Intellect Devourer

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 132 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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I own well over 200 boardgames and I have many favorites. I own all but one on the list. I will list the current ones that are pulled out to play the most recently, but are not necessarily my favorites. That is the way board games work. Some are just more appealing and playable by a wide variety of gamers.

Ticket to Ride - This one has been pulled out quite often lately after a lull in playing. It is easy to play, has a reasonable amount of strategy and does not take too long to finish.

Pandemic - This is one of the first cooperative board games that we have enjoyed. The strategy involved and a choices to be made are interesting.

Neuoshima Hex! - This is a fun strategy game. Very high in placement stragety, but your units and actions are pulled randomly. I think we are starting to get bored of this because that random draw can really screw you in the game. It may be that we are just not good enough to deal with a bad random draw yet.

Twilight Imperium - While this has not been brought out recently this is a fan favorite for the serious gamers. This game has depth, but not too hard to figure out which is a difficult thing to do in a board game. Everyone enjoys it when we bring it out and it is talked about when we don't. Its only downfall is the lenght of time it takes to set up and the long playing time. You have to commit some time to playing this game, which is not usually a problem except we want to play other games too.

Cutthroat Caverns - Just evil fun!

Battlore - Just a well done game. It does not get taken out often though because of the set up.

Tomb - The rules are a little confusing (AEG), but we have had fun playing this. It might get old though.

Twilight Struggle - 2 player, but a lot of fun.

Power Grid - Math heavy, but fun. The games are always really close and a dollar here or there decides the game.

Acquire - Everyone should own this.

For Sale - A cool bidding game. Easy and quick.

Wizard - A trump, trick taking game. Our family likes to play card games.

Games we do not like:
Puerto Rico - None of us liked this game.
A Game of Thrones - While I think this game is interesting no one else does so I never get to play it.
Runebound - This game just gets tedious and boring after awhile. We used to play it a lot. The only way to keep it fresh is to buy new supplements for it. Really not interested enough to keep spending money on it though.
Descent - I just dont like this game. I could go on a long rant about why I do not, but I do not want to waste anyones time. Most people I know dislike it as well, but not as much as me.

Dark Archive

My wife and I are here. Arrived a hour or so ago. Time to get some rest. Long drive from So. Cal.

Dark Archive

I had the same problem and am also concerned. I will try to submit again.

Dark Archive

After I read this thread I did some research on DragonQuest and it looked very interesting. I found a copy at Nobleknight to purchase and received it in the mail yesterday. This is an intriguing game. Not sure I like how the rules are organized, but it is very well written. I am still trying to wrap my head around resolving various actions in the game, but I just started reading.

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:

We've decided that a lottery is the way to go. You'll have a few days to tell us which events you'd like to be entered into the lottery for, and you can give different weights to different events. And for those of you who are coming with family or friends, you'll be able to specify a buddy, and we'll make sure we keep you and your buddy together.

Our lottery will seek to maximize the number of different people who get into events, as opposed to having lucky people who get into every event and unlucky people who miss out on everything.

If there are any slots open after the lottery, we'll open up remaining seats on a first-come, first-serve basis.

In this "lottery" scenario could it happen that you do not get any of the things you really want? Lets say that I want to go to 5 events and put a heavy weight on one of them and do not get it. Then the other 4 events I designate a lower weight to and do not get into those because other people wanted into those 4 events more? Maybe since you did not provide details it has confused me.

Dark Archive

Joela you must go. Us SoCal people must represent!

I will probably stop by Strategicon for one day, but I stay away from ComicCon despite being fairly close to it. ComicCon is awesome, but the crowds are ridiculous.

Hope to see you at PaizoCon! ;)

Dark Archive

Using Fantasy Grounds and ventrilo. Was using skype, but for some reason my brothers computer did not like Fantasy Grounds and skype running together.

We may have figured out the problem, but we are sticking with ventrilo now.

Dark Archive

I really appreciate this thread for its thoughtfullness.

I saw Lejendary Adventure mentioned earlier I believe, which is Gygax's most recent RPG.

With what I think the definition of GN is based on this thread, I believe Lejendary Adventure(LA) is a return to GN. Beast of Lejend is very similar to early D&D monster books. The Lejendary Earth campaign setting is very much like original Greyhawk.

Since LA is not a level based system I think this idea of GN fits even better with it.

I have not really compared and contrasted the early D&D adventures with the LA adventures, but LA adventures are a little more sophisticated. However I think they fit into the GN theory nicely.

The LA rules are very simple, but as written are very difficult to understand. The few of us that tried to figure them out by talking to Gary and the rest of the LA community, the rules became very easy to understand. Anyone who enjoys the GN style I believe would love LA.

For anyone that does not already own them they are currently out of print and it has been recently announced that Mongoose will be reprinting them in June 2009.

It is the game I am playing until Pathfinder RPG is completed and I will probably switch between the two once it does.

I will send some more thougtful people than myself from the LA community over here to see if they can add to the thread in a meaningful way.

Dark Archive

A good DM is one that you forget he/she is actually DMing a game.

Dark Archive

Lisa Stevens wrote:

Those "chunks" that you are seeing are called signatures. It is how all books are made. Basically, the signatures are 16-pages in length. Most of the time you can't see them because in a perfect binding, the edges get removed. But in a Smythe binding, they are actually sewn together and adhered to a strong clothe binding. So the signatures are more visible.


Now that I have inspected it closer and messed around with the book I agree that the binding of the pages is definetly superior to other hardbacks I own. The books opens up so nicely like the other poster said. I am now wishing all hardbacks were like this. Hopefully the Pathfinder RPG will be like this too.

Having said that it seems like there could be a problem for some that the binding could detach from the glued part. I have not seen that at all with mine so far. The way it was glued makes the ToC page and very last advertisement page sit funny when opened to those pages because it is glued up high to the blank page it is attached to. So the binding is not glued to that last blank yellow page but instead the ToC and last page are glued to it instead. So there appears to be one small strip of glue on either side holding the pages there and that is how the binding is staying in place.

Dark Archive

I am in Southwest Riverside County near Temecula. Is that too far you think?

Dark Archive

Mosaic wrote:

Books seem to be bound in 8-page chunks and my brand new, Pathfinder Campaign Setting book just split better pages 16 and 17, right at the edge of those chunks. Now it open all the way to the outside spine cover. I've been reading it a lot, but I haven't been laying it down open and I haven't even really spent much time in the races section where it split.

#1 - I hope this is just a fluke affecting my book as opposed to a problem with the binding of lots of books, but I wanted to bring it up just in case.

#2 - Is this a returnable issue, i.e., does this rise to the level of asking for a new one from Paizo? At first I was thinking I could just live with it, but it is a brand new, $50 book.


The binding is a little weird on mine as well but I have not had any splitting yet. Like you say it does seem to be bound in chunks. I have only opened it a few times so far though.

Dark Archive

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Yep. Typical Pathfinder deities. See: Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting.

You might want to add to the rules to refer to the Campaign Setting for deities and domains. I know a few people that will not have the Campaign Setting when we start and may be confused on what to do.

Dark Archive

Will RPGXplorer have a Pathfinder RPG data set when in comes out August 09? I really like RPGXplorer and would not want to have to stop using it when I switch to Pathfinder.

Dark Archive

Yes, the cover art for this book is the best of all I have seen for Pathfinder so far. More art like this! All the other art is good too, but there is something about this cover that beats all the rest easily.

Dark Archive

It has been about 15-16 business days since I have placed this order and it has still not shipped out. I noticed that another one of the products in this order (kobold raiders) has moved to the currently unavailable status. I was wondering if this was holding up the order. If so, then please delete it because I believe it needs to be deleted either way.

Thank You.

Dark Archive


Dark Archive

NSTR wrote:
It may have been missed, but could you also cancel the item that changed its status to backorder from my order #979352.

Pandemic still needs to be removed from the above order #979352. When I placed the order it showed you had them, but later the product went into backorder status. Since Pandemic is now being reprinted I assume you will not be getting any for a long while and at the earliest sometime in August.

I placed another order today and triple checked all the products and they all said 5-11 business days, so I am hoping they stay that way.

Dark Archive

It may have been missed, but could you also cancel the item that changed its status to backorder from my order #979352.

I am hoping that order #966852 is going out today because it is now the 16th business day since I placed the order. Also, since one of the items had to be cancelled bringing the order total below $100, would that negate the shipping discount?

Dark Archive

It looks like you are going to have to remove an item that is "currently unavailable" from order #982189. Obviously I could not have placed that in my cart/order if it had that status. So that must have changed after the order.

Dark Archive

Please remove the backordered item from that order. They keep on pushing back the reprint date of that game. I think it is supposed to come out in August now, but it is pushed back every month.

Thank You.

Dark Archive

I see that you cancelled the item but the other items have still not shipped.

Also I am 99% sure when I made the order nothing was on backorder. I now see on my other order that one of the items is listed as backorder and I am 100% sure it was not a backorder item when I originally ordered it.

I am starting to lose confidence in buying anything, but Paizo products, from Paizo.

The very lengthy time it takes to ship items that are in your "warehouse" and still have difficulty getting items even after that length of time is troubling.

However, I will say that everyone is nice and takes care of issues fairly promptly in customer service which I completely appreciate.

EDIT: Oh, and one of the other emails I sent was about the Pathfinder Advantage discount not being applied to order #979352.

Dark Archive

Cosmo wrote:
If you would like, I can set this item to ship separately so we can the remainder shipped out to you as soon as possible. There will be a separate shipping and handling fee associated with the separate shipment. Otherwise the entire order will await the arrival of the backordered item. We do not currently have an estimate for when it will be available again. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

Go ahead and just remove the item and send the rest. I can always just reorder it when it comes back in.

Is it feasible to add it to order #979352 and see if it comes in by the time that order is ready to be shipped out? If this will be too much hassle and will possibly hold up the other order then just removing it from the order would probably be for the best.

Dark Archive

Thank you for the reply. Everyone over there works too hard. What happens when someone gets sick or something . . .

Dark Archive

I have 3 emails out to you guys with no response. One from June 23, June 27, and yesterday.

Also order #966852 appears it should have been sent by now. The order was placed on June 14th and at the time of the order the most any product said was 11 days before it was shipped.

Dark Archive

Orcus speaks of Pathfinder ToH

Post #64

Dark Archive

The wish may come true because on ENWorld Orcus stated that he probably would be anouncing a Pathfinder ToH.

Orcus speaks of Pathfinder ToH

Post #64

EDIT: Linky

Dark Archive

I am in for a Guide to Kaer Maga!

Dark Archive

This book is no longer listed as a preorder so I suspect they finally got it in. Can't wait!

Dark Archive

So... is there another week of customs in this books future. Really getting impatient about reading the Gazetter. Do not get me wrong about wanting this book too, but I am already behind in reading the Planet Stories.

Dark Archive

Design Focus Skills Thread

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

There is one simple reason the skill point system needs an overhaul. It makes a GMs job nightmarish at times. From the players point of view, any system is not really that difficult, as they are only minor adjustments over numerous levels, but from the GMs side, these are ever shifting variables that require a great deal of work every week to manage.

Take the following examples...

1 - Add 8 levels of ranger to a troll. Make sure to account for the upgrade to the elite array (which might affect Int).

2 - Build the skills for the following character: Rogue 2/Wizard 6/Fighter 2/Arcane Archer 4. Remember that the character's Int score increased from 14 to 15 at 4th, and to 16 at 8th.

3 - Build a party of rival 9th level adventurers to challenge the PCs. Aside from equipment (which I will get to in a later release), the skills are going to be the time consuming component.

Remember that a GM might have to tackle these problems once a week during game prep. If we can change the system to one that takes even half the time to work out, we will allow GMs to spend a lot more time coming up with fun games and a lot less time doing tedious math.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Keep Skill Points Thread

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

- I too, like the flexibility of skill points as a player. From a GMs perspective though, they can be a bit of a nightmare, especially at higher levels. This was the primary reason the ranks were pulled.

- We also changed to the selection system to give some of the "lower skill progression" classes a bit of a boost. 20th level fighters tend to be great at just two skills, and completely untrained in all the rest. Although this eats into the rogue role a bit, we added to its role in other ways to balance.

- There was a thought in earlier notes of allowing you to "split a selection" to get two skills at a lower bonus (1/2 level + ability mod or 1/4 for cross class) to represent a sort of Hobby skills.

- There was also a variant that gave you a pair of Hobby skills directly that had to be chosen from a set list (craft, profession, perform, etc) that represented training and dabbling in non-adventuring skills.

- In the end there was one other problem I want to bring up that led to the change. If you wanted to be truly good at specific skills, you pretty much had to max ranks, meaning that this system and the old were pretty similar (in the end). If you split up your points, it took quite some time to have any real proficiency (this is a thin arguement, I know, but it is true for a number of skills, not all though). In the end, it seemed simpler just to assume max and give you more skills to play with.

Thoughts? I am not set on this decision, but I do like it right now. I just wanted to give you all a few extra nuggets to chew on. Please continue...

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Dark Archive

Exactly what PsychicRobot & Seeker said and I would add that there is nothing realistic about getting a few skill ranks to put into whatever you like when 99% of the games I have played in or ones I have watched, the characters did not do any in game things to earn greater ability in the skills they put those ranks into. To me there is not much difference then between placing skill points at each level and getting a maxed out skill at various levels.

I will point out though that I have liked the Hybrid system the best so far that was in the [Design Focus] Skills thread. Maybe some slight variations would be it better too.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

4. Hybrid System: In this system, characters would get a number of skill ranks equal to the number of skill choices granted by the Skills chapter of the Pathfinder RPG. Skill ranks granted by the first level of your class must be spent on class skills. Skill ranks granted after first level and those granted by a high Intelligence score at first level could be spent on any skill. Instead of the class skill/cross-class skill distinction, your bonus in a skill would be determined in the following method.

0 ranks – Untrained: Bonus = ability modifier + racial modifiers (or modifiers)
1 ranks – Trained: Bonus = 1/2 your character level + modifiers
2 ranks – Skilled: Bonus = your character level + modifiers
3 ranks – Expert: Bonus = your character level + 3 + modifiers
4 ranks – Master: Bonus = your character level +6 + modifiers

There are a few additional rules to go with this. At first level, you can have no skill higher than 2 ranks (or the skilled level).

Dark Archive

Exactly what they said and I would add that there is nothing realistic about getting a few skill ranks to put into whatever you like when 99% of the games I have played in or ones I have watched, the characters did not do any in game things to earn greater ability in the skills they put those ranks into. To me there is not much difference then between placing skill points at each level and getting a maxed out skill at various levels.

I will point out though that I have liked the Hybrid system the best so far that was in the [Design Focus] Skills thread. Maybe some slight variations would be it better too.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

4. Hybrid System: In this system, characters would get a number of skill ranks equal to the number of skill choices granted by the Skills chapter of the Pathfinder RPG. Skill ranks granted by the first level of your class must be spent on class skills. Skill ranks granted after first level and those granted by a high Intelligence score at first level could be spent on any skill. Instead of the class skill/cross-class skill distinction, your bonus in a skill would be determined in the following method.

0 ranks – Untrained: Bonus = ability modifier + racial modifiers (or modifiers)
1 ranks – Trained: Bonus = 1/2 your character level + modifiers
2 ranks – Skilled: Bonus = your character level + modifiers
3 ranks – Expert: Bonus = your character level + 3 + modifiers
4 ranks – Master: Bonus = your character level +6 + modifiers

There are a few additional rules to go with this. At first level, you can have no skill higher than 2 ranks (or the skilled level).

Dark Archive

pres man wrote:
Heaven's Agent wrote:
Best hold your accolades until next release; we've been told the skill system has been changed, but there as been no elaboration as to what extent.
If you look at the blog post about the barbarian, it looks like she is using skill points.

I do not know why you think it is skill points that have created those stats. A hybrid system could just as easily create those skills. The only thing it could not be is the current alpha system.

Dark Archive

Both Open Locks and Sleight of Hand were both dexterity based skills in 3.5. The description of open lock was picking padlocks, finesse comibination locks, and solve puzzle locks. To me this description describes a dexterity based skill.

Disable Device states you can examine a fairly simple or fairly small mechancial device and disable it. This reads to me as intelligence based and figuring things out.

Also, I think you have to take into serious consideration that this is a game and when it really comes down to it almost none of these skills are realistic. Most of these skills require various ablities not just one. Also the skills are not very accurate to how they work in the real world. I think you would have to look at this from a game balance perspective mainly and then also make sure it is somewhat reasonably believable when all is said and done.

If none of those opinions makes you feel better in one of the numerous skill ranks threads Jason did mention that he was going to probably change theft and disable device, so the ones that want it changed will probably get that. I can not find the thread where he said it now though. So we all wait for the Pathfinder Skill revamp. Hope it comes out soon.

Dark Archive

Troy Pacelli wrote:
Xyll wrote:
Theft should be a rogue class ability only. Not a skill choice. Their is no spellcasting skill or weapon wielding skill. End of story. No other class should have access to a specially trained subset of theiving abilities.
Excellent point. So a cleric can take Theft as a skill? Even cross-classed, that's pretty absurd.

But rogues do get spellcasting abilities through their talents, minor magic, major magic and dispelling attack.

I am surprised this is an opinion at all given all the skill rank proponents. What happens if I wanted to make another class character that likes to steal things. Why have skills at all then? If you say that rogues should alone get theft as an ability then maybe skills should be removed completely from the game and just integrated into specific class abilities. Rogues are not the only classes that might want to steal. It is no longer called the Thief class for a reason.

There are spellcasting skills which include Knowledge arcana, use magic device, spellcraft, and appraise.

All classes can wield weapons of some kind.

Going a little too far with this I think.

Dark Archive

Cintra Bristol wrote:

The tunnel opens into B5, which is level with the wooden walkway over B6. Therefore, I believe the tunnel doesn't actually enter B6 at all, it dead-ends, but the dead-end happens to be above that particular cell in B6. (But this requires that the ceilings in the cells be lower than the ceilings in the main room - which makes sense, actually.)

I think it probably doesn't matter if the cells are locked or open, since there's nothing of value in them. Either decide they're locked and establish a reasonably low Open Lock DC (since the PCs will probably get annoyed if they waste a lot of time opening them all, and find nothing) or better yet, have a keyring on a hook on the wall somewhere.

B5 is the stariwell in the middle of the catacombs.

The map shows a dashed line under one of the cells in B6 and in the cell there is a brown hole.

The tunnel also goes to B2 and B3. B3 does not make any mention of it, but B2 does.

Dark Archive

Something has always confused me about the Catacombs of Wrath map. The dug out section B1 leads to area B6. I could never figure out how this interacts. Maybe I am missing something. My assumption is that B1 goes under B6 chamber and there is a hole leading up. Once in the cell then are the cells locked? How do they open? I just do not see anywhere this is explained even in passing.

The description of A23 also confused me. I tried to do a quick map of it, but it just was not clear at all. Especially how you eventually get to B1. I have seen some explanations, but it just confused me. I can make that part up though for the most part so it works.

By the way, the links of the GM References for Rise of the Runelords no longer work since the messageboard reorganization. I had to find this thread the hard way.

Dark Archive

Was I the only one that did not get the Catcombs of Wrath in my Map Folio? Also the Seven's Sawmill and The Shadow Clock? Was this on purpose? There might be other missing, but I have not looked thoroughly.

Dark Archive

Design Focus Skills Thread

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

There is one simple reason the skill point system needs an overhaul. It makes a GMs job nightmarish at times. From the players point of view, any system is not really that difficult, as they are only minor adjustments over numerous levels, but from the GMs side, these are ever shifting variables that require a great deal of work every week to manage.

Take the following examples...

1 - Add 8 levels of ranger to a troll. Make sure to account for the upgrade to the elite array (which might affect Int).

2 - Build the skills for the following character: Rogue 2/Wizard 6/Fighter 2/Arcane Archer 4. Remember that the character's Int score increased from 14 to 15 at 4th, and to 16 at 8th.

3 - Build a party of rival 9th level adventurers to challenge the PCs. Aside from equipment (which I will get to in a later release), the skills are going to be the time consuming component.

Remember that a GM might have to tackle these problems once a week during game prep. If we can change the system to one that takes even half the time to work out, we will allow GMs to spend a lot more time coming up with fun games and a lot less time doing tedious math.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Keep Skill Points Thread

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

- I too, like the flexibility of skill points as a player. From a GMs perspective though, they can be a bit of a nightmare, especially at higher levels. This was the primary reason the ranks were pulled.

- We also changed to the selection system to give some of the "lower skill progression" classes a bit of a boost. 20th level fighters tend to be great at just two skills, and completely untrained in all the rest. Although this eats into the rogue role a bit, we added to its role in other ways to balance.

- There was a thought in earlier notes of allowing you to "split a selection" to get two skills at a lower bonus (1/2 level + ability mod or 1/4 for cross class) to represent a sort of Hobby skills.

- There was also a variant that gave you a pair of Hobby skills directly that had to be chosen from a set list (craft, profession, perform, etc) that represented training and dabbling in non-adventuring skills.

- In the end there was one other problem I want to bring up that led to the change. If you wanted to be truly good at specific skills, you pretty much had to max ranks, meaning that this system and the old were pretty similar (in the end). If you split up your points, it took quite some time to have any real proficiency (this is a thin arguement, I know, but it is true for a number of skills, not all though). In the end, it seemed simpler just to assume max and give you more skills to play with.

Thoughts? I am not set on this decision, but I do like it right now. I just wanted to give you all a few extra nuggets to chew on. Please continue...

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

The VAST MAJORITY of opinions on the skill ranks vs. other can be found in the [Design Focus] Skills thread and Keep Skill Points thread. Also there is still room to voice your opinions as well! :)

Dark Archive

I do not think conversion from the new system to the 3.5 skills ranks system will any more difficult then calculating skill ranks in 3.5. If it doesnt bother you in the 3.5 then conversion should be a breeze. :)

Dark Archive

Design Focus Skills Thread

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

There is one simple reason the skill point system needs an overhaul. It makes a GMs job nightmarish at times. From the players point of view, any system is not really that difficult, as they are only minor adjustments over numerous levels, but from the GMs side, these are ever shifting variables that require a great deal of work every week to manage.

Take the following examples...

1 - Add 8 levels of ranger to a troll. Make sure to account for the upgrade to the elite array (which might affect Int).

2 - Build the skills for the following character: Rogue 2/Wizard 6/Fighter 2/Arcane Archer 4. Remember that the character's Int score increased from 14 to 15 at 4th, and to 16 at 8th.

3 - Build a party of rival 9th level adventurers to challenge the PCs. Aside from equipment (which I will get to in a later release), the skills are going to be the time consuming component.

Remember that a GM might have to tackle these problems once a week during game prep. If we can change the system to one that takes even half the time to work out, we will allow GMs to spend a lot more time coming up with fun games and a lot less time doing tedious math.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Keep Skill Points Thread

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

- I too, like the flexibility of skill points as a player. From a GMs perspective though, they can be a bit of a nightmare, especially at higher levels. This was the primary reason the ranks were pulled.

- We also changed to the selection system to give some of the "lower skill progression" classes a bit of a boost. 20th level fighters tend to be great at just two skills, and completely untrained in all the rest. Although this eats into the rogue role a bit, we added to its role in other ways to balance.

- There was a thought in earlier notes of allowing you to "split a selection" to get two skills at a lower bonus (1/2 level + ability mod or 1/4 for cross class) to represent a sort of Hobby skills.

- There was also a variant that gave you a pair of Hobby skills directly that had to be chosen from a set list (craft, profession, perform, etc) that represented training and dabbling in non-adventuring skills.

- In the end there was one other problem I want to bring up that led to the change. If you wanted to be truly good at specific skills, you pretty much had to max ranks, meaning that this system and the old were pretty similar (in the end). If you split up your points, it took quite some time to have any real proficiency (this is a thin arguement, I know, but it is true for a number of skills, not all though). In the end, it seemed simpler just to assume max and give you more skills to play with.

Thoughts? I am not set on this decision, but I do like it right now. I just wanted to give you all a few extra nuggets to chew on. Please continue...

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Dark Archive

I wanted to also mention that for many people skill points did not make the game more fun. I do know for some like Girth skill points does make the game more fun. If an involved skill system does not make the system more fun then change it to making it easier and then more playing and less tracking is the result.

I think it is also very IMPORTANT to remember that you do not have use the new skill system. If you like 3.5 skill points you already have everything you need for it. I am positive there will be conversion notes between the old and new version. Paizo can not change your 3.5 books. If you do not mind the math and tracking of 3.5 skills then I doubt any conversion would bother you at all. (This only applies to published adventures. If you do not use published adventures then nothing would change for you.) Doubt it will be any more difficult to convert then using the 3.5 skill system as is.

All my opinions of course. :)

Dark Archive

I have been playing Warmachine/Hordes for several years now. I play Cygnar for Warmachine and Trollbloods for Hordes. My wife plays Cryx for Warmachine and Everblight for Hordes. I also just purchased a small Khador army. The gameplay is what makes the game for me. I am not a big fan of the warjacks and that is what I orginally started playing with before Hordes came out. Despite the warjacks I loved the game anyway.

I own all the RPG stuff for Iron Kingdoms, but have never been able to find time to play it. While I like the setting I have never been able to come up with a campaign idea that I really like. That is probably the reason why I have not played it yet because I do have a couple of players that ask to play it often.

Dark Archive

SirUrza wrote:
GenCon will be alright, they're filling because they made some mistakes of sponsoring/funding some conventions that were failures and are just doing this to protect themselves.

That is just spin on their part. You do not file for bankruptcy and just act like it is no big deal. You do it so you can stay in business. They do not have enough money to pay off their debt, so they are having the courts put them on a payment plan of some sort. It makes further expansion and future success of the business difficult. GenCon Indy is doing good enough for itself, but not good enough to pay off the debt of the failed conventions. I believe most of the problems are from the Star Wars convention, but remember GenCon SoCal was cancelled because it lost money every year they had it. Filing for any form of bankruptcy is never a good thing except that sometimes it allows you to stay in business instead of going belly up.

Dark Archive

Alex Martin wrote:
Peter Adikson helped found the company (but he's no longer involved, I think he retired and now has his own company again

Peter Adikson owns and runs GenCon.

Dark Archive

Just got the Goblin Commando, Sinspawn, Nualia & Erylium a couple of days ago. These minis are great. I started painting the Sinspawn yesterday. I can not wait to use these in the game. The only lucky thing about being on hiatus from the campaign is now I get a chance to paint some of these minis before we start back up.

Dark Archive

Vic Wertz wrote:
Right now, we're expecting it in the second half of April.

The blog today says mid-May. :(

Dark Archive

Is the Gazetteer still scheduled to come out for April? I am really pumped to read it!

Dark Archive

I am curious about something. Everyone that wants to keep skill points, is this just from a players perspective? I have not seen many mention anything (I know there are some) about skill points from a GM perspective. Also I do not buy these GM's who say it is easy to stat NPC's and monsters with skill points in 3.5. You have professional designers who think it is a pain (I do too even though I am not a designer), so I do not think you are going help your argument to have a blanket skill points are good attitude. I personally, don't know if Jason does, but I assume he does, want to hear more about simplfying things from a GM perspective while keeping the "wonderful" skill points method for the players. How does one keep it "balanced" and "backwards compatible". Mabye more people should latch onto option 3.

It is also starting to hurt me (I am not trying to make people stop saying this, just telling you how I feel though) every time I read a post about this system or that system not being backward compatible. If there is going to be any type of skill change it is not going to be 100% exactly same result in both systems. There will be rules given out to explain how to get it close, but I very much doubt things are going to convert 1 for 1.

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