Are those Skeletons old friends of Valeros as that emblem on the shield and banner is the same Valeros has on his shield in his Iconic picture?? Also love those Tooth Fairies on the cover, especially the one on the foreground that looks like salivating watching those skeletons and all those teeth ready to be pulled off.
This was possibly one of the best endings I have read so far in Iconic Encounters. Poor Randall must have been somewhat wrong-footed talking with Quinn at the end.
Mimski wrote:
I send e-mail to customer service as I was on my phone and few times have lost my wall of text because of bad wonky mobile net when trying to write at Forum. Haven't got any information about missing Bigger Sewer Flip-Mat, yet, from Customer Service.
Bought this even though owned most of the Corebooks. But the Maps are a big help as I have started to use Fantasy Grounds for exploration and combat tracking when leading games for my group. Also it's always good to give money for good cause. PS. Just noticed that Bigger Sewer mat seems to bee missing from my Digital Content.
Just bought the Pdf and first thing I checked was the Poster map. Nice that they have updated the Inner Sea region with happenings in the Adventure Paths. "Lastwall, you will be missed and your sacrifices shall not go in vain! Now how can I make Whispering Tyrant to set his sight to Razmir? He might be interest to find out if this so called" Living God" is match to his might like Aroden was." Hopefully, when they release more setting books, they make the area postermaps so that you can just add, for example, Garunds map under Inner Sea map and fill your wall with huge map of Golarion. Crown of the World might be littlebit difficult.
In the World Guide itself I like the break up of differend regions with Nations, religions, resources etc. Also region specific Backgrounds, yay. Will have to immerse myself with more time, now just skimming the book at work. "Can I have more please Paizo. Pretty please, with sprinkles on top"
Had the same problem with
Got rid of them by First pressing "Remove" button, then after Page refreshed pressed "Remove all". Had this problem for about 2 months. Just got rid of it. Ps. Tested this for the same item you have problem and it worked for me, atleast =)
Cult Leader Mesmerist Halfling, from nice little out of the way Halfling town that is in middle of a swamp. Though he seems little bit "wrong", might be those little bulging eyes he has and smell of fish and brine always surrounding him. Oread Kinetisit, short tempered guy, like dormant volcano but under the surface fire burns. "Damn you work day! You take me away from my books." Spoiler: And I just yesterday I got my hands on Occult Adventures book from LFGS. and then I was distracted by cutest kitten with polydactylia and fluffy fur. Gah!!! I couldn't concentrate when he jumped on my chest and said with her little voice, "Meep"
Quick check through Additional Resourses didn't bring up anything that would prevent you starting as Mysterious Stranger with Musket or Blunderbuss. Gunsmith gives you option to start with either a Blunderbuss, Musket or Pistol and Mysterious Stranger (Archtype) doesn't change that at all. Edit: always remember to read eveything in books before posting. Edited text after reading Gunsmith description in Gunslinger section
blackbloodtroll wrote:
Nope. On the topic it might be difficult to shout "Jinkies!" as the Executioner's Hood' Strangle (Ex) special ability mention that Creature grappled by the Hood cannot speak of Cast spells with verbal components and must hold its breath. Well it doesn't say anything about shouting but this can be circumvented by making noise another way.
Pathfinder CRB p.154 "Weapons fashioned from adamantine have a natural ability to bypass hardness when sundering weapons or attacking objects, ignoring hardness less than 20 (see Chapter 7)." *Ninjaed by Sniggevert but still posted this. PS. After playing Fantasy Flight Games games I learned to read all, when I read Rulesbooks. FFG had a bad habit to hide small and integral parts of the rules to the bloody middle of the text. And nothing was mentioned about it elsewhere
I remember using these sometime ago but didn't remember to mark the page where I could download these and when my old computer said "Puff" and out goes the HDD. It was then when I found out that I didn't have them anywhere else backed up. Stumbled upon this thread by accident and if I wasn't at work would have jumped like maniac =) Thank you for these character sheets.
I would say it is possible to use this special attack by Bounty Hunter, to make Dirty Trick from range. You just have to be within 30 ft of the target as per Sneak Attack rules.
Somehow after reading many of these posting my campaigns coming battle get's new dimensions. Villain: Succubus Sorceress, yes She has Black Tentacles spell before you ask. One of my groups player has always loved Grapplers. In D&D 3.5 he usually at some point took levels as Reaping Mauler, so you can bet he was like little child in a candy store when we got UC and he found out Tetori (monk archtype). So I can just see where this might go now if I happen to be in a "giving" mood.
KutuluKultist wrote: The Robot Golem is in Numeria - Land of Fallen Stars. Thank you KutuluKultis. I knew I saw it. KutuluKultist wrote:
Unless you happened to use Disintegrate on it but that is another story.
I remember just recently going over few recently released books pertaining Numeria and remember that I saw some stats for magically reanimated Robot.
There was similar stats for creating them just like golems have. Don't remember which book it was though.
I would say you still need the dagger(s) to be enchanted separately. I think it would be little far stretched to have belt that not only returns your weapons but also enchants them to make more damage. And by Enchanting rules, if I remember correctly, you can only put weapon specific enchantments to weapons. (Amulet of Mighty Fist is its own thing) One option to this could be that you are throwing the same dagger over and over again as it returns immediately after the attack is resolved. But this is just my opinion. Ask you GM what he is ready to do. |