Tindalen's page

Organized Play Member. 247 posts (248 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 11 Organized Play characters.


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After a discussion with another player, I am seeing a slight flaw in most peoples assumption of RAI specifically regarding immediate actions.

At no time does the definition of immediate action, or the swift action rules it references, indicate that you can use an immediate action to interrupt another characters action. You can use it at any time, even someone else's turn, but not during another players action. Searching through other feats, actions, and spells that are 'immediate', they either explicitly state they can interrupt, or they are not intended to interrupt.

I think the clarification that is needed, that would leave the spell legal and quell most or all of the dislike, emergency force shield can not be cast after an enemy has declared it's action. Are you targeted with a spell or full round attack? Too late to use EFS. Did an enemy just move up to you and looks really mad? You can EFS before they start their attack.


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"All who are willing combatants against me do so at a forfeiture of their life."

Most of my characters have a stance that if you are willing to use lethal force, then you have given up your right to blind mercy. If you are forced against your will or do your best effort not to cause undo harm, then the same respect will be shown to you.

I say most because I also have a rogue that does not kill anyone that he does not have to. Devout follower of Serenrae and a firm believer in redemption. I also have a character who will likely be draining the life force of any living yet unconscious enemy he can find. One who probably forgets about the enemies as soon as they are no longer a threat and thus cares little for them or the morality of her party members.


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Fromper wrote:

Man, these forums will start a flame war over ANYTHING.

Tindalen, NPCs are not bound by the Additional Resources list. That list is specifically character creation rules for PCs. That's it. So NPCs can use any game rules, even if they're not in the Additional Resources, or violate the Guild Guide rules for character creation. For instance, NPCs can be evil, and PCs can't.

Similarly, NPCs can summon lightning elementals, and PCs can't. That's GM discretion if the adventure's tactics don't specifically say what they use their summon spell for.

I agree completely, that's what I was saying. If a scenario breaks the rules by explicitly saying so, then it is allowed. If the scenario does not say you can do it, then you can't.


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Summon monster is core rule book only unless something explicitly states otherwise.

A quick glance did not find the ruling, but I will edit if/when I do find it.

Edit: and shortly after, I found this from Mark Moreland

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I am currently planning this build now, have been working on an arcane trickster build for a couple of months now.

Eldritch scoundrel 4 gives you weapon finesse, dex to damage, sneak attack, rogue talent and your required level 2 spells. At 3 you take accomplished sneak attacker and 5 you are starting arcane trickster. You end up 1 level behind a straight rogue for sneak dice until 15 (beyond my PFS needs), you have full casting, debilitating strike, and and can take extra rogue talent as needed, like for vanishing trick so you can swift action invis / snowball for 18d6 at level 11.

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I had this same interpretation with the feat for my sap master rogue. However, the interpretation given to me by another (PFS venture captain /shrug) was that the important phrase was Any shaken, frightened, or panicked opponent hit by you this round.

Round starts:
claw 1: hits, rake to intimidate, they are shaken
is the target shaken? Yes. Has the target been hit by you this round? Yes.
claw 2: attack vs flatfooted, double debilitate(AC/ATK), Sickened from cruel AoMF
Bite: attack vs flatfooted, double debilitate(AC/ATK), Sickened from cruel AoMF

Result: -10 atk vs rogue, -6 ac vs rogue, -4 on all* roles, likely unconcious after 3d4+24+20d6+20

I am not saying this interpretation is right, but this is the one that seems to be the prevailing rule in my area.


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UndeadMitch wrote:
Tindalen wrote:
UndeadMitch wrote:
We could turn it into our own Con. We could call it CompromiseCon (yeah, the name is bad). Of course, it'd have to be held in the Midwest, 'cause everybody at the ends of each side need to meet in the middle.

This is serendipity! I live in Minnesota. We actually have con of the north coming up soon. Which, like everything in Minnesota, is going to be the best thing ever, any where!

Edit: full discloser it will likely be below -20f.

Don't get me wrong, I've nothing but respect for the MN Crew, but I think we need somewhere that is a bit less of a, how can I put this delicately, a frozen wasteland?

A wasteland! I swear to you on my own life, we se green grass at least two weeks every year!


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Nohwear wrote:
So if I am a part of the Weekend of Doom! I can offer a side game if people want. Although it would need to be either Savage Worlds or some form of Cypher System as that is what I can put together last minute.

I have as many as two gaming tables available in my house. One is currently used for d&D and pathfinder, with the appropriate GM throne, I am not kidding about the throne

The other is smaller, suitable for mice and Mystics. And closer to previously stated food.


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Delete this Character wrote:
I've been on the fence about all the red tape, paperwork, restrictions, and requirements one has to go through to begin PFS play, and this forum thread has just convinced me that it's not worth it. Just something to think about, I'm sure there are others lurking around like me that have just been put off of PFS/convention play.

I have said previously in this thread, and others...

Come play at my table. Or any of the vast majority of tables available, literally, around the world. I swear to you, on my word, these forums are not what PFS is. We laugh, we joke, we include and cooperate. The vast majority of GMs and players, new to the game, seven year veterans, and red box players, are here to play a game, make friends, and create fantastic stories that we were a part of.

Please forgive us for our most vocal, we really do want to meet you and build impossible legends together.


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Bethany Savorsting wrote:
Bill Dunn wrote:
The trouble is, getting to another table isn't always an easy option. That leaves players expecting to be able to play, and having everything legally necessary to do so, may be faced with a barrier from an idiosyncratic GM or other player.

Exactly. While she's not legal yet (as I do not own one particular book for a trait I gave her) this character is otherwise 100% legal. However, I've been told (I don't remember the GM's name) that if I sat down with her at his table, he would not let me play her because a Bladebound magus must have a metal BLADE. The rules say "one-handed slashing weapon" and a whip is... guess what? A one-handed slashing weapon. So it's legal. However, no... he would not allow it because a bladebound magus must have a black blade, and a whip is not a blade.

Which, is actually why I haven't yet bothered to buy the book I need to make her legal... I'm not sure I even want to deal with the potential headache of having to call over a VC to tell this GM that he has no right to ban my character... then having to deal with the fact that the GM is going to more than likely be a total *** to me because I forced the issue... He hates my character, yet has no choice but to let me play her.

So yeah, GMs like that are why I have not and am not sure when I will bother to get the necessary PDFs to play this character.

Come to my table, I prefer telling a good story. I enforce the rules, but I do not force my rules. Just last weekend I had to tell a player that a feat he was using did not work like he thought it did. I told him we would finish the scenario with his build, then I would sit with him after to find a way to fix it.


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Bob Jonquet wrote:
or not being able to play their favorite character because the GM hates that class/race/whatever.

A was GMing a table not long ago where a player had a character class that I am not a fan of. After the game the player posted a comment that he had fun but it was obvious the GM did not like his character. I felt like complete crap after that, and as it was only part one of a four part series, I had to fix the situation. So I sat down a completely read the class and figure out how it worked. The next session I apologized and encouraged him not to change characters like he was going to. After taking the time on my part it softened my dislike of the mesmerism class because I was not surprised by what was coming.

I shared this story because this is what happens in Minnesota more often than not. Misunderstandings happen, we realize our mistakes or our common ground, we fix things and have way too much fun killing the twin of a cleric you already killed.

Grand Lodge 2/5

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GM Lamplighter wrote:
Pre-emptive ruling on disruption is not supported by any text in the Guide I can find. (If it were, I'd be banning chaotic neutral PCs and gnomes, just for starters! ;)

I stayed out of this fool hardy errand of a thread because I knew no good would come of it... but this. THIS I can not abide!

You sir just insulted a full half of my characters! Err, half of my half characters? Wait, of got this... you have insulted the full half of my half full characters! Darn it... I lost my point, forget it I am going to play with my rod of wonder.

If I must keep on topic, I have never seen or heard of an issue with this in my area. People tend to cooperate and play together very well. We have some disruptive players but we tolerate them or simply do not play with them. The few cons I have gone to have been local ones and I have had the same experiences. I do not go to large national cons because of the amount of people that can take things too far and cause problems for far too many people.


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Serisan wrote:
I've allowed parties with teleport to go back to town to get necessary supplies in the past, up-to-and-including multiple scrolls of restoration, make whole, etc. Yes, that was in a notorious Kyle Baird scenario.

Allowed?!?! Now one allows Fizzle to do things! Fizzle allows them to not make the very poor decision of telling him no!


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With the legalization of accomplished sneak attacker making my favorite prestige class, since 2nd ed, viable, and the legalization of shadow enchantment for my gnomish phantasmist… to be completely honest, I am giddy, happy, content, and satiated all at the same time. So all I wish for is someone else to be so.

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Reynard de' Bonaire wrote:
The kitsune motto: There's no penalty for being naked....

The dwarfs reply: tell that to my parol officer

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As I suggested above, talk with the entire group, then start a new campaign. It very well could be something as simple as the player was hurt when his original character dies (pre-evil character) and now he is joining a party of characters with back ground and history. He then made an evil character as a concept that was killed by one of the original party members. It is very possible that he is feeling shunned and ostracized by the rest of the group, had a talk with the GM, and the GM said he could bring his second character back, just try and work appropriately with the group.

There are many sides to every story, with out at least an attempt at empathy, every side will end up losing, even if they do not realize it.

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coldvictim wrote:
In my own opinion, I have always found it difficult to bring together being in a party and any evil alignment. If you are evil, altruism isn't normally on the horizon, so a party is normally made of frightened underlings too scared to disobey and psychotic bosses who rule with an iron hand.

I once saw a curse that would cause limbs to fall off if there were inter-party conflicts that might cause the party's benefactor to be, disappointed... It was demonstrated in the second session when the party's NPC companion tried to steal from PC, the limb known as his head fell off.

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So, character dies, it happens and can suck.

Player makes an evil character who causes conflict and is killed, so the non-evil twin brother shows up to take the dead evil twin brothers place, but it turns out the dead evil twin was actually the not-evil twin who is now dead and the evil twin is masquerading as the non-evil twin in a group that thinks it already killed the evil twin...

Personally, I play for the stories. If this was a TV show I would have changed the channel after the non-evil twin showed up, and canceled my cable after the evil twin was found to be alive in place of the non-evil...

So yea, I agree with the above. The player is intentionally being disruptive and the story has become a trope filled soap opera joke. If it were my group I would sit down with the entire table and suggest we start fresh with a new campaign.

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Dekalinder wrote:
The you should look no further than here

I apologize for trying to share some ideas. Please forgive me, I shall never speak of this again.

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Dekalinder wrote:
If you use DEX you are completely missing the point of this concept. It's all about being a tiny brute. Being simply tiny and powerfull is all but too common around here.

The brute part is coming from the con, not the dex. The kineticist gets con to damage. but sure, swap dex and str and pick weapon focus kinetic blast for your first level feat. You lower your AC and reflex save, everything else stays the same.

The point of my build is being able to make a serious front line tank that is not medium sized. Character size does not affect damage die for the kineticist, modify it how you want.

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I made a build for a gnomeish front line fighter/tank that could easily be modified for a pixie.

Elemental Annihilator Geokineticist with expanded element water at 7
stats: STR: 7 DEX: 17 CON: 18 INT: 10 WIS: 10 CHA: 10
1: weapon finesse, devastating infusion(bonus)
2: power attack(bonus)
3: toughness, extended range(bonus)
5: open
6: flurry of devastation(bonus)
7: Extra Wild Talent(Expanded Defense)
8: Weapon specialization(bonus)
9: Lunge, extreme range(bonus)
11: open

grab celestial armor and the standard ac gear and you should be doing solid damage with AC in the mid 30's, hitpoints in the mid 100's (with some non-lethal), doing respectable damage 1d8+22 @ 8th

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Cheburn wrote:
oldexplorer wrote:
You should have a +6 int bonus (buffed by a headband and/or fox's cunning) and 5 level spell - for DC 21.
A level 9 character is somewhat unlikely to have a +6 Headband (36k gp vs 46k WBL -- yes it's possible, but very out of the ordinary), and Fox's Cunning won't stack with any of the Headbands since they're both enhancement bonuses. You're more likely to be looking at a +20 Will save on Dominate Person.

He meant +6 total, or 22 intelligence, 18 starting and foxes cunning for 22, 24 total if he had a racial bump.

I am going to second resilient sphere, just be careful where you catch him as it may cause serious damage to a moving ship. DC 20 reflex save with nothing but pride being injured.

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Shain Edge wrote:
Until I see a RAW, and maybe not even then, I'll stick to the Versatile Channeling Feat's rule of 'prerequisites for abilities' as counting as giving a neutral cleric the prerequisite for the opposing casting spontaneously ability, since it already breaks the 'exclusive to one type or the other, never changing' channeling rule.

Envoy of Balance endowment Spiritual Equilibrium ability states:


If she has the spontaneous casting class feature, she is no longer restricted by the choice made at 1st level to convert prepared spells into cure or inflict spells. Each time the envoy of balance converts a spell, she can choose to convert it into a cure spell or an inflict spell.

An envoy of balance must have the Versatile Channeler feat to choose this endowment.

In the cleric description, Channel Energy and Spontaneous casting are two completely separate abilities and versatile channeling specifically calls out the channel energy ability, not the spontaneous casting ability. By RAW, versatile channeling does not give you the ability to spontaneously cast cure and inflict wounds.

With that being said, you as the GM can decide what is and is not included in the rules for your game. Just remember, you are in the rules forums asking questions about rules and we are trying to help you with those questions.

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blackbloodtroll wrote:

Well, maybe they don't. I don't see why wanting to have fun, and be comfortable, is something one should not expect when playing a game with friends.


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Simple fact is, this is a game meant to build a story for all participants to enjoy and remember. If an action crosses a boundary, it should be discussed out of character and handled in a way that those whose enjoyment was ruined can have it restored or peacefully separate ways.

With that said, murdure, torture. Rape, and abuse happen in role playing games, the key is to not make the players feel helpless about it. In the OP I read it as one player going to far and the others being uncomfortable, having to work with that character/player instead of being opposed to them.

If a good character is grouped with an evil character, how much evil must they allow before the companion becomes an enemy? Our games always require a minimum one step separation of alignment on the good evil scale, no more. And evil campaigns always require some pact or death scenario to ensure that the group can work as a group. That is more important, in my view, than pushing boundaries on morality.

If I am a good character, why would I restrain my self against a group member who rapes, but not an enemy?

You become those you associate with, if you don't not want to become them, do not associate with them.

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I am taking a full rebuild on a character in PFS and looking to do a cleric of Pharasma into Envoy of Balance. Was hoping to get any pointers or advice on things I might have missed.

Starting at level 4
Aasimar (Grandfathered legal)
Ability Scores: 7/12/12/10/17/19
Ability increases: 4-Cha, 8-Wis

Herald caller Cleric of Pharasma Psychopomp domain levels 1-5
Envoy of Balancer levels 6-11

1: Selective Channeling
3: Versatile Channeling
Augment Summoning(Cleric Bonus)
5: Channel Force
7: Improved Channel Force
Spiritual Equilibrium(EoB)
9: Fateful Channel
Twinned Channeling(EoB)
11: Quick Channel
Planar Parity(EoB)

Items would include:
Ring of Protected Life, Malleable Symbol, Headband of Alluring Charisma (+6)

This would give me the ability to summon monster, cure ***, and inflict *** spontaneously and allow me to twin channel for damage and healing. Tactics would be to focus on summoning for battlefield control, standard buff spells as appropriate, and channel energy in combat providing both healing and damage along with battle field control from the forceful channel and buffs from the fateful channel.