Stag Lord

RoystaDoysta's page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Shadow Lodge

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Guys. Just a thought, but I'd actually expand on the description of this product as it really isn't 100% clear what you get for your cash and leaves more questions than answers...

Sure - it looks brilliant and its Drow and the Underdark - amongst THE most exciting encounters for any RPG party, and the list of big names in on the production and artwork reads like a who's who... The problem is that the description really leaves a lot out about the adventure which has had to have been answered in 20+ comments...

I would point out especially the fact that this is a standalone 'mega module' and it is set for starters of 6th level and takes players up to around 20th level, and there is in production right now a 'prequel' which will help for players of levels 1-6.

The way the first paragraph reads in the description leaves the reader with the impression that this is the second or third release in a series or something...

Just a thought!