Asgetrion wrote:
For such a mighty empire, you seem to have remarkably fragile rulers. How many is it you've gone through in the past few decades? Half a dozen now, is it? And I am amused by the response of Cheliax to events in Andoran, Molthune, Galt, and Sargava.Even with the powers of hell supposedly at your nation's beck and call, and otherworldly allies in Nidal, Cheliax has simply let their provinces go. What are your rulers? A group of charitable, do-gooder, archons? Edit:
;) ![]()
Accustomed by now to the waits of months or even years between reports back from Yames Boornd, the Eighth Runelord turns his attention to affairs in the Realms of Dream.
The Runelord nods in acknowledgement of the joke, traces a door in the air, opens it, steps through into what lies beyond, and pulls it shut behind him.
With respect, Great Erl, now that the Spring Sapling is gone, there is nothing left to protect you now from me, should I be tempted to take routes more expedient than effective. There were futures where... His voice aches for a moment.* However. That is irrelevent now. I am sufficiently familiar with the functioning of the web of life to know that no matter what the good intention, some things can never be the way that they would have been, and that in those cases it is only the foulest of necromancers or they who have utterly lost their reason that try to put back together something which has gone. Things must move on, and those who try to deny that will be crushed by the juggernaut paws of a Giant Space Hamster. That last was a joke, by the way.
* Sometimes it really sucks to be a Runelord of Divination and to have seen those 'might have beens'. ![]()
Several tribes of goblins trudge across the plains, to where a rift in the fabric of the planes awaits them. They are pushing a variety of handcarts piled high with assorted items, carrying packs on their backs and heads, and singing as they go:
So long, farewell,
So long, farewell,
Goodbye.' As usual with these goblins it is difficult to mistake the sound that they make for that which by anyone else's standards might be music, although the hills certainly ring with the din of it...
I was disappointed with events in the recent clash with the vampire aasimar. I made the most effective contribution I could have, given my absence, and the harlequin still defeated the entire army of life, hands down. I had specified the importance of Spring Sapling, and apparently my words were not found worth paying attention to in the heat of battle.
Perhaps other methods may exist to lay her to rest, the Runelord shrugs. At any event, I must depart.
The Runelord rolls his eyes at this point as if to say 'you see the minions I have to work with?' and then vanishes, taking hs escort of goblins with him. ![]()
He has let his passion rule his strategy, the Runelord shakes his head. There are a multitude more futures that I see where PlantJack has done more harm than good with this unplanned and unco-ordinated attack against a dug-in foe.
The air shimmers and attended by half a dozen goblins riding on broomsticks, the Eighth Runelord appears close to where Jay Frogskin is. (The archmage himself has the appearance of simply standing on empty air.)
Tristan the Waif wrote:
Hmm. Apparently the coins dropped all over the place when the goblin attacked the other goblin went unnoticed by Tristran. <sigh> ![]()
Tristan the Waif wrote:
Two goblins walk down the street bickering at one another in their own language. Close to where the waif waits, one of them falls a little behind the other, takes out a much darned green and pink woollen sock which clinks, and whacks his companion across the back of the the head with the sock, sending the companion sprawling, and some of the copper coins used to 'load' the sock jingling across the cobbles. Apparently unconcerned by the loss of this loose change, the remaining upright goblin tucks the sock and what currency remains in it away, picks his (now comatose) companion up under the arms, and drags him off into the shadows of an alley.![]()
Zaina al-Strega wrote: The dark-haired woman in the bright red dress idly lays out a harrow deck, reading the portents as the crowds wander by. A crowd of goblins pass by, pausing at the harrow-reader's table to riffle through her deck, turning half the cards upside down, and leaving a pouch behind when they grow bored and and move on. The pouch is full of buttons: brass button, bone buttons, ivory buttons, silver buttons, and even the occasional ornamental crystal one. ![]()
Epic Meepo wrote:
As Runelord of Divination, I would like to warn you, Mr. Morton, that you will attract some very unsavoury attention. Besides KaeYoss, I mean.KaeYoss may be like an electric handbuzzer connected up to a blue dragon, but he is, other than that, essentially harmless. ![]()
A goblin messenger arrives with a scroll for Alaina. Trembling, he hands it over, then disappears.
Spoiler: My servants at the site of the old skull palace have recently fled a rather unusual disturbance; it is difficult to get sense out of them, but the general gist of it seems to be that the vampire girl who destroyed Club Calistria has made her presence felt there, in which case a future with a period of severe testing is likely bearing down on you.
The scroll is signed with the Sihedron rune and the emblem of the Eighth Runelord. ![]()
The Runelord seems lost in his thoughts for a moment; he shakes himself out of them to answer Jack Hammer's question.
A terror of the ancient world, long banished, so the tales say, but who could gift her servants and their allies with magic of almost unsurpassed potency with regard to misdirection.
Candle Lighter has taken up with hobgoblins who are mustering their forces in several different locations; it is likely that they can come together to fight with one another very quickly by means of the dracolich's magic. The dracolich himself is at this moment in the 444th layer of the Abyss, with the mischief maker the Demon Lord of Tribbles, although Candle Lighter comes and goes frequently. In some futures, he is paranoid enough to think you might come after him, and has set a trap for you if you attack him there, whereas in others he has taken no such precautions. There is more uncertainty at present than I can spare the attention to resolve. I fear that servants of something old and evil may be abroad, carrying marks of the Queen of Air that shield them, usually, even from me. ![]()
Kobold Cleaver has enemies, and they will catch up with him, almost certainly, in whichever of the near futures comes to pass. Whilst the Oasis may be a pleasant spot for rest and romance, and a problem for some living enemies which might be bothered by having to mass and fight beneath the heat of the sun to fight, many of Kobold Cleaver's enemies are demonic, or undead, and are little bothered by such conditions. And whilst sand underfoot may prove treacherous, the open nature of the terrain yields a considerable advantage to whichever side can gain dominance of the air.
The goblin with the giant gecko, Auruns, the Runelord explains. And I do not require your assistance today, Lady Lynora, but came rather to take counsel with you. Events at the dissolution of Club Calistria required my attention, but I am recovering. Edit:
In a moment of absolute silence, the Eighth Runelord arrives. His face is a little strained, as if he had made a great effort of some sort recently, and he glances about sharply at times, head turning almost like a hawk's to survey the grove. He bows briefly and formally to the oldest of the trees, and then turns to face Lynora and Jack Hammer.
Woooot! Ratatosks! Everyone's favourite berserk* squirrels from the world ash. The troupe of goblins scarper, leaving the area as fast as their spindly legs can carry them, shouting out threats about 'squirrel stew' in between trying to cover their heads and picking themselves up after tripping on inconveniently placed logs.
'They thought they saw a heffylump that frolicked in a ring,
A troupe of goblins wandering nearby are thwacking at the bushes and singing, but break off in a cry of ouches and ows as a hail of acorns and pine cones drops on their heads, driving them off. The chances of their gaining entry to the grove I assume to have been nil, even if they had been trying. ![]()
Amongst other things that she sees, Lynora sees the extent of the empire of Thassilon, and its cruelties and rulers, and the mysterious Eighth Runelord flickering and dancing down through history long after the seven great tyrants slept, the Eighth Runlord being pirate, robber, thief, judge, temple slave, and hero by turns, flickering between shades of neutrality; she sees something horrible and which must not be named, things of slavering nightmare, shrouded and cast out beyond the void, ancient evils that long to slay even the gods; and she glimpses from the corners of her eyes immutable absolutes, shadows cast by their own great and terrible light, and hears the funeral dirge of a dwarven nation... ![]()
You will be welcome in my tent any time you come across me in the desert or at the bazaar, Sir Jack, the goblin takes the phial carefully, and makes a clumsy bow. Darn. Now I'm going to feel obliged to come up with an alias for this goblin. My thanks and those of my lord to you and your lady; I hope that she is well, the goblin looks at her for a moment here with some awe and concern. And my thanks to you for tolerating my presence, Great Erl. The Goblin bws to the Erl. I would like that some of my kind were more respectful of your forests. Have to go and deal with domestic chores... The goblin makes more clumsy bows to everyone generally, then carefuly stows the phial away, heads back to his gecko, and rides off. ![]()
Jack Hammer wrote:
Umm, the winds left Jack holding the phial. Edit:
Jack Hammer wrote:
You are her champion, the knight of armour, yes? That might work.The goblin looks hopeful. ![]()
I don't know, the goblin looks confused. He came back from the destruction of Club Calistria very tired and concerned, and sent the Hornetface and Frogsuckers straight off to scavenge for anything that they could find in the swamps where the big Palace of Skulls used to stand.
Since nobody has objected, the goblin goes on. He fumbles and produces a small crystal phial. My master requests a few of the tears of sorrow which the goddess-slayer has shed for her injured friends, and the places destroyed. He apologies for the, the goblin screws his eyes shut particularly tight here, and wrinkles its forehead, impertinent intrusion and awful liberty at this time of great sorrow and solemnity, and he will find other paths to take, if this is something which you do not wish to consent to. ![]()
Uhh, excuse me. The goblin intrudes. My master, The Eighth Runelord, is recovering currently from the effort of magic he worked during the dissolution of Club Calistria to try and contain and minimise damage, and to allow things worth saving to be salvaged. He would be here in person, but is too fatigued to present himself with proper etiqette due to such worthy personages. The goblin is occasionally shutting its eyes still, not so much from being dazzled as to assist in recalling something; some of what he says he recites in an almost sing-song voice.
A goblin in the rumpled robes of a desert traveller happens to arrive at this most sacred of moments, leading his gecko mount. He has to shield his eyes carefully for a moment from the brillant flash of the ritual. After that he spends a while blinking, dazed. If I find myself using this goblin much more, I may spin off a separate alias for him. ![]()
You have a problem.
Make of that what you will; Poetry can take that anywhere that she wants... It could be related to one of the current arcs, or something completely different. ![]()
Grumbling slightly at the early morning return of the travelers so soon after sunrise, the goblins rouse themselves, and start to clear up. There are many squabbles over who has 'borrowed' someone else's sword, and complaints about mushroom wine the previous night, as they clear up, and regird themselves.
Goblins arrive and begin to scavenge items of wreckage from both the palace and (as they occasionally surface in the swamp) from the remains of Club Calistria.
The Runelord marks the final death throes of the Club, and scans the debris for certain signs and portents which he has anticipated will indicate Calistria's frame of mind regarding these events.
The chaos echoes and whirls, scattering random fragments to different parts of other threads. The plot of land where the Messageboard Oracle was buried and anything that was nearby to that disappears to a private location of the Runelord's choosing. Lightning and fire strobe through the remaining debris - an eerie echo of the lights that used to twirl and spin over club-goers - as the club subsides and thrashes into a maelstrom of final dissolution. ![]()
Spring break? That sounds a distinctly US institution, and I post from the UK....
A portal rips open in the air - the result of ancient and powerful Thassilonian magic - and dozens of goblins begin to tumble through, shouting and screaming. A couple of them set up a booth where the others start tossing aside their weapons and armour, before running towards the pools shouting something about a 'summer holiday'. A couple of them have buckets brim full of lobsters which they start to toss to the octopus if he surfaces... ![]()
The goblin gives an annoyed grunt. Uggh. I think I must have the wrong oasis. There were supposed to be heroes in these parts trying to save one of their friends from themself. He turns the gecko around and heads back out into the desert, singing as he goes. 'Angel from the future realm,
Riding with a banjo and no hope for a friend,
Yes the pain it is so hard to bear,
Riding with a banjo and no hope for a friend,