SharadW |
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Hello. Let's talk about that archetype
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/occult-adventures/occult-classes/medium/archetypes/ paizo-llc-medium-archetypes/wendo-medium-archetype/
Description wrote:
While channeling a wendo, the uda wendo gains the 1st-level domain power of one druid animal or terrain domain (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 33), or the 1st-level domain power of one of the following cleric domains:<...>
The uda wendo has an effective cleric or druid level equal to 1/2 his medium level (minimum 1st) for the purpose of this ability
Things are very clear if we choose something like Air domain. There's only one power tied to clevel and ability (wisdom)
___However, some domains can grant you several powers at first level. And those powers might be not tied to your clevel or ability. For example:
Darkness domain: You gain a Feat and (Sp) power.
Eagle domain (and similar): You gain a Familiar and (Su) power.
For those domains we probably might rule that you get nothing except (Sp) and (Su) powers..
..but meet the Wolf domain: The only thing you gain at first level is Feat. No any powers tied to clevel and ability.
So, there's a question:
What exactly Uda Wendo can get from domains? Only powers tied to clevel or everything what Domain grants at 1st level?
*in the first case we'll get nothing from Wolf domain at all (except spells)