
StevenStag25's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts (83 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 3 wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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FTL is a great game, if you are looking for PC games. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is based on the D20 system.

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The soundtrack from FTL(indie game).

Dark Archive

I believe the title speaks for itself, I would like some feat recommendations for a 13th level Zen Archer.

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Dark Archive

Screaming and punching things incredibly hard, ala DBZ

Dark Archive

I am looking to make a suli character that is a multiclass scaled fist unchained monk/bloodrager. I have come to request advice/builds on the subject, as the forum seems to be gods at coming up with effective builds for odd combos.

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Niche Specialist 2
Fighting off Corruption: Hellbound

Looking for:
Aasimar, Tiefling, or another interesting racial boon. PM me with trade offers.

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Aasimar, Tiefling, or another interesting race boon(case-by-case basis)

Dark Archive

Interesting, thanks for the advice. Does anybody else have anything to say?

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Dark Archive

I am building a Scaled Fist Unchained Monk Suli for PFS(yes, I have the boon). Upon building this, it appears that the AC looks a little low. My stat layout is
18 Str
12 Dex
14 Con
5 Int
12 Wis
16 Cha

How would you recommend offsetting my low AC?

Dark Archive 1/5

Shield champion brawler aka Captain America: the Build. If anybody could help me build it, that would be appreciated.

Dark Archive

Does anybody have a good PFS legal skald build?

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Dark Archive

I was planning on using my Suli boon to build either a skald or a bloodrager, does anybody have a good build for either of those classes? Or even maybe another build for another class that fits the suli well? Any recommendations are welcome.

Dark Archive

But your's could be shorn by a puppy's nip!

I once out drank an army of ten thousand dwarves!

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Dark Archive

What is the most interesting/cool combination of a template and a creature you have seen or used? It can be cool thematically or in a rules sense, I'm just curious as to what the most interesting things people have seen are with templates.

Dark Archive

I was just throwing out the challenge to stat up any pokemon you want to the people who feel like doing it.

And yeah, be a bit generous with the sizing on the pokemon.

Dark Archive

In honor of the recent release of Pokemon GO, I was thinking of trying to create statblocks for some different Pokemon. I thought this until I remembered my lack of expertise in the area of statting out creatures. So, I thought I would turn the idea over the forums! So, if you guys want to, go ahead and stat up any Pokemon you think would be interesting or cool to stat up.

My thoughts were to either use the "moves" as spell like abilities or just negate moves entirely. Either way, I am interested in seeing what you make!

Dark Archive

I have just received a Suli boon at a con, does anybody have any recommendations for a good build? I don't know what I am going to make of it, so I thought to post it on the forums.

Dark Archive 1/5

Thanks for all the input, guys! I've run scenarios before, but I just wanted to know how other, more experienced GMs prepped for their's. Thanks again!

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Dark Archive 1/5

What steps would you recommend to prep scenarios?

Dark Archive

I would enjoy hearing more about these 'NPCs'. They seem to be incredibly interesting.

I probably should have specified that I meant outside of social interactions, as I already have some social stuff with NPCs planned. Sorry about the confusion.

Dark Archive

As the subject suggests, what are some good out of combat encounters? Be they simple or complex, I could use some ideas for out of combat encounters.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the link, but I was looking for a decent build for the Shield Champion brawler, mostly for its ability to use multiple combat maneuvers and melee competently.

Dark Archive

Wonderstell: Yes, using the Shield Champion brawler archetype

CheezWizrd: Yes, but I can't figure a way to make a competent one

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Dark Archive

How would you go about building a shield champion brawler focusing on ranged combat maneuvers with his shield, along with being able to pull his weight in melee?