
Rudo "the Saint" Clausius's page

260 posts. Alias of Hassan Ahmed.

This is not a traditional recruitment... there is no new game starting. Just offering my services as a concept.

I'm sure people will feel one way or another, everyone's got an opinion and that's cool.

Now, I'm limiting the scope of this concept to combat scenarios that use a Map and Initiative (turn based combat).

It's real simple: Let me (as someone other than the DM) run the NPCs in combat. NPCs can be goblins, kobolds, bandits, undead, named or plural.

It takes some of the work off the DM, it keeps the PCs on their toes, NPCs aren't "bot'ed" and prevents ruts. The DM is used to the players, the players know the DM. Each side has been conditioned and expects certain actions, movements, tactics, etc... This may be especially true of long time groups and/or table top groups.

This keeps it fresh.

Obviously, the whole premise is to help create or sustain an enjoyable game.

So, I'm not here to disrupt or PvP or create any sort of ill will. DM indicates what is at my disposal and how hard I should go after (or defend against) the PCs. DM indicates what the encounter is supposed to accomplish. I execute.

I don't get attached to the NPCs, they're not mine, doesn't have to be every encounter, doesn't have to be every NPC in the encounter.

So, who gets the concept, likes the concept, hates it, is too controlling, just doesn't trust it, etc...

Is a 5-Foot Step limited to animals/creatures with intelligence (or intelligence above a certain score)?

We're fighting big bugs (Size M). Are they allowed (smart enough) to take a 5-foot step to avoid a reach weapon AoO?

Or do they not get the concept of a 5-Foot Step, therefore just move forward, invoking the AoO?

I can see trained animals like companions, mounts, eidolons taking 5-Foot Steps.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

... I'm gonna beat it!

From a strictly mechanical point of view, what's up with Acrobatics and Medium/Heavy Armor?

I'm playing a Barbarian character (a long shanks, half-orc - though anyone with base move 30 (and fast movement will do).

He's got STR 18, wearing +2 Rhino Hide (ACP of -1), he's got the Armor Expert trait. His adjust movement is 30 (down from 40).

So, then we got the Dwarf Crash Test dummy... over here. Wearing Full Plate. We all know the drill.

There's a bad guy in front of them and they need to attempt to tumble past (Acrobatics).

You would think that "tyically":

Non-Class Skill
Weight of Armor (affecting Load, if it places you into medium of heavy)
ACP affecting the roll
Moving only half speed

Would be enough to deter the "unable" or unsuited (no pun) from attempting this.

Why in Heaven's name would you need to call out merely "wearing medium or heavy armor" as a disqualification?

So, back to specifics:

Half-Orc, Barbarian/Rogue 2/4, Acrobatics +10, +2 Rhino Hide (medium), Move 30, ACP 0, Light Load

Dwarf, Fighter 6, Acrobatics +1, +2 Full Plate (heavy), Move 20 (slow and steady, it's in the name people!), ACP -n, Medium Load

Why would it make sense that the Dwarf (I'm contesting the RAW, so please don't say RAW) would be able to attempt the action - at full speed... While the Half-Orc can't even TRY at half-speed?

Any official types want to knock this one down?

PS: I built a quasimodo/darkman type character, so when I found this out... oh, I was steamed. :)

Simply put...

Can you choose the Spell Focus feat, if you are not yet a spell caster? There are no pre-requisites.

Mechanically, it is not optimized. Perhaps it is to multi-class into later. Start as a Fighter, go Wizard at some later level. And, perhaps it is a pre-req for another feat I'd like to get at level 3.

It is not optimized, but story-wise perhaps some latent ability yet to manifest. Makes for a richer background, promises the realization of some potential. Who knows...

And, no the DM isn't forcing this on me... I'm taking a Human Fighter, I get an extra feat... but want to go Arcane Caster, level 2.

RAW, I don't see why not.

Opinions would be appreciated.


We'll jump right into it...

Wizard creates Construct (gnoll-form, wooden, CR 2).

Wizard creates Intelligent Magic Item, Bracers of Armor +2, Lawful Good (Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12).

I'm thinking if the Construct wears the Item (bracers), the item can control the construct. So the wizard doesn't have to, on a round by round basis.

Wizard instructs construct to obey the item.

Some limits:

An item can control (so long as it can communicate with) a number of constructs equal to its Charisma Bonus (Max 5).

An item can control as many CR as it has Ego.

Current/Effective Ego = CR of Host Construct (the one wearing/bearing it) and remaining Ego. Essentially, it takes effort to maintain control of additional constructs.

Host Constuct and Item are in a sense "merged". This merged form can have physical Skills (using items Int Bonus for extra skills). This merged form can have Feats, so long at it meets pre-reqs using physical stats (from construct) and mental stats (from item).

Number of Skills and Feats based on Monster Creation Charts (proper HD/CR).

Of course to pull this off, you need Craft Wondrous, Craft Arms/Armor, Craft Construct... and money.

Except for the limitations and extension of Feats/Skills (kinda like Synthesist)... I think it's all within bounds.

And of course, bring it!

How does one denote swapping one thing (feat, ability, class feature...) for multiple new abilities?

The format currently used doesn't quite address that... or are some things understood?

Say you add a couple of class skills, and a few weapons... yes, yes, they are integral to the concept and never mind the word count for now.

How does one denote that both of those things came at the expense of a feat or Uncanny Dodge?

How many of the vaunted Top 32 seats are typically claimed by returning Top 32 prospects from the previous year?

Thought it would be an interesting stat.

:: shrugs ::

Have I missed this, or is it not out there?

We see the winning submissions, awesome! But, what were the rules put forth with each of those rounds?

I guess I'm ahead of myself, but was wondering for Villain Stat Block & Golarian Location.

What was typically asked for...

Is there a guideline/requirement for scale? How large an area are we taking about, here?

If I've missed it, please forgive me.

But, could Paizo put up a link/sticky or something that had a preview and the word counter in it?

Basically, a tool we could use to preview our work without ever sending it anywhere (no submit button).

That way, contestants can just be using actual or official word counts.

No fuss, no muss.

Of course it will lead to endless prospective contestants thinking they entered when they've actually only previewed and gotten a word count.

Umm... there just may be no helping some people.


Pretty please.

Are we allowed to "borrow" from existing Pathfinder material, or does the entire entry need to be original?

Could we for instance use:

Cited from Mountain Druid, but used for Monkey Girl archetype entry... :)

Spire Walker (Ex): At 4th level, a monkey girl does not lose her Dexterity bonus when climbing. A monkey girl is immune to altitude sickness and ignores the effects of a cold climate as if under the effects of endure elements. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

By, villain...

Do we mean "evil" as in babies on a stake (Eddie Izzard reference) or "antagonist" as in a force which must be overcome?

Pun intended...

So, I hate to break the rules (First rule of RPGS, don't talk about RPGS...) or go off on wild goose-chases, but it's what I'm about to propose.

There seems to be talk about archtypes for Wizards or Clerics. Should we as a community or contestant pool be discussing the mechanic for this?

What "X" to swap out for what "Y"? Or is it not that difficult?

Even with collaboration, there are only 32 possible individuals that can use them out of the hundreds or thousands who entered. And, we'd all have the same thread as reference.

Up until when exactly can one change this... and are the images limited to the ones listed or is there some other source?


So, so poignant.

Please forgive such a pedestrian question, but... How do the Construction Requirements and Caster Level for something like "Goggles of Minute Seeing" work?

True Seeing is a spell requirement. But, CL = 3.

I would think the CL required for True Seeing would be much higher.

Unless the creator got the help of a higher level caster, or risked using an "out of reach" scroll?

Just curious.

I've recently been a victim of good tactics, my own!

Situation: Throwing a Splash Weapon from 10 feet at an enemy that is prone, threatened and flanked by 2 other party members.

DM says, sure go for it... effective -8 penalty. I think, "Huh?"

I understand the letter of the law, ranged attack makes the target's AC +4, and throwing into melee suffers a -4 without Prcise Shot.

My thoughts are:

1) This is to some dregree a lob or sorts, it has to be conceptually speaking... because it's supposed to splash, cover your target and splash in 8 directions. So, it's not a trajectory vs. profile thing. Where being prone and having a lower profile would help. I mean, you can target an intersection for AC 5. Neither penalty should apply.

2) Unlike regular weapons, this is by definition a sloppy toss. You're gonna affect adjacent squares. And, if you miss (unlike most weapons), you roll d8 to see where it went. Why don't we do that with arrows? Because we take -4 when firing into melee. That represents in part, trying not to hit comrades.

3) This does not cause any precision based damage (sneak, etc...) They why, are we being penalized for precision? -4 into melee should not apply.

4) Lastly, and a little tangential - If a character is already flanked by two party members and suffering -2 AC for this condition. How does lobbing something at him (or any ranged attack) make them any less distracted? Once a creature/character is flanked... all attacks should benefit.

Thanks for listening.

Curious Thrower