
Rydwen Illsutra's page

39 posts. Alias of Compass Rose.

Full Name

Rydwen Illsutra




Ranger 1







Special Abilities

See Below


Chaotic Good




Drasbia, Ibalnd


Common, Elven



Strength 14
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 9
Wisdom 14
Charisma 12

About Rydwen Illsutra

Redwyn is a character for GenericDungeonMaster's homebrew world of Hamth.

"I thought her part of the foliage, at first, until she pounced upon the beast with unbridled ferocity."

Feisty and free spirited, Rydwen stalks mistswept moors and stagnant bogs for her clan of Drasbian elves. More at ease in the fens and marsh of the valleys than even her highland home, she hunts or captures those animals hoping to hide beneath the thick churning fog or the murky, muddy waters.

Such hunts - which she prefers to do alone, for as long as possible - seem to be the only time she can find any measure of peace. She's far from introverted, but carries a boisterous persona and quick temper that makes her antagonistic much of the time. She means well, but simply does not understand why others don't see the world in the ways that she does.

Rydwen is a cousin of Diarmal. She does not share his wanderlust and feels that he is being a bit selfish by not staying and contributing to the clan. She does not realize her own reckless streak, and love of instigating combat, could prove far worse for her village.

"Fiery hair and fiery gaze; it did not appear the murky waters of the bog could quench that savage spirit."

Regional, Highlander
You were born and raised in rugged badlands or hills, and you've become something of an expert at evading the predators, monsters, and worse that haunt the highlands. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill for you. This trait bonus increases to +2 in hilly or rocky areas.

Combat, Kin Guardian
You are dedicated to defending members of your family. When you use the aid another action to give a member of your family a bonus to AC, increase the bonus by 2. This increase is a trait bonus (and therefore doesn't stack with increases granted by other family members using this trait). This trait has no effect when using the aid another action to increase a family member's next attack roll.

Social, Bully
You grew up in an environment where the meek were ignored and you often had to resort to threats or violence to be heard. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Drawback, Pride
You can't abide challenges to your dignity, authority, or honor. When someone threatens, accuses, or challenges you, you take a —2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Sense Motive checks involving that creature until the creature apologizes to you. {Currently effecting Ribat.}

Racial Talents
"The elves of Drasbia were of sturdier stock than their fellows, and appeared right at home amidst the harsh highlands."

Elemental Resistance (Cold 5)
Elves who dwell in the most extreme environments, from arctic wastelands to volcanic plains, develop natural resistance to the dangers of their homelands over the course of a few generations. Elves with this racial trait gain elemental resistance 5 to acid, cold, electricity, or fire. This choice is made at character creation, and once made it cannot be changed. This racial trait replaces Elven Immunities.

Keen Senses
Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.

Low-Light Vision
Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. {Link.}

Spirit of the Waters
Some elves have adapted to life in tune with the sea or along the reedy depths of wild rivers and lakes. They gain a +4 racial bonus on Swim checks, can always take 10 while swimming, and may choose Aquan as a bonus language. They are proficient with longspear, trident, and net. This racial trait replaces both Elven Magic and Weapon Familiarity.

Class Talents
"She stared back, emerald eyes unblinking as I inquired as to her profession. She simply repeated 'Drasbian' as if that were somehow an answer, and as if I were somehow a dullard."

Favored Class: Ranger
Each level in your favored class grants +1 HP or +1 skill point per level.

Favored Enemy: Animals
Gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against such enemies, and a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. May make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures. {Link.}

Adds half her level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks. {Link.}

Wild Empathy
Can improve the initial attitude of an animal. Functions just like a Diplomacy check; rolls 1d20 and adds her ranger level and her Charisma bonus. Typical domestic animals have a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. Must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, though it might take more or less time. Can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but takes a –4 penalty on the check. (At Int 3 and higher, creatures are no longer considered animals and beasts, but intelligent beings capable of rudimentary conversation through Diplomacy.){Link.}


Weapons, Simple
Weapons, Martial
Weapons, Racial (Longspear, Trident and Net.) {Link.}
Armor, Light
Armor, Medium
Shields (excluding Tower)

"It was the bogs, mires and fens that spoke to Ryd, and her elven clan trusted her with harvesting peat and hide alike."

Attuned to the Wild (Swamp)
While you are in your selected terrain, your natural healing rate (the amount of hit points and ability damage you heal from a full night's rest) doubles.


[03] Acrobatics
[-1] Appraise
[01] Bluff
[02] Climb
[-1] Craft, Type
[01] Diplomacy
[na] Disable Device
[01] Disguise
[03] Escape Artist
[03] Fly
[01] Handle Animal
[02] Heal
[06] Intimidate (1)
[na] Knowledge, Dungeoneering
[na] Knowledge, Geography
[03] Knowledge, Nature (1)
[na] Linguistics
[08] Perception (1)
[01] Perform, Wind instruments
[na] Profession, Type
[03] Ride
[02] Sense Motive
[na] Sleight of Hand
[-1] Spellcraft
[08] Stealth (1)
[06] Survival (1)
[10] Swim (1)
[na] Use Magic Device

BAB: +1
Spear, Melee: AB +3, DMG 1d8+2, Crit 20 for x3, Pierce,
Spear, Thrown: AB +4, DMG 1d8+2, Crit 20 for x3, Pierce, Range 20
Dagger, Melee: AB +3, DMG 1d4+2, Crit 19 for x2, Slash / Pierce
Dagger, Thrown: AB +4, DMG 1d4+2, Crit 19 for x2, Pierce, Range 10
Unarmed: AB +3, DMG 1d3+2, Bash, Nonlethal, Unarmed Penalties

HP: 11 / 11
AC: 16 (Base 10 + Armor 3 + Dex 3)
Save, Fortitude: 3
Save, Reflex: 5
Save, Will: 2
Resistance, Cold: 5

Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet Walking, 7 feet Swimming
Encumbrance: 116 (L 66 lbs / M 133 lbs / H 200 lbs)

"I couldn't help but grin as she retrieved a primitive stone dagger from the depths of the wetland. My smile quickly faded once she nonchalantly informed me that stone doesn't rust. Suddenly my scabbard felt far too heavy, and sounded far too...squishy."


A spear is 5 feet in length and can be thrown. {2 gp, 6 lbs, Link.}

Dagger (Stone)
A dagger is a fighting knife. Its blade is usually less than 1 foot long, and can be curved or straight, with one edge or two. Dagger designs vary widely, and can have many different names (such as a thrusting dagger being called a "dirk"). You get a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand skill checks made to conceal a dagger on your body. Stone weapons are still deadly. They cost a quarter as much and weigh 75%, having half the hardness and the Fragile condition. {5 sp, 0.75 lbs, Link.}

Clothing & Armors...

Wooden Armor (Light)
This suit of leather armor has plates of fire-treated wood sewn over vital areas. Though not as effective as metal armor, it offers better protection than leather alone. Unlike metal armor, the wood is slightly buoyant, and the armor check penalty for swimming in this armor is 0. {20 gp, 25 lbs, AC +3, Armor Check -1, Link.}

This heavy pleated skirt is usually worn by men. Most have a specific design or pattern that represents allegiance to a particular clan or other social group. {2 sp, 1 lbs, Link.}

Coin Pouch
A typical leather or cloth belt pouch has a leather cord to cinch it shut and another to tie it to your belt. It is large enough to hold 100–200 coins or two apples. {1 gp, 0.5 lbs +1 lbs for coin weight, Link.}

This leather belt is worn over one shoulder and runs diagonally across the chest and back. It has small loops or pouches for holding eight objects the size of a flask or small dagger. You can use the "retrieve a stored item" action to take an item from a bandolier. You can wear up to two bandoliers at the same time (any more than this and they get in each other's way and restrict your movement). {5 sp, 0 lbs, Link.}

Backpack (Masterwork)
This backpack has numerous pockets for storing various items that might be needed while adventuring. Hooks are included for attaching items such as canteens, pouches, or even a rolled-up blanket. It has padded bands that strap across the chest and the waist to distribute its weight more evenly. Like a common backpack, it can hold about 2 cubic feet of material in its main container. When wearing a masterwork backpack, treat your Strength score as +1 higher than normal when calculating your carrying capacity. {50 gp, 2 lbs, Link.}

Weapon Cord
Weapon cords are 2-foot-long leather straps that attach your weapon to your wrist. If you drop your weapon or are disarmed, you can recover it as a swift action, and it never moves any farther away from you than an adjacent square. However, you cannot switch to a different weapon without first untying the cord (a full-round action) or cutting it (a move action or an attack, hardness 0, 0 hit points). Unlike with a locked gauntlet, you can still use a hand with a weapon cord, though a dangling weapon may interfere with finer actions. {1 sp, 0 lbs, Link.}


Torch x 1
A torch burns for 1 hour, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 20 feet beyond that area (darkness becomes dim light and dim light becomes normal light). A torch does not increase the light level in normal light or bright light. If a torch is used in combat, treat it as a one-handed improvised weapon that deals bludgeoning damage equal to that of a gauntlet of its size, plus 1 point of fire damage. {1 cp, 1 lbs, Link.}

Flint and Steel
Lighting a torch with a flint and steel is a full-round action. Lighting any other fire with them takes at least that long. {1 gp, 0 lbs, Link.}

Rope (Hemp)
This 50-foot length of hemp rope has 2 hit points and can be burst with a DC 23 Strength check. {1 gp, 10 lbs, Link.}

Sold in balls or spools of 50 feet, string and twine are useful for rigging traps and alarms and are a vital component of grappling bolts and arrows. String or twine has hardness 0, 1 hit point, and a break DC of 14. {1 cp, 0.5 lbs, Link.}

A whetstone allows you to sharpen a blade by sliding it against the stone at a precise angle. Honing a blade with a whetstone requires about 15 minutes of work and grants the weapon a +1 bonus on your damage roll the first time you hit with it. This only works on nonmagical blades. {2 cp, 1 lbs, Link.}

This bag is made of an animal bladder or treated leather. It is watertight and holds about 1/2 gallon of liquid. The listed weight is for a waterskin full of water; empty, it weighs about 2 pounds. {1 gp, 4 lbs, Link.}

This heavy canvas sack, useful for carrying adventuring gear and other supplies, holds about 4 cubic feet. A leather thong threaded through loops at the bag's end allows it to be tied shut easily. {1 sp, 0.5 lbs, Link.}


Bear Bag
These sacks each include a 20-foot-long rope, from which they may be easily suspended from a tree limb or similar anchor point. Placing foodstuffs or fragile materials in hanging sacks is often considered a basic precaution when camping in the wild, to prevent bears and other predators from rooting through the sack's contents. {2 gp, 3 lbs, Link.}

Hanging Tent
A hanging tent is a small tent (able to comfortably house a single Medium creature) with a teardrop shape, which hangs from a sturdy anchor rope. The rope can be tied to a tree limb, grappling hook, or even a piton hammered into a cliff side. Hanging tents are used primarily in mountainous terrain (where no flat surface may be available for camping) and swamps (where no dry ground may be available). Climbing in or out of a hanging tent is a full-round action that requires a DC 10 Climb check. Failure indicates another attempt must be made, while failure by 5 or more indicates the camper has fallen from the tent. {20 gp, 15 lbs, Link.}

This warm, woven blanket has straps so it can be rolled up and tied. Blankets are often used in conjunction with bedrolls to provide additional warmth or a ground cushion. {5 sp, 3 lbs, Link.}

Cooking Kit
This kit contains an iron pot, an iron skillet, a ladle, a skewer, a wooden cutting board, a cutting knife, an iron tripod for the pot, a packet of tinder, and a small selection of local or otherwise easy to find seasonings. You can attach the skewer to the tripod for roasting small game animals. All the component pieces (except the skillet) fit within the pot for easy storage and transport. {3 gp, 16 lbs, Link.}

Mess Kit
This kit includes a plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, and spoon, made of wood, horn, or tin. Each item has a handle or small hole, and can be tied together using the included leather cord. {2 sp, 1 lbs, Link.}

Soap x50 (uses)
Most soap is made from animal fat and lye derived from ashes. You can use this thick block of soap to scrub clothes, pots, linens, adventurers, or anything else that might be dirty. A bar of soap has approximately 50 uses. {1 cp, 0.5 lbs, Link.}


Waterproof Bag
This leather sack sealed with tar or pitch keeps delicate items from being ruined by water. Items kept inside remain relatively dry, making the bag ideal for carrying maps, scrolls, spellbooks, and the like, although the bag is not impervious and can only be completely immersed for 10 rounds before enough water seeps in to ruin such items. {5 sp, 0.5 lbs, Link.}

This waterproof wooden tube has a curved end with a mouthpiece. When you hold the mouthpiece in your mouth, the tube extends past your face and toward the back of your head, allowing you to breathe indefinitely when swimming facedown or barely submerged. If you submerge the tip of the snorkel, it floods with water and can't be used to breathe until you clear the water from it (requiring a move action and full access to air). A typical snorkel's length is about 15 inches; any shorter than this and it tends to fill with water when you swim, but any longer and you're not moving enough fresh air through the snorkel to be effective. {5 sp, 0 lbs, Link.}

Air Bladder
Used by swimmers for longer dives, this bladder is similar to a waterskin, but is relatively airtight. If inflated, it holds enough air to sustain a Medium creature for 1 round or a Small creature for 2 rounds. {1 sp, 0.5 lbs, Link.}

Made of waxed cotton or cork, earplugs give you a +2 circumstance bonus on saves against effects that require hearing, but also cause a –5 penalty on hearing-based Perception checks. {3 cp, 0 lbs, Link.}

Butterfly Net
One end of this 6-foot-long pole supports a wide metal hoop covered by a thin mesh net. You can use this to sift objects from material capable of passing through the net, such as sand or water. You can also use a butterfly net to capture Fine or Diminutive creatures as if it were a net (weapon), though you don't need to re-fold the butterfly net if you miss, and you use the handle of the butterfly net like you would the rope of a net weapon. {5 gp, 2 lbs, Link.}

Fishing Kit
This kit includes a simple fishing pole and a small box that contains fishing tackle (hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, and lures). {5 sp, 3 lbs, Link.}

This glass bottle holds about a pint and includes a cork. {2 gp, 1 lbs, Link.}


Cage (Wooden, Tiny) x2
These reptiles have bony shells that they can retreat into. They are sometimes kept as pets and used as familiars, and in some places their flesh is eaten or used as an ingredient in medicines. {2 gp, 5 lbs, Link.}


[000] Platinum
[034] Gold
[003] Silver
[011] Copper
[000] Worth of Gems
[000] Miscellaneous
Coin Weight: 50 = 1 lbs

Experience: 100 / 1,300