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Pathfinder Player Companion: Armor Master's Handbook (PFRPG) (Pending)

My card was declined because the bank issued a new one with a new expiration date. I unfortunately failed to update the card information in time. It was updated immediately after I received the notification on 4/07/2016, however the entire subscription order is still in a pending state. Can this be nudged along?


I have spent the last month GMing the series leading up to waking rune. I have been prepping for the finale since the start. I will be running hard mode 10-11 on Saturday and have come across some discrepancies that have not been called out elsewhere.

Hard mode has you replace a quickened summon monster five for a summoned monster nine. This would lead to a break in the Thessalonian specialist and where I noticed the discrepency. Rune lord krune follows the archetype except for spell level 7 and eight. And spell level 9 on hard mode.

I know I should play as written, but this scenario is hard enough without the discrepancies. It's also why I am limiting myself to hard covers and rune lord specific material for the npc tactics.

Any thoughts beyond the three year old GM prep post?


So the guide says, 'If the player is playing a non-1st-level pregenerated character, he may choose instead to apply this Chronicle sheet to a 1st-level character by reducing this value to 500 gp (or 250 gp for the slow advancement track). "

I am in the process of GMing all 5 of the waking rune arc, can I apply them, all slow tracked, to a first level character? I understand the unique boons would not be available until 7. I would rather bypass 1st level than 7th.

This order was placed on 01/13/2016 with the note, 'Originally expected to ship in 1 to 7 business days'. We are now on 10 business days and I still do not have access to the PDF. Can this delay be investigated?

I am pretty sure I know the answer to this is know, but here is my situation.

Playing a gnomish kineticist with 5 str, my light encumbrance max is 12 lbs. Armor and weapons weigh 1/2 the base for small characters. Some mundane equipment; clothing, backpacks, rations, weigh 1/4 base for small characters. Logically a cloak of resistance for a small character should weigh 1/4lbs for a small character just as a mundane cloak would. However I am unable to find any mention of this for enchanted equipment, which would lead to the answer of 'no' in Pathfinder Society.

With a small character with 5 str and 12 max light encumbrance, my studded leather armor weights 10lbs, leaving me lbs for everything else, obviously very restrictive since ,y beat of com weighs one pound and my cloak of resistance weighs one pound.

My question is, does anyone know of a forum post, faq, or other ruling I was unable to find that adjusts the weight of wondrous items for small characters?


Is there any schedule as to when the additional resources page is expected to be updated? It has appeared to be rather sporadic and is causing frustration with numerous people in my area. There are modules we would like to play that have been out for 9 months (daughters of fury) and have not been added. The Oct books were added to the AR 10 days later, the November are at a month since release and have not been added, and I have seen us go as long as three months between updates.

I am not trying to ask for undo pressure to be put on anyone to get these things completed, just some sort of plan and consistency so we know what to expect.

scenario, I am GMing: a PC delays, as I am deciding what an npc is going to do a player decides they are coming out of delay, I think to myself that, the npc should get to act without letting the pc interrupt. I decided to allow the player to come out of delay interrupting the npc' turn to go.

I did this because I felt it would be a penalty to the players to say they could not come out of delay at this point.

So my question is, when is a player, or npc for that matter, allowed to come out of delay?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am taking a full rebuild on a character in PFS and looking to do a cleric of Pharasma into Envoy of Balance. Was hoping to get any pointers or advice on things I might have missed.

Starting at level 4
Aasimar (Grandfathered legal)
Ability Scores: 7/12/12/10/17/19
Ability increases: 4-Cha, 8-Wis

Herald caller Cleric of Pharasma Psychopomp domain levels 1-5
Envoy of Balancer levels 6-11

1: Selective Channeling
3: Versatile Channeling
Augment Summoning(Cleric Bonus)
5: Channel Force
7: Improved Channel Force
Spiritual Equilibrium(EoB)
9: Fateful Channel
Twinned Channeling(EoB)
11: Quick Channel
Planar Parity(EoB)

Items would include:
Ring of Protected Life, Malleable Symbol, Headband of Alluring Charisma (+6)

This would give me the ability to summon monster, cure ***, and inflict *** spontaneously and allow me to twin channel for damage and healing. Tactics would be to focus on summoning for battlefield control, standard buff spells as appropriate, and channel energy in combat providing both healing and damage along with battle field control from the forceful channel and buffs from the fateful channel.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

First I have full understanding of the FAQ stating that adding spells known without adding to spell list means you can not cast the spell.


I have two follow up questions I have not been able to locate answers for.

1: If a spirit guide oracle takes the Lore Spirit and the Arcane Enlightenment hex to add Magic Missile to their spell list, can they buy a page of spell knowledge magic missile so they can then cast the spell?

2: The FAQ specifically states that class features that add to spells known also adds to the spell list. The wayang alternate favored class option for bard and oracle adds spells to spells known but does not add to the characters spell list. Since this is a racial ability and not a class ability, this means the wayang oracle would be unable to add a great majority of the illusion spells to their list. Is this a case where the FAQ unintentionally broke obvious RAI?

A question was raised about Hand of the Apprentice and how it would function with a light shield.
Specifics of the character: 9 levels fighter, 1 level generalist wizard.
relevant feats: Shield Slam(and all Prerequisites)

All quotes pulled from the paizo PRD.

Hand of the Apprentice allows: "As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet." and "This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver."

Light shield states: "You can bash an opponent with a light shield... Used this way, a light shield is a martial bludgeoning weapon."

Shield Slam states: "Any opponents hit by your shield bash are also hit with a free bull rush attack"

Given that the shield is treated as a "martial bludgeoning weapon" when you attack, it should be able to be used with the Hand of the Apprentice as it allows you to "make a single attack using a melee weapon".

My main concern is the other line in the Hand of the Apprentice, I would, by raw, not be performing a combat maneuver, I would be making an attack. The feat would be providing the combat maneuver free with the attack.

So my question is: Can Hand of the Apprentice be used to receive the benefit of Shield Slam?