
TorctheOrc's page

Organized Play Member. 39 posts (68 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.

Dark Archive

Why has order #1093865 been pending for almost a month? Could you investigate and address this issue please. Thank you in advance.


Dark Archive

To whom it may concern,
I recently received this order and unfortunately two pieces were broken. One piece was one of the 5x5 square bases. The other was one of the 4x4 tops that is flat on top (not the 4x4 piece with a bump on top). I am hoping these pieces can be replaced and shipped with one of my future orders or subscriptions.
Thank you in advance for your consideration,
Kevin Barnsley
P.S. Sorry for the delay in reporting this breakage. I was away for the holiday.

Dark Archive

My order arrived recently and it has come to my attention that it was missing my 34mm Paizo purple d20. It would be excellent to have this item shipped as part of my next order or as part of my next subscription delivery.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.


Dark Archive

Armiger Amidar Andabar wrote:

After playing the first three PFS scenarios while visiting a friend's home group I was wondering if I, as a player, am supposed to officially enter any information on the Paizo website. I read that the GM is supposed to officially register who played which scenario, who gained faction points etc. (although I can't seem to find where the GM is supposed to do this) I am wondering this because I want to order and run the first three scenarios for my own home group, but I don't want to be accused of running the scenarios before I played them. I also want to make sure that my characters exploits are officially recorded somewhere besides inside my own binder. Can anyone clarify how this is all supposed to work?




Dark Archive

Does anyone have a complete listing of each of the 11 miraculous acts of Iomedae? I'm interested in what she did, where she did it, when she did it and why. For example, we know the 7th of the "Acts" took place in the Ascendant Court district of Absalom at the sight of what is now her "Seventh Church". We do not know any of the other specifics with regard to when this miracle took place or what it consisted of, as far as I can tell. So how about it? Anyone with inside information about Iomedae and her 11 "Acts"?
I ask because I am about to run a Chelaxian Paladin of Iomedae in PFS and I am looking for some liturgical support for a very "Law & Order" interpretation of Iomedae's faith.

Yours in peace,

Dark Archive

To whom it may concern - For some reason I am unable to download the Beta release for the PRPG. It shows up in my shopping cart, I proceed through checkout smoothly, I am told to check "My Downloads" page, I do, and its not there... Is there any answer to this mystery? Am I using the wrong somatic components to properly complete the ritual? Can anyone help? Thank you in advance for your consideration.