
Secretlyreplacedwith's page

405 posts. Alias of Aberzombie.


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Where are the hookers and blow?


I remember Sebastian.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
So... Crystal Pepsi is back.
I have been looking all over for it! Where did you find it?!?!
The gas station across the street. It seems like they rolled it out to every store in the area over the weekend.
drink one for me bud! I am still searching for one in my area!
Little does Freehold DM know, but we've replaced all the Crystal Pepsi within a 50 mile radius of his home with the far more delicious Whedon Soda.
As long as the Mountain Dew is untouched you get to live.

Why would I want to touch that crap?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
David M Mallon wrote:
So... Crystal Pepsi is back.
I have been looking all over for it! Where did you find it?!?!
The gas station across the street. It seems like they rolled it out to every store in the area over the weekend.
drink one for me bud! I am still searching for one in my area!

Little does Freehold DM know, but we've replaced all the Crystal Pepsi within a 50 mile radius of his home with the far more delicious Whedon Soda.




11 people marked this as a favorite.

......You recognize the origin of this alias.


Jess Door wrote:
I have to admit, I'm still waiting for Sebastian to post something here about my claim to be a better unicorn than him...

While you're waiting for original recipe.....


An officer of the court will be serving you with papers soon. I shall bring the full wait of our efficient and world-renowned legal system down on your head, young lady.



1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sebastian wrote:
I participated!

You look.....familiar.

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
taig wrote:
doctor_wu wrote:
Wow this has been been really busy.
It's FaWTL's fourth birthday and we're celebrating!
Call in the emergency strippers!

Now we're talking!


Sebastian wrote:

I care about the fate of Star Wars almost as much as I care about the fate of D&D.

Call me when the current owners of the respective brands decide to do something I might care about. Until then, I'm going to continue living my life secure in the knowledge that Return of the Jedi was the last Star Wars movie and 3.5 was the last edition of D&D.

Should we just get it over with and call them all losers?

Cleric of St. Sebastian wrote:
KIll the zombies!!! Kill the Pod People!!!



5 people marked this as a favorite.

Rivals? You mean all these little ants I step on are sentient?

BluePigeon wrote:
Why do I work the job I do?????????????????

To get money so you can buy me hookers and blow.

Serj Tankian wrote:

I like to use them for the blow.


Gruumash . wrote:
Yeah when you hit puberty eventually that will come for you makes grow hair.

Puberty? I think that's something you mere mortals have to experience. Luckily, I'm beyond simple human things like that.

Gruumash . wrote:
Oh sorry maybe you are a female my apologies.

I'd "whip it out", as they say, in order to demonstrate my manhood, but last time I did that a universe was destroyed. And I kind of like this one.

Gruumash . wrote:
Why are you watching me after I get out of the shower in the morning Secretlyreplacedwith? That is not awesome ... that is creepy.

What? You think omniscience is easy?

Or pretty? I mean, geez! Do something about that back hair!

Gruumash . wrote:

So you have been taking my tips. Thats cool you can imitate me but there is nothing like the orginal. Orginal Awesomeness that is the Gruumash.

You keep on trying though man maybe when you grow up you can be considered Awesome too. It is alot of hard work though and not easy so keep working at it man. Perhaps people will start to think of you as kinda awesome. I mean you will never be as awesome as me but you certianly could be considered pretty awesome.

If you keep standing in front of the mirror and practicing like that, people will being to think you're crazy.

Awww...Look how cute you are, following in my footsteps. It's not everyday that someone wants to be as badass and lovable as me when they grow up. I'm sorry to say, though, you probably won't measure up. Nothing personal, it's just impossible to duplicate perfection.

I would say that I invented being awesome, but that would imply that there was a time that I never was. And we all know that can't be true. Just look at my profile if you need evidence.

Gruumash . wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Gruumash . wrote:
No actually it means just what it says .... I am awesome and obviously you are jealous and perhaps intimidated by my awesomeness but that is cool I can show you how to be awesome a well.

Ah, I see. So what you're really saying is that either (a) You are extremely delusionsal, or (b) You got your hands on some really good blow.

I'll assume it's (b), since hookers and blow is part of my National Pastime.

I am so awesome I don't need hookers and blow to be awesome.

Delusional it is then.

Gruumash . wrote:
No actually it means just what it says .... I am awesome and obviously you are jealous and perhaps intimidated by my awesomeness but that is cool I can show you how to be awesome a well.

Ah, I see. So what you're really saying is that either (a) You are extremely delusionsal, or (b) You got your hands on some really good blow.

I'll assume it's (b), since hookers and blow is part of my National Pastime.

If by "awesome" you mean "like all other people I'm completely inferior to Sebastian and desperately want to live vicariously through his own supreme badassery" then I'd say it probably has something to do with Skittles and the Mayan civilization.

Don't Look! wrote:

We've secretly replaced his coffee with poison which will render him temporarily blind.

Let's watch...

You called?

Dick Cheney wrote:

Watch it buddy. That's my line.

Try and steal it again, I'll put you in a room full of mircowaves.

Cleric of St. Sebastian wrote:
We must all try to follow the example of St Sebastian, the most magnamous man in the world!


So where are the hookers and blow.

New pony? NEW PONY?!? What have you done to my genetic source material now?!?

And some are superior clones who maintain the original, bad-ass avatar pic instead of allowing someone to change it to the frilly, rainbow-shitting, happy pony pic.

And, with that, I'll have to leave you to wallow in your own misery. I've got some souls to, I meant save.

Cleric of St. Sebastian wrote:
But your FAWESOMENESS is denied!!!

Good. Like I said, I am for higher up.

Cleric of St. Sebastian wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Cleric of St. Sebastian wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
taig wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Morning FAWTL! What is new other then badgah's fear of being replaced?
He has already been replaced. He is no longer my second favorite badger.

Sebastian isn't a badger!

I'm all things to all people. Don't you know that by now?
The blessing of St. Sebastian be upon you.

I certainly do like to bless myself....all the time. If you know what I mean....

But I'm hardly a saint. That's way to low on the totem pole.

BLASPHEMER!!!! Prepare the Holy Fire of Skittles!!!

Pfft! I eat skittles and shit rainbows. My AWESOMENESS is undeniable.

Cleric of St. Sebastian wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
taig wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Morning FAWTL! What is new other then badgah's fear of being replaced?
He has already been replaced. He is no longer my second favorite badger.

Sebastian isn't a badger!

I'm all things to all people. Don't you know that by now?
The blessing of St. Sebastian be upon you.

I certainly do like to bless myself....all the time. If you know what I mean....

But I'm hardly a saint. That's way to low on the totem pole.

taig wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Morning FAWTL! What is new other then badgah's fear of being replaced?
He has already been replaced. He is no longer my second favorite badger.

Sebastian isn't a badger!

I'm all things to all people. Don't you know that by now?

Scribbling Rambler wrote:
Sebastian. wrote:
Just like old times...
Hey! Why are you using Secretly Replaced With's picture???

It's called jealousy. He wants to be me very badly. And let's face it, who wouldn't?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
KaeYoss wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Nanakago wrote:
1) What will be the color of the plastic on these? I ask because I know that the DDM used black, but I like the white that was used for the black dragon sculpt.
Reaper will use whatever makes the most sense. (Given that the bases are black, black will usually make sense.)

Concerning sense: Reread your post (especially the quoted part) and find out which word makes none! ;-P

That's me, always mixing up names. Fixed. Thanks, Sebastian!
Don't even joke about something like this. Seriously, don't. I'm not jesting.

That's not a joke. It's an honor.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Lobriathus Berwell wrote:
Well, since Sebastian is so AWESOME!!!!!!
This person is very weird. You should all run from him.

Your jealousy feeds the hunger in my withered soul.

Lobriathus Berwell wrote:
Well, since Sebastian is so AWESOME!!!!!!

This person is very wise. You should all listen to him.

Werewolf of London wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:

You're just jealous because, much like a Werewolf at Trader Vic's, my hair is perfect.



Sebastian wrote:
Secretlyreplacedwith wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Why did this thread go away? Did Sebastian win??
I won in the first post!
Or I did. Honestly, I can't remember. The sheer AWESOMENESS can be blinding at times.
It can't be contained fully in a single poster. Honestly, I don't know how the Paizo website doesn't crash from the overload of awesome I cause.

It's kind of like one of those never ending loops. The AWESOMENESS both destroys and rebuilds. Kind of like the whol Alpha/Omega thing.

Sebastian wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Why did this thread go away? Did Sebastian win??
I won in the first post!

Or I did. Honestly, I can't remember. The sheer AWESOMENESS can be blinding at times.

You're just jealous because, much like a Werewolf at Trader Vic's, my hair is perfect.

Along with the rest of me.

Sebastian wrote:

I suspect you may be talking past each other.

I read Scott as saying that commercially successful mods are very rare. Which is a difficult point to argue against - those rare instances (such as counter-strike) are a product of talent, diligent work, and a lot of luck. Getting a hit like that happens, but you can't bet on it.

But, what I read Studpuffin, Ambrosia Slaad, and others saying is that it doesn't need to be the next counterstrike to be successful. They believe in the strength of the world Paizo has built, can imagine the type of video game they'd like to play, and can picture making it real. The talent represented on these boards has found success in the rpg field already - several have begun freelancing careers, published 3p supplements, and/or moved on to full time positions at Paizo. Could they make a game? Damned if I know, but I wouldn't take a bet against them, even if it is several orders of magnitude more difficult.

The discussion reminds me of an Econ joke. An Econ professor and student are walking down the street when they see a $20 bill. The student says to the professor, "Thats a $20 bill, aren't you going to pick it up?". The professor responds, " it can't be a $20 bill. If it were, somebody would've already picked it up." Can you make a career out of walking the streets finding $20 bills? No (but if you do, it was my idea, and my cut is 68%), but if you find one, pick it up.

That's my take. If I am mis-stating your position, feel free to revise it to match what I've written.

You disappoint me. It seems as if you're actually trying to calm this argument down. That's like trying to prove that I'm not completely awesome! It just can't be done!

Of course, it it could be done, then I'd be the one to do it.

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