
TorctheOrc's page

Organized Play Member. 39 posts (68 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


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Belated Congratulations Mark!

You will be missed here in the Big Apple...

Of course that's only because 3,000 miles is just too far to aim...

We kid because we care.

Best of luck my friend.


Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:

Several years back, before d20 Modern even, I wrote up a post-apocalyptic "Cthulhu meets Road Warrior meets Fallout" type game called "Unspeakable Futures." It was a blast. I recently updated these rules to Pathfinder's ruleset and ran a game at Paizocon a month or so ago, and had PCs with pet robots, making sneak attacks with shotguns, doing a car chase along a narrow mountain road, and blowing up mutants and mi-go with rocket launchers. It was a blast, and the PRPG rules handled it very well.

We've got a lot of other things to take care of before we do much of anything in a print format with a sci-fi or modern game version of the PRPG, but as far as I can tell, the rules will handle it pretty well.

Holy Krikees! This sounds like too much fun. Now I'll have to add Paizocon to my Con rotation if there is going to be this kind of crazy gaming goodness going on...


Dark Archive

Count me as someone who is glad to see you here too, Treantmonk. I very much enjoyed your handbooks on the Wotc board and am looking forward to seeing what you can do with the PFRPG rules.


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Freehold DM wrote:
MeanDM wrote:
Larry Lichman wrote:

Hope this helps!
It does! Thanks for taking the time! I will go check out some of these right away.

I would also suggest checking out Guardians of the Galaxy, Kick Ass, and Gotham City Sirens. Some gooooood readin', there.

Also, if you want to get a few collections to understand the storyline, look no further than Star Wars: Legacy. Truly an amazing book.


When we game on Monday (hopefully) is there any chance you could bring your Star Wars: Legacy comic? I'd love to read it through and I always treat borrowed items very gently =:)

Dark Archive

This is my Core Rulebook. There are many like it but this one is mine. My Core Rulebook is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my Core Rulebook is useless. Without my Core Rulebook I am useless. I must play my Core Rulebook true. I must play better than my enemy, who is trying to outplay me. I must outplay him before he outplays me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my Core Rulebook and myself are defenders of my game, we are the masters of our enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.


Dark Archive

Just buy two! A pre-order/subscription copy for yourself and a GenCon copy, for reference while you're there, to bring home for a friend. =:)

The many hours of pure gaming enjoyment sure to follow will pay you back ten-fold!

See you in Indy!


Dark Archive

I can't wait for this. Cheliax, Hellknights, and crumbling Westcrown are all elements of Golarion that intrigue me. To have another Pett adventure centered around real role playing, like the Prince of Redhand was, in this kind of setting is exciting. Zeech's feast was one of the highlights of my recently completed AOW campaign. I used some recipes found here on the Paizo messageboards and put on a real dinner party feast. It was great gaming fun, primarily because it was such a different kind of adventure. I hope the Sixfold Trial can replicate that kind of memorable role playing experience. I think I've just found the next Paizo AP I want to run...


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1 person marked this as a favorite.

...you feel sad whenever your shopping cart is empty...

Dark Archive

My friend just received this in the mail so I had a chance to look it over yesterday. I own every published version of Hommlet and have run each version of this adventure at least once. The 4E version of The Village of Hommlet is, in a word, awful.

T1 was my very first D&D module and I ran nearly every playing group I was involved with over the next 20 years through it. The immortal Moathouse claimed many an aspiring adventurer long before their youthful dreams were ever realized. (Watch out for that tick!)
When T1-4 came out I snapped up a copy and sent a small group to infiltrate the Temple. Many months, nay years, of game play later the adventure culminated with the successful exploration of the nodes, the retrieval of the power gems and the final destruction of the Goldenskull!
Imagine our surprise when Return to TOEE was published some years later. Iuz and Zuggtomoy were merely puppets! Mighty Tharizdun had been pulling the strings all along. I quickly jumped at the chance to revisit an old favorite reworked and reimagined for a new edition with new stories and surprises introduced throughout. Who knew that the Giant Crayfish guarded anything more sinister than the bones of its previous victims! As a DM I tried for a fresh approach to "Return" and thus framed it as quest to reclaim a lost Dwarven Homeland. Action was centered in Rastor and the original TOEE comes in only later in the campaign. Alas the adventure was not to be completed. After the discovery of the Dwarven shrine in the Temple of All-Consumption the campaign went on extended hiatus. Perhaps it will live again down the road.

Why then, given my enthusiasm for every previous incarnation, is the latest version of Hommlet so contemptible? Let me count the ways.

1) The cover. The original T1 cover depicted Lareth (the BBEG), the aforementioned crayfish, the Moathouse and guards wearing the flaming eye. The reprint of T1 depicted the ghouls (or are they the zombies?) from beneath the Moathouse. T1-4 had the facade of the TOEE itself on the front cover. (Was there ever a better front cover for a mod?) Even "Return" shows a guard or priest peering from a lit door into a shadowy hallway which could conceivably be an Elemental cultist guarding one of the Temple's many hallways. The cover of the 4E version of Hommlet, on the other hand, shows a shadowy skyline of a "village" that bears absolutely no resemblance to the original Hommlet. There are harpies, dragons, and what? gargoyles? quasits? imps? perching on roofs and hovering over what seems more like a small city, judging by the skyline. Huh? No way was this picture drawn with Hommlet in mind. This was a picture of an entirely different place pasted on the cover with little regard to what was printed on the pages behind it.

2) Interior art and maps. Almost all of the interior art is recycled from the original. (They even repeat the same picture on the bottom of both page 1 and page 2!) The maps are repeated endlessly as well. There are 7 different maps for the Moathouse basement alone. 1 on the back page that depicts the whole level and then 6 inside that show smaller sections of the basement with some additional tactical notations. Maybe my first edition is showing, but how many tactical maps must one have? The map on the back page was plenty big enough to add whatever tactical detail deemed necessary. The repetition was both unnecessary and unfortunate because it wasted interior space that would have been better spent on...

3) Flavor. As in there was nearly none. A great deal of the original flavor was watered down, generalized, or missing entirely. Elmo no longer has a "brudder Otis". Kobort and Turuko are also gone. Many of the other named NPC's from the original are given short shrift and have been drained of personality. Jaroo and Gundigoot are no longer well meaning snoops with a cache of weapons laid secretly by in the cellar as insurance against the reemergence of dark times. Furnok of Ferd is now a dwarf(!?) without his "loaded knucklebones" and he no longer offers up a scroll in the hopes of parlaying it into far more... Gone is the detailed look at the Church of St. Cuthbert (now replaced with the ubiquitous Pelor) with its delightful, almost Zen like, koans. (SQUARE CORNERS CAN BE POUNDED SMOOTH or LAWFUL CORRECTION LIES IN A STOUT BILLET - classic!) None of the missing material is replaced with anything of substance or anything new.

There is a new 2 sided color map, you say? It is a cheap version of a Paizo Flip Mat, I say.

It is an homage to D&D's roots, you say? It is a lazy, uninspired "effort" that does little to capture the feel of the original "Gygaxian" roots of the game, I say.

All in all, a shameful exploitation of one of the original icons of our game. I can't even begin to imagine what Gary Gygax would think.

Dark Archive

Carico67 wrote:

Hi all. We have a petty solid group that plays at any 1 of 3 locations: Franklin, Allston, or Burlington. Don Walker runs events in Allston, I host many here in Franklin, and Tim K will be running at Burlington. Please go to PFNE yahoo group for more info, or email me directly. Our regular group players were the ones at Totalcon DMing... and Mike has the leash on getting lots of Pathfinder events ready at OGC in New Hampshire in July.

Chris Collins
Carico67 at hotmail . com

I will be @ OGC in July, looking to help DM, play or what have you. It will be good to see you there Chris. Maybe I should whip up an evil PC's scenario for off-hours play. You could dust off your evil cleric of pain [I forget the exact god he worshiped] and we can hunt down Mike's elf character from that same adventure, our treasonous guide if you remember, and add him to the menu at our pegasus barbecue...

Dark Archive

yoda8myhead wrote:
TorctheOrc wrote:

I'm not sure common courtesy and basic kindness qualify as "conditions" being placed on anyone, but you say tom-aa-to, I say tom-ah-to...

You get the idea.
If you feel you have been mistreated, you know how to contact me directly. We play together five or six times a month, so you have plenty of opportunities to discuss my perceived lack of common courtesy and basic kindness. Using these forums for this seems inappropriate and inefficient unless your goal was merely to publicly paint me as an a@@!~~~. In any case, you have my cell phone number and my email address and will see me next time we play in Gary's campaign or Savage Tide. I'm happy to discuss at length with you all the ways I have slighted you if you so desire.

You publicly portray my generous nature as being "conditional" on something, when you know from experience that is not true. I felt the need to respond, perhaps in an inappropriately public forum. I apologize.

I don't feel slighted, but I am confused.
I know you to be an intelligent, educated, and capable person. Why would you resort to begging to go to a Con? You're better than that dude. There are a hundred other ways to earn extra money. I know you to be an excellent writer, even when I disagree with your movie reviews, so you could teach writing. (Did you know that tutors in NYC make $50/hour?) You seem to be good with computers, so I'm sure you could hire out as an IT guy who helps people set up and/or fix their computers. You could even offer your properly remunerated services to set up the projection system for the Tower, especially if and when the fancy new table arrives. A win-win situation if there ever was one. That's just off the top of my head.

I am not your enemy, yoda. I have hosted your weekly gaming group regularly for more than a year now, I have supported your desire to DM said group (when given the chance), and I share your interest in Golarion, PFS, and all things Paizo. Finally, whatever our differences, I have too much respect for your intelligence and ability to see you as a beggar. You should too.


Dark Archive

yoda8myhead wrote:
It's all good. I'll get there no matter the circumstances. Some people have been generous without conditions and I'm grateful. I've contributed to similar paypal fund drives for Paizo staffers and such and don't see it as any different. $5 for pizza or $10 to help a fellow fan get to Seattle aren't that different in my book. But no one's obligated to do anything, and I don't actually hold the illusion that other people will entirely fund a vacation for me. If they don't I'm fully willing to join Daigle in his hobo camp! By Erastil, I'm an Eagle Scout! I can bed down in a tent city with the best of 'em!

I'm not sure common courtesy and basic kindness qualify as "conditions" being placed on anyone, but you say tom-aa-to, I say tom-ah-to...

You get the idea.

Dark Archive

yoda8myhead wrote:
TigerDave wrote:

Grenade ...


I think you misunderstand the kinds of donations I am soliciting here. Unless by grenade you mean the money in your couch cushions over the interwebs via PayPal in which case I'll totally eat that shrapnel.

Dude -

If you had just tried harder to be nice to me, I could have bank rolled your whole trip. Know this, I'm the kind of guy who buys his good friends new cars for their birthdays. See what your unkind and contrarian ways have wrought? Just think what could have been...


P.S. It's too late to change your ways now. Now I'll think any kindness you show me is just to get at my money.

P.P.S. Stop begging dude. It's unseemly. In public anyway.

Dark Archive

TorctheOrc wrote:
Ulserad wrote:
I don't know if you can get to Nashua but there is going to be a convention there in July. There will be a new thread here soon for OGC, (Open Gaming Con)and by the way I play in the same group as "Tobias"

Yar dude

It's me! Good to see you on the boards!
All hail Ulserad, Lord of OGC's Paizo Organized Play!
So when can I sign up?

Happy Birthday too!

I was going to call you after midnight, apparently you were up, but I fell asleep in my living room chair. Now I can't sleep.
I hope you have a good birthday. Let's go see the Celts soon.


Dark Archive

Ulserad wrote:
I don't know if you can get to Nashua but there is going to be a convention there in July. There will be a new thread here soon for OGC, (Open Gaming Con)and by the way I play in the same group as "Tobias"

Yar dude

It's me! Good to see you on the boards!
All hail Ulserad, Lord of OGC's Paizo Organized Play!
So when can I sign up?

Dark Archive

Urlithani wrote:

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am not entirely sure if this is the place to ask, but it is an Age of Worms campaign we are playing. I'm seeing a lot of threads talking about encounters being too easy and the DM's having to buff up the encounters in numerous ways to make it a challenge, but we are having the opposite effect. As the module Dawn of a New Age is written, we are having a tough time of it, so I am resorting to the boards to ask for help.

1. My DM knows I am posting this. We are on Dawn of a New Age, and since it's the end asking for help is okay(because he wants to let the next DM start so he can play again).
2. We have access to Spell Compendium, magic item compendium and most WoTC splatbooks (everything but exalted deeds and vile darkness).
3. We have 6 players: Human Fighter, Human Favored Soul/Radiant Servant of Pelor, Human Wizard, 1/2 orc Cleric of Pelor, Human Swordsage, 1/2 orc Crusader. We are all 19th and 20th level.
4. The DM is very smart and runs the creatures like the merciless entities they are. Again, the module is run as written; he's not modifying anything.

This is our first high level game as a group, so I realize that we may not fully realize our destructive potential, and any help is appreciated. We'd like to see this thing to its end, and if anyone that wouldn't mind helping needs any more information I will gladly provide it. Here are some of the things that we have tried already or have been done to us:

1. Anything that has Greater Dispel will use it very, very liberally, targetting us and stripping away buffs. We normally go in a fight with Sheltered Vitality, Heroes feast, status, energy immunity(cold), mass resist energy(fire, acid, electricity), death ward, stalwart pact, freedom of movement. We normally leave a fight with all the melee losing most of these.
2. Thanks to Tenser's ritual, we cannot imprison, maze, or wish/miracle any bad guys because the ritual prevents them from being moved using any teleporting abilities and/or physically leaving the city at...

How did you defeat Dragotha? Any tactics that served you well in the Writhing Tabernacle should be equally effective in your return to Alhaster. Find a safe house of some kind. Work out ways to get there without teleporting. Space out your attacks/encounters with plenty of rest and respelling in between and you should be fine. Healing at range is a must at these levels. Be aware of this.

As far as greater dispel wreaking havoc with your buffs, think Spell Turning or Greater Spell Immunity, both spells that should be available to your primary divine and arcane spell casters. These buffs will counter targeted greater dispelling attempts, which is all you have to fear...until Kyuss himself fires off multiple Mage's Disjunctions and feeds on the remains of your pitiful little band of miscreants... uhmm... sorry... my inner DM got the better of me there for a moment.
Best of luck. Really.


Dark Archive

Joey Virtue wrote:
A member of our group played a wormhunter and he was a very solid PC he went in as a barbarian and the end his criting undead made him a real tank

I have had the same experience DM'ing a Ranger PC who took this prestige class. I allowed him to use a spell to simulate the ability to channel positive energy (bone talisman - found on the wotc boards) and his ability to critically hit undead has been a consistent source of strength for him and his group. As long as the cleric can keep everyone breathing we all know that sooner or later the Ranger will bring the bad guys down. It's just a matter of time.

So to answer your question, I have DM'ed a Wormhunter PC, it has been very advantageous to the party, bordering on unbalancing at times. But that just gives me an excuse to throw even more bad guys at them, right? We are about to reenter Alhaster, as the Dawn of a New Age begins, so we will see if his luck holds up.


Dark Archive

B_Wiklund wrote:
Has anyone seen this? Thoughts/reviews? Ghenghis Khan movie can't really go wrong, can you? (well Ok there is that movie with John Wayne playing Khan so it is possible) Am thinking of ordering it (not really any place to rent movies where I live)

I saw this in the theaters.

Prior to seeing the movie, I read the history book "Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World", as well as the historical fiction series by Conn Iggulden (Genghis: Birth of an Empire and Genghis: Lords of the Bow). I can highly recommend all of the above books.

The movie itself follows the main thrust of these books closely. It is, however, fairly slow, long and subtitled. Not that I have anything against subtitles; one of my favorite movies ever is "Black Orpheus" which was filmed in Brazil in the 50's and is in Portuguese. Mongol is worth a look, especially if you are interested in an accurate portrayal of Genghis Khan's early life, at least according to the most recent historical scholarship.

Let us know what you think if you watch or read any/all of the above. The Great Khan is truly one of the most significant, fascinating and little understood figures in history.

Pax Vobiscum,

Dark Archive

Why has order #1093865 been pending for almost a month? Could you investigate and address this issue please. Thank you in advance.


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I heartily endorse the aforementioned options as follows:

1 - Yes! Mithril is Truesilver after all.

2B - Let's not nerf mithril armor too much. If we must(2C), then, at the very least, we should preserve elven chain as a special exception, as was the case back in the day.

Cold Iron Armor with a bonus versus magic?!? Yes! For the win. And, btw, it makes you look FABULOUS!!!


Dark Archive

To whom it may concern,
I recently received this order and unfortunately two pieces were broken. One piece was one of the 5x5 square bases. The other was one of the 4x4 tops that is flat on top (not the 4x4 piece with a bump on top). I am hoping these pieces can be replaced and shipped with one of my future orders or subscriptions.
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
Kevin Barnsley
P.S. Sorry for the delay in reporting this breakage. I was away for the holiday.

Dark Archive

Kaisoku wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Not every feat has to scale up perfectly to high levels.

This isn't a dig at Jason's design decisions, rather a general dismay over the design process of 3.5e.

3.5e takes a LOT of game mastery, moreso than other editions did. This was an admitted design decision by the creators of 3e.

The problem is you run into situations where some feats, depending on the requirements to use, are good enough at low levels, and then terrible choices to have had at later levels.
Characters built and played from level 1, are not nearly as optimized as a character built starting play at say 12th level or higher.
Beginning players can make poor choices when making their character, thinking that each feat they choose makes sense for the character, but then they find out later that they are dead weight or rarely/never used.

Then you have the problem of having a class who is built entirely around these feats. So you have the problem that everyone else is using these feats as a secondary bonus to their class abilities, while one class is using AS his class abilities.

Designers don't want to overshadow class abilities with feats, feats were supposed to be something to tack on to give your character a bit of differentiation. And since there's only one Fighter, and like 10 other classes, designers look at feats as "don't go overboard".


This is why I think that "Fighter Only" feats are a good idea. Other classes that want a little something extra can burn their feats on things like Arcane Strike.

Anything listed as Fighter Only... don't hold back. These things should be as powerful as a class ability at the appropriate level. Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization should be looked at as Class Abilities, not just as Feats.


This is well put. I very much like your rationale for differentiating general feats from "Fighter Only" feats. In my opinion, this line of thought suggests a way forward with regard to improving the viability of the fighter class, while preserving backwards compatibility. Well done, sir.


Dark Archive

I would be interested in a game like this. I am on the Upper West Side. I have not looked closely at the Beta rules yet, but I do love all things Paizo. Would November 5th be the first session? Would we handle character creation at that time? Or should we come with character in hand? What is the party composition so far? Should we convene for a meet and greet before hand for party preparation, so that we can jump right in on November 5th?
Eagerly awaiting your response,

Dark Archive

Lucas Baltasar wrote:

Okay this is going to sound like a troll post given everyone else's views on this thread, but I am truly struggling to understand why this little boy's actions have caused so much outrage and shock around the world. He is only seven years old. Lots of kids hurt animals, and people, when they are young simply because they don't know any better, and because of the thrill of experimentation. As they grow older, their system of values develops, or they learn that those types of actions cause negetive consequences for themselves, and they become non-dangerous functioning members of society.

Sure the fact that the lizards were killed is regretable, and it is probably resonable for the zoo to seek some sort of compensation from the parents, but why are so many people demonizing the boy?


Let's try to remember the child so many of you seem to be in favor of torturing and killing is 7! Yet you would punish this child by doing to him or her exactly what the kid did to caged zoo animals? You would teach other children not to torture and kill animals by torturing and killing a child? This is instructive how? This kind of ethical hypocrisy is the worst kind of group think, in my opinion.
Holding the parents legally responsible in some way is both appropriate and acceptable. Suggesting the torture and execution of a child, even in jest, is objectionable in the extreme.


Dark Archive

Chris Mortika wrote:

In August and September of 2007, I was working for a multi-campus school called High Tech Institute, and I was sent to teach Algebra and Computer Applications at the Las Vegas campus.

The HTI campus is about a block away from the Palace Station Hotel and Casino where the crime took place, and, as it turns out, that's the hotel where HTI paid for me to stay during my weeks teaching there.

So, I've got to ask: Who the hell tries to commit a crime in a Las Vegas casino hotel??

The casino hotels are the most secure (that is to say, heavily-monitored) places in America. From the time OJ and his Amazing Friends stepped out of their cars in the parking lot, until they walked out of the hotel hallways and shut the door behind them, they joined the rest of the guests under complete electronic surveillance.

Even if his boys had "successfully" robbed the "memorabilia" people, the victims could have just called down to the lobby, reported the crime, and the security monitors would keep track of the thieves until they reached the lobby, where the heavily armed security staff would have taken them down.

Isn't it conceivable that OJ wanted to get caught, convicted, and sent to jail? Isn't it possible that his guilty subconscious predisposed him to make choices that would ultimately land him in prison? There was never any question, in my mind (and I watched every single day of the trial on courtTV), of his guilt in the double homicide 13 years ago. I suspect that deep down, where any last shred of humanity might yet dwell, OJ wanted to be punished for the wrongs he had done. That is the only reason I can think of for committing armed robbery and kidnapping in a Las Vegas hotel. Either that or gross stupidity.

Dark Archive

My order arrived recently and it has come to my attention that it was missing my 34mm Paizo purple d20. It would be excellent to have this item shipped as part of my next order or as part of my next subscription delivery.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.


Dark Archive

Age of Worms!!! I still remember my older brother terrorizing us back in the day with endless hordes of the "Sons of Kyuss". To be able to relive those days from the DM'ing side of the table has been awesome. Paizo rocks!!!

Dark Archive

Armiger Amidar Andabar wrote:

After playing the first three PFS scenarios while visiting a friend's home group I was wondering if I, as a player, am supposed to officially enter any information on the Paizo website. I read that the GM is supposed to officially register who played which scenario, who gained faction points etc. (although I can't seem to find where the GM is supposed to do this) I am wondering this because I want to order and run the first three scenarios for my own home group, but I don't want to be accused of running the scenarios before I played them. I also want to make sure that my characters exploits are officially recorded somewhere besides inside my own binder. Can anyone clarify how this is all supposed to work?




Dark Archive

yoda8myhead wrote:
As someone who values the story more than specific mechanical issues, I'd rather someone fudge die rolls than read the adventure and use the knowledge taken from it in-game. That said, if a player can adequately separate in-character and out-of-character knowledge and take his PC in a direction he knows might not be best but works for the story, I have no problem with it. Bust not telling you until after he had done it is a bit unethical, not so much because it gives him an advantage, but because it violates the trust between a player and GM.


How do you apply these ethical concerns to your own behavior? As far as I know you have not come clean with Tav about having read through STAP before we started playing. You have also used OOC kowledge to make IC decisions. ("Let's not bring the fake cleric on the boat with us! He might be infested!) I became aware of the situation due to your apparently encyclopedic knowledge of Slaadi egg laying habits. Now I feel terrible that I have become an accomplice after the fact. In my view you have violated the trust between not just DM and player, but between player and player. Come clean to Tav! Tonight!! Please!!!


Dark Archive

yoda8myhead wrote:

I don't believe these have seen print yet, which leads me to believe that they are currently just hooks which will get filled in later. My best guess for when we'll see these will be either Gods & Magic or the Iomedae article by SKR when that comes out, which should be in AP5, which is (so far) rumored to be Cheliax-based.

Pssst! Yar, dude, it's me! Your Runelord of Sloth alias entries are lol funny.

I was hoping that some of the powers that be might throw us a hint about the "Acts". Just a brief skeletal overview, if you will. Even if its just for the seventh of the eleven. We at least already know the location of that particular miracle. Maybe there will be more information in the Guide to Absalom when that comes out. To quote Tom Petty, "The waiting is the hardest part".


Dark Archive

I stand corrected. It was there, hiding behind my Guide to Korvosa. Sneaky little sucker. Thanks for the heads up! To those in charge, consider my problem solved. Thanks again!

Dark Archive

Kata. the ..... wrote:
TorctheOrc wrote:
To whom it may concern - For some reason I am unable to download the Beta release for the PRPG. It shows up in my shopping cart, I proceed through checkout smoothly, I am told to check "My Downloads" page, I do, and its not there... Is there any answer to this mystery? Am I using the wrong somatic components to properly complete the ritual? Can anyone help? Thank you in advance for your consideration.

With the danger of putting your response down the list of responses (Vic said they respond to Customer Service on oldest first, have you looked carefullyl throguh your list? Mine is located between Pathfinder 8 and 9, about 2/3 down my list of downloads.

P.S. This is another call for Paizo to organize the download section.

I have looked carefully, but I will do so again in the interest of completeness.

Dark Archive

Does anyone have a complete listing of each of the 11 miraculous acts of Iomedae? I'm interested in what she did, where she did it, when she did it and why. For example, we know the 7th of the "Acts" took place in the Ascendant Court district of Absalom at the sight of what is now her "Seventh Church". We do not know any of the other specifics with regard to when this miracle took place or what it consisted of, as far as I can tell. So how about it? Anyone with inside information about Iomedae and her 11 "Acts"?
I ask because I am about to run a Chelaxian Paladin of Iomedae in PFS and I am looking for some liturgical support for a very "Law & Order" interpretation of Iomedae's faith.

Yours in peace,

Dark Archive

To whom it may concern - For some reason I am unable to download the Beta release for the PRPG. It shows up in my shopping cart, I proceed through checkout smoothly, I am told to check "My Downloads" page, I do, and its not there... Is there any answer to this mystery? Am I using the wrong somatic components to properly complete the ritual? Can anyone help? Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Dark Archive

veector wrote:
TorctheOrc wrote:
I go to this con nearly every year and would be very interested in PFS games!!!
Wow! I FINALLY found someone in New England on these boards.

I'm actually in NYC, but my buddy lives in NH. We get together a few times a year for Cons and TotalCon is in our regular rotation.

Dark Archive

I go to this con nearly every year and would be very interested in PFS games!!!

Dark Archive

Tilagos Island as a PC's personal playground sounds super cool...

Dark Archive


The Eye of the Wormgod! I like it! Now I can dust off that beholder miniature that I have been dying to use. Did I say dying? Hehhehheh...

To respond to your query - no I had not invented any new worminess for my AOW campaign - but now that you have inspired me I will to give it some thought.

I have always been intrigued by the Tauric template from MMII. Perhaps I could combine the two. A tauric, worm-touched some such...hmmmm

Dark Archive

I have been anticipating that my group is going to kick some draconic butt shortly (they are just finishing the Champion's Games) and have been trying to script out Ilthane's tactics in the likely event that she is overmatched by my group. I think I am going to have her go to ground (so to speak) in the polluted waters of Diamond Lake itself! This way she can continue to harass the town and the party while being difficult to track and/or follow. I have even thought of populating the lake with some escaped alchemical golums that had been created by the Benazel the Alchemist of smelting house fame. My group has cohorts and followers in Diamond Lake as well, so even if Ilthane doesn't attack the party directly she can still cause pain and suffering by going after their home base, especially if they disappear into the Whispering Cairn shortly after "defeating" her.
Hope this helps.