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Not sure I can use 'minor creation' to conjure flask of acid :D Also that's 4th level spell, wand would be very expensive. I think maybe my calculation of average number of attacks per day were wrong: 138 flasks thrown o__O I have a feeling that I rarely throw something like 30-40 flasks per day, that still expensive but I could try to optimize something. Probably I should use a bow for regular encounters or maybe start encounter with flasks, then finish with bow if I feel that things going well. Spirit bonus + boon makes really good buff for any weapon, also I can use orc Hornbow with 2d6 base damage (Spirit grants any weap.proficiency) I also modified stats and equip a little:
And with bow I have 4 attacks +17/+17/+17/+12 2d6+8
sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NiIJH9n-2f6sI5J0BxQGeGeJCVPWD1e6l1Y ytkL96zo/edit?usp=sharing _Maybe_ I should just dip 1 level of medium to grab Spirit, Boon and hornbow prof. Then Rogue 2, and then Fighter 7. Better BAB, and feats: weapon focus, weapon training, weapon specialization for bow. ![]()
Ye, I should check the cost, yes. That's important:
15 full attacks x 6 acid flasks (10gp) = 900gp
Total: 2340 gp / day AVR, you're right, seems I should sell my organs on black market.
Bump. Okay, what have we here.
Splasher: lvl 10 HalfElf [Rogue2/Fighter2/Medium6]
More info:
Rogue - Underground Chemist archetype. +Int to splash damage, ability to use Quickdraw with splash weapons Fighter - for feats Medium - Champion spirit. You can also choose maybe Kami archetype for familiar (grab Boon Companion feat at level 11 or instead of Spirit focus if you want) Traits: Firebug, Pragmatic activator. HalfElf trait: DualMinded for willsave
Ability: STR: 8 DEX: 18 (13+1[lvlup]+4[item]) CON: 14 INT: 24 (17+2[racial]+1[lvlup]+4[item]) WIS: 14 CHA: 7 Saves: Fort 14, Ref 12, Will 15 AC: 26 [under shield spell] Feats:
Feats: PointBlankShot TWF+Quickdraw(RogueTalent) +Precise shot Spirit focus +Concentrated splash RapidShot Improved TWF Full Atk [6 Touch atks vs 12AC]:
Atk and Dmg calculation::
Atk: +7BAB+1Pointblank+3SpiritBonus+1Firebug+4DEX-2RapidShot-2TWF Dmg: +7INT+3SpiritBonus+2Boon (multiply x1.5 when using Concentrated Splash) DPR [solo target, Concentrated Splash]: ~158 (if you use 2d6 flasks. Look for Hybridization Funnel). ~135 (with ordinary 1d6 flasks) DPR with Haste:
DPR area [No Concentrated Splash]:
Items (~57.5k)::
Lamellar leather [darkwood] +2 (6000) Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (16000) Belt of Dexterity +4 (16000) Amulet of Nat.Armor +1 (4000) Ring of protection +1 (4000) Ring of Ferocious Action (3000) Cloak of resistance +2 (4000) Ioun +1 saves (4000) Ioun +1 initiative (500) Handy Hoversack (2000) P.S.: It's less versatile than lvl10 Alchemist but average DPR is much better. You also don't care about your bombs per day. Just grab flasks of acid and alchemist fire and BURN! Burn them all! Don't forget to improve your Craft(alchemy) to make 2d6 flasks Google Sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jyByC5EO0Wuujuxv_mqZehm7yQBUBRmreOU Ev3thNrs/edit?usp=sharing ![]()
>not in a hardcover
>"DM and common sense" jurisdiction
>the developers can't make overarching universal rules to fit everything
Hello. Let's talk about that archetype
Description wrote:
Things are very clear if we choose something like Air domain. There's only one power tied to clevel and ability (wisdom) ___However, some domains can grant you several powers at first level. And those powers might be not tied to your clevel or ability. For example: Darkness domain: You gain a Feat and (Sp) power. Eagle domain (and similar): You gain a Familiar and (Su) power. For those domains we probably might rule that you get nothing except (Sp) and (Su) powers.. ..but meet the Wolf domain: The only thing you gain at first level is Feat. No any powers tied to clevel and ability. ___ So, there's a question: What exactly Uda Wendo can get from domains? Only powers tied to clevel or everything what Domain grants at 1st level? *in the first case we'll get nothing from Wolf domain at all (except spells) Thanks. ![]()
Hi, Miryafa!
Miryafa wrote: >Does it have to be a grippli though? any small creature with +2 DEX would be good. I just hate halflings :D Miryafa wrote: >my DPR calculator puts the rage + SA damage at 125.9 - are you sure it's only 109? hm. Rage + sneaks 102 dpr, not even 109. Are you sure you didn't add SA damage to your normal damage? It's precision dmg and not modified by crits etc. Miryafa wrote: >If you meant Rogue Talents, you replaced all of them with Sharper archetype abilities. Can you justify this? Ye I mean R.Talents, sry. And you are right, and I was wrong and blind probably. lvl 2,4 talents were replaced, true.But, good news: after playing rogue without trapfinding I just hate it xD. You can pick any other rogue archetype for this build, with at least 1 talent not swapped + trapfinding. Weapon spec. feat will become legal after that. ![]()
Hello good folks! I need your help:
Someone said wrote: Knockdown Stance (Ex): The barbarian can focus on toppling her foes. Once per round, she can make a trip attack against one target in place of a melee attack. If she succeeds, the target is knocked prone. This trip attempt doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. This is a stance rage power. So, I can trip instead of bite, right? What is right calculation for trip maneuver? Should I apply this (-5) penalty on my trip, because bite attack has it?Thanks! ![]()
Hi guys. For example, we have E.Scion 3 // Bloodrager 1
If they don't stack, how this weird combo works?
mr Zack the Frog
DPR (+Rage -Haste):
Ability Scores
HP: 78 (12+4d8+5d10+5favFighter+2con*10) Saving Throws
Expanded saves math:
[+1 +4 +1] Rogue [+2 +0 +0] Barbarian [+4 +1 +1] Fighter [+2 +8 +3] Ability [+2 +2 +4] misc: Sharper archetype, Iron Will, Cloak +1saves AC: 29 (where +4 for Mage armor and +4 for Shield spells I can cast using wands)
BAB: +9 CMB:+7 CMD:25
Attack and damage calculation:
ATK: +9 BAB, +8 Dex (Rage included), +1 Weapon Focus, +1 Weapon Training, +2 Dueling gloves, +2 Flank, -3 Piranha strike, +1 Ioun, +1 Weapon, +1 Size DMG: +8 Dex (+4 for offhand), +1 Weapon, +1 Weapon Training, +2 Weapon Specialization, +2 Dueling gloves, +6 Piranha strike Feats:
Iron Will Weapon Finesse (Rogue bonus) Improved Steal (Rogue bonus) TWF Weapon focus (Kukri) (in place of Rogue trick) Extra Rage Piranha strike Imptoved TWF Combat expertise (Fighter bonus) Lunge Improved Critical Weapon Specialization Most important gear: ~60k: +4 Belt of Dexterity(16000) Gloves of Dueling (15000) Boots of Speed(12000) +1 Ring of protection(2000) +1 Amulet of natural Armor(2000) +1 Kukris x2 (~2300*2) Cloak +1 saves(1000) Pale Green Prism +1 atk (4000) Wand of mage armor (750) Wand of shield (750) ![]()
Hi guys! I have a question.
Hey, thanks!
Hi guys! I need your advices. I'm trying to build a Pain Taster (10lvl updated prestige). It's just looks interesting and funny; I'd like to create my PT as strong and useful as possible.
Here we go: Fetchling race (much gothic, wow). +2 dex, -2 wis, +2 Cha 20 points Approximate stats. Not sure yet, but I definitely need tons of Dex, average Con and Int 13 for Combat Expertise
It's really weird mix of dips before I become PT. 1. Rogue 1(unchained) | sneak 1d6 | +Weapon Finesse, !Great fortitude 2. Rogue 2 evasion! +Combat Expertise as rogue talent 3. Rogue 3 | sneak 1d6 | *dex to dmg for whips* !Gang up 4. Monk 1 (unchained) (Karmic or Martial master archetype) +Combat Reflexes 5. Cleric 1 (NN/CN, Calistria *whip*, Crusader archetype) +Whip prof., +Weapon Focus (whip), !Some_feat 6. Fighter 1 (Unbreakable) +Endurance, +Diehard 7. Pain Taster 1 +2 Dex +Whip Mastery, !Crusader's Flurry 8. Pain Taster 2 | sneak 1d6 | DR 1/- 9. Pain Taster 3 !Some_feat 10. Pain Taster 4 | sneak 1d6 | DR 2/- 11. ...and so on.... 10 levels is enough for beginning, it could take more than a year and half, when my character will get lvl10 Time to explain:
TWF build with two Whips seems like bad decision for me, because it's (-2/-4) with small Whip in off-hand, and... huh.. what's next? Improved TWF for (-2/-4/-9)? No way.
At level 10:
Items: Whip +2 Belt (Dex +4) No armor No shield Amulet of natural armor +1 Ring of protection +1 Cloak of resistance +1 Fort:13 Ref:15 Will:4 (oh shi~)
Flurry at 10 lvl: +26/+26/+21 (with flank, bless, reduce person and PT' Masochism ability)
About possible feats: Piranha strike – nope. Only +2 to avg damage at lvl 10. Maybe later. even Accomplished sneak attacker – +10 to avg damage Improved Whip Mastery – I will get it at 13 level anyway as bonus. Agile maneuvers – looks awesome Improved Trip + Greater Trip – nice, but not sure it's the best option. Two feats, hm. About possible build options:
Waylayer Rogue archetype – never flat-footed in surprise round.
*Hey, OP, what do you want?*
Thanks again! |