
Tobaris's page

1,219 posts (1,428 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 8 aliases.

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Please feel free to bring Divine debates and ideas here, let's keep the gameplay thread about the world and in-character discussion. Although I don't mind earlier in character discussion here, think of it as a place before the creation of the world, this worlds astral plane before creation.

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The codex alera series isn't set in a tabletop inspired universe but it is a fantastic series with a non-standard hero amongst non-standard races. His greatest strength being that his weakness has forced him to be more thoughtful and creative, thus he is willing to look at solutions no one else will consider.
Especially after the first book. It really picks up. The magic for each race is unique and thought out.
The first book is called: Furies of Calderon
The series is by Jim Butcher the guy behind the Dresden Files which isn't bad but not what your looking for.

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Well I'm going to put it up to a vote now.
Would you guys like to start in:
1) Korvosa[In Varisia]
2) Corentin[In Cheliax]
3) Vigil[Near Lastwall]
4) Cassomir[In Taldor]

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5th level for everybody. Player health and animal companions are max at 1st level, after that you lock into either average or roll for HP every level.

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Male Kobold (reincarnated as) Human level 6 DungeonMaster/Level 2 Munchkin

No problem glad to have you with us.