100 Roadside Encounter Ideas PDF

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Sometimes a GM needs a little inspiration. Especially for the frequent question of, "So, what happens while we're on the road?"

This ebook will give you ideas on how to answer that question.

Roleplaying Tips ran a prize-filled contest where readers sent in ideas for interesting roadside encounters. Over 2000 submissions poured in! Dozens of hours later, what you will soon have in your hands is the pared down, edited and polished result.

Thanks to everyone who wrote in with ideas, and thanks so much to the volunteers who pitched in with editing help!

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4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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100 Roadside Encounters


Loved the ideas. Really neat and fun!
If the GM works a litle bit, he can improve and create a hole sidequest out of this.

Nice little download!


Well, I always love any product that offers up some tasty little morsels to help the time-conscious DM with a few ideas, and this one I'm happy to add to my list...

First of all it's totally FREE, and so huge THANKS go out to the author Johnn Four for spending his time on this and then offering it up for nothing - great work buddy!

As for the product itself, there are actually 200 ideas in there, so you get an extra 100% for nothing. Nice. Quality is varying as is the 'usability'. Some stuff is bizarre and stupid and would bear no place in a 'serious' campaign, whereas others are awesome - "At a river, a sign reads "Bridge out" but the bridge is still there and seems intact." What a great idea and sure to spook the hell out of the party haha.

Great offering Johnn - thanks.

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