Stag Lord

RoystaDoysta's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Nice little download!


Well, I always love any product that offers up some tasty little morsels to help the time-conscious DM with a few ideas, and this one I'm happy to add to my list...

First of all it's totally FREE, and so huge THANKS go out to the author Johnn Four for spending his time on this and then offering it up for nothing - great work buddy!

As for the product itself, there are actually 200 ideas in there, so you get an extra 100% for nothing. Nice. Quality is varying as is the 'usability'. Some stuff is bizarre and stupid and would bear no place in a 'serious' campaign, whereas others are awesome - "At a river, a sign reads "Bridge out" but the bridge is still there and seems intact." What a great idea and sure to spook the hell out of the party haha.

Great offering Johnn - thanks.

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Print Edition Out of print

Non-Mint Unavailable

Thanks for these Reviews!


I must say that these reviews have been TREMENDOUSLY helpful to me for running this module so as to have less of the 'railroad' effect straight to Vordakai that so many have criticised. The reviews have enabled me to enhance the payer's enjoyment of this third instalment of the Kingmaker series immensely by avoiding these pitfalls... As a result I have changed quite a lot in this module, starting off the adventure saying that 'the powers-that-be' have granted the players the rights to search the lands East to the mountains, but not over them. This gave the players some time to search these lands and complete a handful of the Quests including Silverlake, giving them time also to return to their home City in order to pick up more Quests, rest and recuperate, and then get the news of the loss of contact with Varnhold...
I also turned a random encounter with a Stygira into a more detailed mini-adventure as this ancient hag ominously met the party one night and demanded they trespass not into the mountain lands (where her labyrinthine lair is), and tell her more about their City. Utterly evil, she plans to scare the PCs into 'swaps' of information and yet imprison some Cityfolk to help her extend her lair until finally the PCs realise she is in fact not helpful to their cause and despatch her from the realms...
Finally I have added a series of running encounters with a travelling Dogcutter Goblin raiding party which will cumulate in a huge battle at their encampment featuring Bugbears and all manner of Goblins with PC levels (using the immensely helpful Goblins of Golarion and Lazy GM - Goblinoids .pdf available through Paizo).
Half-way through, this module is now going swimmingly well...
Thanks all!