Soulbound Doll (Bear)

Tazera's page

25 posts. 28 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Driftbourne wrote:
Jenny Jarzabski wrote:

Hi! Yes, the page count is correct. Mechageddon! will be moving at a faster pace and use a milestone leveling system like Scoured Stars (however, you could choose to calculate XP normally for your game if that's your group's preference). We wanted to experiment a bit with our first hardcover adventures.

But, experiments are pointless without collecting and analyzing data.
I hope when y'all get a chance to check the book out in a few months, you let us know what you think. Did you enjoy milestone leveling? Do you think the pacing is perfect, or maybe too fast? Do you like the customization and extra content options, or do you need more? Did you make characters that started at level 3, or use existing characters you've played in Starfinder Society or some other campaign? Did the GM create some encounters to level everyone up as a prologue?

Anyway, I can't wait to share Mechageddon! with you SOON. It's my favorite thing I've ever worked on. The team has created an epic story for you and your friends to star in, with plenty of ways built in for you to make it *yours.* I can't wait to hear about what everyone does with it.

My party of all precogs thought you were going to say that so we ran the adventure prerelease and finished it last night. One thing they liked with the quicker pace of leveling up in Mech adventure lets you upgrade your mech to deal with upcome challenges faster. Although most of the party thought the extra content options were great, the shirren in the party wouldn't shut up about wanting more options.

Milestone levelling system doesn't go well with Starfinder, and levelling is going very fast. I'm still not very convinced of the route that Starfinder is taking. I have practically every book that has ever come out, various supplements such as maps, pawns, and various adventure paths (that I DM'ed my players), but as soon as the second edition was announced, I stopped buying any Starfinder-related products. I thought about giving this book one last chance, but I guess I won't.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Very nice story, and so cool to have an iconic character which is not from a core race!


Yeah! Really looking forward for this... My only doubt, many of the playable races included in the Starfinder Alien Character Deck are found on the two Alien Archives... are they going to be included here aswell, or for that you will need the deck mentioned above?

Amazing! We really needed this!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So great to have Starfinder novels by Tim Pratt, but please, one from Amanda Hamon still will be awesome!

I'll go with:

Book 1 - Incident at Absalom Station
Book 4 - The Ruined Clouds
Book 3 - Splintered Worlds
Book 5 - The Thirteenth Gate
Book 2 Temple of the Twelve
Book 6 - Empire of Bones

I would have liked the 6 to give more options like a map or something of the Stellar Degenerator in case the players would like to try to take it. And the Empire of Bones I found a bit lazy in design. More maps, more options and more encounters would have been nice since its exploration feels quite rail-roady.
Same with 2, and open world exploration would have been much nicer rather than a rail-roady one like the one we get.

Anyone knows the sleeve size for these cards?

CorvusMask wrote:
VerBeeker wrote: that I’ve thought about it a bit, what if the enemy is the Sivv?

They made the Stellar Degenerator, which was a weapon of truly colossal and catastrophic proportions. This Devastation Ark could be right up their alley.

Sivv civilization died out due to bankrupting themselves though so having multiple superweapons would be kinda weird. Plus its wasn't outright stated they were evil and warmongering, the war with kishalee just escalated a looooooot and they were desperate to end the centuries long war.

If I remember correctly, it is stated that the kishalee were finally defeated by an unnamed warmongering race (not the sivv, exactly)... Could be this one? I think I'll continue my Dead Suns campaign with this AP

So excited about this one!!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi, I'm planning to run this Adventure Path, however I don't see much fan content for it... Does anybody know if it is possible to find maps for this AP, probably not like the ones for RotRL, but at least maybe for the major dungeons? Thanks and happy 20's on the dice ;)

GM Facepalm wrote:
Jazlizard wrote:

It came together. Had to take a break from gaming for a while. Once we started up again, my group is , well slow!

We only play once a week, but it good times.

Most folks probably forgot about this thread already, but for those still playing. Hope these help.


Ravenscraeg Cliff Level

Ravenscraeg Upper Levels

Ravenscraeg Dungeon Level 1

Ravenscraeg Dungeon Level 2

I didn't make the funeral ship, Asvig's farm, or the Rimerunners guild hall as I thought the maps in the book were fairly decent and just enlarged them for my purposes.

I sent you a pm if you are available to talk more about maptools.

Hi, Links are dead. I'm planning to run this Adventure Path, any idea where I coud find the maps?

Askren wrote:

I've been re-making some of my maps for Jade Regent to use on my livestream of the AP. Here's the first few I've got used:

Brinestump Marsh Witch's Map

Brinestump Marsh Cave

Licktoad Village

I've got more in the works, though the rest of the Brinestump re-makes will take time as I'm past that segment. Also these might change slightly in the future, but the links will always be the updated versions

Hi, it seems the links are dead, and I'm really interested in those maps ;)

I use them a lot... I own the Core Rule Book, Pact Worlds, Alien Archive 1 and 2, an the ones from the Dead Suns campaign. We are already in Book 5, so probably at the end of this campaign. we will start Against the Aeon Throne... however I'm thinking about the Attack of the Swarm... just don't know when the pawns are going to be released and I would prefer to DM that campaign with the panws. So yeah, we print our maps and we use always the pawns, they are nice, easy to transpot and cheaper than miniatures... specially because there are no Starfinder miniatures yet enough for a campaign... But now that the deal with Wizkids is done, I'm going to have to rethink if I want to keep DMing with pawns or miniatures. Personally, I think probably pawns since you can get always exactly the creatures you want.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Our campaign is pretty comedic, a bit on the Guardians of the Galaxy style, but we just love it that way...

No need to fix the Garaggakal. My 4 3rd level players all survived. A hard fight, but they all loved it...

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Really waiting for this book: I love Starfinder and it has become my favorite setting and my favorite system in 30 years that I have been playing rpg's... Keep the good work Paizo!

Thanks, you are awesome! I will be checking with the post mail if the first order still arrives!

Is the 3rd, is night, and my shipment hasn't arrived yet. How do you proceed in these cases since you have no way to track my package?

Hi, I'm writing becuase I have sent emails, and so far, no answer. This is concerning my order 4627020 that was supossed to take maximum 40 days, but now it's been more than 60 days. How should we proceed?

Order 4627020

GameMastery Critical Hit Deck
GameMastery Critical Fumble Deck

Can you do something about this? This was sent to Mexico, not the other side of the world and it has never taken so long

Thanks in advance

Hi, the adress is the one in Mexico :) I'll send you the pictures

But what is your experience as Masters and Players? Did you enjoy them?

Hi Dear Paizo, I'm a loyal customer who had bought all products from Starfinder a nd a good collection of Pathfinder. Prefer to support you buyong the physical book. So I preordered my Starfinder Core Rulebook from Amazon, and the first one that arrived came all damaged from the corners, the modl and with the packaged was badly handled. Well, I received a replacement in September... now, this replacement has many issues. First most of the final pages are missprinted, wrinkled and in bad shape... and now thye binding is fallign apart! they say they can't send a replacement since the order was placed more than 90 days ago. It was a preorder yes, but the replacement came 2 months ago, and I haven't read fast my book to realize all these problems soon enough. With the earthquake we suffered in my city in September and the problems after it I had no time to read my book with my mind in peace.. Please Paizo, I read about the binding problems in the forums and how you been taking care of loyal customers! Help me with this, I need a replacemt :( the book is not cheap, and is not fair Amazon sent a damaged product and now they don't want to take care of this... I do not know what else to do!
> I really hope you can help me with this!
> Thanks in advance

Hi, I have heard a lot about these cards, good an bad for the next reason: do you use them also with the enemies, are they allow to draw tme aswell, let say, just the bosses not the henchmen type, the typical goblin, but instead a Warchief Goblin... or on the other hand, if combined with the Critical Fumble Deck, then just the PC's will use both decks, but not the enemies... How is the way you use them?