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![]() Weaponwand doesn't specify melee or ranged, so I have an idea. I just don't know how to go about it. I want to make it permanent on a ranged weapon but make it so that I can swap out wands, depending on the situation. Possibly even store multiple wands in it and be able to switch which one is in use. Switching between stored wands would have to be an action of some sort obviously, could provoke attacks too. I was thinking either a pistol or hand crossbow. If I have to build this from the ground up what all spells would be involved and what cost? Or is there something already out there I'm missing? Thanks in advance all you way more brilliant than me people for your help. ![]()
![]() The title says it. My problem is, I have a player with a Mesmerist and we have a disagreement as to when certain tricks are activated. This is import because he favors the illusionary smoke trick. He says it activates as soon as I decide he is the target, thus a he gains his concealment against my attacks. I say that the first attack, say from a ranged attack does not trigger it, and should therefore be against normal AC. Then the following attacks would be against concealment. I just don't see how he can activate this trick just because someone thought "Hey I'm going to attack that guy." What if he is completely unaware that he about to be attacked. Snipers, invisible enemies, etc. ![]()
![]() So we are only 3/4 of the way into Iron Gods book 2, I am GMing. But I know we are playing Hell's vengeance next and I already have an idea for a character, just not sure how to build it though.
![]() So I am putting this thread here, in home brew, because I am attempting to build a race for a campaign at home. If it needs to be moved...my bad, and thanks.
![]() Would it hurt to change the psychic vampires drain energy ability into a gaze attack similar to the mesmerist hypnotic stare. I just think it seems weird that a creature is draining your psychic energy by beating on you physically. The idea of a psychic vampire locking eyes with someone and just draining them while no one is the wiser makes more sense to me. I was thinking something like this:
![]() ARG wrote: Flight (4 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race have a fly speed of 30 feet with clumsy maneuverability. Special: This trait can be taken more than once. For each additional 2 RP spent, the race's fly speed increases by +10 feet, and the maneuverability improves by one step. If you build a race and give it flight does this automatically give them wings? Or can it just be flight similar to Superman? And if it is flight without the use of wings would it be (Su) or (Ex)? I assume it would not be (Sp) because it is not coming from a spell itself, just the ability to fly. ![]()
![]() So I felt there was another way to go with that mindblade archtype. I made a few modifications and now I have this. I would like to change out some of the weapon enchantment abilities I just don't know which ones to switch out and which ones to replace them with.
![]() Not even going to lie, everything in this archetype was stolen from other Paizo archetypes. I am making this for Iron Gods, for one of my players to use. I will be GMing. I was hoping for some feedback to see if it is balanced, playable, or just a steaming pile of s#!t. Thanks in advance. Numerian Gun Mage (Magus Archetype) Skills: The gun mage adds knowledge (engineering) to his list of class and removes knowledge (planes). Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A gun mage is proficient with all simple, light and one handed martial weapons, and all firearms. A gun mage is also proficient with light armor. He can cast magus spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a gun mage wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass gun mage still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes. This changes the weapon and armor class ability. Gunsmith: The gun mage gains the Gunsmithing feat and a battered gun that is identical to the gun a gunslinger gains at first level.Like a gunslinger, a gun mage can use the Gunsmithing feat to restore his battered gun. Diminished Spellcasting: Gun mage cast one fewer spell of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may cast spells of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus spells of that level. Arcane Pool (Su): At 1st level, the gun mage gains a reservoir of mystical arcane energy that he can draw upon to fuel his powers and enhance his firearm. This arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/2 his magus level (minimum 1) + his Intelligence modifier. The pool refreshes once per day when the gun mage prepares his spells.
Magus Arcana: The gun mage has access to the following magus arcana Covet Charge (Ex): A gun mage can spend 1 arcane pool point to use 1 charge fewer than normal when firing a technological weapon (minimum 0), as long as the weapon has enough charges remaining to be fired at least once. Reliable (Ex): A gun mage can spend 1 arcane pool point as a free action to prevent a timeworn firearm from glitching. Charge Recycling (Ex): By spending 1 arcane pool point, a gun mage can grant 1 temporary charge to a technological firearm, even if the firearm normally can no longer be recharged. This charge must be used within 1 hour or it fades. The gun mage can grant temporary charges to multiple firearms as long as he has enough arcane pool points, but temporary charges do not stack with themselves in the same firearm. At 15th level, the gun mage can grant 2 temporary charges when he uses this magus arcana, and at 19th level, he can grant 3 temporary charges. A gun mage must be at least 11th level to select this arcane. Ranged Spellstrike (Su): At 4th level, a gun mage can use spellstrike to cast a single-target touch attack ranged spell, and deliver it through a ranged weapon attack. Even if the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies the attack. A gun mage can cast any ranged touch attack, cone, line, or ray spells through his firearm. When he casts through the firearm, the gun's enhancement bonus (if any) is a bonus to the spell's attack rolls or to the spell's saving throw DCs. Yet there are dangers inherent to this method. If any of the spells' attack rolls result in a natural 1 (a misfire), or a natural 20 is rolled on any saving throw made against the spell by a target (an overload), the firearm gains the broken condition. If the firearm already has the broken condition, the gun explodes. When a gun explodes, it lets loose a blast of force, or if the spell has the acid, cold, electricity, or sonic descriptor, it deals that type of energy damage instead. In the case of spells with multiple descriptors, roll randomly among the descriptors to determine the type of damage dealt by the blast. The blast is centered on a single intersection within the gun mage’s space (gun mage's choice) and deals 1d6 points of the appropriate energy damage or force damage per level of the spell cast. Any creature within the blast other than the gun mage can make a Reflex saving throw to halve the damage. The Reflex save DC is calculated using the spell level of the spell being sacrificed. This ability replaces spell recall. Bonus Feats: A gun mage can select Technologist as a bonus feat, even though it's neither a combat nor a metamagic feat. Technic Training (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a gun mage can select one specific type of advanced technology firearm (such as a laser pistol, mindrender, stun gun, or zero rifle). Thereafter, he gains a bonus equal to his Dexterity modifier on damage rolls when using that firearm. Furthermore, he treats all detrimental glitches of timeworn versions of his selected firearm as a result of no glitch. (He can retain the effects of beneficial glitches if he wishes.)
Improved Ranged Strike (Su): At 11th level, a gun mage using a multiple-target spell with this ability may deliver one ray or line of effect with each attack when using a full-attack action, up to the maximum allowed by the spell (in the case of ray effects). Any effects not used in the round the spell is cast are lost. This ability replaces improved spell recall. ![]()
![]() Simple enough. Do they stack. Both have an affect on arcane pool. But Mindblade says This ability replaces arcane pool, and counts as arcane
![]() Come, come my friends enjoy all that my palace has to offer. Tell us your deepest desires, be it buxom wenches, tall dark and mysterious strangers, gnome bondage. Or perhaps you have a taste for exotic dishes, unicorn roast with a marmalade glaze. Ah, I think maybe a game of chance is more to your liking, the game room is this way. ![]()
![]() I have an idea for a magic item, it would be a gauntlet that can change into or grow a buckler or shield (light most likely). Also I am thinking maybe a spike gauntlet to spiked shield maybe. I am just curious as to what spells and feats would be necessary to pull this off and what kind of cost. Also I was thinking of going with living steel as it kind of fits the concept. Thanks in advanced one and all. Except that one guy. He knows why. ![]()
![]() Hello all you awesome Paizo customer service people. How is your day? My day is going well. I have one little question. I placed an order for the plush Cthullu on September 30th. the item doesn't show as out of stock. Yet it has been pending for nearly a month. Now I do have until February, that's when our baby is due, but I would just like to know what is up with the order. ![]()
![]() So my printer at home is on the fritz, and I have a PDF I need printed. I tried using Kinko/FedEx online printing, just to have it printed at my local store and go pick it up. But the store clerk called me up and said they could not print it up without Paizo's express written permission. I told him I was not selling it, I just needed it to play the game. I told him that this is what the PDFs are for. He said it was because Kinko/FedEx would make a profit off of it, and thus breaks the copyright codes and all that. I had not thought of that. I was just wondering if I was really about to break some major rules and get in trouble myself or was the clerk being overly cautious. I have gone there and made photocopies of handouts from books for the players, when I have been low on ink or wanted a nicer color copy to give my players. They made a profit on that, should I not have done that either. I don't know if I just opened a can of worms or not, I know people share their watermarked PDFs online and that is a major no no. But I thought the point of having a file to print from was so that I could print it up as often as I want. If I involve a place like Kinko/FedEx does then become a crime? ![]()
![]() So my group just ended our session tonight do to an invasion from a bat. Scary thing is we have a werebat-kin in our group with the bat shape feats. Our GM was like "Marty get the %$#@*! out man". Excitement followed, cats were locked up and dogs sent to the yard. The bat was trapped in a back room and my friend and I went in armed with a sheet and a plastic storage container lid. The room lights were off so we went in with a flash light and saw the bat's shadow flickering in the little bit of light we had brought with us. With the flashlight pointing at the ceiling and lid in both hands my friend nailed the bat in the dark. Poor little fella was knocked silly. I thought it was dead and when I went for it, well it was not dead. I jumped, some might say I screamed a slightly not so manly scream. Then I left to go get some leather gloves, came back bundled the bat up in a sheet and ran outside with it. Son of a *^$#@@!. He made all kinds of noises, the whole way out. Then I tossed the sheet into the yard and a few minutes later he climbed out and took off fine as can be. Did I mention we had just fought our way through the gate house at Cormac's castle. So that was the end for the night. Weird stuff. And with this particular AP, freaky. ![]()
![]() One of our group will be out for at least six weeks and we are in the middle of RotRL. So I am looking for a quick module to run to the rest of us busy for six weeks. They all look good and we have played a few over the years. I am looking maybe for one the newer ones from the last year or two. Level and style don't matter just needs to be able to be accomplished in six weeks, as stated above. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well as extra thoughts on any modules you may suggest. No spoilers please as I don't know if my clan will be watching these forums. ![]()
![]() Okay I know the rules state the following:
![]() I am not trolling here and don't want to see any negative comments. It is a simple question, are any of you out there just happy with Pathfinder. I know I am, but it seems like all I see is negative thoughts on this game mechanic or that class is over powered or whatever. I just think it would be nice to have one thread out there where people take time to say something nice about Pathfinder, the game, we know the Paizo people are amazing. I see that all over the messageboards and have experienced it myself.
![]() My question here is not with the feats but with the description in the Blood Drinker Feat itself.
![]() The Kensai recieves the canny defense ability, Int bonus to AC upto class level. Then one of the suggested arcana is prescient defense which grant the magus his/her Int bonus to AC against a particular enemy. Would this stack, does the magus then apply his/her Int bonus to AC twice against this one opponent? ![]()
![]() I was wondering while looking at making an inquisitor of Nethys, why not an inquisitor who uses wizard schools (and sub schools) instead of domains. Possibly a variant spell list, something close to the witch's spell list combining arcane with divine. Then maybe replace someother class functions, such as bane and greater bane, with blade thirst or disruptive and spellbreaker. Any other thoughts or possible variant ideas? I see this variant as something of a mage hunter or hunter mage, or however you see it. Judgement could be used to close the distance to a wizard or other major caster through the more protective powers and then shifting to the more attack orrientted powers once in melee range. Access to arcane spells would allow for better counter spell chances. |