
Saiman's page

Organized Play Member. 139 posts (528 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 57 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.

Liberty's Edge

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Female Human Slayer 1, Init +6, Perception +3, AC 16, HP: 12/12, FortL +3, Ref:+6, Will -1, Skills: Acrobatics +8 (+10 vs threatened square), Intimidate +6, Know: Dungeon +6, Know: Geog +6, Know: Local +6, Perception +3, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +8, Survival +3

"And if you even survive her, then you have me to deal with."

Aid Intimidate: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Dark Archive

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Male Kitsune
L0: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Predistigitation, Read Magic. L1: Charm Person, Feather Fall, Grease
Bard/ L2 HP:16/16 AC: 13/12/11 INIT: +4 Dip+9, All Know.+8, Linguistics+7,Perc+3,Perform Com/oratory+8, UMD+9

Bones on the floor.
We opened the door.
Cautiously is the way to go.
Ready those bows.
Let's kick ass more.

Dark Archive

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Male Kitsune
L0: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Predistigitation, Read Magic. L1: Charm Person, Feather Fall, Grease
Bard/ L2 HP:16/16 AC: 13/12/11 INIT: +4 Dip+9, All Know.+8, Linguistics+7,Perc+3,Perform Com/oratory+8, UMD+9

On my turn, of course.

Yulai pulls out his short bow with a blunt arrow, to see if he could have a good shot. He also starts his bard performance...

"Oh why did it have to be skeletons?
"The team shook in seeing the movement of bones.
"As they prepared to attack.
"And beat the bones back.
The team has wherewithal to win with their stones."

+1 Competence bonus to Attack and Damage rolls. Also on saves vs Charm and fear.

Dark Archive

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Male Kitsune
L0: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Predistigitation, Read Magic. L1: Charm Person, Feather Fall, Grease
Bard/ L2 HP:16/16 AC: 13/12/11 INIT: +4 Dip+9, All Know.+8, Linguistics+7,Perc+3,Perform Com/oratory+8, UMD+9

"As far as Pathfinder missions go.
Makes one have to decide if they want mo'.
With bodies of dead.
They should be put to bed.
Give the perpetrators what fo'.

Dark Archive

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Male Kitsune
L0: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Predistigitation, Read Magic. L1: Charm Person, Feather Fall, Grease
Bard/ L2 HP:16/16 AC: 13/12/11 INIT: +4 Dip+9, All Know.+8, Linguistics+7,Perc+3,Perform Com/oratory+8, UMD+9

Yulai says quietly,"Oh sorry. But if need be, I can bite back."

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kitsune
L0: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Predistigitation, Read Magic. L1: Charm Person, Feather Fall, Grease
Bard/ L2 HP:16/16 AC: 13/12/11 INIT: +4 Dip+9, All Know.+8, Linguistics+7,Perc+3,Perform Com/oratory+8, UMD+9

His voice becomes somewhat ingratiating as he attempts to sing. But he can't help it as the tune is taking to much space in his head.

"Hi-oh, Hi-oh off to adventuring we go. With a bottle of beer and a kick in the rear. Hi-oh, Hi-oh, Hi-oh."

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kitsune
L0: Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Predistigitation, Read Magic. L1: Charm Person, Feather Fall, Grease
Bard/ L2 HP:16/16 AC: 13/12/11 INIT: +4 Dip+9, All Know.+8, Linguistics+7,Perc+3,Perform Com/oratory+8, UMD+9

Having slept through Illia's intial warning, the sounds of battle starts to rouse him.

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

He stands and starts humoring his party, inspiring them to do better.

"There was a pathfinder team.
Needing to recharger their steam.
They didn't sleep
To deep
To win knock the baddies with their metal beams."

Inspire Courage activated: +1 vs Charm and Fear effects, +1 for attack and damage rolls.

Dark Archive

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@Michael_Hopkins, I just played that for the first time in pbp. Our group decided to stay together and keep playing.

Dark Archive

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Oh I am terrible with music...

so did a search on youtube: The song of a knifemaster

Dark Archive

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Well I enjoyed the poem.

All of you are arguing/debating about it being a sexy sorceress and all...

Seems to me you all are forgetting that a sorceress' power/spells come from Charisma in which a lot of people think of as being good looking.

My first sorceress (made a few years ago) was high charisma while sacrificing INT and WIS. So I took her to be a Barbie Doll. Very fine looking but maybe not so smart in other ways. So when she comes upon scenes of carnage, blood, stink, etc. she has the attitude of "ewwwwww."

As for the last line "'Cos in the end sex sells." Is just putting realism into my fantasy game.