
Rogue Jay's page

25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hello all,

I am currently in a campaign for dungeons and dragons 5th edition. Sadly, we have been reduced to 3 players. we did find a 2 new ones, but we would still like to find 1 more. Our campaign is in ebberon, and our party members are an eldritch knight, a monk, a Paladin, and the newly met arcane trickster and cleric. we play at 1 pm central standard time on sundays. is the table we use, and skype voice chat is our preferred method of communication. if interested just post your what class you would like to play. if REALLY interested, contact me on skype. Username travisprosser picture is a blue dragonborn.

thread closed

Eponine Lokrien Savet wrote:

Please try the Recruitment thread.

Linkfied for your ease of use

thanks very much

thanks. put one up there, but im going to leave this as well, or possibly move it to the spot where im most likely to find players.

I didn't know where else to post this, because I don't frequent many other forums, as i just started looking at D&D again. The campaign I'm in takes place sundays at 1pm CST over and skype.wa are looking for 1-2 players, and we are in dire need of a cleric. if interested, let me know. If you're REALLY interested let me know on skype. user travisprosser picture is a blue dragonborn

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when did this become about ability score generation?

What I really want to come from this is seeing better advancement options for the classes, with each one getting a few feat levels ( to a maximum of 6 for the fighter) that are completely separate from stat raises. and perhaps the introduction of a second archetype for each character ( example my paladin takes the oath of vengeance at level 3, and at level 7 i also get to take one archetype XYZ) where the second archetype offers additional things to a specific class only, without taking anything away that it would already get. giving new abilities, and unlocking optional feats for each new archetype, similar to the fighter only feats idea from previous iterations of the game.

A (rough) example character generic leveling guide(hit dice, saves, and proficiency bonus remain the same) -

1. no change from current
2. one feat.
3. first archetype choice
4. ability score +2
5. no change
6. half benefit from a second background( varies )
7. second archetype (and fighter gains a feat)
8. one feat, ability score +2
9. additional skill proficiencies (2,3,or 4(class dependent) from
class list
10. second archetype advancement
11. Class power (varies, not effected by archetype)
12. ability score +2
13. second archetype advancement
14. one feat( and fighter bonus feat)
15. 1st archetype power (varies)
16. ability score +2, second archetype advancement
17. no change
18. 2nd archetype power (varies)
19. second archetype advancement
20. ability score +2, one feat, class specific awesomeness( you know what I mean)

basically giving you something to look forward to every level, in regards to customizing your character.

Where I use the word archetype, i prefer to think of it more as a sub-class each with their own advancements, and not dependent on each other, giving wide range to combinations

I would like to say that I will play with this more,and refine it, and I might, but that's a lot of work, and I prefer playing to creating, unless I have an idea to spitball with a DM in regards to a certain character.

Darkholme wrote:


I agree with some of the things other people are mentioning, but would like to add in my own 2cp.

The Good.
> I like the tighter numbers-scaling; I think the numbers scale too high for many things in Pathfinder/3.X, and I like the idea that a four 1st level orcs could still be a bit of a threat to a 4th or 5th level party.
> I like what I've seen so far of the 5e Modules, where they're really light on the statblocks. I really hope they do something similar with their forgotten realms books (and hope I like the 5e Realms. The 4e realms were so different from everything before them that they didn't even feel connected to what came before it)
> I like no Christmas Tree.
> I like how the melee characters are more mobile.
> I like that it's lower magic. There are a number of settings I would be interested in running a game of, that I don't think I can do a service to in Pathfinder due to just how much magic is in the system. In 5e, if I limit or remove caster classes, I have now lowered the magic of the setting without throwing all game balance out the window.
> The quality of the abilities seems to be higher; Feats are actually good, and there are no longer terrible feat taxes all over the place.

The Bad.
> You get very few opportunities to make meaningful choices for your character build, and there are many levels where you don't get anything new and fun at all, let alone a choice of a new and fun thing.
> Many of the more interesting parts of character creation are "optional rules" - so you may not get to use them at all, and you have to give up your statistical advancement to get them if they ARE allowed.
> What is up with that font size and page count in relation to the steep pricetag. I can't help but feel I'm getting less than half the book they're charging me for.
> I don't see much opportunity for diversity in skills. Either you're trained in it or you're not, and there's nothing denoting ability in different skills. I understand the simplicity factor, but I would appreciate more...

I have to say, I could not agree more with what you just said. For the most part, I am fine with the scaling and tightening that they did. and characters made great advancements at the cost of an even worse setback( meaning that they became less complicated, but less unique at the same time).

Yes, the game is simple to the point of being stupid. Yes, you all have a valid point that there is next to no customization of your character at this point, but you really are thinking of what exists NOW.

Before I even bought the phb, I was thinking " I cant wait for the advanced class guide to come out. " and the same goes for every other source book. No edition of d&d is great running off of single book. I've been playing since 2nd(nowhere near as long as many of you) and I don't see this as "we changed the entire game" I see this as a presentation of what was changed, with obvious spots where they can bring back and improve upon features of past editions(kind of like they planned it even).

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Rogue Jay wrote:
Also, I just realized that the feat is pointless. I knew I chose feint for a reason, ant level 3 archer can choose a combat maneuver to perform with a bow, and feint is among those allowed.
I still don't see how you're getting past the restriction to melee attacks in the feint rules.

Because It allows you to perform actions with a bow that other characters could only perform at close range, such as disarm, feint, sunder, bull rush,grapple and trip.

The only drawback is that each of these uses arrows, because it is more along the idea of you fired it, but the arrow is performing the maneuver.

e.g. an arrow knocks an opponent's weapon from their hand, or trips your opponent, or perhaps CAUSES THEM TO MOVE IN JUST THE MANNER YOU DESIRE, SO YOU CAN CATCH THEM UNAWARE TO YOUR NEXT ATTACK(a feint) it's a mechanics rule that isn't that hart to understand. Is it really so hard for you to believe that a skilled fighter (the only class that can do this) can manipulate his enemy at range, and gain the same effect, as someone would in a melee fight?

scout is an option, but I'm still going to defend my case on Rogue/fighter(archer) I threw in the bit about skirmish damage, because it is treated the same way as sneak attack, by greater many-shot. the real point is to load up as many bonus dice as you can(which is why manyshot is inferior)

You also look at things like the Oathbow, and the bracers of sworn vengeance, and you will be doing massive damage without crits(even more if you do!!!) the sad part about those little gems, is that you have to be an elf to get the benefits from them( I am, but not everybody likes to use an elf for their ranged attacker)

that's fine. my gm tends to allow other source material. his base is pathfinder, but he world gens, and writes his own campaigns. and a lot of house rules. thank you.

I was reading about ways to effectively have infinite ammo, and it was hinted at that these could be used to do so, but the items' descriptions and cost/ craft requirements were not listed, and I can't find them. Anywhere. At all. any help would be much appreciated. or other ways to get endless ammo. The cheapest method would be appreciated, because the only reason I want this is so I can stop buying arrows(and carrying, but mostly buying)

Imbicatus wrote:
Unfortunately, 3.5 feats from a 8 year old issue of dragon that wasn't included in any book is not going to be legal for most pathfinder GMs.

Also, I just realized that the feat is pointless. I knew I chose feint for a reason, ant level 3 archer can choose a combat maneuver to perfom with a bow, and feint is among those allowed. granted, you have to waste an arrow to do it, but the sneak attack damage seems well worth it, especially with greater manyshot(recommend at higher levels, though not required to be high level.) where you get to apply sneak damage to EVERY arrow fired (also applies to skirmish damage if that's more your thing.)

she decided to go with being a wolf shaman, and our dm took the popular house rule that animal companions act with yo on your turn. she will focus more on the totem transformation than wild shape, because it allows her to use her humanoid weapons, and flank with the wolf.

Bandw2 wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Unholy necromancy!
didn't even notice HAHAHA

Silly me, I completely forgot to mention the "Bow Feint" feat.

Type: General, Fighter
Source: Dragon #350

You can mislead an opponent in combat from a distance.
Prerequisite: Int 13, Point Blank Shot.
Benefit: You may feint an opponent with a ranged attack as a standard action. Your opponent must be able to see you and be within 30 feet. You must have a ranged weapon readied (and loaded, if applicable). To feint, make a Bluff check opposed by your target's Sense Motive check. The target adds his base attack bonus to this Sense Motive check. If your Bluff check result exceeds your target's Sense Motive check result, the next ranged attack you make against that target does not allow him to use his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). This attack must be made on or before your next turn. When feinting in this way against a nonhumanoid opponent you take a -4 penalty. Against a creature of animal Intelligence (1 or 2), you incur a -8 penalty. Feinting against a nonintelligent creature is impossible.
Special: A fighter may select Bow Feint as one of his fighter bonus feats.
Normal: Feinting involves a melee attack against the target.

If you really want to get the sneak attacks in at range, take the improved feint feat. it allows a feint as a move action, and with enough ranks in bluff you'll never fail, except on a one. You said he was an elf, have you considered a multiclass into fighter (archer), and take the weapon focus, specialization, and ranged weapon mastery? to tp it off take the feats required to have multi-shot, and throw in the bleeding sneak rogue talent. He will probably be the primary damage dealer, and other players might be resentful, but if he wants to get the most out of it, that is definitely the way to go. Also, being an elf gives him access to the elven archery perk, but only if the character chooses to multiclass fighter.

edit: sorry about being years too late. I didnt even look at the post dates.

I swore I read something about aoo within 15 feet, but i can't find it now.

Is there any way to get around line of sight? any feat I've overlooked? same question in regards to ranged ops.

Currently a level 2 rogue,multiclassing into fighter(archer) next level, and keeping levels even. my character is planed out until level 10, at which point i will continue gaining only rogue levels.

tiefling 25 point buy (to offset that our dm likes to HEAVILY weight things against his groups) after racial mods 17/16/14/15/13/5

plans to put a few ranks in heal, and nearly all in nature and handle animal,and the only magic she plans to use are healing and buff.

adopted (human) trait gives her an extra feat at first level( the dm didnt say she could take that until now, but it was worked into her back story, so he will allow it. currently she has the tiefling feat "armor of the pit" ad has not decided on the allowed bonus feat, she is level 2, so she will not gain another feat until next level.

After showing her the thread, she has decided to abandon the mounted combat route, and go for the spirit of the beast build. any ideas on how to keep her alive until she can wildshape? Also, there is some debate amongst our group if her animal companion will be able to understand her if she take it's form, I say it can't, she says it does.

prototype00 wrote:

Has she decided to completely not use Wild Shape then? That is where a druids melee capability mostly comes from.


Edit: If she wants to play a mounted character with a buff animal companion, Cavalier works a lot better. If she wants a mounted character with spells, Summoner is the best at that IIRC.

I have no clue why she wants the eagle companion, she says she doesn't know if she plans to make use of wild shape in combat, but she seems interested in the idea of riding the wolf in combat, we are not allowed to change out class, but we can change our archetype any better ideas or ideas on how to make her suggested build work are much appreciated. I tend to play characters focused on ranged combat, so I'm not much help to her.

James Jacobs wrote:
Rogue Jay wrote:

This may sound like an odd question, but I'm new to the paizo message boards, and I can't find where to add a new forum. I have some questions, as well as trying to help a friend with a class I've never played before, but I cant find where to post my questions.

Try posting to the Advice forum, I suppose? There's a link that says "Add New Thread" near the top of the page for all the forums.

Also, welcome to the boards! :-)

Thanks. Its a little different than what I'm used to. I'm used to starting a thread, and adding tags later. No wonder I couldn't find the "add new thread button.

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I have a friend in one of the campaigns I'm in right now, and she is playing a druid pack lord. Currently lvl 2 with a lvl 1 bird companion, and a lvl 1 wolf companion. By lvl 10, she wants to have lvl 7 wolf, and a lvl 3 bird(eagle). She is more interested in melee combat over magic, and thinks she might want to take a mounted combat route, how might she do that, and do you guys have any other ideas for what she might want to do? this is her first campaign, and I'm afraid I'm not much help, because I've never played a druid before.

This may sound like an odd question, but I'm new to the paizo message boards, and I can't find where to add a new forum. I have some questions, as well as trying to help a friend with a class I've never played before, but I cant find where to post my questions.