Ironfang Forest Soldier

Stogz's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Pelican.

Organized Play Characters

Thorn's End Guard
Sovereign Court Boa Brandytoad

Male Elf Staff Magus/2 (12 posts)
Kobold Devilspeaker
The Exchange Rishh

|HP 5/12| AC 17, 12 touch, 15ff |Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2| Init +2|| Percep: +8, Low-Light Vision (58 posts)
Exo-Guardians TRS-80

Male NG Android Mechanic 1 |SP 6/6 HP 10/10| RP4/4 |EAC 14 KAC 15| Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +1|Init+2| Percep: +5 |Speed 30ft| Drone (VIC-20) |Active Conditions: None| (114 posts)
Exo-Guardians Adell Philgro

|Speed 30 feet|Male NG Shirren Envoy 1 |SP 8/8 HP 12/12| RP4/4 |EAC 11 KAC 12| Fort +1 Ref +2 Will +3|Init+0| Percep: +1 (18 posts)
Grand Archive Gobbit Hastemime
(3 posts)
Forwell Hog
Verdant Wheel Emory Gunter

|Half Elf|Ac 16|F +4 R+5 W +9|17/17 HP|Perception +7|Focus Points 2/2 (107 posts)
Casamir Azmeren
Envoy's Alliance Rathal Vendan

Male |Elf| AC16| 15/15 HP| F+6 R+4 W+9| Per +7 | Cleric 1 (82 posts)
Ironfang Forest Soldier
Envoy's Alliance Stogz

Male Goblin Sorcerer 1 (0 posts)
Obsik Shalehammer
Radiant Oath Snoslun

Exploration: Dwarf | Barbarian 1 | Perception +7 | Saves: F +8, R +4, W +7 | hp 21/25 | AC 15 Rage 10/10 rnds | Hero Points 0/1 | Active Conditions: Clumsy 1 | Speed 20ft | (67 posts)

Verdant Wheel Cyrus Devonshire
(0 posts)
Verdant Wheel Nuvian Von Stein

Elf | Fighter 1 | HP 7/16 | AC 19(21 w/ Reactive Shield) | Saves F +5, R +7, W +3 | Per +5 | Exploration: N/A | Active Conditions: Enfeebled 1 (72 posts)
Othlo Janke
Vigilant Seal Aregisel Twofoot
(0 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Crum Fogchin
(0 posts)
Modoru Redgrave
Horizon Hunters Bryant The Quick
(0 posts)
Vigilant Seal Friddnist
(0 posts)
Gath Morian
Horizon Hunters Gorfen Brightgrip
(0 posts)
Cirieo Thessaddin
Radiant Oath Griffon Stoor

| Halfling | Oracle 1 | Perception +4 (Keen Eyes) | AC 16 | 15/15 HP |F +4, R +5, W +6 (Gutsy Halfling) | Resistances: All Physical Damage 2 (Cosmos Mystery) |Hero Points: 1/1 | Conditions/Curses: None (14 posts)

Pelican 154
(0 posts)
Thevanan Quain
Vigilant Seal Ofeus

Active Spells: None |Free Actions: Drain Bonded Item 1/1 | Focus Spells: Hand of the Apprentice 1/1 Undine Elf | Wizard 1 | AC 15 | Fort +3 | Ref +5 | Will +7 | HP 12/12 | Perception +5, Low Light Vision | Speed 30 | Spear +4 1d6+1 P | Held Items: Spear | Reactions: Salt Wound 1/1 (56 posts)

Pelican 105
(0 posts)


Eros Tristil

Male Half-Elf Ranger Level 2 (99 posts)
Kobold Devilspeaker
The Exchange Rishh Dexglo
(18 posts)
Agate Ioun Stone

|SP N/A HP 10/10| RP N/A |EAC 12 KAC 14| Fort+0 Ref+4 Will+0 |Init N/A| Perception+0 (21 posts)
The Watch-er
(1 post)