
Rydwen Illsutra's page

39 posts. Alias of Compass Rose.

Hi there, I just wanted to make sure that I got this one tiny detail. This is from the Formian Worker entry from the awesome Alien Archive:

"Peerless Bearer (Ex): Formian workers are bred for heavy labor. A formian worker can carry 5 additional bulk beyond the normal limits for its Strength before becoming encumbered or overburdened."

With the phrasing on that, I just wanted to ask if folks thought it was meant to be read as:

1) Treat their STR as 5 higher, then determine the encumbered limit as normal.


2) Take their normal encumbered and overburdened rates, and add +5 to each limit.

From my understanding the overburdened number will always be the same, but the encumbered limit raises substantially with that method.

I've been assuming that they mean approach #1, especially with Pathfinder formians. But since the wording is slightly different between the two systems, I just wanted to ask you fine, enlightened folks! Whacha think?

Hi gang, are you allowed to play a noble / aristocrat in legal Society play? I have been excited about a new concept, though I have minor concerns to its viability, and major concerns to its legality. I always favor RP over effectiveness, but I would very much like a legal PFS character if it is possible to do so.

In particular, I was actually hoping to find out if the Noble Scion feat was allowed. According to the official listing, many of the feats from pages 284 - 289 of the Inner Sea World Guide are allowed, but there's a few other books I'd rather buy first unless this feat does qualify. Could someone who already owns the ISWG let me know what page Noble Scion lives on? That's the only bit of info I need to finish solving the riddle, thanks!

By extension, I should mention that I have no desire in the prestige class of the same name, or anything like that. Even this feat does nothing for my build and is just for roleplay, and a means to establish with any DM that I actually am a noble instead of merely trying to say that I'm one. By that same extension I would pick any legal traits that signify me as a member of the nobilty. I'm going for the challenge of a Tyrion Lannister type: charisma skills with no charisma, a sullied noble with few tangible rewards except for the RP opportunities. Perhaps excuses to better bribe or intimidate. Hoping it's legal but wanted to check; many thanks for all your help! Suggestions are welcome.


Hello! My name is Megan and I just took the plunge into Pathfinder. I'm super interested in taking my first char through legal Society play. If there's any way to combine both in-person and online adventures with her I'd definitely be down with that (I'm in Los Angeles, and my miniature is in the mail!) I'm also happy to make someone new just for a PBP campaign, and in that case I don't care about it being homebrew or not. I guess I probably would like to save the legal modules or adventure paths for Society things, since I might potentially be seeing them twice otherwise. I'm interested in all its Seasons, though I'm not sure if the offerings before 5 are still legal? If not, then I'd love to see those earlier modules and adventure paths somehow, too.

Who I play isn't as important to me as how I play them. I think it's important to know what makes you happy, and after spending the morning reading through some of the forum threads here on Paizo, I think it's best for both of us to know that I'm not a power gamer. I'm a heavy roleplayer who gets into the camapign lore of a given setting, and I'm much more prone to pick up a feat of skill that makes sense from the story or scenario rather than something that will max out my stats (I leave my power gaming to the computer games, where there isn't any RP anyway lol). I understand the usefulness of focused builds - especially as it sounds like Society might really ramp up in difficulty each year? - but that's just not what I'm here for personally. I think I'd work best in parties where players had a similar goal, and the hope that interpersonal relationships (be them friendly or rivalrous) could form through the RPed conversations between encounters.

While I'm no stranger to pen and paper (I spent the 90s in Forgotten Realms 2nd edition) I've never really played a true play-by-post before. Real time chat rooms were probably the closest to that mark. Still, I can promise you that I'm not worried about my writing skills or punctuality, as I do realtime RP in Fantasy Grounds and Roll20 quite often. I might just need a primer link on PBP's best practices. My work means that I'm mostly free on weekends, or weeknights in Pacific time (-8 UTC). I GM a lot, and while I'm looking to play for a change, I pride myself on not giving the GM any guff (because I know what it's like!) If I sense that the party is going off the rails he needs, I try to find an in-character way to nudge us back onto them.

It's nice to meet you! The Pathfinder community seems really friendly from what I've gotten to see so far. Please feel free to contact me if you have any campaigns, parties looking for more members, tips for new Society players, or just to say hello.


Grand Lodge

Hello! I'm a D&D expat making my first character (and my first forum post!) for PFS. I am really enjoying the system so far. I decided to go with a simple and straightforward character, since my tendency to throw in a few weirder aspects is probably best served for home play and homebrew rules.

It worked out that I should be one of the few proud dwarves of Kravenkus, but I'm afraid I don't actually know too much about that particular Sky Citadel. The little info I've seen basically just describes it in a short paragraph. Do any of the modules or novels detail it at all? Does anyone know if there are regional traits specifically for Kravenkus? While normally I'd be prone to invent something that fits, this is my character for legal Society play. At first I thought it might use the Taldor region traits, but those are definitely something else entirely! Too much human pomp for any self-respecting dwarf! It's not that big of a deal, but if there are any Kravenkus traits available I would take one. Many thanks,
