Stargypsyd's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 79 posts (309 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

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thank you everyone for the input and to Lanitril for providing me a link for GM'ing this adventure. My group is enjoying playing it.

Dark Archive 2/5

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Dark Archive 2/5

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Dark Archive 2/5

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Lantern Lodge 2/5

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another thing that people may not consider is how many hours that day has the GM been gm'ing? I know that there have been some events that i have gm'd a total of 13 1/2 hours with only one 1/2 hour break.

Dark Archive

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I am GM'ing the S&S series & I have one player who is a merfolk. He took the trait by land or by sea so he gets to walk on legs while on land or on a ship. However when he gets wet, I have him do a will save to resist having his legs turn into fins & be flat-footed for 1 round! He doesn't mind & it adds more flavor to the game.

Dark Archive

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When filling out your profile or job application, you input the information for one of the characters that you play in role-playing games.

Dark Archive

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I also make sure that I have my "Mom face" on when I do this. :)

Dark Archive

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I just let everyone know that if they overpower their characters that the enemies would also be overpowered to make the game more interesting and balanced.