
Salama's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 578 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Few years ago I contacted Steve as I noticed he was looking for a cartographer for Adventure Quarterly. I didn't have anything published before, or even drawn any maps prior to that save some home game scribblings. I made one test map for Steve and he took a leap and hired me for the magazine.

Steve was the one who got me to this industry. I thanked him many times on our chats for the opportunity and support he gave me, and his answer was always the same - "It's all you, I just recognized your talent". He did much more than. He always believed in me, pushed me forward and over my limits, took the time to encourage me and give me advice even if he really didn't have time for it.

Steve was a great publisher, amazing mentor, and most importantly, even if I never get to meet him in person, a very good friend. I will miss him sorely.

Heartfelt Condolences to all his friends and family.

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This is an awesome adventure path, the best I've run so far! Too bad we finished it few months ago though.

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AAW Games (Adventure A Week) has Aventyr CS.

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It really does look awesome!

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Happy Birthday!

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I'm new to this dipping method, and haven't painted minis in like 10 years or so, but man this stuff makes things quick and easy! I spent propably two hours on four Blood Bowl Orcs, only spraying a grey primer, painting the base colours and then dipping them. I'm quite pleased with the result compared to time used for them.

Some orcs