
Ruffled Feathers's page

38 posts. Alias of Treppa.


It's an outrage!


I smell thread necromancy! How dare you?

Outage? I OBJECT!

I can't wear lopsided glasses! Damn those manufacturers!

Who's talking about me behind my back?!?!


Justin Franklin wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Studpuffin, one of our regulars.
Oh, yeah. Saw him around a while back (when I was here). Active on here?
From time to time. Not as active as I used to be. I guess you know how that is though. :P
Hey SP, Treppa backwards told me not to tell you about Firesteel.


Taco Lobster wrote:

Woody are you making PaizoCon this year?

Warning: I'm still bitter I can't make it, your answer could make me more so...

You must join us on the Life Raft of Bitterness when the time comes.

Wikipedia wrote:
In 1999, scientists at Emory University performed experiments on batches of Peeps to see how easily they could be dissolved, burned or otherwise disintegrated, using such agents as cigarette smoke, boiling water and liquid nitrogen.[12] They claimed that the eyes of the confectionery "wouldn't dissolve in anything".[13] Furthermore, Peeps are insoluble in acetone, water, diluted sulfuric acid, and sodium hydroxide.





Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Ruffled Feathers wrote:
I am personally offended! But then, I'm always personally offended.
Are you offended that I am not offended that you are offended, effendi?

Highly! I do not accept your unoffense!

I am personally offended! But then, I'm always personally offended.


Alice wrote:
Mr. President, I demand to know why we are voting on this motion when the others were passed or denied by executive fiat, one without even a second! Perhaps the ethics investigation would be better focused on our presiding officer than on that Ruffled Feathers rabble.

I object! Wait, no I don't!

Vomit Guy wrote:
Mr. President, I move that we ban all trolls from this thread.

Seconded!!! Trolls make me furious! So very, very furious!!

CourtFool wrote:
Crazy Bird Lady wrote:
Those damned dogs are always chasing away my birdies.
I should like to point out we Poodles have become close allies with a 'special' relationship to the Peck Peck Peck party.

That reminds me... I move to BAN HUMPING!

Jack's Right Hand Man wrote:
President pro tempore wrote:

Punting is violation of Senate Rule #24.

All those in favor of ridding ourselves of rule #24: No punting or slush funds?



President pro tempore wrote:
CourtFool wrote:

If I may, President.

There have been accusations of ethics violations by Ruffled Feathers. I move an investigation be launched immediately into these accusations. I do not see how, in good conscious, we can continue to provide a floor for Ruffled Feathers until we determine how corrupt he has become.

All in favor?


President pro tempore wrote:
Treppa wrote:
I move that the President Pro Tempore be required to change that avatar to something less creepy.

Motion denied.

*slams gavel*

Moving on, does anyone else have a motion?

The President of the Senate is suppressing opposing viewpoints! Partisanship has no place in this body!

Drunken rambling about a tiny technical point that devolves into a bitter rant about life.

I hate ghosting!!! AAAUGH!

Why not MINE? It should be MINE!!!

Some aliases have an agenda! And it upsets me!!!

alleynbard wrote:
taig wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
taig wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Is it bad that I've only seen bits and pieces of the Star Wars movies?

I lose all geek cred, don't I?


Nah. Those things are, like, 30 years old. They're not relevant anymore.

<Waits patiently>

<waits patiently>

<Waits patiently>

<uncomfortable silence>

<polite coughing and shuffling of the feet>


I'm flagging all these posts as offensive! All of them!!

Miserable Old Bitty wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:

Jester is doing a happy dance

Happy Dance

Happy Dance

In my day we didn't dance in public.




Moorluck wrote:
You mean ** spoiler omitted **

I TOLD you not to use that word!!!

CourtFool wrote:
Ruffled Feathers wrote:
Absurd! Ridiculous! Indefensible!

Some people just don't get it.

Why do you reject the thread? It looooooooves you.

Well, I hate it! That's why I stay here! *SQWAWK!*

Absurd! Ridiculous! Indefensible! I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on

I cannot believe this rubbishy thread has gone to three pages!



I'm not even angry.



Studpuffin wrote:
..any and all peckers are allowed in here


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