Luculla Gens

Tееla's page

36 posts. Alias of NotEspi.


CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Aww, Serenllys, shame that. So - three players would like to carry on. I assume people would join in if we found a GM. But can we find a GM and have some dude drop out of a closet in the ruins?

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

So, folks. What are we planning here? I suspect that our gamemaster is not coming back in the foreseeable future

Look for a replacement? Let it fizzle? What are your thoughts?

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Anyone in touch with our GM, by chance?

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Yep yep.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Teela clears her throat and pats Kamau on the shoulder to get his attention. "You, uh..."

Not sure what to respond to Kamau, she thinks about it for but a moment. "You think it will tell you? Do you read bat lips as well?"

She offers a sly grin as she says that. Not a malicious one, mind you. Just a joker subconsciously pushing their target to laugh as well.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"Bruce..." Teela mumbles. "It looks like a Bruce."

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"Well..." Teela twiddles her thumbs in an attempt to act sheepishly "The whole purpose of this expedition is to find and shed light on something that occurs during the nighttime. I feel like leaving the area for the night, when the phenomenon occurs, and then returning in the morning is counterproductive."

She looks around, letting the thought hang in the air.

"Is that just me?"

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Grasping the stone, Teela whispers something again, and the rock starts shining as Serenllys' pants return to their unilluminated state.

"I bestow upon you," she offers the rock to whoever takes it "the gift of our very own lucky star."

Teela smiles. "At least until the morning."

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"Oh my..." Teela responds. Her smiling eyes give away obviously feigned startlement.

"Alright, alright. I'll fix you. But I will need something you can conceal very well. To end the previous effect."

She whispers something to her doll again, and Serenllys' pants are suddenly dry and clean. Just like that. Teela extends her hand expectantly, palm up.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Very correct.

In my defense, the other characters don't know what spells she knows. Well, except Message. And she is a jokester.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"Sleeping in town?" Teela smirks softly. "Where's the fun in that? Open skies above, birds chirping to wake you up in the morning..." she looks at Kamau as he is pointing to Serenllys' attire. "Yeah those could use a touch up."

She pulls out her doll and whispers something into it's head as Serenlys' pants start glowing. And they keep shininy like a torch.

Casting Light on the pants.

She chuckles. "There. A little shine up!"

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Hey, all. Sorry for being slow at the moment. Real life stuff is happening and will also be tomorrow. I'll get back on track as soon as possible.

Thanks for the patience.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Teela barely opens the door to peek in, and makes note of the room's state. "Yeah, that won't do." she mumbles under her breath and pulls the door closed again.

She heads back to the rest of the group.

"Uh... Let's keep looking for a place to camp. That gatehouse is a mess. And probably spider-infested. Wouldn't want those crawling into our mouth while we sleep."

She shrugs. "Circle the place? See what else is available?"

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"Alright." Teela looks at the gatehouse building. "I'll check whether the actual gate is open or not." She starts walking towards the main gate. As she is about to turn the corner, she glances back at the party. "Sit tight, I'll be right back."

She walks over to the main gate and gives it a look. If she sees nothing suspicious on the door, she tries to open it.

Perception +6

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Teela agrees with a fast, quiet series of claps. "Indeed! Well done, you! Fast, coordinated effort." she holds a sly smile as she looks over the scene.

"Perhaps get out of the water? You never know what lurks just out of sight."

After a brief moment, she adds "It also smells rancid."

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CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Teela will casually walk around with her hand on stuff looking for "emotional residue". Unless of course, it's just grass.

But yeah exploration is something I often don't use when I run games.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Teela is the last to be prsuaded to leave the books. She hastily picks up the notes she was making, and stores them into her journal. "I'll catalogue these properly later." she says as she just grabs the pages as they are, rushing to catch up.

At the tower, she takes a good look around in silence. "Sooo..." she keeps glancing at the lighthouse in the distance as she speaks up. "Anyone of you know your way around tracks? Maybe we can find out whether anyone or anything has been moving around and inside, and being up to no good? Or some tracks of some strange animals? Want to poke around a bit?"

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

As soon as they get into the library, Teela goes on a binge. She picks up the first book with any relevance on the subject and subsequently goes down a rabbit hole of terrible proportions. When Kamau comes to her, offering the wand, she has several tomes on the table, most opened, with notes scribbled on papers stuck between pages.

Chewing on a pencil as she reads, she almost does not notice the man until he physically touches her. She looks at the wand for a moment.

"Oh, thank you. I don't think I could make good use of that." she briefly smiles at Kamau before turning back to scouring the pages.

Reading the spines, it seems she initially took an interest in Otari, then moved on to a series of divergent subjects, unfortunately, most irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Do they have a map of the town here in the library? Or an antiquities shop? Maybe they could have some old tomes there as well.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Studying Kamau's pantomime skills, Teela seems torn. "Research, I guess"? she turns to Theriot and Serenllys for confirmation

"If we are indeed on a timetable, I should warn you. I... like books. A lot. I usually need some convincing to leave a library."

"Your call."

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"I mean..." Teela picks up her backpack from the floor and, dramatically, drops it on the table with a dull thud. "I'm as ready as I will be. Not sure about the rest of you?" she looks around the room.

"Then again, we might want to get to know each other a bit? Or do you want to do that on the way?"

She pauses."Oooh! Camping?!" she beams with excitement as she asks the question.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"So... We investigate and report?" Teela leaves the question hanging in the air for a second, before adding "Or cleanse if possible?"

She raises a finger. "And would you happen to know what was the nature of this long-banished evil? In case it did reemerge."

Would I recall anything about this tower/lighthouse/ruin? Bardic lore +5

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"Yes, yes..." with an apologetic tone, Teela heads over to the table. "Sorry. My curiosity got the better of me."

She sits dow. and listens to Wrin, taking in the details and making notes.

She leans back, cupping her face for a second before speaking.

"So you want us to go into an old lighthouse... which is actually a ruin nobody knows anything about... and isn't on a coast... to find the source of a mysterious glow. And all of that could be potentially dangerous?"

"You need me to sign a waiver or something? Details, woman! My curiosity is getting the better of me, again."

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

"Well..." Teela returns an accepting nod to Kamau "Thank you for letting me try anyway. These things can get weird. You never know what sticks to the wall..." she takes the card to look, reads it, smiles, and hands it back. With a grin and a shrug, she points to her eyepatch. "Nobody is perfect."

"I..." turning to Serenllys, Teela seems to be considering her words. "I dabble. A few simple tricks, but useful in a pinch." she pats her doll ever so slightly.

"I know my way around needles. I could probably stitch up a wound if needed. There's always room for improvement, but necessity is the best teacher, I hear." a realisation flashes across her face. She glances back at Kamau. "Bad choice of words? Is that a touchy subject?” she looks around the room for a hint.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Teela's smile widens a bit. She pulls her scarf up to cover her face. From the bridge of her nose all the way down. Then lifts her doll to approximately where her mouth is.

You can see her eyes smiling, though a hint of curiosity shines through.

"Can you hear me? Be honest... No tricks. You can speak back to my mind if you do." she speaks with her mouth covered, but speaks to the doll's ear.

Casting a message spell directed at Kamau. It probably won't work, but if it does, it could be handy. Need a GM ruling here, probably.

Once that is done, she pulls the scarf down and keeps looking expectantly at the dwarf. Her eyes narrow more and more as she waits for a reaction.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Teela leans in to read the card and raises an eyebrow. "Hmm..." she ponders on the purpose of the card with her finger tapping on her cheek.

Meanwhile, Mr Kojoc asks his question and the amulet lets out a voice-like sound. Her face swiftly reveals a string of expressions. From confusion, understanding, quiet sympathy, amusement, all the way to curiosity.

She reaches for the doll on her belt as she walks to Kamau. She looks at the man as she speaks. "A pleasure to meet you all. Kamau, would you mind joining me in a quick experiment?"

"Three seconds of your time. Not more." she offers a reassuring smile. "I promise."

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

The other woman at the table scans the party head to toe as Wrin proceeds with the introductions. Her dark, wavy hair flows just below her shoulder blades. The neutral colours of her well-fitted clothes compliment her almond skin tone. She accessorises with leather straps and an ivory scarf. Her right eye is dark brown, and an eyepatch covers her left eye. She flashes a warm, welcoming smile, albeit there is a hint of curious chicanery on her face. As she stands up to introduce herself, you can notice a rag doll tucked into a leather strap on her belt. It seems basic and featureless, but at the same time - very well made.

She does a hint of a curtsy. "Teela Sedichi. Fabric aficionado, acerbic augur, and a pleasing performer." she straightens up with a flourish and a cocky smile. "But most importantly for you, an amateur ruin-delver. Amateur, as in - I'm not being paid for it, but I've been in a few. It's... just one of my many hobbies. Some would probably call it grave robbing, but who cares about those pompous pricks, anyway?" she pauses.

"Lovely to meet you. Wrin here tells me you are in the business... Heroes of the crypt?"

She cocks her head to the side, looks at her belt, then chuckles softly. "Oh, for the record, I do not rob graves. Actual digging and similar tiring work is not my thing, really. Not with these delicate hands."

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Right on. I tried to post yesterday, but the boards were all kinds of messed up. Lot of 502 errors and whatnot.

Working on it now.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Ah. I'm running a live game this weekend, folks. I will be able to post tomorrow afternoon. Only on mobile now.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Pretty sure twin feint is like you menacing with a hand, then suddenly kicking the opponent in the shin. Mechanically, at least. It's a free feint for the second strike, basically.

You have the option to get gang up later on, which is an automatic off-guard condition as long as there is at least one more ally in melee with your target.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

LoH doesn't have an attack trait, so it seems it just happens as long as you are in touch range? At least that seems to be the case.

You roll your d6 dice and mark off a focus point.

The target makes a basic fort save vs your spell DC, and takes damage depending on the success of the roll.

No damage on crit success
Half damage on success
Full damage and -2 status penalty to AC on failure
Double damage and -2 status penalty to AC on crit failure

Plus extra potential damage depending on weakness.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺
AV_DM wrote:
I feel bad that they're just waiting.

Uh, no trouble on my end. Take your time. I mean I'm ready, but don't rush things on my behalf. Not sure about Dax.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Battle medicine (1 action)

Source Core Rulebook pg. 258 4.0

Prerequisites trained in Medicine

Requirements You are holding healer's tools, or you are wearing them and have a hand free

You can patch up wounds, even in combat. Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds and restore the corresponding amount of HP; this doesn't remove the wounded condition. As with Treat Wounds, you can attempt checks against higher DCs if you have the minimum proficiency rank. The target is then temporarily immune to your Battle Medicine for 1 day.



Source Core Rulebook pg. 619 4.0

You are bleeding out or otherwise at death’s door. While you have this condition, you are unconscious . Dying always includes a value, and if it ever reaches dying 4, you die. If you’re dying, you must attempt a recovery check at the start of your turn each round to determine whether you get better or worse. Your dying condition increases by 1 if you take damage while dying, or by 2 if you take damage from an enemy’s critical hit or a critical failure on your save.

If you lose the dying condition by succeeding at a recovery check and are still at 0 Hit Points, you remain unconscious, but you can wake up as described in that condition. You lose the dying condition automatically and wake up if you ever have 1 Hit Point or more. Any time you lose the dying condition, you gain the wounded 1 condition, or increase your wounded condition value by 1 if you already have that condition.

That's pretty clear as far as I am concerned.

Once per day per character(assuming no other medicine feats that reduce that time), you can heal people in battle with one action, if you have healer's tools and a free hand.

This brings them back to consciousness. Still prone etc, but able to act.

In the end, it is the GM's call, but I would not mind knowing of any rulings made for this game. Might affect my feat picks and whatnot.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

I see the old bunch is starting with fresh characters as well.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

It gives the weapon the magical trait, meaning it can bypass some damage resistance.

Ie a creature that has resistance 10 to non-magical slashing damage would take full damage from a slashing +1 weapon.

However, if said creature has resistance 10 to slashing in general, the damage reduction still applies.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Oh snap, double tables! What's up? Looking forward.

I must admit, I had doubts about a bard in a superdungeon, but I'll try to make it work. Somehow.

Don't count on me just dropping out of a closet where you are now, though. At least based on the information I have.

I'm pretty sure the numbers in the post header are wrong, too. If nothing else, the Bard DC is. I will revise it tomorrow. Time to sleep now.

CG Female Human Fortune Teller Bard 2 |HP 24|AC 19|F4; R7; W6|Perc +6| Speed: 30 ft|Bard DC 18|Exploration: Psychometric Assessment|Hero Points: 1/3|◆ ◇ ↺

Hello, hello! Teela Sedichi here, purveyor of fine garments and dolls!

In my free time, I like to play the fiddle and sort of read people's futures.

A perfect night out? Looking around dangerous ruins shrouded in mystery. Preferably cursed in one way or another.