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![]() Greetings. I was reading Lem's sheet for Lvl5, and I found something about his combat strikes: MELEE
As far as I know, Lem (as any other bard) is trained with shortswords and simple weapons, and have a +1 Striking slingshot.
Best Regards ![]()
![]() Greetings!! First thing goes first: I must ask for patience because my grammar errors, I'm not a native english speaker. I'm playing PFS (And LOVE it!) yet I have a question: My main character (A champion) has his starting sword, and wanna upgrade it to a silver sword. Problem is: His old, trusty steel blade has already a +1 Potence Rune. I've seen that it's possible to transfer a rune from an object to another, with a craft check. Problem is: My character doesn't have it trained.
So... anybody could answer about the legality of the "purchase"? Best regards, and thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() Greetins. First thing goes first: I must ask for patience because my grammar errors, I'm not a native english speaker. I came here because I was reading P2, and saw about the Anathema of the deities. I must say that I find that brilliant: Deities have the virtues they want to plant as seeds in their people, and the sins that they won't forgive. And I stumbled into this one: "Gorum. Anathema: (...) win a battle through underhanded tactics OR INDIRECT MAGIC" So... what would you say it is "Indirect Magic"?
2.- Use trickery (The Trojan Horse Gambit) to pass behind their walls, and fight them. 3.- Use arrows to kill the casters first (Or make them flee) Would you say that Gorum would see those as aberrant? Best Regards. ![]()
![]() There's something I find odd, re-reading this. Should Fighter (And since I think it's a feat, I suppose that Monk, Paladin, and Ranger too) want to use Power Attack in order to increase damage, they have to spent their actions. BUT rogues can add sneak damage, without extra action expenditure? And they can even dual-wield, and add sneak attack MANY TIMES? ![]()
![]() Can you have a readied action, who can be triggered by diferent actions? We have this one in our game table: The fighter declared that he readies his action: "If the evil wizard tries to flee from my threatened area or cast an spell, I'll attack him" The GM says -after the evil guy moved and casted- that you cannot put that kind of trigger "By Rules, it's just "If A then B". Not "If A or B then C" We say that the text for readying actions is:
You can ready a standard action, a move action, a swift action, or a free action. To do so, specify the action you will take and the condiTIONS (plural) under which you will take it. Then, anytime before your next action, you may take the readied action in response to that condiTION. (Singular) We said clearly that you can ready just ONE action: A "If he cast I'll attack and if he flees I'll get my bow" is out of the question -you're not readying ONE action, but readying TWO- So... What do you think? It's ok to use the "OR" word in the trigger? ![]()
![]() Greetings I come here from a far, far away time and a far, far away land to say you... THAT I HATE YOU!!! It's about Velociraptors and Deinonychus: We are at XXI Century, and Everybody knows that Raptors and Deinyes had feathers, wings AND THEY WERE FLIGHT CAPABLE. I demand that the members of the staff, personally, recover every copy of the bestiary, apologize, and deliver every subscriber a new one with this errata corrected, showing that Raptors has a flight speed. It would be nice if they also add to the package a sweet picture of a Velociraptor and a Deinonychus in a playground, using their videoconsoles (In XXII Century, everybody knows that young velociraptors had nintendos back in the early cretaceous) ![]()
![]() I was thinking about the arcane discoveries. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/archetypes/paizo---wiza rd-archetypes/arcane-discoveries/immortality Inmortality is, of course, the most llamative... flavor-wise. Power-wise isn't! So I was thinking... Could a good wizard give his "Immortality Discovery" to another being? Don't get me wrong: The discovery is to craft one -and just one- immortality potion, and the imbiber is the one who won't age if he don't decide to do so, so my idea was: An elven wizard, who knows that his human, half-elf and human friends (And the dwarf) will grow old and die, take this discovery many times, and ensures that his friends will, at least, have the chance? Tanks.
PS: Sorry for my awful english. Yo hablo español ![]()
![]() I like your ideas! Well I was asking form something a little more oficial, more "You can do" or "You Can not". Since we can visit our friend in prison, we can tell him that he can unkempt his appearance and do some gross things. Also, perfumes, and very -VERY- explicit orders about how to act. Thank you everybody! -- Sorry for my awful english. Yo hablo español -- ![]()
![]() We have an scenario where somebody is going to be executed. We can try to make a daring escape from prison, but we're hailed as heroes in town, and help a (presumed) mass murderer to get free would ruin our reputation, would make us outlaws, and not all the people in group are Okay with the plan. So the idea was to have the wizard raise some random corpse as a zombie, and use "Scult Corpse" so it would look like our friend. Then switch one with the other (We tough about using invisibility) So the zombie would get executed without enraging the monk and the paladin in the group (Our friend would wear a Hat of Disguise 24/7 until he could clean his name) But Sculp Corpse is said to work in corpses, and Create Undead (And resurrection) acts just if Sculpt Corspe wasn't used at all. Our Idea is to use Sculpt Corpse AFTER raising the zombie. So... do you think that would work? -- Sorry for my awful english. Yo hablo español -- ![]()
![]() At first I was thinking about something akin to "Those who read BotD are damned to hell" for CotR. But then I remembered the obvious: The lower planes are about eternal torture. The upper planes is about reward. If CotR auto-sends you to heaven, you can be the most evil guy ever, keep the book until you die, and use it as your "Get Scott Free from Hell" card.
(Why Sean K. Reynolds? Because he "killed" the Brass Knuckles and every monk along Golarion cursed him!) I Still miss it feeling more powerful, like a Holy Grail or an Arc of the Covenant. Maybe reading it could counts as a Atonement spell (And like the spell, it only works if the one reiciving the spell truly seeks for atonement) or something, but the main thing is clear: - It appears as the response to BotD
![]() :p we're drifting from the topic... I mean, CotR's best power is that studying it, your "Teleports" into the celestial plane gets improved to "Greater Teleport". Knowing that many places can have not only teleportations, but just ANY access (Some random god's palace, Abadar's treasury, etc.) is when you notice that CotR may be weaker than other magical items that the PCs maybe carrying with themselves. James Jacobs wrote: Symmetry is boring. Keep in mind that CotR is told to be "the Sister of BotD", so when I was reading them, I was especting one to be the answer to the other. Maybe you can find it boring, but it's what's really espected. From a "Sister" magical item at least<Paladin> EvilCleringhthon has reunited the Book of the Damned and unleashing untold evil. I'm in a quest to find Chronicle of the Righteous and fight him. I'll be back in a month
![]() Well, I once played a Barbarian Monk. How's that possible? Easy: He was born in a barbarian tribe. He dresses, talks and eats as a barbarian. But while a kid, he found that punching people was funnier than hitting them with a stick (Remember: KID. Cutting swords are for adults) so he asked his parents permission to train in a nearbly monastery. Thus, all his class levels are "Monk". For him, being a Barbarian is just a background. So he has monastic wows, he doesn't indulge himself very much in barbarian parties (He wend to his brother's wedding, he drank some mead with his family, and gived a toast for victory and prosperity... and then, he went back to training and meditating) He's Lawful Good, tough he would like to engage in some chaotic fun... should his training leave him some time! I like to play a lot with the "Nature / Demeantor" duality, found in World of Darkness games. So, if your deeds can make you fall from goodnes or lawfulness, but not your nature, you can have a character who knows that he MUST behave correctly, but really WOULD LIKE to have some fun. ![]()
![]() David Neilson wrote: Otherwise a devil would be able to reap souls by just getting the book greater teleporting to the biggest city available and start reading. That's exactly the case I was telling you! Maybe BotD rests in the planes of Hell, and when a lesser devil proposes the Teleport, Read, Damn everybody and Teleport Back trick, the rest of devils scoofs the one who said that.
![]() Well, I find some fun scenarios. And fun in the "I like to GM Tomb of Horrors" The group defeats the bad guy, and finds an open book in a desk. "It's the Journal! Let's learn the backstory" The bard uses "Comprehend Languages" and start to read "So, the denizens of hell [Censored, Censored, and archi-censored]" But what kind of book is this? (He closes and looks the title) "Book of Damned! Noooo! We're going to Hell!" ---- "We're here, in the initiation of a new promotion of young good clerics. Goody-TwoShoes-Lad, the first will read a passage from our holy book" "So, the denizens of hell [Censored, Censored, and archi-censored]" But what kind of book is this? (He closes and looks the title) "Book of Damned! Noooo! We're going to Hell!" ---- An army of good crusaders had made a stand against an evil guy and his legion of dragons. The wounded and dying are in a hospital. A cleric walks into the room. "Thank you, my good crusaders, your sacrifice won't be in vain... I'll remember you the words of our cause"
![]() Well, let's see this scenario: A good low level adventurer finds an evil High Priest of Rovaugh, who has BotD. The evil guy uses the "At Will" Bestow curse on our adventurer, summon something using "Gate" and retreats to the "Mage's "Damnificed" Mansion". Then, Sarenrae's High Priest walks into the room holding CoR, and... Uses "Summon Monster VII"? He and the low level adventurer has to FLEE, and about the curse, the Sarenrae's High Priest just have to "Pray for that spell tomorrow, since I haven't prepared it" It ruins any intend of "The foul Evil-Sorceringthon has discovered Book of Damned, and he's rallying every bad guy in the realms! We need to find Chronicle of the Righteous in order to stop him" scenario ![]()
![]() Ok, just think about this scenario: A Paladin enters into a room: He sees "Book of Damned" laying in a altar. He recognices it. The paladin would quake in fear! "Beacon to all demons", "Obliteration when you touch it", "Eternal Damnation"... Bad stuff, indeed! Most of paladins and clerics would, at most, summon some celestial and ask them "To take care of it" An Antipaladin enters into another room and sees "Chronicle of the Righteous". At most, he would look at the book with disgust! He even can put the book in his bag, and carry it to some evil priest in order to destroy it, with no ill efects save for a temporal level loss until he leaves the book. So, I cannot see those two artifacts as truly oposites in function. At least, give the bearer or Chronicle of the Righteous a knowledge bonus! It's a BOOK! --- Edit: The "Become a Good Outsider and sacrifice yourself to destroy book of damned" it's just to illustrate an absolute and selfless act of sacrifice for the cause of good. And keep in mind, the Book of Damned says "Only the direct intervention of a deity can save a soul that has read from the Book of the Damned, and such powers are loath to break their eternal pledges." So even the ultimate and selfless sacrifice, by RAW, only would deem yourself to Hell (Yes, any GM worth of himself would make Iomedae, Sarenrae and Cailen to person themselves to deliver you from Hell. But RAW is RAW!) ![]()
![]() I was reading both of them in the SRD, and found that while Book of the damned is a terrifing artifact, Chronicle of the Righteous isn't near the polar opposite that it's supposed to be: If a non-evil guy tries to open BoD he must pass a 30 Fort save or face obliteration. If a non extreme good guy tries to open CoR, he must pass a 12 Will or just "Deem himself unworthy" but keep in mind: Would Vecna mind if he's deemed unworthy? Also, in many stories when a vampire tries to step into a holy place, he burst into flames. So if Dracula, a legendary irreverent bad guy with no respect for good icons, get his hands in CoR, he would just say "I'm unworthy" instead of roast himself in holy fire. BoD gives eternal damnation: Even if you collected every piece of it with the intend of destroying, even if you MANAGE to destroy it, even sacrificing yourself to the flames (The last requisite is to burn alive a good outsider using one of the chapters as kindling for the pire) even in that case, you're damned to hell.
BoD has as a permanent Unhallow aura. CoR just a Zone of Truth effect (With DC 15. You know that a high level cleric surely can cast it with a greater DC!) CoD gives you +2 to CHA when interacting with good creatures, BoD gives you +5. The Spell-like habilities they grant cannot be compared: One can cast three spells from a list, with the best being summon monster VII. The Book od Damned? it has at-will spells (One of them being Bestow curse, no less) and allows you to cast GATE. CoR even has an evil version of "Mage's Magnificent Mansion", a spell which my GM uses to say "it's the most magnificent spell ever" Even Flavor-wise, BoD gives you a huge boon to Knowledge checks, while CoR doesn't! Aren't those two supposed to be the ultimate repositories of knowledge? My point is: A high level evil cleric with BoD can give nightmares to an even higher level cleric even if he's bearing CoR! shouldn't those two be ballanced? --- Sorry for my awful english. Yo hablo español ![]()
![]() I think that Enlarge/Reduce person DOESN'T AFFECT the damage of the bow. Because there is the "Gravity Bow" spell that allows exactly that. An usual trick for buff is to Reduce the archer: Extra DEX, and no penalty to Damage (Unless using composite longbow) and for Debuff is Enlarging him: Penalty to hit, and no extra damage. ![]()
![]() This can be interesting... In our game, a friend of us is going to be beheaded in the guillotine. We want to save him, but breaking him out of prison is out of the question. So... could we ah) Steal a corpse from the graveyard,
![]() I have to ask something about brass knuckles Those are a weapon that allows you to to 1D3 unarmed lethal damage, and has the monk property (Monks can flurry with it) But a monk with it will fight WORSE, in any aspect: His flurry will be lower, he don't get an alternate damage type (Slashing or Piercing) nor anything else. Also, for a fighter it's also worse! A fighter with "Improved Unarmed" would do 1d3+STR, but since Brass Knuckles are Light Weapons, a fighter would add 1d3+(STR/2) and could only add 1 extra damage per Power Attack. What I say is that now, those are a weapon that only makes you fight WORSE, and weapons shold improve your fighting, not worsening it! Brass Knukles are a monk weapon that is bad for fighters and terrible for monks. So, I must asl... is there any use for them? What does the development team have in their mind for this weapon? It hasn't any text about how it is easier to conceal it, nor anything. RAW say "Benefit: Brass knuckles allow you to deal lethal damage", but almost EVERYTHING in the list allows it! ![]()
![]() Seriously, I don't know what they were thinking when they created the archetype. I mean... The Eidolon is incredibly weak: instead of HD of 1D10, he gets D6s, and in combat, he will be weaker even than a wizard. (In Lvl 20, he gets a +7 BAB? Please!) In my table, there's a summoner and a druid (I have an hourglass for both of them: If they take too long, their turn ends! The Fighter and the cleric begged for it) but the druid is possitive that summon monster is better (Damage reduction, Smite Evil/Good... even the monsters are more varied) This is like giving away some powers, and get nothing in return! ![]()
![]() PrivateZim, take in account that many GMs around the world have been houseruling "Brass Knukles" to give some little prize to the monks, when there is someone in the party. Plus, in the Howl of the Carrion King, there is a weapon, "Tempest" which is always "the favored type of the guy who discovers it" a bow for an archer, a greatsword for your average fighter, and for monks, a scarf which can be wrapped around the fist and give weapon enhancments to the unarmed damage. So, there is many precedents for GMs to give something to monks! ![]()
![]() About the Brass Knukles Thing, seriously, I don't see any mess AT ALL.
- Can you use Ki Strike, Stunning Fist, Elemental Fist, and Quivering Palm with Brass Knukles?
The only tricky ones would be: - If you're wearing Nonmagical Brass Knukles, you qualify for Ki Strike (Magic) and try to hit an uncorporeal creature, would your Magic Fist connect?
- If I wield brass knukles, and try to land a blow with my open palm, would it be an unarmed?
To SKR, if you still want to kill the "Does Monk Unarmed Damage" line; please, I beg you to add something to the Brass Knukles. Monks won't want to use them them (nunchakus deal better damage, allows to disarm, and should be more common than brass knukles) and for the rest of characters... I still don't see any use for them! If the party are stripped of their possesions and have to use "Whatever they can find", daggers would be more common. easier to find in any setting... and even are better weapons. And finally, carrying Brass Knukles to a fistfight would be considered to be cheating (since you're using a weapon)
To Michael. By RAW I think that a Larger Brass Knukles, still would do the Monk Unarmeds! ![]()
![]() The "Brilliant Enervy" thing is not only a matter when we're talking about the Brass Knukles. Also, an small dagger (ine in the hands of a halfling) coulnd't be be enough to trespass the armor of a large creature, and then, what? The same can be said about a brilliant energy brass knukles in the hands of a pure fighter. As a GM, I just simply houserule that "No, you cannot put Brilliant Energy on brass knukles because it don't make sense". Same thing, any GM isn't forced to follow the rules, and houserule "Screw the autors, I am the GM!" ![]()
![]() As I see, the Brass Knucles weren't messy at all. It was just a way to give something to monks to spend their money before getting into the big business (Headbands, Amulet of Mighty fists, Bracers...) since they can't use armor, find most of weapons are useless, and they have no use to wands or scrolls. But the main thing is, What is NOW the point of Brass Knuckles? Not for a monk, but for anybody. "You are considered armed", yeah, but you are considered armed with a dagger, a mace, or a +5 Vorpal Longsword too, because all of them are weapons. Brass Knukles does lethal damage, but a gauntlet does, too. They allow a monk to use flurry, and so do their unarmed attacks. They have the same damage type as an unarmed (Blunt) as unarmed, and even have the same critical range. I don't see ANY aplication to this weapon now for anybody. When it allowed monks to use their Unarmed Damage, they had an use: Help monks to fight better. Can anyones tell me some use to this weapon now? About a silver +1 flaming brass knukle, I see it clear:
It just took one line to clean any mess. :) |