Few years ago I contacted Steve as I noticed he was looking for a cartographer for Adventure Quarterly. I didn't have anything published before, or even drawn any maps prior to that save some home game scribblings. I made one test map for Steve and he took a leap and hired me for the magazine. Steve was the one who got me to this industry. I thanked him many times on our chats for the opportunity and support he gave me, and his answer was always the same - "It's all you, I just recognized your talent". He did much more than. He always believed in me, pushed me forward and over my limits, took the time to encourage me and give me advice even if he really didn't have time for it. Steve was a great publisher, amazing mentor, and most importantly, even if I never get to meet him in person, a very good friend. I will miss him sorely. Heartfelt Condolences to all his friends and family.
I always like when full art is shown on the cover, but the old one does look really good too. What I'm not a fan of, is the use of stroke in the descriptive text on the back cover. If the font isn't clear enough without it, I'd try some different fonts. But that's just me, great looking layout though!
Thank you for your great review! The white boxes you see are a result of fillable form fields. It depends on the pdf reader used that how it handles said fields. I have set the fields transparent, but it doesn't seem to work how it's supposed to with all pdf readers. If you're getting the white boxes with the newest version of Adobe reader there must be some kind of glitch... Thanks again!
I have a Barbarian Drunken Brute 1/Alchemist 7/Master Chymist 5 in our Kingmaker campaign. Although he can't drink an extract as a move action, it's really good to get to buff with a potion as a move action. And potions are plenty with Alchemist. I usually walk with some potion in my hand as it does take a move action to retrieve a potion, so you really can't use it more than once per encounter. It's a pretty good build with nice damage output when buffed.
Mikko, I liked your entries for earlier rounds a lot, and think that Immured was one of the best monsters in round two. Now after going through these encounters, I'm liking this one the most. You're also one of the very few to receive three votes up from the judges, congrats! The map is spectacular, and as I've done some cartography commissions myself, it's exactly like one I'd want to receive as a map submission. Background is awesome and the encounter itself is a nice combination of skill checks and combat. This is a very well executed encounter, and I'd love to see what you do with the module pitch. You have my vote, good luck!
Oh yeah, lot's of replay value there. But I already invested 50 or so hours in it, and just wanted to see how the story goes, not to do it all over again... So, this little patch of theirs ruined this game for me. It's been collecting dust since the saves corrupted, and will do so for a long time. Maybe forever, since I'm in no mood to play the same missions again...
I feel you, as I have the exact same thing. Sadly, I think we're screwed my friend. Rockstar has said that they can't (or won't) fix single player corrupted saves, which is apparently what we have. It's extremely frustrating to have an online patch screw up your single player game to the point of unplayable. I'm not sure if I have it in me to start over, especially when there is no way to tell if this will happen again. I never thought this would happen with rockstar, and I never bought a game with this kind of issues.
Yup, even it still would be a great deal, I think I won't be backing this as I should pledge twice the amount of first kickstarter to get the core set. I'd rather just put that amount in reaper store and get the minis I actually need. That said, I do have a pledge in there just in case I change my mind.
Marshall Jansen wrote:
Sweet! Love it that you went basically with the same colours that are in Core Rulebook cover. I pledged only for two extras, and Pathfinder Dragon was one of them. Did you have trouble with the sponginess of some parts during painting?
You know, some things just come out better with a speed paint than a painstakingly slow one. Sheer luck has something to do with it too. For example I think I couldn't paint that torch any better if I used hours of work in it, but now it just happened to come out ok with just few minutes of painting (it doesn't show up very well in the photo, but it has best shadings I've managed to do...). I accidentally learned how to use glazes when painting this little freak =). I think I'll speed paint my way through hordes of Bones and see what I can learn during the process, accidentally or by purpose! =)
Got my bones two days ago, and speed painted first of them yesterday! Of course I started with a Pathfinder goblin ('cause it's just right thing to do!) Goblin Pyro
Bruunwald wrote:
Hope you post some pics once finished. Especially that Chaos lord, it's a great sculpt!
I also think it's more of a matter of opinion. I use mostly Citadel's paints but also a range of Vallejo's gaming paints. I prefer Citadel's ones in most cases, though their bottles are inferior to Vallejo's. Caps don't close well and you have to clean them regularily to keep the paint from drying between the bottle and the cap. Also had some bad luck with already dried paint in a sealed bottle. And some of the paints have a strange mixture that requires very rigorous shaking before getting them to flow properly. Other than that I think threy're great =).
BuzzardB wrote:
Sweet Orcs! What manufacturer are they from? This is what I'm currently working on: Dark Angels
I thought I'd share my recent paintings also. I got back to painting after ten years hiatus and experimented with dipping technique for a while, but then painted few miniatures the tradional way. I'll be using dipping a lot when my Reaper miniatures arrive, but I like also using more time in painting a miniature =). These pictures are too big I think, 'cause you're supposed to be looking them at a tabletop distance =). First one is from Privateer Press's Hordes miniatures, a two-headed wolf. I painted this using colours suggested by DeathQuaker. Next miniatures are for my Pathfinder character in Kingmaker, a half-orc Alchemist Grog. This one is him in his normal form. It's an old Mithril miniature orc where I swapped his sword for a spear-like weapon from Games Workshop, and added a sword to his back in a scabbard. This is the same character in mutated form. It's an old Warhammer vampire, but I swapped his head from a Warhammer orc miniature. Grog mutated front
Last one is the same character mutated with an enlarge person spell. This is also a Warhammer miniature, River Troll this time. This also dublicates as a troll in my Blood Bowl team. Grog large front 1
And at last is my latest painting, a Warhammer Beastman Chariot, with added standard from Tomb Kings standard bearer. |