M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian has mixed feelings about seeing Laori again. She had an undeniable appeal, but why did she have to cover it in chains and spikes?
He stays quiet, stroking his chin in furious thought as he listens to Sial's story. "You mean to tell us that the Queen is all but possessed by the spirit of a blue wyrm, who was in life a champion of your dark god?" The news is disturbing, but it actually explains a lot about what's been going on in Korvosa. He shudders to think of Sabina being under Kazavon's thumb, though the memory of what the rescued Gray Maidens had to say about her filled him with pride.
He shakes his head slowly. "Despite your promises, I don't like it. Not one bit. I cannot see how the world is any safer with all of Kazavon's relics brought together in Nidal than if they remain scattered. I'd sooner entrust them to the church of Shelyn."
However, it's clear that they will need the Brotherhood of Bones to aid them if they seek to recover Serithial. Korvosa's only chance at redemption lies in this tainted bargain. As difficult as it will be to recover the Crown of Fangs, they all likely wouldn't live to see the day the relics were finally brought together. Still, Sebastian doesn't like the thought of contributing to a day such as that.
"But Korvosa is served by it. May our fair city never know what we do in her service."
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
I've got some stuff tasty needs to be taken care of out of village, so I'll be away until Sunday.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian is crestfallen when he lays eyes on the scarified women. Not for the first time, he finds himself wondering what Sabina has gotten herself into. He finds he can no longer simply ignore the answers. "Tell me," he implores, "what role did Sabina Merrin have to play in all this?"
Though his circumstances are dire, Sebastian is relieved to see Marcus Endrin. Even in his deplorable condition, he's one of the greatest heroes Korvosa has known in recent days. As Blackjack, Sebastian will hope to uphold that heroic tradition from the shadows, but people need good men like Endrin to stand in the public eye and do what's right. Proudly, he helps shoulder the broken and sobbing man. "Tyrandro, help me."
* * * * *
As is his custom, Sebastian says little, allowing his companions to fill the Archbishop in on the details. After the debriefing, he inquires about how the orphans are doing. It had been some time since he and Ayako had been in to visit them.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Alright, thanks for your patience, everybody. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help with (Se)BastianBot. I'm hoping to get back in the saddle this week, resuming regular posting by the weekend.
Was there a site redesign while I was gone, or is it just my browser being weird?
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Hey everybody! We had yet another blackout, and global policy changes resulted in the office that was my refuge being closed while a new location is found.
My inconsistent posting has become a chronic problem, and it's not fair to all of you. I don't like dropping out, but the GM has enough on her plate to deal with without having to NPC a mid-level character on top of things. I've basically missed an entire book, and I don't really know that the situation is going to improve. This has been one of my favorite games, and definitely the one that's gone the longest. We're relatively close to the end of the campaign, but that could still be close to a year off, and I don't want my absence to keep bringing everybody down.
I'd love to continue playing, but I'm not a fan of the position that it puts you all in, so I'm submitting to you all. You've been remarkably patient thus far, and I want you to know how much that's meant to me. I'm offering to resign with mutual good will, but if you opt to keep Sebastian, I'd like to come up with some sort of actionable and sustainable solution to reduce the burden that my absences place on all of you.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian's just going to Take 10, if that's alright.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
"Tyrandro!" Sebastian yelps and lunges for the other man, his arm outstretched, but he manages to catch himself. "Don't step too lightly," he chides. Crouching down, Sebastian attempts to place a hand on the planks. "There's nothing there!"
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
That outage was painful. Sorry for that, everybody. I hope everybody's had a splendid holiday! I'll be trying to catch up today/tomorrow. Sebastian has gold to spare for contributions.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sorry all, power's been out for a bit. I got an emergency charge on my phone, but I'm not sure when power will be back to normal. Hopefully this weekend.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sounds like we need a better Chelaxian ;)
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
If there's a +2 Mithral Chain Shirt, I can swap that for my +1 Mithral Chain Shirt to sell and pay for the remainder out of my share of the treasure, since that's cheaper than buying a new one.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Tyrandro, you da real MVP.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Level 11 (from 9)
HP: 84 (76+9+9) [I'm pretty sure I messed this up somewhere along the way]
BAB: +2 to +11/+6/+1
Saves: Ref +1 to +7
Skills: +8 points
Class abilities: Charmed Life 5/day, Nimble +3 (up from +2, increasing AC), new deeds
Feat: ???
New deed Evasive gives Sebastian the benefits of Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, and Improved Uncanny Dodge rogue class skills, as long as he has at least 1 point of panache.
New deed Subtle Blade makes Sebastian immune to disarm, steal, and sunder combat maneuvers as long as he has at least 1 point of panache.
It's worth pointing out that I took the feat Cut From The Air at 9th level, because I forgot I had it. It allows Sebastian to deflect ranged attacks against him or a target adjacent to him as an attack of opportunity, if I roll higher than the attack roll.
And I've completely lost track of wealth, because I suck.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
That's what flex-time is for!
"Don't tell me you're tired of being ambushed by assassins already?"
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Lol I'm not personally worried about it. I knew that the Swashbuckler would be a fun class, even if it really isn't terribly powerful at higher levels. It's just as well, what with my troubles keeping up a posting schedule.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
The Cinderlander is dead before Sebastian even gets into striking distance, slain by Tyrandro's dead-eye marksmanship. "You know Tyrandro, I can't quite place my finger on when it was exactly, but fighting alongside you has stopped feeling sporting." Trying on the dead man's hat before discarding it and replacing it back with his own, he realizes how bitter he must sound. "Sorry. What I meant to say was, nice shot."
Back at camp, Sebastian joins in the raucous celebration. When Krojun approaches him, he looks the Shoanti up and down. "A true swordsman never turns down a duel, no matter what form it might take. Death and hangovers may come for us on the morrow, but tonight we drink!"
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Nah, I routinely forget to update the level field. BAB is the best indicator, because I suck.
Maybe I should have let you replace me after all D:
EDIT: Catching up on the gameplay, I'm super bummed I missed this fight. Gargoyles are awesome, and it burns that my coolest kill the entire game happened while I was a bot. I'm loving it, GM!
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian also fights with Dex, yes. That crossbow sounds sweet, too bad it's an exotic weapon :/
Sorry all, the conference was anything but relaxing, and it's taken be the better part of an extra week to recover.
It looks like I do have to level up twice now, though XD
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian arrives in the crack, his face streaked with soot. His cape, wrapped around his face, provided protection from the worst of the burning dust, but his clothes are singed in many places. Once they were elegant finery, but constant adventuring without a decent change of clothes has reduced them to expensive rags. But despite it all, the exhilaration makes Sebastian giddy, and he laughs uncontrollably.
"Gods, we certainly don't get to do that in Korvosa! If only Vincent could have been here."
When Ayako returns safe and sound, he claps her on the shoulder. "Billy would be proud!"
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
No, I haven't updated the status bar in awhile.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
That reminds me that I still need to level up :/
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Have we had the chance to sleep and recover yet?
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Happy Thanksgiving! I won't be celebrating until Saturday, but when you bite into that pumpkin pie (or whatever your preferred dessert), think of me!
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian, feeling the cumulative effects of dehydration, sleep deprivation, and the aftermath of the battle with the bulettes, is only too ready to collapse into the guest yurt. "Good travels," he bids the Sun Shaman, looking over his shoulder warily at Krojun. "Well Tyrandro, I don't think they're looking at you in outrage anymore."
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Electricity just came back on after being out for a week. Just in time for Thanksgiving!
I'll be at a conference all next week, but I'll be at a hotel with power and internet, so I should be able to get a few posts in.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
After some deliberation, Sebastian accepts the belt. The added comfort of no longer struggling quite so much to keep the totem upright is balanced by being subject to the lingering smell of wolf. "When was the last time Fluffy had a bath?"
The relative ease of task leaves Sebastian free to exchange more chatter with Tyradro. "Oh, I don't know. I suspect somebody, somewhere in Kaer Maga could make hanging dead over a fence a wholly enjoyable experience."
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
I'll go ahead and take it, then.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
We should probably figure out who's getting the belt in that case. From a dirty munchkin perspective, Sebastian could make the most use of it, putting him at instantly succeeding which would seem to be worth more than a +1 somewhere else. Unless it's a +4 belt, in which case, Ayako would get more use from it.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
With his totem standing in the air, Sebastian tries to position himself in the shadow of the pole. Leaning against it, he gives Tyrandro a quizzical glance as the man talks about living in the Cinderlands. "Tyrandro, I'm surprised at you. Where does this newfound respect for the Shoanti come from? Have you already picked out a girl? I saw a number of them eyeing you. They looked hungry."
Around noon, Sebastian realizes that he's getting hungry. The sun is directly overhead, exposing him to its full fury. His eyes get heavy and it's all he can do not to fall asleep when suddenly his totem starts falling over.
Str check DC 12: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 6 AM pass.
Str check DC 12: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Noon fail.
Str check DC 16: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 Noon fail without an aid.
Str check DC 12: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11 6 PM fail without an aid.
Str check DC 16: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 6 PM fail.
Str check DC 12: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 Midnight pass.
I'm not sure how we're handling these aids, if there's time to react or not. On noon DC 16 and the 6 PM DC 12, I just need one successful aid another check and I'll pass. Or, if there's any way for Sebastian to magically get a +1 or +2 Str enhancement, he'll be able to take 10.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
"Oh, yes, just escape. I'm so glad the hard part is over!" Tyrandro has been rubbing off on Sebastian. He would revel in crossing steel with a worthy opponent, but fighting giant beasts is hardly what he considers sporting.
Rapier: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 17 + 2 = 36 Critical threat
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
Rapier: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 17 + 2 = 30 Not confirmed
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
Rapier: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 17 + 2 = 24
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
Rapier: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 12 + 2 = 24
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Though Trinia's song is invigorating, it does little to make the slabs of armor-like plates along Cindermaw's body any easier to penetrate. As it rears up, presumably swallowing Iolana, it exposes just a bit of less well-armored flesh. "I'm more worried about it killing us," he agrees with Tyrandro.
Attack: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 17 + 2 = 25
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
Attack: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 17 + 2 = 38 Critical threat
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
Attack: 1d20 + 17 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 17 + 2 = 23 Not confirmed
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
Attack: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 12 + 2 = 16
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
I had taken 37, but Ayako used a CSW for 28 and another unclaimed CLW for 10, so that should do it without needing to spend a potion. Thanks!
This time Cindermaw has the kindness to burst out of the ground right in front of him, instead of forcing Sebastian to move up to it. He manages to keep his footing despite the ground's attempts to throw him to the air like so much rubble. He stabs repeatedly at the creature, but only once does his sword find a weak point in its carapace. "Save the blessings for when it's over!"
Attack: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
Attack: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (5) + 17 = 22
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27 Critical threat
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22
Attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16 Not confirmed
Damage: 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 21
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Internet problems. Again. -_-
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian can only gape in horror at the creature before them. He's had nightmares less terrifying than such a beast, and wasn't terribly interested in adding this one to his stable. "Are we arguing over who gets the privilege of being eaten by that thing?!"
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian startles as Tyrandro disrupts his focus. "Ah! Tyrandro...I didn't hear you come in. I suppose I should be paying more attention to my surroundings. Yes, a partner would be good for a change of pace. I could use some practice against your greatsword."
Sebastian rubs his chin, pretending to consider the idea. "No, I'm afraid I'm just not up to it. But I promise that your Shoanti widow will be well cared for."
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian, having been brought back from the brink of death, is in no position to argue with the ladies. One would think that the shock of nearly dying would eventually lessen with repeated occurrences, but Sebastian finds that this isn't the case.
Over the next couple of nights, Sebastian spends much of his time practicing his swordsmanship, his feet constantly shuffling back and forth along the same line as he fences with an imaginary opponent. The familiar drills do little to soothe him, and at night he is plagued with nightmares. Mysterious faces and figures shift their forms in a hellish dreamscape - Vincent, the Red Reaver, Yargrin and Giggles, Queen Ileosa. The many-armed upasunda, Vimanda, the whore in Kaer Maga. Sabina.
All of this had started that night when he set out to avenge Vincent. Somehow it had become something much bigger than that, bigger than him and his friends. As big as the city of Korvosa itself. A year ago he was a simple blacksmith. Now he was Blackjack, and so much more. But the plot just gets drawn out longer and longer at every turn, and his demons keep piling up. How many more demons would he acquire before it is finished?
Sebastian is relieved when the Truthspeaker finally arrives. But he does not welcome Ayako's suggestion that he throw himself into the belly of the Cindermaw. "No! I have had enough of these monsters," he says, rubbing his abdomen. The many wounds he sustained healed over, but the scars still remain, as do the memories of the pain.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sorry, I had to go out of town suddenly and was away from internet. I'm back now.
I still haven't gone shopping from Kaer Maga. I could retroactively purchase something like that, perhaps. What do you think, GM?
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Trying to recover from being chomped on, Sebastian attempts to parry the creature's next attack to no avail. For a brief flash of a moment, it isn't the hulking beast mauling him, but the creature from the dungeon beneath the Arkona Palace. The creature nearly tears his arm off, and his innards threaten to spill out of a gash in his abdomen. The world fades to black. Sebastian isn't healed until Iolana's initiative count, so his turn gets skipped.
Opportune Parry and Riposte: 1d20 + 17 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 17 + 6 = 33 The dice are not kind to me lately. Ah well.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
I've taken to using Notepad++ to compose in. Even when my computer crashes, it's still sitting there waiting for me when I boot up. Such a lifesaver!
Also, do yourselves a favor and check out this supermarket ad starring He-Man and Skeletor if you haven't seen it yet.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Will save DC 19: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 5 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 18
Saving Finale Will save DC 19: 1d20 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 20
Save bonus +5, Charmed Life +2, Inspire Courage +2, Remove Fear +4
Hearing the creature's roar, Sebastian feels an unnatural fear course through his body, but Trinia's uplifting song helps him to beat back the panic that threatens to grip him.
"We've got this thing on the ropes," he calls to the others. Darting forward, he presses the attack. Moving up to be on the diagonal corner of the creature. I'm guessing it has reach, so I'll go ahead and roll a tumble to avoid triggering the AoO.
Acrobatics vs enemy's CMD: 1d20 + 15 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 15 + 2 = 18 Bonus from Cat's Grace.
Does Sebastian get an AoO when the creature flees from the pit?
Possible AoO: 1d20 + 17 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 17 + 6 = 28
AoO Damage: 1d6 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 16 + 4 = 22
Attack: 1d20 + 17 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 17 + 6 = 27
Damage: 1d6 + 16 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 16 + 4 = 22
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian starts violently when the dirt near him turns itself into an enormous lion. "Whoa there!" As if the wolf wasn't enough?
Are we in combat already?
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian eyes the women as they approach, sizing them up. At first, he has trouble actually confirming that they're women. The starknives they wield are an unorthodox weapon choice. They're clearly Desnans, as nobody else would bother with the silly things. "I didn't know the women shaved their hair. How's that work for you, Tyrandro? Maybe that's not all they shave."
The scabbard might actually be more useful for Tyrandro; Sebastian's class skills give him Improved Critical, so the effect is wasted on him. It might be good for Tyrandro's greatsword, thought.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sorry for that disappearing act. Service has been interrupted, but not shut down. There are a number of different technologies involved (accessing the internet, receiving the data, paying for the data, transferring money between account to pay for the data, etc.) that have been experiencing issues lately.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Sebastian has his grappling hook that he never gets to use. Is it possible to climb over?
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
As Krojun jumps down the hole, Sebastian looks on in horror. Gazing over the edge, he sees the Shoanti smugly floating down. "What's he smiling about? If he hadn't gotten lucky with that magic, he'd be splattered on the floor!" Following the others, he throws himself into the hole.
In the room with the globe, Sebastian is on his guard. By now, he's been through enough magically-trapped dungeons to know when something is better left untouched. To his mind, most everything in this entire complex was bound to be in that category. A year ago he might have blithely wandered into a place like this, declaring he wasn't scared of anything. But things were different now, and he was happy to leave that bravado back on the surface in the streets of Korvosa, where it belonged.
But, naturally, Ayako disagrees. "By the gods," Sebastian curses, more put-out than really worried yet. "How many traps do we have to fall into before we learn to look with our eyes and not with our hands?" Sighing, Sebastian begins examining the walls and floor for secret switches or something of the like.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
While cleaning his blade, Sebastian eyes the assassin corpse still laying on the ground. "It didn't take them long to find us. But why do they pursue? Is it possible somebody has taken a contract on us?"
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Definitely meant the one harassing Tyrandro, sorry.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
Thanks, everybody! GM, if you keep rolling like that, I'll stay away as long as you like ;)
This scene feels like an improv game. "And out of nowhere, assassins attack!" Michael Scott would be proud.
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
"I don't like the look of that mist!" As the tentacles grapple one of the assassins, Sebastian capitalizes on his sudden tactical advantage and focuses his attacks on the assassin harassing Ayako. Splitting the assassin's attention gives Sebastian the opportunity to observe the assassin's swordsmanship - a chance not many ever get. After a few quick strikes, Sebastian steps back away from the fray to give Tyrandro some room to maneuver.
Rapier: 1d20 + 17 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 17 + 1 + 2 = 34
Damage: 1d6 + 16 + 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 16 + (4, 4) + 2 = 29
Haste Rapier: 1d20 + 17 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 17 + 1 + 2 = 23
Damage: 1d6 + 16 + 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 16 + (4, 1) + 2 = 24
Rapier: 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 12 + 1 + 2 = 25
Damage: 1d6 + 16 + 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 16 + (2, 4) + 2 = 30
M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |
This is an update I'm posting to all my games.
Cameroon is currently experiencing some civil unrest, and I happen to be living just minutes from the border with the conflict zone. The government has shut off internet to that region, as they'd done in the past. Currently, I have access; that may change unexpectedly.
I would like to emphasize that I'm in no personal danger, but if I disappear for a little while, that's what's going on. I'm pretty mobile on weekends, so I absolutely should not be disappearing at any point for more than two weeks.