
Tarinia Faynrik's page

31 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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I blame cosmo that people have to cause problem for people who are already having so many problems and needing help. Who use the excuse that your not working hard enough. Despite waiting and trying for so many years to ask for f!$*en help.

People like that really piss me off. Makes me want to create a wizard whose entire purpose is to do explosive runes and put it on the person they plan to sleep with. Then it goes off the next time they try to sleep with them. Good luck exploring that body.

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I'm about to launch myself into a world of pokemon and rp to try and get myself into a better mood. Ive been playing alot of pokemon games and before that monster rancher to try and cheer me up so i thought it be fitting. Tho i want it to be a bit more realistic. My Fiance is a bit slow at leveling in the game.(gets distracted easily.) I dont want to just verse him and trounce him cause my pokemon are 20 levels higher then his or my monsters are like 3 generations later in training for monster rancher 3.
So I was wondering how would you go about deciding things of who wins. I keep thinking a dice roll or something like that wouldn't be as fun. Any suggestions on how to handle it?

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I blame Cosmo that nobody seems to mind! Here I am tryin' ta do the Fishstick, and they just keep trying to shove Mudkips in my face! It's a very delicate state of mind people!

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I blame cosmo for only seeming to be noticed when i talk about cannibalism or something from the world of erotic that isn't mentioned all the time.
Maybe i should mention something about mudkips or the fish stick.

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I'm still pretty new to being a GM. I'm better with ideas then follow thru. One thing i enjoy doing tho is actually expanding the merfolk race.
If there is a fish that i have some idea about i have a tendency to make it a merfolk.

Like whales and angler fish along with a whole community for how each interact with one another. More added at times as i come across more ideas for how i would want the fish to be like or feel their place in community. Merfolk can be quiet common in my worlds.

Also i have a tendency to half breed anything. I think pratically anything can mate with a human. Even dwarfs despite pathfinder saying they cant. Which in all honesty make humans more of a target when it comes to slave marketing and breeding. If someone just wants to breed they will go for a human. Humans have a tendency to be more fertile in my world to other races. Meaning a higher chance for a human to get pregnant or impregnate another race that isn't human.

Which also leads to some more cults and certain towns that i feel fit distrusting any race in their borders outside of humans or having like different quarters or areas that others cant enter.

This next one is rather common which is dark elves are their own race. There are good and evil dark elves. Tho to keep dark elves to have that some sort of off putting and since i play with only adults. Dark elves have a tendency to be more sexually aggressive even when good aligned (in terms of top and bottom).

In my more random games there is a haunted house in every town or city. There is a maze in the middle of most forests and underground caverns and there is always that cottage you come across on the way your trying to go. that holds random encounters.

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I blame cosmo for me being sick yesterday and sick again today. I also blame cosmo for the bacon that caused me to be sick.
I also blame cosmo for being confused by Rysky and what seems more like a candibi then a succubi.
I also blame cosmo if no one knows what a Candibi is.

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Rysky wrote:
Artemis Moonstar wrote:

I blame Cosmo for... For.... Well, nothing particularly horrible or distressing has happened in the past... Since I posted, so....

I blame Cosmo for nothing interesting happening!

*pops a wampi-flavored caramel into mouth*

That's your cue MP.

Isn't caramel already a certain flavor so if its a different flavor then that it wouldn't be a caramel anymore?

Also what is a Wampi flavor anyways?
I blame Cosmo for these questions and i will take the initiative and blame him for the answers and if the other option happens. For them not being answered.

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I blame Cosmo for making me blame cosmo. For i had no reason to blame anyone. Until i saw this thread and its magic pull to make me blame cosmo. For what i do not know just yet. I'll have to get back to you for it.

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If knowing what these beans do is one desire.
Then the troll shall very much inquire.
Whats it to you?
If satisfactory answer was doth given.
His answer would proceed in rhythm.
It is said these beans doth do.
A tree of great height and might doth grow.
Its also said these beans doth do.
Many colors of a rainbow shall beam.
It leading to something angry and green.
If this angry green thing is much defeated.
Colors of gold and crimson shall then be shown.
Its also said these beans doth do.
If shown with tender loving care once in ground.
A plant will grow more human then not.
Tho whether it be man or woman is still unknown.
Whether it be friend or foe as well.
If it is not obvious yet the troll doth not know.
They are certified so magic will happen.
The mystery of the beans is really its major pull.
Just like the mystery of your backside to this said troll.
Since you did not pay my bill to said inn.
I was found under that one tree.
Now washing dishes in its kitchen.
This message was doth dictated.
For hands too pruney to write.
Hopefully just the inn people will notice me.
For if that orc in the corner is one i feel it is.
This night might be that night i once promised.
I hope the rumors i heard are but that.
If it true and that be that orc.
Well Adieu

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Oh dear Ashiel I doth have a question.
On this night of which 3 hours of sleep been had.
Its an urgent question of such random.
Only The ashiel of adventure can answer.
If one day you met a ghastly troll under yonder bridge.
Who offered real certified magic beans.
What he asked for trade one might wonder.
But only a grope of thy backdoor bosom.
If blinks were greeted me like expected.
Who said trolls lingo matched thine own?
So would one tango with this here troll.
Or let one get tango'd by the troll.
Another repeat of his question in summary.
Magic beans for backdoor bosom.
Tho one cannot forget the matching hand gestures.
If still confusing blinks were met.
A grope of his own ass would be example.
So tell me the Ashiel what one would do.
When met with said troll under yonder bridge.
I'm sure ones answer would be cool.
I now make my leave with babbling left.
This here tree do look quiet comfy.
One remind me for future reference.
Tinfoil and wind make one a sleepless night.
If an answer is not had before i come to senses.
Then hopefully no sees my instance.
The instance i dare lost of the reins.
The reins to mine own randomness.
So i bid the well dear ashiel.
May not the dwarves find me as i sleep under this tree.
For i still owe them that one goblet.
Of a job i dare took when down on ones luck.
Never take a job from a fighter dwarf of hammers.
Whose ones words seem to involve much the same.
Also may not the orcs find me either.
For i promised that one a night a few taverns back.
One who i cant seem to remember.
Tho from what i can tell remembers me.
Also wish not the elves to find me either.
I sort of stold something i also cant remember.
Better yet only wish upon me what follows next.
Wish upon me nights of the GOOD monster guys.
You know what i mean and if not oh well.
Then wish me sweet dreams of tinfoiless winds.
I bid sweet dreams and days to you.
I await they reply with similar cadence.
If not then i still await thy reply.
Also if you could cover that bill at that one inn.
I sort of broke the window...
And other things when i did rage.
At the tinfoiled wind against said window.
Now i really should bid thee well.
Or this will go on much longer.

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I like guys in corsets. Specially latex ones....

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Sissyl wrote:
Stuff about culture!

Christianity... Catholicism really. My family was Catholic (mother's side) and basic Christian (father's side). I went to Catholic School too.

The way they explained it was you were literally eating the actual body of Christ, and drinking his blood.. When you were old enough. There was no 'this is a metaphorical ritual' involved, it was just straight "You're eating Jesus".

Although, Paizo does seem to have a problem keeping modern-day ethics and morals out of a fantasy game. One that's more or less a kitchen sink of time-eras anyways.

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Hmmm why does everyone talk like everyone knows who Drizzt is. I have no clue who Drizzt is or anything about him. So spouting someone is doing a Drizzt clone with no clue who he is to me seems more close minded on your part.

After all character even if drawn up the same way rolled the same way will never be the same in different campaines with different friends characters. For what truly makes a character a Character is their experiences.

So if you want to play a Drow or any character that might resemble something else or another character. Id say allow it to happen since in all honesty it will be different. You can never mimic fully what they are and if your trying too. Well youd be sorely disapointed.

Tho at this point with how much hate their is for this character. You might as well turn him into a diety.

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I was Ninja'd as my fiance likes to say since i spent awhile writing my last message even tho it was short.

Tho the person who ninjad answered inadvertandly some of the other questions that i had. So I actually understand alot more then i did in my last message.

I thank everyone again for their replies and responses. It was very helpful and let me see and look at things differently then how i was.

I appreciate it and i hope one day things will be easier for everyone. I always believe that if more people could accept even if they dont understand the world would be a better place.

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Alright i'm new here and my (user)name is Tarinia Faynrik. I finally decided to create an account and stop piggy backing on my Fiance Artemis Moonstar because of this thread. I hope to start popping up more around if what i'm about to say wont get me hated.

I want to understand something about this. I can usually relate to anything but the one thing i have a hard time relating to is Trans. I think its cause i dont understand it.

Why does it matter so much what your body is? I mean how you look and what gender your body is doesn't change who you are. Maybe i cant relate because of how i was raised.

My father wanted a son and treated and raised me as such. I am a female of course. Due to that i get along more with guys then girls. So maybe i have a hard time seeing how gender of my body really matters.

The other thing i think that makes it difficult is my grandfather. He lost a limb in the war yet that didn't change who he was. So i think i kind of see it as well like losing a limb. I know that probably sounds bad but i think its just how my mind rationalizes it.

If you lose a limb does it change who you are. It changes how you look how your treated and go about things. Yet your still you and tho its difficult who you are is who you are despite what your body is or has or hasn't.

I just want to understand why does it matter what body your in? Does it change who you are on the inside? I think that is where i might be having the disconnect and i was hoping someone can explain to me. So i can understand why even trans?