
Shar Tahl's page

Organized Play Member. 1,983 posts. 1 review. 1 list. No wishlists. 16 Organized Play characters.

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Liberty's Edge

I will need to cancel my subscription to SF Adv Paths

Liberty's Edge

I will need to cancel the three items I had for pre-order in my sidecart. How do I do that? I can see the order number of 7613673, but no buttons

Liberty's Edge

In the Numeria adventure path, the players found a lot of these goggles with different lenses. One was a brown lense that helped those with light blindness. Is there anything like that in starfinder? I didn't see any, but I could have missed it. Want to if it can be mitigated.

Liberty's Edge

Does a targeting computer negate the chance to hit an image from a target that has Mirror Image?

Liberty's Edge

I may come up with this situation and I want to get some input.

Lets say a character is paralyzed for 4 minutes during combat, then they are killed while there are still a couple minutes left on the paralysis. Then the healer immediately casts breath of life and raises them back.

Are they still paralyzed?

Liberty's Edge

I'll be the first to admit, I am not the greatest GM. Not for a lack of rules knowledge, but more of the general anxiety I have normally. Players doing things that are "outside the box" usually throw me off when running a module/adventure path. What are some best practices to prepare better for a game night? What are some example of what other folks do when getting ready for a game?

Liberty's Edge

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Will there every be modules put out for Starfinder(other than a SFS scenario)?

Liberty's Edge

How do these all interact with each other? I have a player asking and I am not at a place where I can access the rulebooks at the moment(work). Want to see if there are already established answers before I go trying to start working it all out.

Liberty's Edge

I will be starting this AP in a couple months after we finish Dead Suns (just hit book 6). Are there any specific party needs that will make the adventure more enjoyable, or any races or classes that will have a hard time?

Liberty's Edge

Do the increases of the level ups at 5 10 etc effect whether you get +1 or +2, or do you use the unmodified value to determine?


Character has 14 dex at level 7, gets a Mk II upgrade to add +4, giving a total of 18. At level 10, would it go up +2 because of the base, or +1 because it is now 18?

Liberty's Edge

I seem to have misplaced the rules card. What was the formula for the saving throws?

Liberty's Edge

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I am running an adventure where there would be no nearby civilizations at their current location, so races for any filler characters to replaced dead characters would be nearly non-existent. The SRO is one could be in storage that could come back after several millennia. On this note, I want to create one of each class that are based on famous robots and droids from sci-fi franchises. Looking for assistance on famous movie or TV droids/robots

R2-D2 : Small SRO, Ace Pilot, Mechanic(exocortex)
C-3PO : Medium SRO, Envoy, Xenoseeker
K-2SO : Medium SRO, Mercenary, Soldier(Sharpshooter?)

Liberty's Edge

What are some ways I can get my players to be a little more creative with starship builds? They have found out that you only really need three things; Big power core, Big shields and a big gun(s) on a turret. If you maximize those three, the pregen enemy ships get plowed through. It removes the tactical facings completely when you have a turret that doesn't need facing, which is one of the biggest parts of starship combat. It makes the combat very bland and just going through the motions. My knee-jerk thought is eliminate turrets on PCs and enemies. Wondering other folks thoughts on this.

Liberty's Edge

I was wondering, since all the materials have been out for a bit, what races beyond the core would been considered to have significant advantages over the core races? Thinking about this just in case I start a new pathfinder campaign and want to allow most races, but would not want someone that completely overshadow the other players, if that would even happen.

Liberty's Edge

I am having what seems like a potential issue with a PC starship. I don't see any design flaws with the rules, just an extremely powerful ship build for ship to ship combat.

Here is a breakdown of the major ship components in questions when they were Tier 7:

Power Core: Pulse Orange (250 PCU)
Shields: Heavy Shields/360 (90 points per quadrant)
Weapon: Two Linked Particle Beams (8d6 damage each)

All components on the ship are within the thresholds for Build Points and Power Consumption

This build methodology has proved to be overpowering for all encounters from the modules. For example, the Tier 6 ship enemy had 17 points of shields per quadrant and weapons that could do 3d6 and 2d12 to any one quadrant. So this enemy could do an average of 24 if they hit twice, which would be 4 rounds to punch through the shield. The would receive 40 damage on average from the linked cannons hitting, doing 23 points of hull damage a hit (1st Critical threshold, 2nd and 3rd on the second hit). This enemy had no chance at all.

My question would be, is there a limit per tier on how big a power core and how strong a shield generator a ship can have? This shield for instance that they have is bigger than the one the same Eoxian Battleships use.

Liberty's Edge

Does supercharge weapon work on analog weapons? It's description seems to imply it effects energy based weapons.

Liberty's Edge

The NPC ship lists a gunnery check of +10. The reference NPC is the space pirate from First Contact, which has a BAB of +1 and Dex Mod of +4 and is level 1. How are they getting +10 to attack.

One big problem my players have is how low the gunnery checks are for the players when compared to other stations.

Liberty's Edge

The rules for item hit points (Pg 409) do not conform with the rate drones hit points increase, so the rules for Tensile Reinforcement would not make sense in this case. What would be a fair way to apply this?

1: +10 HP
2: +5 HP
3: +1 DR

Liberty's Edge

These seem to be a proficiency category. I have a few questions about these two

1: If someone is proficient in long arms but not sniper weapons, would they take a -4 to all attacks with a shirren-eye rifle or would it be better to just have it lose the Sniper property?

2: Do the special weapons need proficiency each or just a blanket Weapon Proficiency(Special)?

Liberty's Edge

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I have a player with a combat drone with the Skill Subroutines Mod. This gives it skill ranks equal to the PC level and the ability to use the skill on its own. The PC chose engineering as the skill. The drone can use this skill without direct control being needed.

It seems reasonable to me, that the PC can give the drone a command, like keep diverting power to the shields. This would free up the party of four to take up the other four stations and have the robot be the engineer doing that one function. Every time using divert power to shields as the PCs take their actions. Would it also be reasonable to have some conditional instructions, like if-then statements, to have something like If the shields are full already, then divert power to weapons. Would this be reasonable for an 8 intelligence robot? I probably will allow this for them, since it would be fun for them, but just wondering others thoughts on this.

Liberty's Edge

I am GM-ing the Dead Suns AP and have had the PC using this spell a bit as a tactical spell to distract. I was just wondering about the scope of this spells effects, in regards to complexity and when the will saves are given.

Do all NPCs that view it take their will save right away, or do they only get it if they try to interact with it. I know this is built off of silent image, which is quite powerful when used in the right ways. Just not sure if there are any differences in concept, since once is an illusion and one is a hologram.

Liberty's Edge

There is a pre-made ship that has a listing Recreation Suite (HAC/Gym). Do the rules allow for a multi-purpose suite? Each of those(HAC and Gym) have different power demands, but same BP.

Liberty's Edge

Here are the relevant items for my question

- the party has a medium ship with weapons in all four quadrants and a turret( five total ).

- four party members, set up as on of each for Engineer, Gunner, Pilot, Science

- Rules state "One gunner per weapon mount"

Can they only fire a single shot from a single weapon each turn without penalty since there is only the one gunner in the party?

What are all their options in this situation?

Liberty's Edge

Feat in question:

Sap Master:

Benefit: Whenever you use a bludgeoning weapon to deal nonlethal sneak attack damage to a flat-footed opponent, roll your sneak attack dice twice, totaling the results as your nonlethal sneak attack damage for that attack.

Does a slam attack count as a bludgeoning weapon in regards to the specifics of feats?

Liberty's Edge

I would like to cancel my Adventure Path subscription. Backlog of unplayed adventure sets!

Liberty's Edge

Are there any rules listing the process, if any, for scaling a weapon from medium to small? The particular scenario is the party found a rocket launcher and the small raced character was wanting to use, but since it is two handed that is a no-go.

Liberty's Edge

Could a balanced party be made from just occult adventure classes? For instance covering melee damage, ranged damage, and support. Lets say for a party of five characters.

Liberty's Edge

What are the advantages of this? I think I am not quite understanding its purpose

Liberty's Edge

Just a general survey.

How do you tier the knowledge given out for successful knowledge checks? Do you let them ask a certain number or questions based on the result about strengths, weaknesses, abilities, etc or do you hand out small tidbits that can be helpful?

Liberty's Edge

I really like the idea of the class, but many mysteries are limited in effectiveness or once a day things. What are some of the most effective builds? Could there be a few effective melee combat builds? What are all the roles they could fit reasonably well?

Liberty's Edge

Questions will be in the second post.

Liberty's Edge

Does a rifle count as a musket for the musket master archetype?

Liberty's Edge

What are some ideas for themed characters for the Numeria region. These would be pregens I keep on hand in case the player main characters die for whatever reason.

Things I have thought up so far:

-Orphaned Lashunta from Castrovel. That seems the race that looks less alien and could fit in that have interesting racial abilities.

-Escaped cyber-soldier with implants. might end up being more vanilla with a cool visualization.

Looking for some good concept ideas that would fit well in the Iron Gods adventure path theme and function well in a group.

Liberty's Edge

Bloodline: An eldritch scion gains a bloodrager bloodline. The bloodline is selected at 1st level, and this choice cannot be changed. An eldritch scion's effective bloodrager level for his bloodline abilities is equal to his eldritch scion level. He does not gain any bonus feats, and he gains bonus spells from his bloodline at different levels (see the bonus spell class feature, below). To use any ability that normally functions when he's in a bloodrage, an eldritch scion must spend 1 point from his eldritch pool.

For the bold section, what things fall in the category? I will list some example ones. I know the "once per rage" are obvious pool point usage.

1>Frightful Charger (Su):

At 1st level, when you hit a creature with a charge attack, that creature becomes shaken for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your bloodrager level (minimum 1). This effect does not cause an existing shaken or frightened condition (from this ability or another source) to turn into frightened or panicked. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

2>Ghost Strike (Su):

At 4th level, your melee attacks are treated as if they have the ghost touch weapon special ability.

3>Death's Gift (Su):

At 8th level, you gain cold resistance 10, as well as DR 10/— against nonlethal damage.

4>Wings of Heaven (Su):

At 12th level, you can choose to sprout feathery wings and fly with a speed of 60 feet and good maneuverability. At 20th level, your fly speed increases to 80 feet.

5>Elemental Movement (Su):

At 8th level, you gain a special movement type or bonus to your speed based on your chosen element, as indicated on the above table.

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone seen any good build ideas for a magus that utilizes words of power? I really like the magus concept, but they seem to be pigeon-holed into intensified shocking grasp builds.

Liberty's Edge

What class would be best suited for creating a literary viking? Do the archtypes that sound like they should work do the job(Skald being one)?

Liberty's Edge

Two things actually. Posting this is rules now, since it is more of a rules thing.

1st: If a humanoid zombie is being created, say a half-orc or human. Does it have only 2HD or can it be created with more? Looking to have something of a bodyguard for a reanimater alchemist disguised as a human-ish, like Greggor Clegain.

2nd: Can zombies be outfitted with weapons and armor? If so, do they suffer any penalties for proficiency?

Liberty's Edge

Can an animated zombie be given armor to wear and wield a weapon?

Liberty's Edge

I was wondering, which classes make good necromancers? There are a few that can do the job, but don't know how they work in actual game-play

Gravewalker Witch
Bones Oracle
Wizard with Necromancy Specialization
Sorcerer (undead bloodline to keep theme?)
Undead Lord Cleric
Some others I missed

Liberty's Edge

What would a balanced spell level be for a spell that would permanently change the size of an item one step in a single direction. So there would be essentially two version, like Enlarge Person/Reduce Person. I figure it should have a monetary component, like masterwork transformation, and about the same casting time. Thinking it can be the same level as Masterwork Transformation at level 2. That sound like a fair level for that ability?

This is something a player would like to have made in a game I am running. They are small sized and a bit of an arcane tinkerer and would like to be able to use the loot found, which is mostly medium. They would like to research the spell using the spell research rules.

Liberty's Edge

I was just finishing watching Jack Reacher again. This was the last line in the movie:

movie quote wrote:

There's this guy. He's a kind of cop, at least he used to be. He doesn't care about proof, he doesn't care about the law, he only cares about what's right. He knows what I did. You can't protect me. No one can.

What alignment would that description fit under? Alignment is hard to peg, because a lot of time it's all dependent on your point of view.

Liberty's Edge

How much would it change the dynamics of the game to have criticals not require confirmation? I would apply this universally, both for the party and the monsters.

Liberty's Edge

I have this idea about an adventure where the PCs wake up to find they have had their souls bound to dolls. They would have the base starting stats of - Str 7, Dex 14, Con —, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 9 - and they would get to spend some amount of stat points to increase them to match the character class they chose. Their goal would be to find out what happened to them and find a way to get their original lives. They would face many challenges socially, as walking, talking dolls tend to creep people out. Would this be something that could be a fun long running campaign, or would the social interaction difficulties make it too hard to have good immersion?

Soulbound Doll

Hit dice would be reduced to Class hit dice. Would also need good aligned spell-like abilities to fill in the other 3 alignments

Liberty's Edge

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Does that combination lead to a masterwork technological item that does not glitch and can be recharged?

Liberty's Edge

What are some quick dice based gambling games? There is a reference to game mastery guide but didn't find any actual mechanics.

Liberty's Edge

would androids have different color blood or would it look line normal human blood, but be composed differently?

Liberty's Edge

Fishing for some ideas for character concepts for a couple players of mine for this AP. Right now, the only set classes in the party of 5 are a Machinesmith (LPJ games) and a rogue. What are some concepts that would fit the flavor of the area and would build up well with the adventure?

I have toyed around with an Android Gunslinger as a build suggestion for one person, but am drawing a blank for others.

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Squiggit wrote:
Biztak wrote:
Kobolds are confusing, they are as cuddly and cute as they are menacing and feral.
The kobolds here are less gobliny than the ones in some of the other art. Still not sure I'm a huge fan of the redesign though.

Not a fan of the supposed redesign of the kobolds, either. Look too much like sharks/goblins.

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Would be great to have these, but lost $400 on the Kickstarter (thanks Mona) minis, so no Starfinder Battles for me.