Cooking with Created Water

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

Was thinking about the create water spell, and realized it has interesting implications for cooking. Namely, the fact that it disappears after one day.

This means that you can freeze-dry products without the freezing. I'm sure there's a host of preservation tricks that could be done with this.

If you make booze using the created water, having the water part of it disappear will jack up the alcohol content in interesting ways.

Can anyone else come up with some interesting ways to make use of this?

Shadow Lodge

Also, fractionated water supplies could be used, where you make small quantities of water at different times, pour them together, then different parts disappear at different times.

Actually, created water only disappears if it hasn't been consumed, else what would be the point. Cooking with water generally alters it in much the same way consuming it does, by making a part of something else. If drying out that meal works, (or the much more insidious stuff Thistle seems to be hinting at, ) then drinking summoned water should inevitably be fatal. Clever, but logically leads to unusability and unplayability.

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