Shiyara the High Mediator

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I have an idea for a character spinning around my head - but needs access to Undeath domain. Is there any way? I only find deities which have must choose unholy for sanctification, or if that is not the case, fall under "Outer Gods" or "Queen of the Night". And there seems no ACP option. Did I miss anything? Thanks in advance.


Is the beast gunner archetype now allowed for PFS2e? Not quite clear with the wording, thanks for


Is the beast gunner archetype now allowed for PFS2e? Not quite clear with the wording, thanks for


It looks like with the remaster access to some deities got changed, Zyphus is now restricted. Guessing I need to change my cleric's deity to Fumeiyoshi then if I want to keep the Undeath domain? Or will access to Fumeiyoshi also be changed, so either becoming restricted or must take unholy sanctification?
Thought about rebuild into Bones Oracle, but again, the deity needs to have standard availability for PFS2e, so leaves Fumeiyoshi, or am I missing something?


Does the feat Unconventional weaponry grant access to the Sawtooth sabre for a human fighter or ranger? Just want to clarify before starting to make a character.

Got some friends coming over for an evening of PF2e. Any one-shots or PFS2e adventures you could highly recommend? Looks atm., there will be only 3 of them, so I would need to adjust it slightly (or use one with easier combats). They have played through the Beginner Box though, but nothing else.


Is there an option to buy a second large weapon for a giant instinct barbarian in PFS2e? Or swap your weapon for a different one?


With the addendum how to access the archetype, is this now freely accessible in PFS2e, or do I need to fulfill any other requirements?

If you have a creature grabbed, is there any other way to restrain it than getting a critical success on a grapple check?


How do you get access to the Phoenix bloodline for PFS2e? I am aware one is via the Ruby phoenix Adventure Path, but is there any other option?


Does the animal gained must have the mount ability when selecting the steed ability for a champion in PFS2e?


Mhy dwarf has taken adopted ancestry human at 3rd level. Can he spend 7 days downtime to retrain his first level feat to a human ancdstry feat as e.g., General Training, even though it was taken beffore he gained Adopted Ancestry?


Just wondering what is the cost for retraining when you are field commissioned to a specific school e.g., to the School of Swords? Is it 14 days, or can you just join as you are field commissioned?


Just to check if I got it right, or am totally wrong here:
4th lvl PC with Crafter's workshop starts crafting (trained) Lesser Frost vial (DC15), and gets a 25 on the cracting check.
This would be a critical success, thus each day reduce the required amount by 9sp per day and finish crafting of 4 vials in 7 days.


The Grand Bazaar lists new mounts - is there any option to obtain them as a steed ally for a champion in PFS2e?

Since the Sprite appeared as a playable ancestry I always thought of making a gunslinger for PFS2e, the idea is to have a fun cowboy like character riding on his corgi mount, who can effectively contribute in combat.
Stats: 8 18 14 14 14 10
Way of the sniper
Class feat: Munition's crafter
Sprite feat: Corgi mount
Weapon: Jezail
Skills: Stealth for sure

2: Fake out
4: Alchemical Shot
6: Sniper's Aim
8: Munitions Machinist or Grit and tenacity
10: Called Shot
12: Shooter's camouflage or Unshakable Grit

Any ideas, comments, welcome

Thought of Unexpected Sharpshooter, but seems like not approved for PFS2e

Without being an alchemist, but having the alchemical crafting feat, can I add the formula and craft mutagens? If I want a higher level mutagen e.g., a drakeheart mutagen (moderate) lvl3, do I need to buy a new formula (and how much is it?) or is just the craft check increased? Thank you


A wayfinder is free now according to the new boons. It also states in the rules that you can upgrade a wayfinder. As I got the archaic wayfinder (reduced cost 25gp) on a boon, how much would the upgrade be? Also, from another chronicle I have wayfinder of rescue as access. Can I upgrade my wayfinder twice? And at what gp cast? And then make it adamant as my character is Vigilant Seal?
Thanks for your help.

I have looked long at the eldritch archer, and came up with an investigator/witch build, gaining EA at lvl6. My question, is this a viable build? Anything to improve? Or maybe use another starting class/dedication and build e.g., as ranger/wizard? Any suggestion is welcome.

Ancestry: Elf (Ancient Elf)
Background: Martial Disciple (trained in Acrobatics and Warfare Lore)(Cat Fall) (I guess Feral Child is not available in PFS)
Class: Investigator
Initial Ability Scores: STR: 14; DEX:16 ; CON:10 ; INT:18 ; WIS:10 ; CHA:10
Initial Feats: Cat Fall, Know Weakness, Dedication: Witch, Ancestry: Nimble elf

2nd: Class feat: Share stratagem
3rd: General Feat: Cantrip expansion
4th: Class Feat: Basic Witch Spellcasting
5th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, CON, INT; Ancestry Feat: Elf instincts;
6th: Class Feat: Eldritch Archer Dedication
7th: General Feat: Swift sneak;
8th: Skill Feat: Unmistakable Lore; Class Feat: Basic Eldritch Archer Spellcasting
9th: Ancestry Feat: Elf Step
10th: Ability Boosts: STR, DEX, CON, INT; Skill Feat: Swift Sneak; Class Feat:
Enchanting Arrow
11th: General Feat: Kip Up
12th: Class Feat: Expert Eldritch Archer Spellcasting
13th: Ancestry Feat: Avenge Ally
14th: Class Feat: Seeker Arrow
15th: Ability Boosts: DEX, CON, INT, WIS; General Feat: Legendary Sneak;
16th: Class Feat: Phase Arrow
17th: Ancestry Feat: Magic Rider
18th: Class Feat: Master Eldritch Archer Spellcasting
19th: General Feat: Cloud Jump
20th: Ability Boosts: CON, INT, WIS, CHA; Class Feat: Arrow of Death

Cantrips: Acid Splash, Electric Arc, Produce Flame, Ray of Frost, Tanglefoot
Level 1: Hydraulic Push, Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 2: Acid Arrow. Tellekinetic Maneuver (Arcane and Occult)
Level 6: Disintegrate
Level 8: Polar Ray


I would like to upgrade my weapons (gnome flickmace and shield spike), what is the best material at lvl5? I was thinking spike from cold iron, flickmace silver and later an additional one made from adamantine (uncommon, so guess need to find access). Any thoughts?


How do you get a +1 striking weapon in PFS2e? Can you purchase it when you have reached level 4, or do you need to have it on your chronicle sheet?

Post your school and items obtained here, or if you are field commissioned.

You all travelled to Caliphas in Ustalav and have received the follwoing letter of summons from Venture-Captain Evni Zongnoss.

I am recruiting for PFS2e 1-03: Escaping the Grave PbP

I am relatively new to PFS2e, but not to roleplaying or PbP. Have run multiple ables for PFS1e, D&D3.0 and 3.5 as well as 5e. Started with the D&D red box....

Would like to run and maybe even finish this before Gencon.....

Posting rate: at least once a day, if the group manages even more, being at home on holidays and nothing to do, I can mange to post several posts a day (but do not expect it from others).

Looking forward to GM for you

As a fighter, do you need to take powerful shove to be able to use aggressive block on larger creatures, or would it also be possible to have the titan wrestler feat without powerful shove and push a giant back?

I am trying to decide on my first PFS 2e character. Have played lots of PFS 1e and D&D5e. I want an easy but effective character to play, for D&D5e really like the fighter.
no idea for PFS 2e. Looking through the fighter and the barbarian look like straight forward, any suggestions, what I need to consider?

@Critzible: as this your first AL game, you have been given a potion of healing from your temple.

After a night at the Green's Rest you all arrive for a meal at the dining room of Green’s Rest, known for their delicious cinnamon honey (the locals speak highly of the place).

This will be an Adventurers League game for up to five PCs level 1 - 4.
Rumors abound of a map that leads to a treasure of unimaginable value. When chance drops the map into your hands, you have the chance to become wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. But you’re not the only ones with that dream. The chase is on.--

Prerequisites: An Adventurers League legal character between level 1 - 4. If the character is above 1st, please have your logsheets available for me to view (pdf or picture is fine).
I am looking to start by Wednesday of this week, but may hold off if we are waiting on any players.

I had the idea to throw a Suli Dragon disciple together, getting 7 magic resistance vs. animals, boni to saves, and fast healing - would this concept work?

Bloodrager 1/Skald 1/Sorcerer 1 (Orc/Dragon cross-blooded)/ Paladin (Holy Tactician) 3
1. Power attack/ 2. Extra performance (via Skald)/3. Skald’s Vigor/5. Suli feat: Incremental Elemental Assault/ 6. Amplified Rage (via Holy Tactician)

Trait: Unscathed
Lesson of Chaldira

STR 16 DEX 12 CON 14 INT 8 WIS 8 CHA 16

For the past few days, the city of Magnimar has been in the grip
of terror. A murderer stalks the city’s streets in the gloaming
pre-dawn hours, and each morning it seems a new and freshly
mutilated victim appears in an alley. There have been four bodies
discovered to date—all worshipers of the goddess of healing
and redemption, Sarenrae. The city guard desperately wants to
catch the murderer, yet he is a cagey and elusive foe. In order
to expedite the search, they have turned to you—known allies
of Magnimar and strong heroes of the people—to aid them in
stopping the culprit before he slays again.

All discussion here.
Pre-gens are welcome, whatever you want to play.

The coastal city of Magnimar is no stranger to crime, yet recently, a series of murders has sent a chill through the early morning streets. Someone—or something—is stalking and killing worshipers of Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun. The city guard is prepared to ambush the murderer, but they need help—help of the kind that adventurers are so good at providing. What is the sinister truth behind these violent acts?

Looking for 6 PCs, level 4-6 for this adventure.
I have run multiple scenarios already, here and on myth-weavers. Have always used ditze for maps, happy to change if I get assistance :) as I know there are better options out there.

With the new core campaign, I really want to play PFS again. So I had the idea for this intimidating Half-orc paladin:
STR 17, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 7, CHA 15

Improve CHA at lvl 4, STR at lvl 8
Traits: Magical knack and bully

1. Intimidating Prowess
3. Weapon focus Greatsword
5. Arcane Armor training
7. Power attack (bonus feat)/Dazzling Display
9. Skill focus: Intimidation
11. Still spell

0 - Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st - Enlarge person, Shield

For equipment: Wand of Enlarge person, Wand of Cure light wounds, Wand of Bless Weapon, Wand of Restoration, lesser
Armor: Mithril full plate
Weapon: Greatsword, cold iron or adamantine

Any suggestions, comments?

With the new core campaign, I really want to play PFS again. So I had the idea for this intimidating Half-orc paladin:
STR 17, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 7, CHA 15

Improve CHA at lvl 4, STR at lvl 8
Traits: Magical knack and bully

1. Intimidating Prowess
3. Weapon focus Greatsword
5. Arcane Armor training
7. Power attack (bonus feat)/Dazzling Display
9. Skill focus: Intimidation
11. Still spell

0 - Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st - Enlarge person, Shield

For equipment: Wand of Enlarge person, Wand of Cure light wounds, Wand of Bless Weapon, Wand of Restoration, lesser
Armor: Mithril full plate
Weapon: Greatsword, cold iron or adamantine

Any suggestions, comments?

The growing light of predawn filters in through a window of the two-story building that Amenopheus has rented in Eto, and the aging Garundi man takes a seat on one of the cushions set out for this meeting. He produces a sealed letter from his robe, placing it in the middle of the floor before speaking. “Good morning, Pathfinders. As you know, we have had our share of setbacks recently. Not only have the emerald and topaz gems sacred to my order slipped through our fingers, but we also faced the frustration of finding nothing but fragments of the once great ruby. Thankfully, its power is not lost entirely, and through the Ruby Sage’s blessing, it lives on in you. I am thankful that you have agreed to act on her behalf and see this through to the end. As we speak, the scoundrels who seized the two gems cross the Pillars of the Sun to meet their employer, the cryptic Diamond Sage.” He sighs heavily. “What she intends to do with the gems is a mystery, but the sage jewels are too important for me to take risks with. If the power that you wield is representative of a shattered jewel’s potential, imagine what one might accomplish with three undamaged stones! Until we know what her plans are, it is paramount that we get to the jewels first. Kafar and Nefti have a rudimentary map of the Pillars of the Sun, and last night I found a bartender who spotted them poring over it between drinks. She recalled little of the map, and she could not make sense of the marks or annotations; however, the right spells have allowed me to probe her mind and determine Kafar and Nefti’s entry point into the mountains. We will follow them from there.” With a somewhat chagrined smile, Amenopheus adds, “It may be that they will lead us to the Sanctum of the Sages, a hidden complex I have long suspected might be in this area.”
He stands and announces, “Prepare yourselves quickly. We shall leave momentarily.”

Letter from Balentir:
Loyal Pathfinders,
The Sapphire Sage has requested our help once more as his hunt for the lost order of the Jeweled Sages and their iconic gemstones continues. Amenopheus tells us that Kafar and his pupil Nefti have snatched two of the gems: an emerald and a yellow topaz. It goes without saying that the Aspis Consortium’s involvement in this matter troubles me deeply; I will not have them outwit us as they did my colleague, Hestia. It saddens me that such a pair of brilliant operatives may die before your mission is over, but I would sleep better knowing that they were no longer a threat to the Society. Were that they had chosen to become Pathfinders rather than pawns of the Aspis Consortium!
I hereby deputize the Sapphire Sage Amenopheus to lead this expedition, and you shall assist him in his quest. Remember our tenets: explore, report, and cooperate. I look forward to receiving word of your success.
Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir

Let's get going.

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3–7.

Uncovering the secrets of a Jeweled Sage reveals that the others are in grave danger, and the PCs set off after notorious jewel thieves before the criminals can disappear with another priceless treasure. When the trail leads to the sages’ hidden sanctum deep within the Pillars of the Sun, the Pathfinders must draw upon both their own resourcefulness and the ancient historians’ power if they are to preserve a millennia-old organization and Osirion’s past.

Recruiting for the adventure, either APL3-4 or 6-7. First come first serve. If Farg and Sutekh want o play they get a spot, just need to confirm.

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

The Pathfinder Society has discovered the location of a powerful Osirian artifact secreted beneath the sands, but they are not the only ones who seek its power. The Pathfinders must endure the scalding Osirian desert, brave its inhabitants, and watch for hidden dangers if they are to survive. Can the PCs reach the ruins before their rivals claim the prize?

Recruiting for the adventure, either APL1-2 or 4-5. First come first serve. If interested will run part 3 too.


We are at the fight against the Black Puddings, and the black pudding managed to grab the wizard. So first - in the next round it makes a grapple check and apply the slam damage and the constrict damage?
Then, if he goes unconscious, will the black pudding squeeze him to death, or drop him?
Basically, do I kill him off or not?

You can start to introduce yourself as you travel the shoreline.

Ships and sailors avoid Hellmouth Gulf for good reason. Sharp rocks jut from the waves all along its inhospitable coastline, like the gaping maw of some foul beast. A rough road runs the length of the coast, providing a safer choice for those averse to traveling across the sea.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

An aquatic dungeon adventure for 6th-level Pathfinder Roleplaying Game characters.

They Come from Beneath the Sea!

The deep waters of the Hellmouth Gulf have long concealed ancient mysteries, both wondrous and terrible. But these secrets have been submerged for too long, and the remote coastal village of Blackcove has accidentally awoken a slumbering horror from a bygone age. Strange creatures now venture from beneath the waves to steal townsfolk away in the dark of night.

Can the PCs discover the fate of Blackcove’s lost villagers? What secrets still lie hidden on the mysterious, ruined island just offshore, and what now lurks in the flooded temples beneath the isle? And what horrific fate lies in store for those unfortunate souls who fall prey to the island's eldritch influence?

This game will be run as a part of the Second Official Pathfinder Society PbP Game Day. All games will begin on April 5th, 2014. For more information please visit:

If you want to introduce yourselves.

And open.

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

When a monster is discovered on the grounds of the Pathfinder Lodge at Heidmarch Manor in Magnimar, an investigation into its appearance leads the PCs deep under the City of Monuments—and face to face with a burgeoning thieves’ guild.

This game will be run as a part of the Second Official Pathfinder Society PbP Game Day. All games will begin on April 5th, 2014. For more information please visit:

I have been running PbPs for a long time now, from low level up to Ruby Phoenix Tournament. I am a relaxed GM, and hope this would be fun for all.

Amenopheus has learned that the legacy of the Jeweled Sages lies near the Osirian trade city of Eto, and the Pathfinder Society has pledged its support in the Sapphire Sage’s investigation of his ancient order; however the lead dried up—that was until a familiar information broker contacted Amenopheus offering an exchange of services. To assist an ally and unlock the secrets of Osirion’s past, the Society must deal with a deadly antagonist once more by sending the PCs to fulfill the bargain and collect its due. The only question is what price their foe will demand.

This game will be run as a part of the Second Official Pathfinder Society PbP Game Day. All games will begin on April 5th, 2014. For more information please visit:

A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.

When a monster is discovered on the grounds of the Pathfinder Lodge at Heidmarch Manor in Magnimar, an investigation into its appearance leads the PCs deep under the City of Monuments—and face to face with a burgeoning thieves’ guild.

This game will be run as a part of the Second Official Pathfinder Society PbP Game Day. All games will begin on April 5th, 2014. For more information please visit:
To sign up please go here! as I will be running the adventure on myth-weavers


I just received a boon that lets me create a Thassilonian Specialist.

With the boon, could I also retrain to Student of Thassilon as I have a 1st lvl sorcerer / 2nd lvl wizard?

and spoiler gone

As I just got an ifrit boon, I needed to decide what to do, so, an ifrit smoke ninja came to mind, throwing shuriken into the smoke. And with concealment, every shuriken does sneak attack damage.

Ifrit Ninja
STR 13 DEX 18 CON 12 INT 10 WIS 8 CHA 16
Feats: Firesight, Point blank shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Distance Thrower, Far Shot

Traits: reactionary/indomitable faith
Tactics: Use smokestick or smokebomb and throw shuriken into the cloud (with Flurry of Stars), with total concealment sneak attack is used for every attack.

Back-up weapon: wakizashi for close combat and short bow
Armor: Mithril Chain Shirt and Darkwood Buckler

Tricks: Flurry of Stars, smoke bomb, pressure points, offensive defensive, vanishing trick

Any suggestions how to improve him? It might be useful to put weapon finesse in, but what to throw out?

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