Female Elf Ranger 1
Hovering between the chaotic night and the darkness of slumber eternal, Ryd can barely process what is going on around her. She knows only that the threat nearest her, whatever its strange nature, must be stopped. She will attack the zombie in A,-9 if still "alive," and if not her spear now reaches the spider-icon in A,-10. [dice=Melee, "Short" Spear]1d20+4[/dice]
She then manages to lurch eastward, instinct alone seeming to give her body strength. If an enemy is still adjacent to her after her attack, and she's allowed to take a 5 foot step to the north east, she will. If none are, she will do her full movement to the east...not quite sure how far that is in giant form. EDIT: Many apologies, it's been awhile. I just remembered that she's not using her spear, but rather her dagger. It still has the same reach though. It actually does: If Hit, Damage: 1d4 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 (slashing)
Female Elf Ranger 1
Always trust a robot's analysis! You are allowed to stack spells that give other bonus categories, like Deflection (if they're not wearing a shield already, so it's a boon to folks like two-handers). Luck, Inspiration and Morale are other worthy categories. The only two I'm aware of that always stack with themselves are Circumstance and Dodge. But if you have a healthy spread of small bonuses in all the categories, it can still really add up.)
Female Elf Ranger 1
With a grunt of pain from the series of strikes, she drops her torch where she stands -- causing it to automatically shrink back down to normal size -- and uses her now free hand to try and rip one of the strange creatures off her. Melee, Unarmed: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 She cannot seem to get a good grip on the alien entity.
Female Elf Ranger 1
Round 4 "Diarmal!" She was about to rush over and rip the creature off her cousin when that strange speaking dwarf woman handled the situation efficiently enough. But then her muscles began to tingle, and the street almost seemed to fall out from under her for a hair's breadth. Rydwen stares down in disbelief at those surrounding her. Then she begins to chuckle, then laugh...a now booming voice that rattles you to the core. "Whaddae know, me bog'd be but a puddle. Bein' in fer it now, ye we timorous beasties. I'll break yer bones to make me bread." Rydwen apparently has a new spell: Power Word Paste. You have to save vs her giant fist or be polymorphed into paste, all over the street and your nearby friends. ;) Ryd attempts to keep her torch low, hoping that it will shed more light now into the oncoming darkness. She brings her now enlarged dagger to bear, the rough-hewn stone chisled like jagged teeth at this size. Her arm shoots out at a zombie, not normally within her reach though now but a plaything. Attacking zombie in -A, -10 with an enlarged dagger slash at -1.
Female Elf Ranger 1
I second Diarmal. In my only other PBP game (We Be Goblins! as Reta Bigbad) he's using Google Docs for the map, and it allows us all to move any token, even without having to sign in or make an account. Some bad aspects about this approach: 1. Anyone can move any token. 2. That also counts for the map itself, which is just one big token. I've accidently moved it twice now, and it's a pain to try and put back. 3. He does not have the nice Battleship style numbers and letters your grid has, though this could easily be added with a bit of Photoshop magic.
Female Elf Ranger 1
Rydwen finishes lighting her torch. She still didn't fully believe Nathaniel about the piercing, but her spear will prove too cumbersome with the light source. She instead draws her favorite dagger as she moves BAB 1 up between Felicia and the approaching zombies B,-7. She leaves her pack behind in F,-1.
Female Elf Ranger 1
I think you're absolutely right about torches! I believe lighting a torch with flint and steel is a full round action, and lighting one with a tindertwig match is a standard action. I think. I figured it would take until my next initiative turn before I could do anything else. So I won't do any other actions until after the zombies and tentacruel goes again.
Female Elf Ranger 1
They were still too far away to hurl her spear. Despite the half-man's warning, she wanted nothing more than to challenge their supposed piercing protection. She doubted these unnatural things had seen anything so natural as highland ore and Drasbian rage. She looks around to the others, trying to determine who is using a one handed weapon, but tries to hand the torch off to whoever is first to grab for it. She appears to be in a hurry to light her second and final torch. Rydwen manages to give a knowing glance to Diarmal, about to say something, yet wishing to defer to him in matters concerning the outside world. "Ye know...the town be big enough. Wouldn't be missin' one buildin' to fire, aye? Casts a fair bit more light than a torch. Maybe a wee one?" She seems to be caught off guard at any who stare in shock. "Well I be meanin' to get the sleepers out first, whaddae take me for?"
Female Elf Ranger 1
She struggles with getting the first torch lit. If Nathaniel was right - and she was willing to take a few things on faith by this point - then the only suitable weapon she had was her dagger. It was stone and primitive, but Rydwen hated how new these creatures were: maybe it was time to get back to basics.
Female Elf Ranger 1
"Impossible to hurt?" She sees - what appears to her - to be the monsters hesitating at the light, and figures that if it works on animals it might work on them. She shuffles off her backpack as it only holds her camping gear, and will only slow her down for the hunt ahead. She rummages through it for her flint and steel, and the two torches she has stuffed within. Rydwen's stitched backpack lies open (F,-1), its contents exposed and partially falling out into the street. Anyone nearby may retrieve items if they believe them to be of use. "Thinkin' it best to try wavin' em off, or a'least in their snouts. Give a better shot for t'others. Though I still say we single out their leader."
Female Elf Ranger 1
Her eyes crinkle at Felicia's words, a small measure of composure coming back. "Separate...aye. Aye, that might do. Might not be o' this earth, but packs an' soldiers still need leaders. Maybe we should pierce its heart, an' let the timorous beasties fight for a new alpha elsewhere? Might be enough to sew a bit o' chaos. Cannae see out there, can anyone? The boggards be lookin' to one partic'lar like?"
Female Elf Ranger 1
This was all unnatural, too far removed from her ken. It was like the terrain were suddenly disconnected. "Bein' no bug, bird nor beast," she exhaled softly to the others. No moon or starlight meant her normally keen elven senses were useless outside. She'd had to deal with foggy mires and other unseen challenges on occasion, but she had usually valued patience and ambush in such situations...she had never taken the time to learn how to really do it. Ryd would normally prefer to take the fight to the creek or the shore, but without even moonlight she would be powerless. It looked like the Two Barrels was her only real choice, besides the fact that she couldn't leave Diarmal anyway. Maybe whatever that thing was, lurking to the west, would eat its fill of the other villagers in closer houses first. At this point in time, she still only cared about her cousin. Since I'm helping a friend move today, I'll be gone for the next 8-16 hours. To that end (if we enter initiative) she will move inside the tavern, face the front door 20 feet away from it, and ready her action to throw her spear the first time an enemy (or very alien looking thing) can be seen through it.
Female Elf Ranger 1
Green eyes immediately narrow: finally, something she might understand better than all this prattle. Ribat's skill at language had floored her, but now she thought she heard bugs: something swamp rangers know a thing or two about. She rushed out of the tavern, straining to make out if they are insects, and if so what type... Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
The weapons comment was the best thing Rydwen's heard Felicia say yet. She gripped the worn wood of her spear, contemplating the best way to fight off a potential swarm. "Got ye boards fer the windows?" She dismissed the idea the moment she said it. "Nae good, nae time. Be havin' a cellar?" She worried about how to tell Diarmal, but clearly this wasn't going to be the right time.
Female Elf Ranger 1
The wilds woman's face becomes as red as her hair. She spent a good deal of most days catching toads for bait, to sell as spell components, or even to eat when times were lean enough. That suddenly there was a large one, dressed, and with fancier speak than she was capable of almost caused the floorboards to splinter as her hands clenched to fists. Due to her drawback, Rydwen now has a -2 to Diplomacy and Sense Motive with Ribat because of her stubborn pride. This will last indefinitely, until "he apologizes." I'll keep a list on my sheet, since this will start coming up with a lot of folks. I doubt most if any of such apologies would ever actually be warranted! Redwyn was just as shocked by Felicia's arrival. Was she on the boat too? She must truly have been self-absorbed if she hadn't noticed these two. She attempted to shake both off and step backwards, into the tavern. "...were jus' a boa'" she mumbled to her, drowning the sentence in her accent and the sash of her kilt. "An' wer althes why yetukta--" She turned to her cousin after a moment, forcing herself to calm down and slow down, her voice to returning to comparative normalcy. "And were all this why you took to traveling? These..." Only those able to understand Drasbian and its slang, somehow, know the word: Spoiler:
"foreigners?" "You took off, Diarmal. You left your kin. I know we weren't the closest, an' I know the elders don't care. But they should."
Female Elf Ranger 1
Hi Felicia, I had originally posted my boat jump before the newer folks were finalized. So I've just been playing it like I was too absorbed in my own thoughts to notice anyone approach on the ship. Ryd's on a special mission from her clan to track down Diarmal and deliver a message to him, so I've just been spinning like she wants to do it as fast as possible so she can head back home. I'm actually pretty good with anything that happens to come up, though! I used to do this sort of thing in a real time chatroom back in college, and I never knew what someone was going to do next haha
Female Elf Ranger 1
After staring down at Ribat for a long while, expressionless, she began nudging him with her spear. Perhaps not quite roughly as much as...exuberantly. She got down on her hands and knees and looked him square in the eye. Her accent appeared increasingly thick in her excitment, the words falling out of her mouth without grace and practically thudding on the tavern's floorboards, and Diarmal might be the only one that doesn't need to strain to make her decipherable. "War'er, war'er, always with the war'er! Why even the wee toad be afeared o' gettin' splashed! Why don't none be likin' the war'er? Should take to it as read'ly as road, but none ye cannae do. Methinks ye just willnae. Brick an' bridge be makin' ye all sof' an' lazy." "An' wot's a 'bumpkin'? Cannae eat it?" Rydwen could, in truth, eat a great many things; not that this necessarily made them edible.
Female Elf Ranger 1
"What in the bloody blazes--!" Rydwen stumbled back at her cousin's approach, increased anger giving way to shock. "Di-Diarmal?!" The hunter faltered about, ill at ease in such civilized civilization. Her hair whipped around as she suddenly took in the strange assortment of beings before her. That her relative was there should hardly have been that surprising, nor his rush to intervene. Clans and kin were strong among the Drasbian highlands. Through the crowd she caught a quick glimpse of a pale and copper-haired individual that could have hailed from her homeland...though as they hadn't rushed in as well, Ryd instantly knew that they were just another foreigner. Through stammers and stares she kept shooting back to the tiny frog man; it appeared he had fascinated her far more than on the boat. Truth to tell, she hadn't really paid much attention to anyone as she was so wrapped up in actively ignoring them and focusing on the shore, and stewing in her own juices. That she would miss someone or something such as that left a wound. The tavern's assembled had exotic clothes with none of a strong kilt's camping functionality. They flapped their mouths with too many words and not enough meaning, and not nearly enough brogue. "Hmph. City folk."
Female Elf Ranger 1
Whoops, sorry! :D I took a look back and couldn't find what I thought I saw; it must have belonged to a different game I was checking out. In it, instead of the normal sleep/rest rules for natural healing, the players healed like 1 an hour or something. I wasn't sure if my feat would change that in a swamp, but that was another game entirely!
Female Elf Ranger 1
@GDM Thanks for explaining! Also, I just bumped up my saving throws. I'd put them down for my class, but forgot to add the ability score bonus. @Sarpadian Forgive my introduction entry here, I posted it before we spoke. I replaced Net Adept with "natural healing rate doubles in swamp." Huh. Wait. Actually... @GDM I hadn't thought about that. Do you know how that feat might work in your campaign? (Anything is fine, as I need it as a pre-req for swampy things down the road lol)
Female Elf Ranger 1
Her stomach rumbled, and the feisty redhead - already quick to temper - became even angrier upon realizing that she was completely out of rations. The voyage had obviously not allowed for the hunting of small game that she was so used to feeding from, and she hadn't had a thing to eat since last night. She hadn't torn through her rations from hunger, but boredom...by Tarclughlin, was she bored. After hearing tales of sailors she thought they'd be happy to spar, but they seemed far too cultivated and professional to engage. Rydwen decided there that no good can come from water that moves. So caught up in her thoughts of Diarmal, she does not actually see him, and roughly hurls open the door to the tavern in the hopes of inquiring to his whereabouts. Clearly she would need to barter for some sort of foodstuffs. She wasn't able to flush out any wild ducks or do any fishing, but she still had the small pouch of coins the clan elders had given her. The weight of the bag felt heavy with responsibility.
Female Elf Ranger 1
The woman approaching in the longboat appeared as annoyed as the other passengers, though not from the cold water sloshing over their ankles. "Cannae believe they care 'bout that lout," Redwyn mutters, scratching roughly at her unkempt red hair like a dog with an itch. "Be sendin' me all this way, an' they've no proper sense o' the water line. An' the...smell." She breathed deeply, her face souring. "What's wrong with the smell here? I don't like this one bit." She was out of the boat ten feet before is sensible, though she did not seem phased as she hopped into the lapping waves. She even used her rough hewn spear to vault herself part of the way. Rydwen was already trudging into the town before the boat is tied, without a single glance back or a grunt of recognition. "Diarmal, ye thrice damned fool," she groans quietly to herself. "If it weren't fer the wanderin' I wouldnae even be here. I barely even remember ye. Damnation, why me?" Seeing activity at the tavern she strides there in a straight and unwavering line, knocking over a rubbish bin that happens to be in her way. "Sooner I be gettin' back to me bog, the better." Completely OOC dice test, since I don't know how to do them and want to figure it out before it's needed! Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 I see that roll's been a 20 the whole time I was correcting typos in preview. Does that mean we get that first set roll, and have the opporunity to write about our success or failure lower in that same post (as long as we preview?)
Female Elf Ranger 1
Hi, just to make sure I have this right... What does T (x) stand for? I'm going to feel foolish once I hear, I know it. FF (x) is for flat-footed? Is this the positive total without dodge, or the negative its loss tacks on? (ie, FF 13 or FF -3) I ask because I also know it penalizes both the AC and the CMD. Is P (x) for perception?
(Unfortunately nothing in the two-handed fighting skin sounds appropriate for a piercing weapon, so ranged looks like a decent place to end up GDM. Even though it's called "Archery" only one or two require the bow, and I can skip the feat options that allow for multiple throws in a round. It leaves my combat growth on rails but they're rails I'm fine with. Those are just the freebie ranger feats anyway, I can always get melee ones through my normal level ups.) Sar you can click on Rydwen's picture to the left, or any of the fine folks in-game, to see the various ways we've each cobbled together the About box. It's not the most elegant, but it gets the job done.
Female Elf Ranger 1
Hello! Here is Rydwen Illsutra, elven hunter of a highland clan. She is second cousin to Diarmal...though instead of his wanderings she feels it's only acceptable to remain with her "village" and do their will. Her branch of the family is remote and isolationist, and as a result her accent is even thicker than normal. She is a swamp ranger specializing in bogs and other rainy/muddy "Scottish" places. Her affinities have some limited extension if the party ever finds themselves dealing with the oceans or water in other forms. A proud hunter, she uses two-weapon fighting with some combination of her shortspears, net or dagger. She prefers her missile weapons thrown and feels bows and fireballs are cheating; she looks down upon things that do not take effort, particularly muscle effort. She wears wooden armor and a kilt; much of her gear looks barbarian style, except for a few random bits she scavenges here and there. As a Drasbian elf in GMD's Hamth she currently excels in swamp and mountain terrain, but does not yet have much sway in forests as traditional elfs do (just wanted to warn y'all!) Her country is one of unforgiving beauty. She is rough, somewhat boisterous and very quick to anger. In fact, between her temper and her pride, she can easily get into a bad situation. She is not smart, but has wisdom about the natural world...or how she *thinks* others are supposed to act. While never blasmphemous, she feels Tarclughlin is the only god who "gets it" between his chaotic nature and his skill at the hunt. I like to level by the dictates of the story, but the rough plan is that she'd gain feats, class talents and any spell selection dealing with 1) swamp terrain 2) net debuffs 3)animals, and the Intimidation there of. She sees hunting as a challenge, and herself as a winner: she's not the type to befriend a bear as much as, er...punch it in the face? Arm wrestle it? EDIT: PS, I'm coming in through Option B!
Hey Helio, I wanted to change my last name before I made too many posts and wasn't allowed to anymore lol. However close that kin connection happens to be, though, could be anything. As for the family features, there's not as many as I thought! I might have been looking at some third party thing somewhere, or just never seen them all together before and thought there were more; as it stands I haven't been able to track much down. We might want to just keep what we already have. That said, there are three possible traits. Kin Guardian, Kin Bond, Family Ties could all add flavor. The teamwork feats begin to turn more roll over role play. Shielded Caster could help protect your cleric; I don't cast yet but I'm happy to "tank" in this way. Lookout would certainly make sense for elves. I believe these feats just require us to be adjacent, which seems a lot easier in a PBP than trying to figure out specific squares on a map? (Newbie question!) Otherwise I'll pick up something for swampy terrain.
Thankfully they're easy; drawbacks are just "bad traits." Instead of taking the standard 2 traits, you can take a 3rd if you compensate with 1 drawback. That being said, from what I've seen the drawbacks all feel way worse to me numbers-wise! I'm not complaining, I wanted to pick one up for the roleplay and the challenge. But if I was making a more hardcore or survivable character, I might just stick with the 2 feats. (I already RP weaknesses with all my characters, and some of those drawbacks are quite severe.) Drawbacks are listed at the very bottom of the traits page.
Many apologies, I'd meant to type Favored Enemy! :D Silly Megan. I chose Animals as a safe bet, it's certainly one I can be happy with. I won't get a true animal companion until level 4 so we can cross that moor when (if) we ever come to it. My first thought actually was hunting dog (some friends have an Irish Wolfhound, it's awesome and BIG!) but I worried it might spend too much time dog paddling, depending on how wet I happen to get. Possibly a heron, or some other long legged "wader bird?" Don't see too many long legged birds as companions. Long beaks for piercing marsh. Plus I could always go with the option to skip an animal buddy, instead granting my favored enemy bonuses to the entire party. But that's really far off heh I also hate the dumbing down of knowledge and perception. If it's all right with you, I'll redo my skills with the perception / intuition in the back of my mind, in case I ever get to play her in the future. I'll have to keep it in mind, since rangers need perception but mine is a bit unintelligent on purpose! What do you think about elven names and weapons? I found some wooden armor (rustic and buoyant) as well as an entry for kilts. Names and weapons I'm still wavering on, though. If I keep thinking of her as Rydwen, I'll get too attached to it! :D @Helio, if you're a highlander elf too just let me know if you'd like to dip into the family traits or teamwork feats. Even if you're a wanderer, it might be neat to be part of the same "clan." But no worries if you've already got plans for those precious few purchases haha @Xor: I hear you.
Compass Rose here. Not quite finished yet but I'll post her so far since it sounds like we're starting to form up. What do you think of this direction, GDM? Party peeps, feel free to take a look. A few questions for you GDM: 1) Are you sure it's okay that I play one of your Drasbia highlanders? If something I jotted down doesn't mesh with your race, just let me know! 2) This was a name from an elf generator. Is there anything you'd prefer to more closely match your race? 3) What favored animal would you suggest for the terrain, particularly as Swamp will be her favored environment? I figured the basic Animal would be a decent call, especially if she has to hunt for her tribe/clan. 4) I wasn't sure if we were using Traits or not. I currently have 3 plus 1 penalty one, the most "Hollywood Scottish" things I could find lol, but just let me know if you like to go traitless. 5) Any particular weapons the Drasbia elves favor? Is it the same as the elven things in fantasy, or more celtic? I'm leaning towards something in the spear realm at the moment...seems to make sense that she could use it to poke around in the foggy bogs to find her way, and spears have long been popular for hunting.