there is one situation which the cleric, can heal the party and harm undead with the same channel. The repose subdomain, does half damage to any undead in the radius of the channel as well as healing his/her allies. However you will find that most clerics will take selective channeling to avoid healing the "bad" guys. In the case of your Dhampir character in the burst, if they are incapable of of doing the best for the party... strictly speaking. Its the role of the healer to heal... and i would not rule it PVP unless they went out of there way to channel around you. Also, its a good idea to inform the party of your "healing" issue.
i can at least talk about con crud... this is a term used for people in close proximity to each other and generally a few having cleanliness issues which tends to get people sick. It does not help that most immune systems are worn down from long periods of activity... some people game 16+ hours at cons. I may or may not be guilty *whistles innocently*. Burn out is generally a different topic entirely, you have played something for so long your interest wanes and it becomes a chore to complete. I am currently in such a state in a different gaming system... but that is for another time. the last sentence, i believe is due to the idea that DM's can knock out more tables at a con then they possibly can in a single game day. This will allow them to save gas, and time traveling in just get credit... instead of having to jump around town or towns. As far as burn out... the best thing to do is take a break and try something new. That is how i got into Pathfinder... i will shut up now, as i just realized your addressing a lady, and not me... *frowns*
(crosses Kyle from favorite DM list) so how about that local sports team? 92. I will use dominate powers on the big good guys, save for those paladins... and use the parties own resources against them. I will also use magical abilities which eat up time and slow down the advancement of melee characters...
If the character is of the right tier, to play... that character must be used. The pre gen sheet can however be used on a character which is generated after the fact. Or for a character which does not meet the requirements for the tier... example a (5-9) chronicle going to a 4th or lower character...
anyways, i am not going to jump into that argument, because objectively the players perceptive is what matters and how they can justify it to the DM. This thread, if it continues down that road, will be quite long and solve nothing... this is based on the years of experience dealing with alignments and how players view them. Lets go back to the cleric asmodeus...
the character in the society play has to focus on the law aspect of the church, he is the first god of order after all. So with that in mind, your character would uphold every law which applies. LN, is about upholding the laws.... LE, is about upholding the laws which you like, and finding loopholes in those which you don't. Playing LE, is easier then LN, it gives you more flexibility. However in the society, LE is not allowed.
Perhaps we should all think of the amount of work which was just handed to us? I wish to thank all the folks involved in the creation of this years newest addition to the society. This encourages other DM's to work harder to gain the benefits and as a whole strengthens the society... to that i say well played and thank you :)
There are disadvantages to allowing a person to run more then once for credit. First that person takes up a slot which can give other players the chance to run. Second, it spurs the community to grow. You would also see, the rosters of certain players explode *looks at TOZ* not to mention it lessens the possibility of meta-gaming. We all i am sure have seen or heard how they can ruin things, especially for new players. It is up to the DM to ensure that the players are having fun, and if your bored after the seventh time running something. Then perhaps you should step back and let another person fill the reins and DM. my .02 gold
Haunts, at least the ones i have seen written up in the PFS mod which i ran, were well described. The players were allowed a perception check to identify the precursor event which led to the haunt activating. The problem with haunts, if they are part of the storyline is this: if you leave the area you miss out on the pieces of information which they disclose, after activation. The other part, is that it is hard for the players to inflict enough damage to "despawn" the haunt effect, before it triggers. The third, is that haunts, can do extremely nasty things to pc's. There are ways around the haunts but the players have to be prepared.
W E Ray, I have seen no rules regarding this... so it is one of those grey areas, however it is a change to your character which does have to be documented, as Andrew has pointed out. However if characters can freely change alignments, it removes some of the need for a atonement spell in the first place... thus the dilemma. Sign in to create or edit a product review. |