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47 posts. Organized Play character for thistledown.

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Shadow Lodge

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Why is there a cap at level 4 when the campaign is ending and nobody is making low level characters anymore? This is the time to let the level 10s shine.

Shadow Lodge

I wanted a thread where we could have simple one-line questions that maybe we can coax Thurston to give official answers to, instead of them being scattered all over the forum or waiting a year to be surprised. Let's keep the discussion and debate about the pros and cons of these matters to their own threads.

Already answered:
Will there still be a KAC / EAC split? No
Will flight still be available at level one? Yes.

Will Stamina still be used?
Will easily swapable armor mods still be used?
Will Borai be a versatile heritage?

Shadow Lodge

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Ok, I'll bite. I know I've been pessimistic about the balance points in PF2 that I'm not looking forward to in SF2. But there ARE some PF2 things that I'm looking forward to. So rather than being entirely gloom, sell me on things in PF2 that will make starfinder better!

Starting off: I like 3-action economy. I like the ancestry feat / class feat / skill feat system and how it progresses through levels (general feats could be better). The general structure of how you build a character.

I like magic items counting against an investment limit instead of getting 2 magic items and the rest eating into your armor mods.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

The ship combat is set while preparing to leave atmosphere. But it doesn't say what layer of atmosphere it's in so I can't tell what the maximum safe speed is and how much hull damage the movement does.

While we're at it, I'd like to know how many rounds of combat it takes before the Port Authority shows up. Sometimes ship combats just get bogged down and take forever.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

While the gas bubbles at the river are called out that environmental protections prevent them, there is no such callout for the general "spending an hour in the planar bloom". And there is no wording vs the Life Bubble spell on either. When I played this led to arguments about if people were exposed or not. I'd like a clarification to prevent more arguments when I run it.

Shadow Lodge

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Why is it so hard for non-casters to get cantrips? I found a few things that will give me 3/day, but that's it. I just want to let my nanocyte spam mage hand and token spell.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

What are AUGRISAURS? Where do they come from, what do they look like?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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Why does Elaine's ghost disappear after you make her a pathfinder? She just got hired, she's got work to do! Ghosts make great pathfinders! So many places that incorporeals have an easier time getting to.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

A nice little scenario. Rather short. But a couple things.

The important one: Don't have a party of meatheads that just want to go fight things. The fighting in this is minimal, and most of it is avoidable (and SHOULD be avoided to better the story). Make sure you've got face skills and people who want to use them.

On that: There's no 4-player adjustment in the sidebar for avoiding fights. And getting (2) successes at DC 18 with only 4 level-ones is rough (we had 1 with ok diplomacy and 1 with ok intimidate)

Also: The trap on the airlock door is rough. Making your saving throw only negates the knockback - the damage doesn't get reduced. A good roll on the 3d6 damage almost put our intended frontliner down despite making his save. It's also unclear on if evasion would negate that damage or not.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

On page 4, it says that Lady Victira Junianis is supposed to have art on page 28, but her art is not there. Does it exist somewhere else?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

The map has no area A5. It does have TWO A4's though. One of which is obviously the bridge area described for A4. But I don't think the other one is supposed to be A5 - it's described as having a large stone brazier in the south, which makes me thing it's the area just west of the false A4.

Anyone else got anything on this?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Just finished running this, and it was WAY too easy. Every DC was beaten by 5 to 10. The cultists couldn't do anything and the plants were barely better. After two broadsides from the drake the Novaspawn was at 2hp (107 then 116 damage) compared to my output of 18 then 20.

Needs some re-balancing.

Shadow Lodge

If you have an ability that say, gives all your weapons ghost touch, does it apply to snares?

Consider that shields are the subchapter right before snares, and any argument for one is equally valid for the other.

Shadow Lodge

Does ammunition fall under the "weapons" category for the Starwright archetype? I'm looking at applying Noqual to bullets with it.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Ah another scenario in which the writer forgets that weapon fusion seals take 24 hours to take effect, and that many characters don't have unused levels on their weapons to take more fusions anyways.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

What language do follows of Zon-Kuthon speak in starfinder? I'd expect it to be shadowtongue, but I can't find any reference to it or what characters can take it.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

As a bit of a resource, I put the races into a spreadsheet with their basic stats and SFS availability.

At the PFS prep site.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Ok, I know goblins are small, but the map of the camp on page 11 can't be the right scale. 1 square = 15' I could believe. But a major opperation to build a bridge over a 12' wide river?

I kinda want to use the classic flip-mat: Town Square for any encounters there. (not the more popular Village Square) Or maybe the tents in 7-21.

Shadow Lodge

Pocket Stage does not have the consumable tag, so I assume it's reusable. But unlike the other 2 items under Structures it doesn't have anything on how you pack it up again nor a frequency for use.

So... is it reusable?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Are we expecting a soft cap at level 12 like in 1st ed? If not, how high level are we going to? Characters need a lot of planning out.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Just verifying. If you've only got 3 players and are using a pregen to make a 4th, the pregen still gets counted in challenge points? So in a 1-4 with players at 2, 3, & 4, you get a level 1 pregen and your cp are 3+4+6+2=15.

As opposed to the alternative of calculate cp as 13 and not have the pregen factor into cp because it's not a 'player'.

At least 15 is still low tier so the pregen's not entirely useless.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This spell from Ironfag Invasion has some problems.

Fungal Blisters:

When you cast this spell, horrible, fungal growths sprout forth all over your body. You develop 1d2+1 of these blisters per 2 caster levels. Each time you are dealt more than 5 points of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage from a single attack, one of these blisters bursts, releasing a cloud of harmful spores in a 5-foot-radius burst centered on you. These spores enter the lungs of all living creatures within the cloud that need to breathe and deal 1d6+1 points of damage for every 2 caster levels you have (Fortitude negates). This is a disease effect, and you and plants aren’t affected by the spores. It is possible for more than one blister to burst in a single round. If you are reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, all remaining blisters burst, and the resulting spores deal the cumulative amount of damage.

The problem is in the number of blisters and the amount of damage dealt. It's called out as 1d2+1 per 2 CL and 1d6+1 per 2 CL, respectively. This unfortunately doesn't match the standards for callouts.

If it's similar to Cure Light Wounds, it should be 1d6 points of damage + 1 point per 2 CL. At level 6, that's 1d6+3 damage.
If it's similar to Fireball, is should be (1d6+1) points per 2 CL. At level 6, that's 3d6+3 damage.

As written, it can be taken either way.

Shadow Lodge

Inner Sea Gods lists Pharasma's colors as blue & white. Yet every piece of art I can find for Pharasma or her followers is in purple, black, and red. The only thing I can find is the holy symbol itself.

I'm making a Redeemer of Pharasma in heavy armor, and want to pin down the colors for the armor. Can someone show the proper shade of blue, or tell me why her followers don't wear her colors?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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It's another month before we get any more 2nd edition scenarios, right?

Shadow Lodge

Tried to start a new subscription with the Bestiary, but by the end of checkout it turned into a core book. As Diego said, I went through with it, hoping you can fix it on your end.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Trying to check if Starfinder follows the Pathfinder policy of ignoring the pregens when determining APL. The Guide doesn't really say anything either way.

Tonight's game for me could wind up with levels 5, 6, 8, and pregen. If the pregen is counted, our average swings into high tier (6.75); without them it stays low (6.3).

Shadow Lodge

Just had an amusing observation. Vehicle stats don't care about the size of the passengers. Whether you've got 4 goblins or 4 morlamaws, they all fill the space of the same 5'x10'x4' exploration buggy.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

The pitch for this scenario sounds wrong. The point of 1-08 was to get the materials needed to fix the drift engine on Master of Stars. Now where going somewhere to get an entirely new one? Shouldn't there at least be some dialog about it?

Shadow Lodge

Will you be offering Gen Con Pickup for the hardcopies pre-ordered?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

What are Tenth-By-Third's stats? I'm worried about some mute characters I've come across and fitting them into the trial. Tchekua has telepathy and Zahal has constant Detect Thoughts - does Tenth-By Third have some way to receive non-verbal communication?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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Dundracon is approaching, and Pathfinder Organized Play is already taking sign-ups for games at

San Ramon Marriott
2600 Bishop Drive • San Ramon, California 94583

Games start at 9am, 2pm, and 7pm. We've got Pathfinder 1st edition, Starfinder, and a couple of 2nd edition games. Some games are being run by their authors, such as guests of honor Michael Sayre and Greg Vaughan.

Drop by for a 4 hour game, the grand finale of Solstice Scar, or an adventure that lasts the entire convention!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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I'm having trouble figuring out and roleplaying Naiaj in briefings. I think this is due to differences in what a Bleachling is between Pathfinder and Starfinder, and would like so insight into how bleachlings work now.

In Pathfinder, The Bleaching was a malady that affected gnomes who failed to find new experiences. The few gnomes who survived it became Bleachlings, and their emotions are pretty sapped. They've got a 'strange calmness', a 'calm, dreamy manner', and rarely lose their temper. I don't know of any specific NPC examples, but in my head they're a lot like Maud Pie from MLP.

In Starfinder, the malady can still turn Feychild gnomes into Bleachlings, but some are also born that way. They're 'more even-tempered', a bit dour, and pursue more intellectual things while the feychildren go for sensations.

So we come to Naiaj. Her art is quite scowly, like she's about to tell you off. (Reminds me a lot of Tatiana Wisla from Last Exile) And a lot of her dialog is pretty aggressive. This certainly doesn't match up with a Pathfinder Bleachling. But she doesn't even seem to match the even-tempered part of Starfinder Bleachlings. Last time I presented her (as GM) I gave her a tone much like Maud, and it didn't feel quite right. Now I'm prepping for her latest mission, and it feels very much incorrect to use that tone.

So please, give me some advice on how she should be presented.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

The other thread is fun, so I figured I'd start one here too.

What are the Day Jobs your characters have?

1) Lyther would prefer to just fly around all day, but to make a living she writes about it Profession (Poet) and occasionally carries some cargo (Smuggler). Poet is by far the invested skill.
2) Hand of Oras is a doctor (strangely, not a listed profession) specializing in genetics and reproduction.
3) Tailstrong is a mercenary, true. But his real calling is as an artist, carving his likeness into weapons and ammunition that he sells to those curious about Morlamaws.
4) Sunny Simar has a video blog of Simar Life and her adventures across the galaxy.

Shadow Lodge

I thought the point of resonance was to get rid of the slot system. If I want to be Mr. T, I can. So why are they retaining the slots for neck slot items? Not even all of them, just half of them! Choker of Elocution and Gorget of the Primal Roar both say they're 'Collar' items and thus can't be worn together. But you can add a Necklace of Fireballs or Whisper of the First Lie just fine.

I get it for boots, but there shouldn't be a problem anywhere else.

Shadow Lodge

Was thinking about the create water spell, and realized it has interesting implications for cooking. Namely, the fact that it disappears after one day.

This means that you can freeze-dry products without the freezing. I'm sure there's a host of preservation tricks that could be done with this.

If you make booze using the created water, having the water part of it disappear will jack up the alcohol content in interesting ways.

Can anyone else come up with some interesting ways to make use of this?

Shadow Lodge

I guess this goes here. A Halfling with Distracting Shadows can use bigger creatures as cover for Hide and Sneak. If you're on a horse, and get it to move somewhere, can you use it for mobile cover?

My goal here is to have the horse walk up, then I reach around from stealth and Sneak Attack.

Shadow Lodge

I'm setting up to run a home game in a week & a half, and was looking for advice. This game came about due to Far Cry 5, Worm, and Horizon Zero Dawn bouncing around in my head, creating a desire to run an apocalypse game, and winding up with this. This will be a one-shot, probably about 6 to 8 hours long.

I'm running a game set during the Gap, with Rovagug eventually breaking out of his prison and doing terrible things to Golarion. Stopping this isn't happening, but the party is instead working to buy time for Absalom Station to be built and launched, and collecting things to send up in it.

Here's where it gets silly. Every PC comes from a different franchise, and must have been involved in the apocalypse of their own world. (Already had more arguments on what that means than I wanted). Groetus recruited Elisabeth Sobek (HZD) to run things and gave her the ability to recruit people from other franchises.

Most of my players haven't done Starfinder before, and are generally fans of less rules-crunchy systems, but are willing to indulge me on this. Some are taking a stab at making the characters, others are leaving it to me.

So I need help with two things. Converting the characters to Starfinder Stats (level 10-ish) and coming up with encounters.

Shadow Lodge

If you are casting the touch version of heal/harm, it costs a single action. If you cast the aura version it takes 3 actions.

Reach metamagic says the spell can have a maximum of 2 actions, so on its face it sounds like clerics can't add reach to heal/harm, which seems unlikely as it's such a key spell for them.

Or does the 'max actions' only look at the version of the spell you are using, allowing Reach to work on the one or two action versions?

Shadow Lodge

I'm trying to nail down what Lashunta Tempweave looks like. Unfortunately it is one of the many armors not shown in the core book, but I have had some success looking in scenarios for it.

The text is: Lashuntas developed tempweave light armor by threading temperature-regulating wires through reinforced clothing. The result is a protective, flexible outfit that maintains a comfortable temperature for the wearer. Most tempweave outfits feature a fitted tunic over breeches, making them a popular choice for explorers venturing to hot or humid environments.

So, it sounds like safari clothes (which don't seem that armor-y) But what I've pieced together is... a mix. These are the only 3 official characters I've found that supposedly wear it.

Reynald Talbot
Vrisken and...
To conquer the Dragon (name withheld for spoilers, but it's the cover art)

Does anyone have any other examples of this stuff? Hopefully something more consistent?

Shadow Lodge

I got a notification that a new rules update came through today, but when I re-download and open it up, it's the same revision from a week ago.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Do playtest games qualify for regional support boons? And for the retail support program? (I'm not sure what the benefits would be though)

Shadow Lodge

Disappointed that forcing your way through someone's square with a strong maneuver is no longer an option. You can still tumble through, but only with dex.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

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A bit confused on the last map. At first I thought the blue markings were the completed rune, and there are various cuts in it. But there's also supposed to be patches of blackfrost dust scattered around. Maybe the blue markings are the dust?

I get that the set of dashed lines around Pit A are where the zombies climb up from. But what are the other dashed lines?

Where does the Tupilaq start?

It says that Ainamuuren can restore a rune, but that he won't fight. But the next line says the zombies attack anyone who fixes a rune, so how much is he willing to do to defend himself?

Shadow Lodge

As written, I don't think it can, as vital strike is pretty finiky about what it combines with.

Soul Bite lets it make its bite attack on anything it can see as if it was in reach, but it IS a standard action.

But they gave the thing the vital strike chain... Is it supposed to work together?

Shadow Lodge

Wanted to make sure I'm reading this right. In regular vehicle combat, you can Ram and do twice your collision damage to a vehicle, but in a chase your only option is to come up next to and engage the target, then use the collision maneuver to do your listed collision damage? There's no option to ram from behind during the chase?

Shadow Lodge

I've been looking at two concepts, and think I'm going to smash them together and see if it works. The first is This Fine Fellow, complete with catchphrase.

The second is a Morlamaw from a particular scenario.

Note that Armstrong, while a strong inspiration, is just that - I'm not trying to actually recreate him. Really, he's just a flavored melee fighter / tank. So, here we go.

NG Soldier 11, Star Knight (Knights of Golarion) Archetype
Mercenary theme
Armor Storm Fighting Style (Blitz secondary)
STR 24 (17 start, 1 theme, 2 advance, 4 augment)
Dex 14 (12 start, 2 advance)
Con 17 (11 start, 2 racial, 4 advance)
Int 10 (10 start)
Wis 10 (10 start, -2 racial, 2 advance)
Cha 16 (10 start, 2 racial, 4 advance)

1 Hammer Fist | Toughness
2 Armor Mastery
3 Weapon Spec, Melee Striker | Weapon Focus
4 Challenge
5 Enhanced Tank | Enhanced Resistance (Kinetic)
6 Holy Strikes
7 Armored Advantage | Extra Resolve
8 Step Up
9 Smash Through, Rapid Response | Spellbane
10 Deflect Projectiles
11 Soldier's Onslaught, Sonic Resonance | Diehard

Wields the biggest melee weapon he can get for the level (well, probably every 2 or 3 levels actually). Has a heavy weapon for when he really needs range.

Armor mods I like are Haste Circuit, Jetpack, Deflective Reinforcement, and Force Field - though I won't be getting all at once until at least level 9 armor.

I've still got a +2 augmentation floating, I'm not sure where to assign it.

I'd also like to get Step-up&Strike in there, but I'm not sure what to take out. I'm also not sure of the order for the other feats.

Yes, I know the 20' move speed is painful, but I really like the Armor Storm abilities. By level 9 I'll be up to 50', but it'll take a while to get there.

So, how do I make this guy better?

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