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Roan wrote:
I am just throwing a random idea here. Could the demigod fighter, and all his unlimited wishes, wish to be immune to one spell? Like, to be immune to the effects of the explosive runes? ![]()
![]() I think that no one asked the right question yet. So, do they need to fight? Could not they settle their dispute in a nice and neutral place, while eating something nice and exotic? Probably in another plane or world? Imagine! Both of them sitting in a good-aligned plane, drinking a celestial tea and discussing things like reasonable adults. Am I asking too much? Spoiler: I think I am. ![]()
![]() Luthorne wrote: Hmm, I was thinking, a common thread with hypnotism is having someone do something they didn't know they could do, so, what about having the mesmerist be able to either grant a scaling bonus on skill checks, or being able to implant a combat feat temporarily? I'm thinking something like the brawler's martial versatility, but probably a bit more limited, since he'd be capable of giving one to an ally. Might be a bit much, but thought it was worth suggesting... I think the tricks could be changed to something like that. It makes sense, and we could even use the idea of the hypnotic stare on allies to implant those tricks. I am just tossing some random ideas here. ![]()
![]() A class based around deception, guile and mind tricks? THAT IS MINDBLOWING! (Pun intended) I will give some opinions, after all, this is a playtest. Tricks: I really like those. But having to touch your friends to implant the tricks on them in the middle of the combat is a huge problem, also having to spend a standard action to implant ONE trick. I would suggest a move action to implant tricks at a distance, or stronger tricks so that it be worth losing your standard action. Hypnotic Stare and Bold stare: I can begin to mindrape people only by looking at them? Can I get a Hell Yes? This is really cool, and to be able to do this and cast mind spells on constructs and undeads is great. No complaints about this. Towering Ego: The ability is great, and the flavor is top notch. I can believe a mesmerist, something like Patrick Jane, not being affect by spells because of the biggest organ in his body, i.e his ego. Mental Potency: Only 1 more HD? Really? This is not going to make a lot of difference. This is a class that inhales awesome and exhales debuffs. It should be something like the awesome display ability from the Oracle's Heaven Mystery: Spoiler:
Awesome Display (Su): Your phantasmagoric displays accurately model the mysteries of the night sky, dumbfounding all who behold them. Each creature affected by your illusion (pattern) spells is treated as if its total number of Hit Dice were equal to its number of Hit Dice minus your Charisma modifier (if positive). Glib Tongue: I am in love with this feature. I will never speak the truth now, and nobody will know! I just have one doubt, is this supposed to be a lv 9 feature, or lv 12? Like aceDiamond said, some mechanics could use a overhaul. I will give my feedback of the other abilities other time, but I hope this is useful to any of you. ![]()
![]() Greetings people of the board! So,my friend is DMing an adventure about a wedding between a princess from a scheming kingdom, and a minotaur general from a militaristic minotaur-ruled, Rome-alike, kingdom. Weird setting aside, my character will be the Master Chef in this wedding, and it is his responsability to supervise the others chefs. My character will be an alchemist who will behave like the Gordon Ramsay Meme, insulting almost everything the NPCs cooks do. And to make it funnier, I would like help coming up with funny or unusual insults using the pathfinder rules or setting. Something along those lines: "This chicken is so raw, that a Wizard tried to make it his familiar!" "This meat is so cooked, that it put the barbarian into a rage!" "This soup is so bad, that a cleric would have to cast purify food to eat it!" Anyone else have a funny idea? -Roxx |