Initiate of Flame

Torgar Earthbreaker's page

81 posts. Alias of Ironperenti.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

In your own way each of you has come to the attention of a Pathfinder and in so doing you were eventually (about six months ago actually) drawn into the Society yourself. A week ago, your mentor (each of you have a different mentor), called you in and shared the great news that Sheila Heidmarch (the owner of the Pathfinder Lodge in Magnimar) has asked for you to pay her a visit. Your mentor expresses what a great opportunity this is, don't screw it up. He or she then begins to work with you on various things, most seem silly, but your mentor thinks they are important. Finally, the day arrives.

You are each escorted up the lodge which you have not visited having lodging elsewhere in the city. It is located in the Alabaster District of Magnimar, not far from the city’s easternmost gate. The manor grounds are surrounded by a stone wall, but the front gate is open. You, your mentor, along with several other pairs of obvious fellow adventurers make your way into the manor house. You are greeted by a young maid at the door. Your mentor leaves you in the care of the maid and the company of the other young adventurers. She leads all of you to a comfortable sitting room with plenty of plush chairs and a couch. A table in the center has two decanters, multiple cups, a tray of bread and cheese, and a bowl of fruit upon it. "Her Ladyship will be out in a moment." the maid says and departs.

In case there was any confusion, all PCs are in the room. This is the first time you have met any of the others. At least describe yourself and what actions you take. Speak if you wish.

The Shattered Star Adventure Path draws near, and bold heroes are needed to track down the scattered parts of an ancient magical relic in order to save the land of Varisia from disaster. Will you succeed in reforging the Shattered Star, or is the shadow of a lost empire long enough to cast the world into darkness once more?

I have some friends of mine who are putting together the initial part of the team targeting a start date of late March. We will be selecting a group of 2-3 others to assist in their endeavors. Thus far we have a rogue, a magus, and a warpriest. If I missed anything, let me know. If you have questions, please ask. I hope to do selections from here on 1 March but depending on where my busy compatriots are on their character builds this may extend to March 15th.

Setup: you are all members of the Pathfinder Society and have been gathered into the lodge in Magnimar. In addition to your purchased gear you each get a wayfinder with a dun ioun stone. Backgrounds should not be extensive but should touch on how you were initiated into the society and sent to Magnimar if not from there.

18 point buy
Classes: Core, Base, Hybrid, Alternate (would likely need explanation), Unchained (Paizo only)
Alignment: GOOD
Races: Elf, Human, Halfling, Dwarf, Half-elf, Half-dwarf, Oread, Sylph, Dhampir, Fetchling, Aasimar (base ability bonus only), Tiefling (base ability bonus only), Gnome, Vanara, Rat folk, Cat folk, Lizard folk, other tbd
Background skills in play
Feats: Weapon Finesse is free, Improved Critical only improves the Crit threat range by 1 (keen will only increase Crit range by 1 but will stack with the feat), Shapeshifting Hunter only allows 4 levels of crossover, Not used: Unhindering shield, Shikigami style or associated
Modified Automatic Bonus Progression ABP Here
HPs: Max class HP at first level; you get racial hit points: base is 8 for a medium creature, -2 for a racial CON penalty, -2 for small size, +2 for a racial CON bonus (examples Human 8, Elf 6, Dwarf 10, Halfling 6); every level thereafter is half HD+1 (examples Fighter 6, Rogue 5, Barbarian 7)
Skills: Classes with only 2 Skill points get +1 skill point per level
Starting money: average for class
Traits: One campaign or Pathfinder Society trait; one trait of your choice; no drawbacks
Emerging guns

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

18 point buy
Classes: Core, Base, Hybrid, Unchained (Paizo only)
Races: Elf, Human, Halfling, Dwarf, Half-elf, Half-dwarf, Oread, Sylph, Dhampir, Fetchling, Aasimar (base ability bonus only), Tiefling (base ability bonus only), Gnome, Vanara, Rat folk, Cat folk, Lizard folk, other tbd
Background skills in play
Feats: Weapon Finesse is free, Improved Critical only improves the Crit threat range by 1, Not used: Unhindering shield, Shikigami style or associated, Shapeshifting Hunter only allows 4 levels of crossover
Modified Automatic Bonus Progression ABP HERE
HPs: Max class HP at first level; racial hit points base is 8 for a medium creature, -2 for a CON penalty, -2 for small size, +2 for a CON bonus (examples Human 8, Elf 6, Dwarf 10, Halfling 6); every level thereafter is half HD+1 (examples Fighter 6, Rogue 5, Barbarian 7)
Skills: Classes with only 2 Skill points get +1 skill point per level
Starting money: average for class
Traits: One campaign or Pathfinder Society trait; one trait of your choice; no drawbacks

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

discussion opening.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

The year of the Swordfish.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

On or about 300 BC in a world unlike ours in that sorcery and dragons were real, the island nation of Atlantis controlled the known world through magic and technology. While researching means to expand their influence they developed a device that could transport small groups leagues away instantaneously. Control was limited and there was no instant means for such a group to return but the exploration possibilities seemed limitless. Soon, Atlantis began to send out groups of explorers to find new civilizations. They learned to prepare the groups with star charts to help them return and trade goods to entice the natives. The crown and the explorers prospered.

The system was not without its flaws. Many exploration teams were never heard from again. But the low cost to financiers to send volunteer teams with a small amount of goods and the potential profit for the explorers ensured the continued use of the transportation device.

In the year of the Swordfish the Atlantean crown wanted to test the limits of the transporter. They decided to try for a 2000 mile cast and offered a lucrative deal to include percent partnership in the trade route to any team that returned. There was a drawing held to determine which exploration teams would have the opportunity to participate. Three were chosen.


This is a 3rd party adventure by Convergence Games. I wanted to give it a go and was hoping some of you might join me.

Dread Forces: Player's guide

Character build rules:

25 pt build no starting stat lower than 8 after racial modifiers

Race: Core races minus Half-orc and add Half-dwarf

2 traits no drawbacks

Core, base, hybrid, and unchained classes as listed on d20pfsrd

Any good or lawful neutral

Background skills in play

Feats: Paizo only; no Shikigami style, no unhindering shield, shapeshifting hunter works for up to 4 levels, Everyone gets weapon finesse for free, Rogue Finesse and Swashbuckler Finesse get Combat Expertise as a bonus feat even if they do not meet the prereq

Starting Level 2nd

Starting gold 300

Guns are in play at the Emerging Guns level

If I forgot something (which I probably did), please ask.

I'll be selecting a 5 man team. I'm thinking of running recruitment for a week. If there are not very many applicants I may extend a week.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

tap...tap...tap...hello, is this thing on?

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Discussions go here.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Standard Rise of the Runelords adventure path. If you have played it before I recommend letting others have a go. It won't be as much fun if you know what is coming. Background and setup per the player's guide to the AP. Once characters are selected we will determine each character's reason for being at the Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint.

Gameplay will be on this forum but I have gone through the AP once with a roll20 group so I have most of my maps already setup there. A link to the roll20 campaign will be provided so everyone can view the applicable maps.

Character creation and advancement quirks are below. If I have left something out, please ask. I will run recruitment through next Monday or until I have 6 players, whichever comes last. I'm starting with 6 because most of these campaigns tend to lose a person or two early on and I'm hoping to cut down on shopping for players later. If we stick with six, that will be an easy adjustment.

Level: All characters start at 1st level.

Hit Points: Max at first level for your class. Every level after that is maximum for the die minus 2 so that you have d6 = 4, d8 = 6, d10 = 8, d12 = 10

Ability Scores: All characters will use the array 16-14-14-12-12-10
Apply racial modifiers
Apply one +2 adjustment to one statistic of your choice

Skills: Standard Pathfinder skills. Background skills at first level only.

Races: Core races and other fair races. If you have questions please ask. Paizo only.

Traits: 2 traits (1 must be a campaign trait); no drawbacks

Class: Paizo only. Core, Base, Hybrid, and Unchained. Standard multi-class.

Equipment: Starting wealth average for class. Emerging guns.
Three levels of equipment: standard, expert, master
Expert weapon (+250gp): +1 damage
Expert armor (+100): -1 AC penalty
Masterwork weapon (+500): +1 to hit, +1 damage (stacks with expert level)
Masterwork armor (+300): +1 Max Dexterity, 10% weight reduction (stacks with expert level)

Advancement: Each character will designate either physical or mental stats as their primary
At every 4th level you will get three ability score points, two to primary stats, one to secondary stats; two points may not be placed on the same stat at the same level.
Modified Automatic Bonus Progression is in use. You get a proficiency bonus with any weapon or armor you are proficient with. Characters get +1 armor bonus to worn armor they are proficient with at 3rd level and an additional +1 every 4 levels thereafter. Characters gain a +1 weapon bonus with weapons they are proficient in at 4th level and an additional +1 every 4 levels thereafter.
Spells that give an enhancement bonus change the quality of the weapon first. So magic weapon at +1 would make a weapon Expert quality, +2 masterwork quality, +3 and above it would start adding special abilities. Abilities such as the Paladin's bond work as normal treating an expert quality weapon as +1 and a masterwork weapon as +2. If there are questions please ask.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Work out starting relationship details here along with any non-play oriented questions such as character creation.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

So it begins.

Thread for a pbp run at the Pathfinder 2 rules. The rules as they are in the play test book but no goblins. Can't stand those sneaky evil things.

Pulling in current characters.

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain

Testing the forum as a means of closing out our ROTRL game.

Below each post it shows how to format your text. Please try to use the quote and ooc formatting.