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1 post. Organized Play character for zauriel56.

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So I'm set to do a Strength of thousands game and was wanting a thematic build for a half-orc magus who brawls with his fists. Was gonna go with unsponsored background and take intimidating glare, fangs, and the feat from mwangi expanse book for orcs. Any suggestions?

looking for a feat for a character designed to take a hit and deal damage, with a little talking ability.

dex- 12
con- 13
int- 8
wis- 12
cha- 12
but not locked in yet


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Anyone else lost hope that the additional resources will be updated BEFORE 2nd edition?
They updated in September but that didn't even get the caught all the way up. I personally prefer 1e of over the playtest so far, and am a little annoyed that it seems like the society staff ignores completely what is there main moneymaker currently, for R&D on their next product. When the company that shall not be named switched from 4th to 5th,they stopped making rules for 4th and focused entirely on 5th.
Paizo on the other hand, seems to ignore the fact that they still have a little left in the tank for 1e while putting everything into 2nd.
I know Starfinder society staff is probably smaller by comparison. only putting out a book each quarter I believe, Thursty seems to be upset if things aren't updated within a month of release. There seems to be little communication between pfs staff and the people who play other than saying soon.
Am I out of line or is this a little ridiculous?

so I saw the allegro spell and noticed it isnt on any spell list. is this a typo or am i missing something?

I'm working on a build of a shifter whose first aspect is wolverine and focuses on staying up and not dying. I'm thinking of doing for feats

Shifter 1st level- weapon focus(claws)
Unbreakable figher 1st total 2nd B - Endurance B- Diehard
Shifter 2nd total 3rd- power attack
Shifter 4th total 5th- wild vigor
Shifter 6th total 7th- toughness

Should I take some intimidation stuff as well?
or should I go unchained barbarian for the rest?
trying to just figure how I can block/absorb as much damage as possible and still survive. I know I ll need a way of getting energy resistances and some dr as well.

In order to use a fusion do you have to have a weapon crystal? And can weapon crystals be made from special materials? Solarian weapons and crystals just seem like they need more clarification.

Two things, does a fusion work only on a Solarian crystal, or does it also affect the solar weapon?
I invested in charisma before soul fire was a thing so I have one of those and was also thinking of getting a merciful fusion, holy fusion and/ or invigorating fusion but was wondering if there were any must have fusions for a Solarian.


So I'm playing a character that I will change race boons, but I was wanting to use a race admittance boon on said character that was gained through playing a scenario.

I played a night in night arch, and got a half-orc admittance boon, then played Live! Exploration, Extreme!and got the dwarf admittance boon. The character I made as a half- orc actually works better as a dwarf. Can I use the dwarf boon I gained as a half-orc to change to a dwarf or would this cause a time-space paradox. so would
it be better to just rework the half-orc since it hasnt played at level 2 yet to a soldier and start the dwarf brand new?

Is there somewhere it states how much ammunition can an oil be applied to? If I have an oil of bless weapon can it only be applied to 1 arrow, 50 arrows or some other number? I know it says weapon touched in spell description but I thought ammunition was different than a weapon.

if you need a a light spell of equal or higher level to get rid of deeper darkness, why do ppl always talk about a heightened continual flame? wouldnt this just get rid of it once? how do u deal with a creature that has it multiple times a day? wouldnt you need a continual flame heightened to a 4th level spell to overcome and suppress any future deeper darkness?

Was wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good bag. For dice binders, markers, pens & paper and the like. I like the idea of buying something that is called a handy haversack or bag of holding cuz i like supporting those who are a part of the gamer lifestyle, doesnt have to be tho but would make paying a little more for it easier. I liked the look of the leather adventurer's bag from thinkgeek but sadly they dont sell it anymore.

I know offworld designs makes a "Handy haversack" and thinkgeek makes a backpack of holding but wasnt sure how good they were, anyone who has one of these, please let me know if they are any good.

doesnt have to be a gamer lifestyle bag as long as its good tho, and if this is wrong forum, sorry! dont come to this section alot.

I want to play a worshipper of Zon-Kuthon who gives allies betrayal feats but wasn’t sure what class would work best for it. I don’t want for him to use on allies. I want my character to tank essentially the damage as much as possible.


is it possible to retrain a theme in organized play? I have a solarion who is a priest of sarenrae who i want to be a solar disciple but he is 3rd level.

I know its been done before/ asked about many times, but since its unlikely anything new will come out in terms of making it easier to make ironman, I am starting a rise of the runelord campaign and want to play Tony Stark/Ironman.

Stats are


I can probably move the stats around but I'd like to keep cha and int as is.

I was thinking arcanist and work towards getting create construct and making construct armor, as well as using a few levels of occultist to pick up some implements and maybe even make it a battle host with full plate since ideally you have numerous armors for different occasions.

traits would be spark of creation, deft dodger, and scholar of the ancients.

first exploit would be the sonic blast exploit to mimic his hand blasters, or the force missile.

my grippli shaman/medium needs feats for legendary influence. he has weapon finesse already and i was thinking for archmage and hierophant i would take expanded arcana, and the guardian saving shield, champion piranha strike, and no idea for trickster. tips, tricks, or recommendations?

mechanic, envoy, or technomancer? envoy seems almost too poetic, technomancer for all the magic missiles, or a gearhead witchwyrd just seems funny.

also not sure about themes.

It says in the weapon crystal section it needs a crystal to be magic. But can it otherwise affect incorporeals? Couldn't find anything on it. Should I assume no?


Is there a map that shows what areas fall into what mega region? I live in Virginia which I thought got the witchwyrd and other one I can’t think of that use staves and are NE. But for a local (in-state) con I was told we get space cows. And I wanted a witchwyrd...

so i've decided to make my first dedicated archer, and can't decide whether I should become an arcane archer or not.

I was thinking slayer archer with a focus on sniping, but not sure. is there an all over archer guide somewhere? if i do dip into an arcane caster it will be an empyreal blooded sorcerer mainly for gravity bow and abundant ammunition.

the +6 BAB requirement means 7th level entrance at the earliest and just not sure if its worth it. I know prestige classes generally arent but wasnt sure if it was especially bad or something.

need some advice, I have a boon for a samsaran and I have decided to make a mystic theurge with it.

should i go arcanist or wizard? is that one level earlier spellcasting
higher spells really worth it?

and what spells should I pull for mystic past life? I was thinking of pulling from the paladin list but not certain, what spells are on spell lists that shaman and arcanists/wizards don't get?


has it? if so how can i get one? if someone has one, would they be willing to part with it?

does raging song count as bardic performance and rage for purposes of prerequisites?

me and a buddy were gonna do half-orc buddies, one a warpriest and one a skald, but I wanted to know if raging song met prerequisites for rage.

during a game me and my VC were joking around about Hans and Franz as characters then we were like, what would they be? We re confident they would worship kurgess, and would pump up the girly men! Originally the thought was a inquisitor or warpriest of Kurgess and a bloodrager, but I started thinking, if they are gonna "Pump up the girly men", then one should be a skald and the other a divine buffer of some sort. I figure they both need 18s in str or better.


what are the rules on reflavoring for pfs? or where can i find them? want a dove familiar for a chosen one paladin of Sarenrae

so I wanna make the dwarfiest dwarf I can for PFS, but I'm unsure of how to do it.

I'm thinking straight fighter, with toughness, power attack and steel soul, but other than that no idea. oh and glory of old.

only racial weapons or hammers for melee. I was considering Alkenstar fortress armor from adventurer's armor 2.

not sure if i want a dorn-dergar, or something else but I like the idea of using a razor war-shield.

any suggestions for the dwarfiest dwarf ever? a dwarf that torag looks at and goes "now that's a dwarf!"

I want him to be melee focused but have options for ranged, whether it be a thrown weapon or a crossbow or maybe even a gun, NO BOWS! Those are for those knife eared elves.


what is it?

getting a vanaran boon and in the spirit of the monkey king, what feats make sense in PFS? for ability scores i was thinking

Str- 12
dex- 16
con- 14
wis- 16

the only problem is that quarterstaves arent finessable. should i just say screw the quarterstaff and focus on unarmed strikes?

i was thinking weapon finesse but not really sure what else.

working on fleshing out an ironman concept, by making him an occultist and UMDing a scroll of possess object and/or object possession.

the question is how do I get my armor to have better physical scores?
according to bestiary 1 its got a 14 str and 10 dex as standard.


so i was wondering what ideas you had for character concepts that have goals that dont necessarily clash with current factions but dont mesh either.
I've always thought that a generic druid doesnt really fit in with any faction. There goals are to protect nature and that fits perfectly in a faction that could be established by Green Faith in the Society, it doesnt go against their views.


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What I'm looking for is fully made statted out characters for each race and class in a vanilla sense (using only hardback books)

So all races as a barbarian with no archetypes at level 1.
All races as a bard with no archetypes at level 1.
All races as a cleric with no archetypes at level 1.

So on and so forth.
I know spell casters can be harder to do because of class features such as wizard schools, sorcerer bloodlines, and oracle mysteries for example. I'm really just curious if they exist. I would like to see how each race approaches each class in a general sense.I know something's will be rarer than other's (gnome barbarian vs. a half-orc barbarian)
I don't think most of the ACG would be relative except say swashbuckler maybe?

I'm thinking of this as an exercise to open up options for players familiar with a fantasy setting but not necessarily with pathfinder.

Say someone really wants to play a half-orc barbarian but don't have time to build it or a gnome wizard, a halfling rogue, these are iconic of the genre but not of pathfinder. Some might say play an iconic, I just would like to give options to more informed potential players rather than saying "you wanna play a ranger? No you really don't..."

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A guide to Familiars (a work in progress)

This is my first attempt at a guide, and has been a long time that i've worked on it. Still plan on doing a section on archetypes for familiars.

so the concept i have is a free runner meleer, I want to get at least 40 feet of movement and would rather not have to take fleet for it. i figure i ll go into darechaser from paths of the righteous
this is what i was thinking without items.

Unnamed Hero
Half-orc brawler 5/darechaser 6 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Paths of the Righteous 10, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 23)
NG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +16
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +3 dodge)
hp 108 (11d10+38)
Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +8
Speed 50 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +12/+7/+2 (1d8+9) or
unarmed strike flurry of blows +10/+10/+5/+0 (1d8+9)
Special Attacks brawler's flurry, brawler's strike (magic), close weapon mastery, knockout 1/day (DC 15), maneuver training (grapple +1), martial flexibility 5/day
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +11; CMB +11 (+12 grapple); CMD 30 (31 vs. grapple)
Feats Athletic, Improved Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Toughness, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
Traits indomitable faith, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +25 (+29 to maintain balance, +39 to jump), Climb +23 (+27 to checks without rope), Escape Artist +4, Perception +16, Ride +4, Swim +22; Racial Modifiers +1 Acrobatics, +1 Climb
Languages Common, Orc
SQ adrenaline deed, adrenaline deeds (impossible speed, powerful leaper, untouchable), adrenaline rush, brawler's cunning, dare +1d8, martial training, orc blood, reckless climber
Other Gear lamellar (leather) armor[UC], 90 gp
Special Abilities
Adrenaline Deed (Ex) When using adrenaline rush, can apply extra effect.
Adrenaline Deed (Impossible Speed) +20 Increase base speed when in adrenaline rush.
Adrenaline Deed (Powerful Leaper) Always running for jump and 3x normal bonus when jumping when in adrenaline rush.
Adrenaline Deed (Untouchable) +2 Gain dodge bonus to AC when in adrenaline rush.
Adrenaline Rush +3 (16 rounds/day) (Ex) Free action, gain bonus to some skills and attr checks. Can spend rage rds, and fatigued at end.
Brawler's Cunning (Ex) Count as Int 13 for the purpose of combat feat pre-requisites.
Brawler's Flurry +9/+9/+4/-1 (Ex) Can make full attack & gain two-wep fighting, but only with unarmed strike, close, or monk wep.
Brawler's Strike (magic) (Ex) Unarmed strikes overcome DR as various things.
Close Weapon Mastery (Ex) Weapons of the close group deal dam as unarmed strike at -4 levels.
Dare +1d8 (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 rd of adrenaline to add die to d20 roll. Extra effect if bonus makes diff.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Knockout (1/day, DC 15) (Ex) Declare before attack, if hit then foe is unconscious 1d6 rds (Fort neg), resave each rd.
Maneuver Training
Martial Flexibility (move action, 5/day) (Ex) As a Move action, gain a combat feat for 1 min. More gained for greater actions.
Martial Training (Ex) Brawler levels count as fighter/monk levels for feat/item pre-reqs and effects.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Reckless Climber +4 racial bonus to Climb without robe, Acrobatics checks to maintain balance.


is there one or am i forced to use ghost salt blanches for 1 hit or 10 arrows?

its a one pound ranged weapon, that can be used in melee. it falls into the light blades category according to a paizo blog post which i will get a link for if necessary. I know it doesn't say it can be used with weapon finesse but idk if it was an over sight or if its too awkward to use like that.

I know generally prestige classes arent as good as straight regular classes, but bear with me here.

i don't know all the sneak attack rules, so idk if the concealment a dusk knight gains from smiting would allow a crimson templar to sneak attack or not, but the archetype and prestige class seem like they go together thematically. what else should be done to make this a good build?

I want a thematic build here but also want it to be effective

what are some spells like barbed chains which always makes an opponent shaken. what are some spells with an effect that goes off even if there is a save, not just damage tho.

Do these two classes mesh well enough to make a decent character concept? I know dragon disciple is pretty good on its own but is all the stuff you give up for skald worth it?

I want to make a character who is an Inquisitor of zon-kuthon who gives allies betrayal feats so his HP gets lower, I know of the deathless feat chain but are there any feats or class abilities or even traits that give u bonuses the lower your HP is? The character doesn't have to be straight Inquisitor.

i'd like to make a kitsune vigilante stalker who will wear sleeves of garments to constantly blend in to new environments. He'll have realistic likeness and probably weapon finesse but beyond that I'm not sure where to take things. any ideas or recommendations?

I remember there was a way of disabling a golem with a dust or powder or something. Anyone know what I'm thinking of?

I want to play a dimensional dervish who starts out as warpriest 2 so he can cast divine favor and shield of faith as swift actions or cure light wounds if need be. Moves into wizard with teleportation subschool, arcane bond a masterwork weapon.

Stats before racial adjustments
Str- 14
Dex- 12
Con- 14
Int- 14
Wis- 12
Cha- 11

I was considering dual-talented because I'm not sure what feats to take, I have an additional +2 to a stat that can go on the racial +2 as well, meaning I can use my human +2 for strength and this other +2 for strength for a net of 4 or it can be used in another stat.

So here are the questions, what schools should I ban or should I go universalist instead of teleportation? Where should my +2s go? And feats to take and which ones to retrain for dimensional dervish line? What dirty and blessings should I take? Character is also gonna be NG or CG. I was thinking luck,travel or protection blessings. And finally what weapon is recommended?

So I was thinking of making a grippli who fights using a net and trident, seems thematic, right?

not sure about stats

Str- 14
Dex- 16
Con- 14
Int- 10
Wis- 12
Cha- 10

i was thinking of going vigilante hangman archetype from horror adventures, so i could grapple and some other stuff with net.

1st level- two-weapon fighting
3rd- net adept
5th- net and trident
7th- net maneuvering
9th- net trickery
11th- ??

any recommendations on vigilante talents?

what exactly are the benefits of having a familiar?

I know you get alertness and can deliver touch spells through them (which doesnt seem like a wise idea for the most part) so is the idea of the idea of a base familiar getting that +2 to a save or +3 to a skill (or health) the reason to get it?

I understand improved familiars get abilities that make them "better" than a standard familiar since you don't get that +2 to a save or +3 to a skill.

I've got a base idea for a guide but I want to make sure I "get" what the familiar is about. For instance, the idea of a small (read size category small) seems like a terrible idea, because if someone realizes its a familiar, it stands a good chance of being attacked. The only "benefit" i could see is that it could possibly flank with you (Read as depends on gm and if you can flank with yourself [which i don't think you can but not sure], I DO NOT WANT THIS STATEMENT TO BE A FOCUS OF THIS TOPIC unless it has to be or there is a ruling somewhere I dont know of [my search-fu is weak])

the guide is an idea i've toyed with awhile, and I just wanna make sure my thoughts are relevant before posting.

so as the title says, I want to make a mystic theurge using a shaman, and was thinking of using either a wizard or arcanist for the arcane casting class.

I'm thinking,

Human with dual talent for
Str- 8
dex- 14
Con- 12
Int- 16 (+2 racial from racial included)
Wis- 16 (+2 racial from racial included)
Cha- 14

I kind of like the idea of the unsworn shaman, and being a veritable swiss army knife deluxe, and i know the wizard is the same, with the arcanist to a lesser extent, but really unsure of what to do to build said character.

Any recommendations for hexes, spells, feats, archetypes, or anything in general?

who would be the best deity mechanically for a skill monkey with deific obedience?

Shelyn and Irori both seem good as they give a bonus to multiple skills, shelyn for craft and perform checks, and irori for knowledges, but I dont have inner Sea faiths to know if there is a better minor deity or not.

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So I was thinking of making a half-elf who can use any skill. Refllexive improvisation gives race trait +2 bonus to all untrained skills, fast learner gives 1 hp and a skill point or an alternate fcb, improvisation increases all untrained skills a +2, and improved improvisation gives an additional +2 for +6 to all untrained skills + ability boni.

So with
Str- 14 (+2 racial bonus) = 16
Dex- 14
Con- 13
Int- 13
Wis- 12
Cha- 12

So all skills get at least +7 at level five (level one fast learner, 3 improvisation, 5 improved improvisation) and u get 4 skill points per level to invest in those skills u want more than a +7 in.

So +11 climb and swim, intimidate +9, knowledge dungeoneering +9

Being "trained" in everything at least gives you the potential to make the skill check and even provide aid when applicable.

And being a fighter you can take weapon focus, power attack or point blank or w/e you want combat wise.

Any suggestions as to what type of weapon to wield that's not too feat intensive or should I go improvised weapon route as well


Are pregens required for the quest scenarios like phantom phenomena and silverhex chronicles?

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