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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.


Well, glad to see this has brought up a crazy whirlwind of discussion. Let me calm this down with another question for a different variant:

Level 6 Titan Mauler
- Massive Weapons at Level 3
- Abyssal Blood at Level 6
- Impact on the weapon
- Frost on the Weapon
- Elemental Blood, Lesser
- Vital Strike
- Power Attack

At Level 6, damage at most would be 12d6 + 2d6 cold + 4 + 3 from Magic weapon + Str


So I've been looking at the Titan Mauler archetype for the Barbarian. I know that RAW means that it cannot be used as the original writer wished BUT, I still believe there is a lot of potential for this archetype to kick some serious butt and here's how:

- Jotungrip means you can do TWF with TH weapons. So if I use 2 Nodachi's with Keen I feel like a crit machine is already getting started early on.

- Abyssal Blood Rage Power means I can go from Medium to Large once per day for an entire engagement basically.

After getting to Level 6 for Abyssal Blood I'm thinking of swapping to Two-Weapon Warrior for the rest of my levels. Thoughts?

You could also interpret it that taking leadership doesn't create people to follow you. You can have all the qualities of a good leader and have no friends or living comrades. Leadership just means you are capable of managing that many people. And if those people have leadership in turn then thats great. More people for your cause. But they aren't loyal to you they are loyal to your cohort. who could be loyal to you or who could be an upstart looking to take your position at sign of your first weakness.

How do you think an army works? The general may be a high level and have a formidable personality and superior leadership qualities. But he isn't commanding privates to wash latrines unless they scuff his boots.
He has Colonels who have leadership commanding lieutennants majors and sergeants who have leadership commanding non officer soldiers who are not yet experienced enough to be considered to have leadership.

Long story short I think the mechanic can be applied quite fairly but it's up to the dm to do so

Musket Master(Gunslinger) and Sniper(Rogue)
Needed feats: Point-Blank Shot -> Precise Shot, Far Shot
Needed Equipment: Far-Reaching Sight and Kinsight Goggles
Vital Skills: Stealth!!!

Have party advance ahead with one member wearing Kinsight Goggles with you so you can see everything going on ahead. Once combat begins the Far-Reaching Sight ensures you resolve against Touch AC. Since the enemy hasn't seen you yet you get sneak attack, and the Sniper archetype will ensure you stay hidden for back to back sneak attack. This will be a flavo build and less a optimized/minmax build. For that you would go straight Sniper and use a longbow.

What about Far-Reaching Sight for a gunslinger sniper??? it let's you resolve against touch AC at any range increment. Combine that with Sniper's Goggles and you can basically hit from ridiculous ranges against touch AC. This will make it so you can hit from an absurd range without worry of being noticed. For example at a range of 160ft and a Stelath roll of 10 with 1 Rank of Stealth(Preferred Skill) and Dex Modifier of +2:

PC Stealth: -20(Sniping) + 6(Stealth Skill Total) + 10(Die Roll) = -4
Enemy Perception DC: -4(PC Stealth) + 16(Range) = 12(Perception DC)

Um, Far-Reaching Sight and Kinsight Goggles ... you have a gunslinger sniper