, I will also pay for overnight accommodation at the tavern here, such as it is, before you set off on your way in the morning."

Then Tauster waits for a response.

"No, I do not believe their relationship to have been arranged. I don't think her father liked the boy that well." he says

"No secret life, you my friend have been reading to many books on the subject I believe, she was simple, no complicated by much. I may have an idea on where to start looking and a offer for all of you. Once you take care of your business with Squire Marlen and settle up that contract, then I will meet you at the Hound and Tails and we shall discuss more." he adds.

"Well I am kind of retired, so I don't have much work to be done. Other than tending to the garden and such. We ll there is the matter of my apprentice who is currently visiting her family in Milborne. She is due back next week to continue her studies here. I guess I could have you fetch her for me, so she doesn't have to travel alone. "

Tauster takes the papers from Grommund and looks them over and then turning to the blank page in the back of the contract he waves his hand and writing magical appears which seems to be another copy of the contract, Tauster looks up from the paper when he notices everyone looking at him "To prevent forgeries..."

He goes on through the document and then more than happily countersigns the document.

"Squire Marlen will be happy to exchange the document for hard coin. He is the local representative for Count Parlfray here in the village." and with that he points you in the direction of the squire's house. "I will send word that you are to have a meal on me at the Hound and Tails, but beware the mutton pies they can make a man awful sick in the bowel if you know what I mean."

"I will meet you there once you have taken care of your business and we can discuss the other matter of my missing apprentice."

Looking a little puzzled at the responses "You overestimate how far magic can reach I am afraid. I might have an idea of how to locate her." he says as he clears his throat...

"But before we enter into a new bargain, shall we not first take care of the old? So where are your papers?"

Tauster takes the papers and looks them over and then turning to the blank page in the back of the contract he waves his hand and writting appears which seems to be another copy of the contract, Tauster looks up from the paper when he notices everyone looking at him "To prevent forgeries..."

He goes on through the document and then more than happily countersigns the document.

"Squire Marlen will be happy to exchange the document for hard coin. He is the local representative for Count Parlfray here in the village." and with that he points you in the direction of the squire's house. "I will send word that you are to have a meal on me at the Hound and Tails, but beware the mutton pies they can make a man aweful sick in the bowel if you know what I mean."

"Well thanks again for the delivery. Will there be anything else?"

"Haven't heard about anyone going missing... spellcasters aye. This is worrisome. Do you think the same ones that were after you may have gotten Jelleneth as well?" he answers worriedly.

Tauster looks somewhat pale at hearing the news of his apprentice being missing. "I never wanted to take on 'the girl' as an apprentice, and only her sheer determination made me do so. However, I was impressed by her willingness to learn and I came to have a soft spot for her, thinking of her almost as a grandchild. To learn that she is missing worries me considerably. I have not seen Jelenneth since she left for Milborne just over two weeks ago; she was due to return from her family and resume her studies during the coming week. I am at a loss to know where she may be."

Tauster walks over to the back of the cart and looks at the chest "hhmm, yes it seems to be in order." he takes a small vial from his pouch and drops a single drop of mercury into the air before him. Waving his hands and saying a few arcane words the drop of mercury is suspended in the air. As he hovers his hands over it it spreads out to form a shimmering floating disk.

"Ah yes, you can place the chest on the disk. Once I have it firmly locked away inside then I will sign your paperwork, I am sure you would like to get paid for your troubles." he says and then after an awkward pause he adds "Er, well, I suppose since you've come all this way you'll be expecting some hospitality then?"

"I reckon I could pay for a meal for you over at the Hound and Tails when we are done here."

As the chest is loaded on the disk and Tauster walks toward the tower with the disk floating behind him is when fronar makes his move an accost the old wizard wanting to see the inside of his tower and the chest, but when he mentions the old wizards apprentice Tauster stops dead in his tracks and turns to face the little gnome "And exactly what is this message for my apprentice? and exactly how do you know of her existence? Did you run into her family in Milborne?"

He then smiles widely "Of course, you had to come through Milborne on your way here. Jelleneth put you up to some trickery now did she. She's off visiting her parents there so if you were there then obviously you met her. Yes she can be quite determined I am sure. But you'll have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool old Tauster."

He then opens the door on the tower and you get a peek inside. You can see past the door and the ground floor of the tower is covered with lumber and junk as if it has not been used since being built. As soon as Tauster sets the chest down he comes back out and closes the door and says some words as the sigil on the door flares again.

"Safe and sound. Now where are those papers?"

His suspicion soon breaks when he hears of a package for delivery and now seems delighted that you have arrived, he exits his home quickly and shuts and locks the door behind him as he walks over to the door to the small wizard's tower. He says some quick arcane words and a symbol glows on the door and then quickly fades. He then unlocks the tower door with a rather large looking skeleton key, but he does not open the door yet.

"Ok where is the chest. Quickly now let me get it inside without fuss."

His suspicion soon breaks when he hears of a package for delivery and now seems delighted that you have arrived, he exits his home quickly and shuts and locks the door behind him as he walks over to the door to the small wizard's tower. He says some quick arcane words and a symbol glows on the door and then quickly fades. He then unlocks the tower door with a rather large looking skeleton key, but he does not open the door yet.

"Ok where is the chest. Quickly now let me get it inside without fuss."

After getting no answer by knocking on the tower door the group tries knocking on the door of the normal looking wooden house next to it.

A man answers the door who appears to be in his mid seventies. He is 5‘ 3” and thin, but paunchy, and has little of his sandy-colored hair left. His light blue eyes are rather watery as he eyes you suspiciously.

"Can I help you?"

After getting no answer by knocking on the tower door the group tries knocking on the door of the normal looking wooden house next to it.

A man answers the door who appears to be in his mid seventies. He is 5‘ 3” and thin, but paunchy, and has little of his sandy-colored hair left. His light blue eyes are rather watery as he eyes you suspiciously.

"Can I help you?"

"Holy symbols, holy text, meditation candles, religious items and other articles relating to our ladies flock can be purchased at the temple during regular business hours. The temple is open from 8am to 6pm Monnday through Friday, except for major holidays and festivals. Donations are also welcome and accepted during services which are held on each Sunday at noon." the priest says almost as if he was reading from a script.

If you would like to do anything else this day before it passes then please do so now. Once everyone says they are ready we will move forward to scene 3 which will be at high noon the next day at the first lottery drawing.

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The priest takes the information down on the paper.

When done, he removes a silver token from the glass jar on the table and hands it to Nulyth.

"You will need to turn this in when your group is called tomorrow. If you do not have this then you can not enter the necropolis and will be expelled from the lottery. Guard it well."

He grabs a piece of parchment from the stack on the table.

"The lottery starts in the market square at high noon. Don't be late."

He then places the parchment in the hands of Nulyth.

"Here are the rules, if you have any questions they will be addressed tomorrow. When your team is called only you may go up on stage and get your assigned site. No one else will be allowed up."

Here is what the parchment says:


The Rules
The priests of the Grand Mausoleum expect groups exploring sites within the necropolis to follow three basic rules.

Remember How This Came to Pass: The Plague of Madness was unleashed upon the city of Wati while religious authorities were engaged in infighting. This rule is a reminder that the necropolis remains a holy place, and those who engage in needless conflict and banditry are not only criminals, but accursed.

Every Slave’s Hut Is a Memorial: Every structure within the necropolis is a testament to the people who lived and died in the city. Explorers must not desecrate or vandalize standing structures and tombs, but preserve them as the memorials they were intended to be. Some structures may be trapped or decrepit, but willful and unnecessary destruction will not be tolerated.

Honor the Departed: The dead should be treated with dignity and respect. If the interred need to be disturbed to recover an antiquity or relic, they should be returned to their resting places carefully. It is understood that the ancient dead are often brittle, but there is no need for the contents of a sarcophagus to be summarily dumped on the ground. This rule does not apply to the undead or other abominations.

Failure to comply with these rules can result in, but is not limited to, expulsion from the necropolis, a ban on continued exploration, seizure of recovered valuables, and arrest and prosecution by local authorities.