As "Sara" disappears, she hears the rioters yelling out to Spread out! Find her! But they couldn't, to any avail.
As they began to, Suzume finished the final rioter on the right side of the wagon, a quick plunge through the rioter's gut finishing him off as he flourished around, now heading after the rioter that just took a bolt to their chest.
As the rioter advanced, the Protection Guild fighters could be seen chop cutting down the rioter that stood between them, now turning to face what little remained of the once large rioting group.
Guard:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
The rioter advanced on Telula for only a second before collapsing to the ground, his chest sizzling shut as another rioter tsk'd, shoving him aside I'll be the one to end this foreigner once and for all! he shouted.
Attack:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 He swung after her, but missed by just a hair's width as he did so.
The others began to fan out, getting into position as they hopped back off the wagon. One more rioter approached the guards Attack:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 but missed, still stumbling from their messy landing hopping off the wagon.
As Sealith awoke from her hunt the night before, she found a messenger standing a more than safe distance away from her, nervously stuttering out a few words at a time, most likely intimidated by the sounds she made upon waking up Er, eh hem... You are... You are Sealith?
Aram let everything he had just said sit and stir through Telula's head before giving a curt smile Ah, yes. I suppose giving you over four hundred years of history compiled into a few sentences would be.... Hasty. Instead, let me say this-
Aram gently put his own hands on Telula's I am the First Man, Servant of the Lord of All Gods, Aureum the Golden One. I have served him for as long as Humans have existed in this world, and walked with the First Elf, First Fey, First Dwarf, and First Orc.
Your group... Aureum has told me you all will replace us. That you must replace us. But, that is a group discussion, don't you think?
One of the guards quickly popped in, unannounced after Telula's response Mister Aram! We have the Warden, and one of the group members here, per your request. Is there anything else the Protection Guild can do for you?
Aram nodded Yes- you can stay put outside, and signal to have any Royal Guard in the area brought here. And find someone to bring Gogrin as well- despite what he is doing now, we need him here.
Per Suzume's request, the man nodded and sent what appeared to be a few of his friends to retrieve as many of Suzume's well known comrades as they could find. After this, the man sighed You seem to have a well reasoned demeanor about you, then, hm? Don't normally get that from outsiders, then again, we don't have many outsiders to start with! Well, do you want to go up to the Vault and investigate, then, or wait for everyone else to return?
Lady Lynyna disguised Sara Killinton as the Warden in her most usual and expected spot on fashion- her human form almost the same size as Sara's, it was almost as perfectly easy as taking her own disguise and transmuting it to the new ally of the group.
Lady Lynyna was then handed chains to put around Sara's hands, ankles, and more, and then opened the vault door to find that, just as Sara had said, there was no one inside, though quite a few guards standing post.
Seems Mister Aram liked your plan. We're going to meet him next, supposedly because that is where the most Royal Guards are located as a strengthened escort.
<3 <3 <3 I am saying screw it to the different times for everyone for now, when things become a little more caught up I will return to that sort of thing <3 For now, just assume that I'm going to cheapen the travel times a little bit. Hahahaha
You know I think this is one of those times were as a GM I'm just going to have to say "....alright. Yep. That just happened. It's officially a real game now." xD
I'm dying Er, paper, quill? I uh- the Royal Guard empathetically patted down his chain mail before going to the ruck sack thrown leisurely over his steed I, uh, here! A few sheets of papyrus, ink, quill, just in case, you know, Commander Alexis says anything of importance!
Oh please- I'm not like most smokers. If anyone here is allergic, I won't even lit up until I'm in my car.
Smoking in the house, I don't know if you've ever done it, but, uh, it's gross- but thanks Patrick! What a host what a host!
Nodin then looked at Thomas with a grin Oh come now Thomas! Don't you like making new friends? Now, look- Nodin walked forward a few paces, holding out his pack of Marlboro Red 100's to Thomas You might be cranky now- but one smoke with this and it'll feel as if your flying on a cloud- nicotine is the greatest thing there is!
Nodin then shrugged But maybe I just prefer my poison in a white paper rolled cash crop, instead of in a liquid in the bottle, ha ha ha ha! Come on!
Finally, turning to the people at the table Nodin nodded Aye! He king'd you! Why is no one giving him his crown???
Nodin, as he said this, moved along with Patrick as Patrick showed him the backyard I was being serious, by the way. Do you know if smoke triggers anyone's asthma? It happens to my best friend, so I try pretty hard to not smoke so much around him. I only smoke three cigs a day, so it's no big deal regardless, you know?
It was becoming clearer and clearer that Nodin didn't just talk a lot, but he could talk a lot about probably anything with half-way decent material on hand.
That's right! As much as we all love violence in Pathfinder, a true and good story requires tasks, missions, and not just slaying and getting our asses kicked or even, kicking ass! (when a GM creates a fair fight, that is xD)
Now, I assure you this is not going to be the ol' "roll for loyalty check, woohoo your people love you" boredom that some of these links read- oh no. It will be entertaining, and who knows what can be unfolded inside 42 before building the promised road!
for anyone that is unaware/ has NO clue what I'm talking about, I'm currently reading these thrice and checking them twice, but a little bit of this and a little bit of that is what we will be doing :)
Please know that though, YES, I created 5 tasks so that each one of you could do each one individually, there is *no reason* two of you cannot do the same task, yes, even the metallurgy shop <3 So, do what you want, and if you have NO interest in any of the five tasks, I re-iterate, do what you want.
As long as you can convince me, very easily, that it somehow contributes to the development of 42 <3
You guys have worked pretty damn hard so far figuring everything out- and thus on the First day you discovered what you currently know about The Mother, 42, her pets, and everything going on in 42! A broad introduction to The Development Project's first journey!
I hope you guys have been enjoying this so far <3
two things
1) Talathel, Vasu, you guys still with us? Haven't seen you in a while. I know the volume gets intense, BUT, need to know you're here xD
2) I'm 90% sure I answered all your guys' questions your characters had. If not, post it on here, I'll be sure one of the three "main" characters you'll be working with in 42 answers them in the morning.
HA! This was the one that I never thought someone would land!
Sense Motives
The Mother is tense, slightly off beat, but she isn't evil or plotting. Her sentences are true- something is simply going on in the back of her mind, tearing at her.
Something she isn't sure she believes. She was talking about the Sons of Terrak in a weird fashion, earlier, and it was weird that in a seemingly peaceful city she still had to be escorted, in addition to Chelya and Binsk, the gorilla unit that had escorted you earlier.
Telula also seems slightly off- as if she had some sort of itch in her brain.
Vasu, too- though Vasu was of impatience, almost a sort of plotting.
The animals were on edge. The spider monkeys slightly fumbled the drinks, Chelya and Binsk looked up now and again, and wagged their tails in an irritated fashion.
You can hear mumbling from outside, just ever so slight We have to move her now
She has four of us, Kerjak's Unit, Chelya and Binsk, and this new set of travellers here, she is fine .
[smaller] She is the final heir- no children, no husband! We cannot risk it. We have a spy somewhere here- an entire unit of the saber cats were killed within the past week! Someone is targeting us from inside-
It is bad manners to interrupt a dinner. She is protected. Enough.
It would appear these are what Chelya and Binsk are curiously looking about at.
Tony stirred awake from his slumber next to the dumpster outside the liquor shop. He had found an almost full fifth of whiskey and drank half of it in a sitting. His heart was racing from the dream- but a quick sip of the half full bottle calmed him right down.
With a sigh Tony used Wichita to raise himself up, then propped it like a kick stand underneath his left arm as he pulled a pack of 100's from his pocket along with a clink cheap lighter. He had to flick the lighter three times before he could finally inhale the wonderful smoke of the cigarette.
Breathing out the smoke in one thick cloud with his mouth wide open he laughed to himself, sobering up for only a moment as the nicotine made his heart thump louder That, uh, he he, that looks like one of them shadows... Woooh... never had a dream give me the chills quite like that.
Patting his stomach with his walking stick "Wichita" in hand, he mosied over to the dumpster Alright Wichita, let's see if we missed anything last night, eh?
Nexus had been trained in fighting, once, a long time ago, before his chess playing days. He remembered the private instructor his parents had hired teaching a lesson about what to do when someone is choking you.
"When they choke you, it is only a waste of oxygen to try and break their hold. Your oxygen is now limited, like a short check from a ten hour work week, and you must spend it accordingly." He would say with his hands mock-choke around Nexus' throat.
Nexus remembered asking, "What do I do instead?"
The man breathed in deeply through his nose as an example, and said, "You make them let you go."
Well, alright- let's see if I'm a pawn, or a knight.
I absolutely love this guide, and read over it just about every day.
One thing I realized right out of the get (thanks to Painlord and Bookrat) is that I'm probably not going to need everything I need to know my first time GM'ing, so, I did a few things
1) Limited it to the CRB and APG, which I was fairly familiar with from the games I played with friends over Skype
2) Rewards, teacher style. If it's clear I used a rule wrong, or interpreted something wrong, that player gets a Hero Point/ a calibrated award for showing me what I did wrong. Sort of like a Professor's extra credit.
3) Listed "daily" rolls I need to do, such as weather effects, NPC spawns, etc. etc.
Those three points, and working pretty intimately together with the 4 people I have about to be in my PBP, killed pretty much any anxiety I had about GM'ing for the first time. It's a game- as long as I'm having fun, and they're having fun, and we both get what we wanted out of it, I did my job <3
Shout out again to Bookrat and Painlord for raising my competence level before I got some boosts from my players haha.