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![]() Elemental Rage (Su): While raging, all of the barbarian's melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 points of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). The type is chosen when the barbarian begins her rage. A barbarian must have the lesser elemental rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to select this rage power. Note that the barbarian can still use her lesser elemental rage power while using this rage power, but she must select a different energy type. Is there any reason that one couldn't use a Shock Weapon and add an additional +1d6 Electricity to the attack? So weapon damage +2d6 Electricity? ![]()
![]() "Alignment: Because of their nature as visually duplicitous tricksters, shadowdancers do not fit comfortably into the lawful category, as many use their talents to avoid the eyes of legitimate authority. Yet though they are allies of darkness, shadowdancers are neither inherently evil nor predisposed to good. To them, the darkness is simply the darkness, without any of the usual moral connotations made by the unenlightened." That still means they can be any alignment right? It doesn't flat out say that they cannot be Lawful, but I imagine Lawful Shadowdancers would be rare. ![]()
![]() Drunken Brute Barbarians are known for their ability to consume potent drink, but drunken brutes turn drinking into a combat tactic, using the potent liquor to fuel their rage and grant them additional powers. A drunken brute has the following class feature. Raging Drunk (Ex): While raging, the drunken brute can drink a potion, or a tankard of ale or similar quantity of alcohol, as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A potion has its normal effect, while an alcoholic drink allows the barbarian to maintain her rage that round without expending a round of rage for the day (instead of the alcohol's normal effects). For each alcoholic drink consumed while raging, the barbarian is nauseated for 1 round when her rage expires, in addition to the normal fatigue that follows a rage. Tireless rage does not negate this nauseated condition but the internal fortitude rage power does. This ability replaces fast movement. My question, can a multiclassed Barbarian/Alchemist drink extracts while raging? ![]()
![]() OK, how about if an Oracle wants a familiar, take Eldritch Heritage (Arcane), easy enough. Then Improved Eldritch Heritage, and take the 9th Level Arcane Bloodline power: 'New Arcana (Ex): At 9th level, you can add any one spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list to your list of spells known. This spell must be of a level that you are capable of casting. You can also add one additional spell at 13th level and 17th level.' Did anyone else's brain just melt? 'For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer. You do not gain any of the other bloodline abilities.' 'This spell must be of a level that you are capable of casting.' Technically, is an Oracle capable of casting a Sorcerer/Wizard spell? 'For purposes of using that power, treat your sorcerer level as equal to your character level – 2, even if you have levels in sorcerer.' Help! ;) ![]()
![]() When you buy a donkey or mule for example, is it trained for Riding or Heavy Labour? Is a Riding Dog trained for Riding? Is a Horse trained for Riding or Combat Training? Seems a bit weird that you buy an animal but it knows no tricks at all. Was this ever clarified? A stabler selling animals for mounts wouldn't really be doing his job if he wasn't training them. Also, the loads they carry don't line up with the Strength scores of the animal, the chart was copied from 3.5, which didn't line up either. ![]()
![]() I like the Magus! It certainly will be a nice sub for Bladesingers in my campaign. I'm sure there will be some changes, but it doesn't seem as bad as everyone is saying. Thank Mr. Bulmahn and crew! Seriously, I am not trying to be a suck up or anything, I read through and didn't see this massive list of problems lots of people are seeing. It looks fun and I am looking forward to the finished product. ![]()
![]() OK... I know I using some whacky Eberron stuff in this example, but bear with me: A Warforged armed with an Armbow (+2 Repeating Light Crossbow that can be fired with one hand with no penalty and reloading is a free action). Is in melee with something. Can said creature use a full attack action to slam the target in melee (at -5 for using a natural attack in combination with a weapon attack in a full attack action), 5' step back and fire off a full attack's worth of bolts with its Armbow? There has to be some other situations where combining a natural melee attack with a 5' step and continue with ranged attacks might come up. Any thoughts? ![]()
![]() Personally, I like the name Magus, but onto something I'm hoping they add. Chronomancy/Time Magic! I know it's hard to deal with sometimes, but I was quite surprised that there was no subdomain/focused school called Time. Maybe an Oracle Foci? Something hopefully. Has anyone else been hoping for this kind of thing? Still, one heck of a book the APG... :) ![]()
![]() I am just trying to figure out a good way (as a DM) to help a player who wants to play a Centaur. They honestly don't seem over-powered (a lot more disadvantages than advantages), but there would be some sort of level-adjustment I'm assuming. Is there any 'official' way to make one? And if not, any suggestions as to an 'unoffical' idea? ;) ![]()
![]() OK, a Horse in the Bestiary has a Strength of 16, and a Heavy Horse (according to the 'Advanced Simple Temple') has a Strength of 20. Now, look at Table 7-9 on Page 174 of the Core Rules. The only way the Light Horse and Heavy Horse should have those weight limits are if they have Str 14 and Str 16, respectively. So, which Strength/table is correct? And let's not get into the fact a Heavy Horse has an Intelligence of 6 if we are to use the 'Advanced Simple Template'. |