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![]() bugleyman wrote:
2. Some of the GMs I play with just max hit points at every level, so its basicly the same. 8. I used a psudominion rule a few weeks ago in my game to speed up the combat. I told the players later and they were quite upset that they spend spell slots and expensive ammo to deal with 1 hp creatures. I don't think I will be useing something like that again. ![]()
![]() Ughbash wrote:
I made a serpentfolk race for my homebrew setting, I think it came out alright. =3 ![]()
![]() Maybe the ability to spend your favorite class bonus points on something exclusive to the race your playing regardless of class. Like maybe +1/6 bonus feat for humans or something along those lines. (Probably a bad example, most human players would only buy that) Another idea is to use the same points to buy new class features, like a once per day spell for elves or something. ![]()
![]() I was writeing up a few new races for a game I run on Mondays and was going to start working on some alternate favorite class bonuses when a thought hit me. Would it be fair to spend your favorite class points on a favorite race feature? For example I make a playable Serpentfolk race with 6+level spell resistance, would it be too over powered to say you can spend your favorite class bonus for +1/3 bonus to spell resistance dispite your acutal class? Edit: My internet crashed due to the thunder storm and I had another idea, how about using those points to buy addition class features. Like that Serpentfolk race I wrote doesn't have natural armor, but you could buy +1/4 natural armor dispite your class. I would like to hear some feedback. ![]()
![]() Doug OBrien wrote: Human are all you really need. In *most* settings other races usually aren't properly filled out with background info and are often taken as one-dimensional rp crutches. I know I'm going to upset people, but this is pretty much how I view tieflings. Depends on the setting. In the old Forgotten Realms books (the setting all my GMs run) there were extra rules on Tieflings. In Golarion there is a free download that covers everything you'll ever want to know about Tieflings (as well as some extra rules). *High-five Tiefling players* ![]()
![]() I would love to play Psionics again but I don't think that will ever happen (unless a GM runs a 3.5 game). DSP did 'rewrite' psionics for pathfinder, but they didn't do a very good job in my opinion. Not to mention it doesn't say Paizo on the book, so no GMs in my area would use it. I showed up the DSP party a little late and it seemed that most things were done already. I tried to have a little input about feats and the power of the classes/races and was simpely written off. The biggest problem I have is with the Psion. Dispite having limited powers know, its still the Wizard of the Psion world. Yet it gains extra class stuff as a Sorcerer. The Soulknife gave them much trouble too. I'm not sure if it got balanced before hitting the press, but the tipical responce was "Your just trying to brake the character, the class is perfect as is." ![]()
![]() james maissen wrote:
I copy-pasta from the SRD web site, if it changed then it isn't updated yet. ![]()
![]() This is the same as it was in 3.5, but some people don't know about it. Creatures with a base land speed above 30 feet receive a +4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed above 30 feet. Creatures with a base land speed below 30 feet receive a –4 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump for every 10 feet of their speed below 30 feet. No jump can allow you to exceed your maximum movement for the round. Although, I think that bonus used to only apply to long jumps. ![]()
![]() 0gre wrote: Edit: Ninja'd by Howie You both got ninja'd by Shisumo. =P I'm aloud to be wrong (as I am all the time), I didn't see the spell trigger rules, just the stuff under ranger and pally that says no spell caster level until 4th. Its my bad for assuming you needed a spell caster level for those kind of magic items. ![]()
![]() Rangers and Paladins don't have caster levels until 4th level, so they can't use magic items (like wands) until then. At 4th, there caster level is level-3. (Rather than 1/2 level in 3.5) Also, when you pick your smite target, you gain your Cha bonus as a deflection to AC against them. Most people probably know this, but the people I know don't. Edit: If your attack has posion on it, the attack has to deal atleast 1 point of damage for the posion to work. Also another rule overlooked by people I play with. ![]()
![]() Leadership is a fine feat, depending on the GM. My buddy (best GM I've ever played with) rules that we get to make our own cohorts and when we gear them we use PC wealth. Then we typicly control our own cohorts (unless he needs to use them to progress the story line) and we leave the followers at home. The last game I recall, we high-jacked an astroid, put a spelljamming helm on it and drove it back to toril. Everyone in the group (except myself) look leadership so we could populate 'our new planet' with the followers. ![]()
![]() I love Sorcerers, its my stand-by class. If I don't know what to make, its a Sorcerer. I want to branch out and play some different blood lines, but I gravitate to the Draconic. I always come up with some of the best lines while playing a Sorcerer as well. Right now I have a black dragon blooded kobold sorcerer who is a little on the dumb side and I keep everyone at the table laughing. (I worship Tiamat, 5 heads, 5 times the power!) I can't really get into the Wizard, the whole preping spells each morning kills it. I don't feel like I have any freedom in the spell choice. Some how I always prep the wrong spells, then the killer GMs steal my spell book or sunder my component pouch. ![]()
![]() A buddy of mine runs modules with xp totals for each encounter. After we finish said module, he won't pick up another and runs ideas floating around in his head. At that point, he stops giving xp and just tells us to level ever few sessions. . .until he forgets the whole leveling system and we're stuck at level 13 forever. ![]()
![]() Is there going to be a two-handed style for the Magus? I have a buddy that used to play an old school Battlemage. He would silent spells so he could use his Scythe to "bring the pain". Also, did the Knowledge Pool class feature make the cut? It seems like a cheap way to add spells to your spellbook if you had scribe scroll. ![]()
![]() First off, I'm not sure if this is the right spot for this but I'm sure someone can move it. I've seen the extra racial traits for the core races and a few of them made me smile. This got me to wondering, does anyone have any homebrew traits they like to use? Also, I'm big into playing Tieflings and was wondering if, in addition to the core races, the races from the Bestiary could get some love as well. ![]()
![]() Strength - 10
Those seem about right. We played ourselves in a D20 Apocalypses game once. We picked out own stats and then passed the papers around the table to keep it fair. We also got to pick races to, and I was a Tiefling, which is reflected in the stats up there. I don't have much for personality, but I'm loaded with common sense and intelligence. I played a Tough Hero for the first 3 levels, then I drifted into Warlock from 3.5 (mostly because he started throwing demons and devils at us when we out grew the zombies). ![]()
![]() I once played a Drow Rogue in a friend's game. I had a bunch of feats from older books such as Craven(Add your level to sneak attack damage) and Telling Blow(Add sneak attack damage to a critical hit). He said it was cool for about 10 levels when he got sick of it and killed me off. I rerolled and we went on our way. The next game we went up against a dragon which promptly killed us all. Apparently he had forgotten I was the only damage dealer in the group. Anyway, my early level tricks were hiding like you did or casting Darkness. The way its worded now, you can see through it with dark vision which is sweet. If he lets you take feats from older books, check out Telling Blow from the Players Handbook 2. ![]()
![]() Im not sure if this was posted before, but the Final Revelation for the elemental focus' are a little vauge. Do you need to know the metamagic feat in order to make use of this ability or do you get them for free for these spells? If you need to know them already, it wont be worth takeing the final level of the Oracle because you have feats that are (for the most part) usless until then. ![]()
![]() So, I am playing in an Abomination vaults game. We are currently level 3.
The party consists of:
And my Iruxi Fighter with Barbarian dedication -focused mostly on 2-handed weapons- using sudden charge/Brutish shove. Now, my character is great at taking and dishing out damage. He is fun to roleplay (not the smartest and takes everything literally). However, I made him when I was in a bad place, and feel like maybe I should make something that helps the party even more. Thoughts? GM will let me retrain things as needed or bring in a completely new character. ![]()
![]() Hello, I click to track my package for order 8715811 and it doesn't load the tracking... Whether from my phone, my work machine, my personal machine, chrome, edge, incognito, etc. Would you be able to confirm tracking shows it, on track? I know mail and everything is slower these days, but I just want to check since we recently had an issue with one of the local ups hubs losing some coffee we had shipping to us. Thanks in advance. ![]()
![]() I let my group know that I wanted to run Starfinder.
However, one player is not excited.
I am trying to get him to see the fantasy in Starfinder and to get him more excited so he can have fun and enjoy the game as much as everyone else when I run it. I don't want to run the game and have a player not having fun, etc. Any thoughts here to help get him more interested in it? He prefers D&D/Pathfinder/3.5 fantasy over anything else. Thanks. ![]()
![]() I had emailed about this as well, but I am concerned. My Ultimate Campaign order says suspended. I know Justin Riddler had advised your tech team was fixing the fact I was billed as if I had pathfinder advantage when I do not. The fact is I was still billed, so I am concerned about the 'suspended' status. |