Shinigami21XX's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I'm playing a halfling Bard and I just hit level 7, I didnt see any other feats to take so I took leadership. My main goal is to gain an ally who is useful in most cases. my party consists of 8 players;
Me - bard (sound striker)
3 fighters (one of which also took leadership)
a sorcerer (has just about all item creation feats)
a ranger
a druid
and a fighter/rogue/assassin
I dont know wether my dm is going to let me build the cohort or just choose a class/profession
what would my best options be?

just got word
we'll be starting at lvl 3.

Two DMs are going to do a vs campaign with one party starting out evil, the other party starting out good.
there are going to be 4 ppl in each party, each will try to kill the other team.
what build or classes would give me or my team the higher advantage when killing other players? i'm not sure what everyone is going to be yet.

I'd like to play an absolutely broken character that just dominates everything that is fun! Sure it's not really in good spirit but I just want do do this for the experience (of playing a broken character or at least an extremely fun one).
If you could recommend some that would be great, or post some links to a guide. I'm looking for zero originality, all power!
Also, my DM would probably allow some 3.5 material if necessary.

Speaker for the Dead wrote:

It also has to be a spell from your class list and one you could already know and cast. You'd be better off to get scrolls.

As a GM would you allow it? Especially considering the line, "Once made, these choices cannot be changed."

The loop hole I see, is that yes the spells are only chosen once, But the feat can be taken multiple times. So the real question is, do you choose the two spells with paragon surge and gain those two each time you use paragon surge, or can you get "different expanded arcanas" when you use paragon surge?

It seems like every magical item requires you to learn a specific spell in order for you to make it. This seems fishy because those spells aren't widely available to classes other than the wizard or sorcerer. But, i do remember one of my friends telling me about a spell that you could learn that would count as the required spell for the purpose of creating the item. Is this true? What is it, and where do i find it?

I was wandering, is it possible to dual wield rods? I remember reading a feat about wands but all I really want to do is use double rods of wonder!

I am running a pathfinder campaign that I started just two days ago.
one of the players made an alchemist, and his big idea with the character
was to make every one in the town crackheads or something by becoming a drug dealer. At first i didn't like the idea, but now that i think about it, it might be a useful income for the party (also might morph it into an evil campaign but we won't get into that).
My problem of course was obtaining and making the drugs. And i didn't want meth or whatever in my game so i found some in "the book of vile darkness" (3.5).
my question is how and where would they obtain the ingredience, and what is the process for making them.
Also, I don't know if i should do any converting from 3.5 to pathfinder due to the drugs being too strong or deadly.
Is this even a good idea, or did i just go too far by involving "vile darkness"?


I remember reading about an ability that a witch could use that did something like kill the crops of a plot of land by pacing around it, and i've made a campaign were it is a crucial ability, but now that i'm making the character, i cant find it anywere or in any of the books.
i thought it was a grand hex but i've checked all the books and can't find it.
were is it or did i imagine it, or is it for some other class?

mplindustries wrote:

Wizard cantrips have a limit to how many can be prepared, but they can be cast an infinite number of times per day.

As to how you can prove it, I would suggest having him read the Cantrips ability, since he apparently hasn't:

"Wizards can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Wizard under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. A wizard can prepare a cantrip from an opposition school, but it uses up two of his available slots (see below)."(emphasis mine)

I don't think it's because he didn't read it, I think it was the spells per day chart compared to the sorcerer chart that threw him off (it doesn't have any 0 lvl spells listed).

It also states that a sorcerers cantrips do not consume any spell slots.

I have a misunderstanding between the core rule book and my GM.
According to my GM, when a wizard prepares his 3 cantrips (at lvl 1) he selects three of the cantrips in his spell book to cast that day. But he can only cast Any of them 3 times, and then he can't cast anymore cantrips that day.
But what players outside my playgroup, and what it seems the book is saying is that the wizard chooses 3 cantrips of the ones in his spell book and he may cast those 3 as much as he wants until he prepares his spells the next day (or the GM cuts him off).
Which is it? and how do I prove it to my GM?