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Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.

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Hello. Let's talk about that archetype paizo-llc-medium-archetypes/wendo-medium-archetype/

Description wrote:

While channeling a wendo, the uda wendo gains the 1st-level domain power of one druid animal or terrain domain (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 33), or the 1st-level domain power of one of the following cleric domains:<...>

The uda wendo has an effective cleric or druid level equal to 1/2 his medium level (minimum 1st) for the purpose of this ability

Things are very clear if we choose something like Air domain. There's only one power tied to clevel and ability (wisdom)

However, some domains can grant you several powers at first level. And those powers might be not tied to your clevel or ability. For example:
Darkness domain: You gain a Feat and (Sp) power.
Eagle domain (and similar): You gain a Familiar and (Su) power.
For those domains we probably might rule that you get nothing except (Sp) and (Su) powers..
..but meet the Wolf domain: The only thing you gain at first level is Feat. No any powers tied to clevel and ability.
So, there's a question:
What exactly Uda Wendo can get from domains? Only powers tied to clevel or everything what Domain grants at 1st level?
*in the first case we'll get nothing from Wolf domain at all (except spells)


Hello good folks! I need your help:
For example, we have Unch.Barbarian with bite attack and weapon in his hands and Knockdown stance.
His attacks: +N(weapon) / +N-5(bite)

Someone said wrote:
Knockdown Stance (Ex): The barbarian can focus on toppling her foes. Once per round, she can make a trip attack against one target in place of a melee attack. If she succeeds, the target is knocked prone. This trip attempt doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. This is a stance rage power.

So, I can trip instead of bite, right?

What is right calculation for trip maneuver? Should I apply this (-5) penalty on my trip, because bite attack has it?

Hi guys. For example, we have E.Scion 3 // Bloodrager 1
Can you tell me, do their levels stack for bloodline powers progression? I can't find clear argumentation.
They have the same bloodline and Magus treats his level 3 as 'effective bloodrager level'. But Bloodrager 1 is also counts as 'effective bloodrager level'.
Can one character have two different 'effective bloodrager levels' for the same ability?

If they don't stack, how this weird combo works?
Any rules/faq?

Hi guys! I have a question.
They said:
>A character who chooses wizard as his secondary class gains the following secondary class features.
School: At 1st level, he chooses a school of magic in which to specialize. For all powers of that school, he treats his character level as his effective wizard level.

So, if I can choose a school of magic like a true wizard, I probably can choose Focused arcane school instead, right?

Hi guys! I need your advices. I'm trying to build a Pain Taster (10lvl updated prestige). It's just looks interesting and funny; I'd like to create my PT as strong and useful as possible.
At first, just want to say *ThAnK yOu* to those who read it. It takes time and patience to read and understand someone else build. And sorry for bad english!


Here we go:
Fetchling race (much gothic, wow).
+2 dex, -2 wis, +2 Cha
20 points

Approximate stats. Not sure yet, but I definitely need tons of Dex, average Con and Int 13 for Combat Expertise
Str 9
Dex 19 (17+2) 27 (17+2+1+1+2+4) at level 10
Con 14
Int 13
Wis 8 (10-2)
Cha 12 (10+2)


It's really weird mix of dips before I become PT.
1. Rogue 1(unchained) | sneak 1d6 | +Weapon Finesse, !Great fortitude
2. Rogue 2 evasion! +Combat Expertise as rogue talent
3. Rogue 3 | sneak 1d6 | *dex to dmg for whips* !Gang up
4. Monk 1 (unchained) (Karmic or Martial master archetype) +Combat Reflexes
5. Cleric 1 (NN/CN, Calistria *whip*, Crusader archetype) +Whip prof., +Weapon Focus (whip), !Some_feat
6. Fighter 1 (Unbreakable) +Endurance, +Diehard
7. Pain Taster 1 +2 Dex +Whip Mastery, !Crusader's Flurry
8. Pain Taster 2 | sneak 1d6 | DR 1/-
9. Pain Taster 3 !Some_feat
10. Pain Taster 4 | sneak 1d6 | DR 2/-
11. ...and so on....

10 levels is enough for beginning, it could take more than a year and half, when my character will get lvl10

Time to explain:
Monk: For Flurry of Blows. Unchained monk has no penalties and full BAB. Wow so stronk.
Cleric: Channel energy class feature for Crusader's Flurry feat. And Weapon focus for free. Now my whip is a monk weapon. Right?

TWF build with two Whips seems like bad decision for me, because it's (-2/-4) with small Whip in off-hand, and... huh.. what's next? Improved TWF for (-2/-4/-9)? No way.

At level 10:

Whip +2
Belt (Dex +4)
No armor
No shield
Amulet of natural armor +1
Ring of protection +1
Cloak of resistance +1

Fort:13 Ref:15 Will:4 (oh shi~)
AC = 20 (10+8+1+1), 22-23 with buffs. Maybe even more with Wand of Mage Armor. Don't care about AC

Flurry at 10 lvl: +26/+26/+21 (with flank, bless, reduce person and PT' Masochism ability)
Average damage at lvl10 ~99 with sneaks (same conditions).
Not really high damage, but it's easy to flank (thanks Gang Up feat) and to make Flurry (5 ft step and 15 ft reach).
Bad things: NO crits. Enemies with DR will be rly nasty (is it really possible to made whip from adamantine, huh?).


About possible feats:
Piranha strike – nope. Only +2 to avg damage at lvl 10. Maybe later.
even Accomplished sneak attacker – +10 to avg damage
Improved Whip Mastery – I will get it at 13 level anyway as bonus.
Agile maneuvers – looks awesome
Improved Trip + Greater Trip – nice, but not sure it's the best option. Two feats, hm.

About possible build options:
Not rogue. Ninja.
What is good: Really sweet ki pool.
What is bad: No evasion. 1 more feat for Weapon finesse. Need good Charisma, I can't dump it. And I need Agile whip for Dex to Dmg. It's 8k gold, and as said my DM “Well, maybe you will find some caster, who will enchant your whip at level 8+. Or 1-5% chance to find it in shops, at level 6-7”.
It will be hard to survive even with Rogue at lvl 1-6, so Ninja looks acceptable only if I'll start already lvl10, meh.

Waylayer Rogue archetype – never flat-footed in surprise round.
Counterfeit Mage Rogue archetype – fun with wands, but only at Rogue lvl4 and at the cost of 1 talent.

*Hey, OP, what do you want?*
1. Any damage/to-hit optimization, if possible.
2. Advices for off-hand. I have one FREE hand, I don't know what to do with it, because I'm noob.
I want to be useful for team even when I can't make full-attack or hit with sneak in my round.
What kind of wands should I get? Align weapon, Invisibility purge?
From my 3.5 experience, invisible creatures and flying creatures (sometimes invisible and flying) were the worst enemy.
Maybe Net for off-hand? Still not sure is it one-handed or two-handed weapon.
3. Should I do my best to bump Will save, even at the cost of Dex?
4. Any other suggestions.

Thanks again!