
Sunset.'s page

95 posts. Alias of Sunset.


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19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Wishing all sincere and heartfelt best wishes.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

*Bows* Glad everything is going well for yourself.

Sunset standing bye. :)

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Wishing all the very best.

Happy holidays for those experiencing them.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Congratulations indeed!

Wishing you and yours all the very best.

Much cheers to all.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

I did not realize.

I too wish him and his the very best. *Bows*

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Next round?

Much cheers to all.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

"The trap was also an alarm!" Sunset wastes no more time and steps forwards to deal with the rats quickly.

Att Roll:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Confirm:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Dam Roll:1d10 ⇒ 7

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

At Utarah's words Sunset lifts an ear,

Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Not I..." She replies.....though she continues to try and listen.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

As Sunset regains her balance after her swing passes through the illusion she arches an eyebrow,

"Well...if all this Mage has is illusions then in some aspects this fight will be a lot easier..." She offers...looking at her adventuring companions.

"Shall we move on? Or should we let people's emotions calm down after that scare?" She asks.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Att Roll:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Dam Roll:1d10 ⇒ 6

Yay dice roller.....(¬_¬)

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

"Just an idea. Lets kill this thing....Or hope it was summoned and the timer will run out?"

Ready and willing to swing steal. :)

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset nods, though she replies.

"We should move back slowly to where the corridor meets a previous room. Hence allowing more of us to attack it at once!" She replies with some tactical ideas.

Also shifts into a defensive stance and moves to assist in attacking the bug.

[Assuming we last long enough and can take enough 'five foot steps' backwards to do so...

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset frowns, "Well...looks like we do this the hard way..." She says, her sword held ready and she looks to Gloin, Riggar and Utarah.

Okay, who wants to poke the trap?

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Hey, I'm just following the Drawfs. :P

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset bows to Gloin's assessment and turns and accompany's him into the rest of the dungeon.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset looks from the door to her companions, "Well...there is magic protecting the door. Not sure if there's anything magical 'defending' the door. A hammer or other such implement would be best to try and smash our way through?" She looks to Gloin and Riggar to see which of them has a similar implement.

Next town/chance we get, we're hiring a professional to get through door and such. :P

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21(To look for traps and not just trust providence :P)

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

"Great, more traps. Looks like we've got some 'special' thanks to dish out to who ever this 'Magic man' is..." Sunset replies, though she does nods in agreement about moving on.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset nods "We shall indeed thwart the schemes of this 'Magic man'." Sunset says, looking at the Elder Gnoll. She looks calmly to this elder.

"With your males decimated...What will be the standing of your tribe?" She asks her.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Seeing that she is not going to get shot full of arrows, Sunset steps around the edge of the door and begins to do a serious head count.

"It would be just as easy to count the ears and divide by two..." She mutters as the 'Pups' mill about.

How many fems and pups are we looking at?

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;


Still wary, Sunset peers around the edge of the door, watching for anything untoward to emerge from the...kennel...

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Oops! Sorry, yah, completely miss-read the scene!

Sunset's eyes narrow as she takes in the scene (Properly read through, this time) and she steps to the side of the door-jamb peering around its cover.

Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset raises an eyebrow.

" least the door is safe..." She mutters, even as she strides forwards to support Gloin, though she does not draw her sword upon sight of the...women...and...pups....

And of course, now is the time that the trap would be sprung. :P

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Seeing Gloin reaching for the door handle Sunset calls out,

"Look out for mechanisms! Don't forget the 'zap' trap behind us!"

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset is not moving from the levers. Hoping she can move them and hence prevent loss of Dwarven life... :P

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Not I yet. My Magus side hasn't kicked in. :(

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset frowns but moves to stand beside the levers so as to potentially deactivate any trap.....

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset eyes the levers and the room.

"The whole thing stinks of danger and trapping mayhem..." She says.

"If there's a way to work the levers without maybe getting killed, then yes, lets give t a try."

note to self, hire Thief....

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset nods in thanks for Riggar's efforts, then looks towards the direction that the party was moving.

"Lets continue..." She says and gets into position to advance again.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset settle her hair and steps back to where ever the party has stopped/regrouped.

"Okay...that was...unpleasant....." She glares at the statues, "We should keep an eye out for traps. Though we might not be able to make them completely safe. Being ready for the floor to drop out from under people might be a benefit..."

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

In a hole, killing monsters, taking treasure?

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset nods simply as Riggar's exposition takes place, her eyes never leaving their search for foes, however. At Gloin's words she does turn, an eyebrow arched and a faint smile upon her lips.

"Indeed...manmade..." She says from where she looks out into the rest of the complex, her gaze firmly on Gloin as she speaks...

Shall we move on? Who wants to go where next?

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset shrugs, " is a hole in the ground. The fact that the edges are kind of square..." Her voice trails off as she focuses on the tunnels/corridors ahead.

Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset blinks at the 'other' Dwarf's words.

"I've known other Elve's with accents just as bad..." She mutters as they follow Riggar deeper into the complex.

Onward to adventure it is!

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset again arches an eyebrow at Gloin's words, before pointing in Riggar's direction.

"What have you seen on your way here?" She asks the other caravan-eer.

Assuming the DM and or Riggar's player wants to add some exposition.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Wishing every one all the very best in the Real World.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

It was fun sharing the adventure we did together.

Hope things get better for yourself and wishing you and yours all the very best.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Awe, thanks for that. I'm getting all 'missed-ey' eyed. :P

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset just nods at the entrance of this new comer and continues to swing at the hyenas.

Att Roll:1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 14

Dam Roll:1d10 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

More like flails ineffectually...(-_-)

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Round 2

Att Roll:1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 2 + 2 + 1 = 12

Dam Roll:1d10 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3


*Sunset quietens down in what IS supposed to be the recruitment thread.*

And the next amount of 'down time' the group gets Sunset will be asking questions about a certain 6' dwarf...Who can't see in the dark. ;)

Much cheers to all.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset follows Gloin's lead, steps into position and swings.

Att Roll:1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 + 2 = 14

Dam Roll:1d10 ⇒ 7 and Bardic bonuses, of course. :)


Yes, your character is 'fun' and such. I apologize for this charter's "character" to still be in its nascent and developmental stage. She'll break out of eh shell soon enough. I'm also a little sorry for not having enough time to post as much as every one else.

I will be coming up to a few consecutive days where I;ll be keeping a closer eye on things and respond with more.

Said tongue is all too common. :P

Wishing every one all the very best. :)

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset nods, though she still eyes the 'bench' warily. She assumes a stance and position to follow through on Gloin's ideas/plan.

Folds arms and just arches eyebrow at the 'boys talk' around her.

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

A sly smile curls Sunset's lip.

"Well, assuming there's not a harmful backlash, what say we smash that thing and deprive any enemies some rest and healing?" She suggests. Though she looks at her long, curved and delicate sword and frowns. Then notes Gloin's hammer and smiles with a nod.

"Might your self want to do the honors?" She asks, though she does look into the room for any other traps of signs of danger.

Another Perception roll?

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Sunset nods in agreement at the prudence of exploring things on 'this' level. She pads along quietly with the others, her eye searching the walls, floor and ceiling for anything untoward. Her ears listening for any sounds.

Perception:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

19 / 24 HP ( Calistran Saracen); +4Perc; +4 Init;

Um...I'm the Magus...?


And indeed, if the DM is happier with a small bunch... *Bows*

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