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The Guardian Beyond Beyond's page

217 posts. Alias of scifan888.


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Batman is perfectly willing to kill..............superheroes.

The Forgotten Realms setting had the Chosen of Mystra who were arcane casters who served the Goddess of Magic.

Let's ignore the question of whether Iomedae is acting out of character or not. The entire set up of the scenario and the tests is contradictory. On page 8 there is an attempt to justify her actions by claiming that Iomedae fears sending the PCs to the Abyss if they are not ready. The tests are therefore to determine if they are in fact ready to confront a demon lord in the Abyss.

HOWEVER, even if the PCs fail all the tests Iomedae still sends them to the Abyss!!

Wasn't the point of the tests to supposedly determine if the PCs were ready? Therefore, doesn't failing all of them mean they are not ready? Why would you want them to go to the Abyss if they aren't ready?

The whole justification for the tests on page 8 breaks down if they are sent on the mission whether or not they pass.

Another rationalization of the tests is that if they pass Iomadae gives them "gifts" to aid the PCs on their mission. This doesn't make sense. If you want them to succeed on a mission that YOU want the to undertake then why wouldn't you give them all the help you can. Why make them jump through hoops to get your "gifts"?
This is just stupid behavior.

Actually he is immortal because Pharsma refuses to let him stay dead even when he wants to. He doesn't have to be mythic.

Happy Easter

What do you think about how Iomedae was portrayed in Wrath of the Righteous 5?

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James Sutter wrote:

Eldest details of the sort we give for the core 20 gods show up in Inner Sea Gods! But if you mean full, let's-get-in-a-fight stat blocks, I sincerely hope not and will endeavor to prevent--in my mind, saying "you must do X damage to kill this god" makes them inherently less godly. I'd rather leave that up to individual GMs if they want to go that route.

Aren't the Eldest demigods on the same level as demon lords and we have gotten stats for several demon lords already?

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1) Does the average citizen of Cheliax hate House Thrune, or do they support it?

2) Will we see stats for the Eldest of the First World anytime soon?

1) Does the church of Asmodeus try to appeal to the common people and convince them that they are "Good"?

2) If so, what methods do they use?

3) How does the church of Asmodeus portray/villify celestials in it's sermons and teachings in a way that would make it's followers not want to venerate them?

4) Does the average citizen of Cheliax hate House Thrune, or do they support it?


Dear James Jacobs,

As a long time Call of Cthulhu fan perhaps you can tell me if the following is true ----

That in Call of Cthulhu when an elder god is summoned from beyond, they suffer a sort of summoning sickness. They're still unbelievably strong, but can be killed FOREVER if you hit them hard enough?

Such as by detonating a building filled with enough explosives to make Michal Bay blush.

baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Oh James, they just released this poster.

The poster makes it look as though this Godzilla rose up from the depths more than 30 stories high. Do you think it is accurate?

xavier c wrote:
why is it hard for me to see Lissala as evil (she just doesn't seem that bad compared to Zon-Kuthon and Norgorber or Urgathoa)

Was she always intended to be evil?

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Misroi wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Mal_Luck wrote:
Did Cayden Cailean worship a deity when he was mortal? If so, who?
He was more of a pantheist; he worshiped several deities and offered prayer to them as the situation warranted... but not with a lot of regularity or devotion. He was kinda fond of Calistria though...

"Gorum! I have never prayed to you before. I'm not all that good at words. No one, save perhaps you, will remember who fought here today, why we fought, or which side even lived. All that matters is that we five stood against evil. You are conflict, grant me this. Grant me victory! And if you do not listen, THEN TO HELL WITH YOU!!!"

You seemed to have mixed up Cayden with Conan.

1) Do any of the domon lords involved in the Worldwound oppose/sabotage each other including killing each others followers?

2) Is Lamashtu involved in the Worldwound?

3) Are any demon lords opposed to Lamashtu and willing to kill her followers?

Who is your favorite among the Iconics?

John Kretzer wrote:
The Guardian Beyond Beyond wrote:
Do you think Iomedae was kind of narcissistic in Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth?

Thank you for your question.

Yes she did but than again LG gods of Paladins often seem that way to me.

Why do you think that is?

Do you think Iomedae was kind of narcissistic in Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth?

Pending, Pending, Pending........................................

This is ridiculous.

James Jacobs wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:

This opens an interesting insight to the nature of reality in Golarion. Faith is necessary for divine magic, and it seems some force of mind is necessary for arcane magic, whether supreme logic or sheer personality. Would it be sensible to say that the greatest power in Golarion's universe is one's strength of "conviction" for lack of a better term? That with enough faith in a concept or god, one can literally move mountains, and that by just thinking hard enough, one can tell the laws of physics to shut up and sit down? Not to the point where Golarion is literally molded by what people think, like Planescape is, but that the greatest power a mortal can have is his or her mind?

Cause that sounds like an awesome character philosophy!

I wouldn't say it's the greatest power, since there's a lot of forces at work in the world, and faith is only one of them.

Talking about faith as power reminded me of this:-

Bring Down the POWER, The Greatest Power

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
According to some Developer's Posts... No.

Mythic would have the perfect place for artifact creation rules especially since just about all the Mythic NPCs have created artifacts. PCs should be able to do the same.

Does anyone know if there are rules for creating artifacts in the Mythic Hardcover?

James Jacobs wrote:
The Guardian Beyond Beyond wrote:
Can all of the mightiest NPCs such as Geb, Nex, Jatembe, Baba Yaga, The Whispering Tyrant etc. be considered Mythic characters?

Will we see stats for them in the Mythic Adventures book?

Since all of those mentioned have created artifacts, will there be rules for creating artifacts in the Mythic Adventures Hardcover?

Can all of the mightiest NPCs such as Geb, Nex, Jatembe, Baba Yaga, The Whispering Tyrant etc. be considered Mythic characcters?

James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
How does the religious intolerance of Touvette differ from Rahadoum?
See pages 54-55 of "Guide to the River Kingdoms." :-P
I read that. The churches were evicted and their leadership forced to leave, does that mean no religion is tolerated or no permanent religious presence is allowed? Would a cleric, paladin, or etc be allowed entry into the country? I assume any religious buildings wouldn't be allowed since the previous ones were turned into the charities. Would places of worship have to be secretive? Like altars, shrines, etc.
What we've written about Touvette so far is what was in that book. At this point, I've not done much more thinking about it... but if we DO decide to make it a place where religion is pretty much totally outlawed, that casts the region automatically as a "bad guy" region regardless of its alignment, since that antagonizes a LOT of character classes.

So does that mean that Rahadoum are the bad guys?

Happy Birthday James.

Here is the Mythic feat with the addition of the explicit limitation.

Multi-Path (Mythic)
You excel in many areas, allowing you to select abilities from several mythic paths.
Prerequisite: 1st mythic tier, Levels in 3 or more core classes.

Benefit: Select a number of mythic paths, including the path you selected at your moment of ascension (see page 3), up to the number of core classes that you have. You gain the 1st level ability of each path selected (archmage arcana, champion strike, divine surge, guardian’s call,marshal’s order, or trickster attack). The path you selected at ascension also gives other abilities such as bonus hp etc. as normal. Whenever you gain a path ability, you can select from list of abilities presented for all selected paths, as well as from the list of universal path abilities. You may also choose your trials from all those appropriate for all your selected paths as well as universal trials. You may not select the same path more than once even if you have more core classes than there are paths.

Special: Should you reach the 10th mythic tier you also gain the capstone ability of each path you have selected (true archmage, legendary champion, true defender, divine vessel, visionary commander, and/or supreme trickster).

Special: If you should acquire additional core classes after selecting this feat you may gain an additional path for each additional core class.

I thought it obvious that you cannot select more paths than already exist, namely 6, so I did not see the need to explicitly state it. I will make the addition to the feat.

There isn't really much support for multiclass characters in the playtest; the closest being the Dual Path Mythic feat. However multiclssing is not required for that feat. Pathfinder itself does not really encourage multiclassing even though that is the only way to build certain character concepts.
In support of multiclass characters I propose the following Mythic feat: -

Multi-Path (Mythic)
You excel in many areas, allowing you to select abilities from several mythic paths.
Prerequisite: 1st mythic tier, Levels in 3 or more core classes.

Benefit: Select a number of mythic paths, including the path you selected at your moment of ascension (see page 3), up to the number of core classes that you have. You gain the 1st level ability of each path selected (archmage arcana, champion strike, divine surge, guardian’s call,marshal’s order, or trickster attack). The path you selected at ascension also gives other abilities such as bonus hp etc. as normal. Whenever you gain a path ability, you can select from list of abilities presented for all selected paths, as well as from the list of universal path abilities. You may also choose your trials from all those appropriate for all your selected paths as well as universal trials.

Special: Should you reach the 10th mythic tier you also gain the capstone ability of each path you have selected (true archmage, legendary champion, true defender, divine vessel, visionary commander, and/or supreme trickster).

Special: If you should acquire additional core classes after selecting this feat you may gain an additional path for each additional core class.

How was Alareon the alchemist in the novel City of the Fallen Sky by Tim Pratt able to affect multiple people with his Confusion bombs since according to the rules a Confusion bomb only confuses the target directly struck?

Didn't Radovan meet Sun Wukong, The Monkey King in a novel?

James Jacobs wrote:

Of the movies I've seen this year, I would say that my top 10 of 2012 would be (in no particular order):

1) Prometheus (this is my favorite of the year)

Prometheus? Really? What did you like about it?

I found that there were plot holes and that we did not get any real answers, not to mention the ending was just a set up for another movie.

As previous posters have shown the gap for caster level, attack bonus, saves, etc. at higher Mythic levels when compared to the equivalent regular character. The Mythic character actually needs to use their mythic abilities more often to compensate. Thus they will need more Mythic points not less. Mythic points should be calculated as

3+Tier+Ability bonus. If not it should remain Tier+Ability bonus.

I would go with option 1 -

1. As the existing ability, but activating the power that grants you an extra turn requires you to expend 2 uses of your mythic power.

Of course monsters would also be required to expend 2 uses of mythic power as well.

I am opposed to Mythic weakness especially since the Mythic monsters do not have any Mythic weakness. Also, in comparing normal characters and the same characters with 1st tier Mythic it boiled down to "you are Mythic and are now easier to kill" for most of the weaknesses.

Also the Mythic weaknesses are not equal. The worst are school aversion, elemental weakness, material weakness & weapon weakness. Furious rage has the least effect for barbarian and fighter type characters. Dependency is more for a campaign not a playtest such as being captured and losing your Mythic powers in 3 days.

If Mythic weakness is to exist it should be OPTIONAL, in that for every Mythic weakness you choose you gain an additional Mythic ability or Mythic feat.

How about a feat that would let you choose from all the powers and abilities of as many Paths as you have Core classes. So the ranger/barbarian/druid would choose Mythic powers from 3 Paths including the 10th tier power.

How about +1 to all ability scores per 2 levels with an additional +2 to an ability score of your choice every third level. This would keep the ability score increases more even with the occasional boost to the primary or to a deficient ability score.

Hey Merisel,

During your pirate adventures did you make any prisoners walk the plank?

Is the Jade Throne from the Jade Regent adventure path in the book?

What's new in this compared to Secrets of Pact Magic & Villains of Pact Magic. Are there new feats, spirits, prestige classes?


Can you be more specific Cheapy? There are a lot of products.

James Jacobs wrote:
Squeakmaan wrote:
Have you ever read The Deed Of Paksennarion by Elizabeth Moon? IF so, did you like it?
I've never read it.

You really should read it. Part of the story is about the trials of a fighter as she becomes a paladin and her sacrifices.

Can anyone help me find this feat? I don't remember the feat's name or the product where it was located but I believe it was a Third-Party product.
From what I remember: -

If you summon a monster and it's killed or dismissed the very next time if you summon the same creature again it would remember what happened previously unlike normal summoning.

IF anyone has any ideas on finding this feat please post a reply. Thanks.

Can anyone help me find this feat? I don't remember the feat's name or the product where it was located but I believe it was a Third-Party product.
From what I remember: -

If you summon a monster and it's killed or dismissed the very next time if you summon the same creature again it would remember what happened previously unlike normal summoning.

IF anyone has any ideas on finding this feat please post a reply. Thnks.

Do you know if there was anything in mythology or fiction about Eldritch horrors before Lovecraft wrote his stories?

1)Did you play Baldur's Gate 2?

2)Don't you think it had a far better storyline than Neverwinter Nights?

One more thing -

3)What do you think of the name Stabby Merisiel for a pirate ship?

James Jacobs wrote:
Gregg Helmberger wrote:

Did you know that I'm wildly, almost freakishly enthusiastic about any new Darklands product you care to produce? I mean to the point where I'd lose sleep in anticipation and giggle like a schoolgirl when it came in the mail?

And in an unrelated question, what's Pharasma's favorite kind of cake?

Woah... not sure if that makes me want to do more Darklands stuff or less...

And as for Pharasma? She's too serious for cake.

Pie then?

Have you seen Canada's dinosaur money?


Jade Regent #6

says that the Jade Throne is a powerful artifact whose powers are available only to the rightful Empress or Emperor. The Continuing the Campaign section does not say what these powers are. They must be significant since the oni plot revolves around the Jade Regent becoming emperor and accessing the powers by eliminating all other scions.
What are the powers of the Jade Throne?

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